blob: feedd2793f056b1a05f17a92019bf28d05a60a2d [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
struct Read {
var simpleReadImmutable: Int {
_read {}
var redundantRead: Int {
_read {} // expected-note {{previous definition of 'read' accessor here}}
_read {} // expected-error {{variable already has a 'read' accessor}}
var readAndGet: Int {
_read {} // expected-error {{variable cannot provide both a 'read' accessor and a getter}}
get {} // expected-note {{getter defined here}}
var readAndAddress: Int {
_read {} // expected-note {{'read' accessor defined here}}
unsafeAddress {} // expected-error {{variable cannot provide both an addressor and a 'read' accessor}}
struct ReadModifiable {
var readAndWillSet: Int {
_read {}
willSet {} // expected-error {{'willSet' cannot be provided together with a 'read' accessor}}
var readAndDidSet: Int {
_read {}
didSet {} // expected-error {{'didSet' cannot be provided together with a 'read' accessor}}
var readAndSet: Int {
_read {}
set {}
var readAndMutableAddress: Int {
_read {}
unsafeMutableAddress {}
var readAndModify: Int {
_read {}
_modify {}
struct Modify {
var modifyAlone: Int {
_modify {} // expected-error {{variable with a 'modify' accessor must also have a getter, addressor, or 'read' accessor}}
var getAndModify: Int {
get {}
_modify {}
var addressAndModify: Int {
unsafeAddress {}
_modify {}
var readAndModify: Int {
_read {}
_modify {}
var getAndRedundantModify: Int {
get {}
_modify {} // expected-note {{previous definition of 'modify' accessor here}}
_modify {} // expected-error {{variable already has a 'modify' accessor}}
var getAndModifyAndMutableAddress: Int {
get {}
_modify {} // expected-note {{'modify' accessor defined here}}
unsafeMutableAddress {} // expected-error {{variable cannot provide both a mutable addressor and a 'modify' accessor}}
var getAndModifyAndSet: Int {
get {}
_modify {}
set {}
var getAndNonMutatingModifyAndNonMutatingSet: Int {
get {}
nonmutating _modify {}
nonmutating set {}
var getAndNonMutatingModifyAndSet: Int {
get {}
nonmutating _modify {} // expected-error {{'modify' accessor cannot be nonmutating when the setter is mutating}}
set {} // expected-note {{setter defined here}}
var getAndModifyAndNonMutatingSet: Int {
get {}
_modify {}// expected-error {{'modify' accessor cannot be mutating when the setter is nonmutating}}
nonmutating set {} // expected-note {{setter defined here}}