blob: e115a29b64b816694c46ae82d9b5a1e533271e5b [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -O -emit-sil -Xllvm -sil-print-generic-specialization-loops -Xllvm -sil-print-generic-specialization-info %s 2>&1 | %FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK %s
// Check that the generic specializer does not hang a compiler by
// creating and infinite loop of generic specializations.
// This is a complete set of expected detected generic specialization loops:
// CHECK-DAG: generic specialization loop{{.*}}testFoo7
// CHECK-DAG: generic specialization loop{{.*}}testFoo6
// CHECK-DAG: generic specialization loop{{.*}}foo3
// CHECK-DAG: generic specialization loop{{.*}}foo4
// CHECK-DAG: generic specialization loop{{.*}}bar4
// CHECK-DAG: generic specialization loop{{.*}}Something{{.*}}compoundValue
// CHECK-LABEL: sil_stage canonical
// Check that a specialization information for a specialized function was produced.
// CHECK-LABEL: // Generic specialization information for function $S044generic_specialization_loops_detection_with_C04foo4yyx_q_tr0_lFSi_SdTg5
// CHECK-NEXT: // Caller: $S044generic_specialization_loops_detection_with_C011testFooBar4yyF
// CHECK-NEXT: // Parent: $S044generic_specialization_loops_detection_with_C04foo4yyx_q_tr0_lF
// CHECK-NEXT: // Substitutions: <Int, Double>
// Check that the compiler has produced a specialization information for a call-site that
// was inlined from a specialized generic function.
// CHECK-LABEL: // Generic specialization information for call-site $S044generic_specialization_loops_detection_with_C04foo4yyx_q_tr0_lFSaySays5UInt8VGG_SaySaySiGGTg5:
// CHECK-NEXT: // Caller: $S044generic_specialization_loops_detection_with_C04foo4yyx_q_tr0_lFSi_SdTg5
// CHECK-NEXT: // Parent: $S044generic_specialization_loops_detection_with_C04bar4yyx_q_tr0_lF
// CHECK-NEXT: // Substitutions: <Array<UInt8>, Array<Int>>
// CHECK-NEXT: // Caller: $S044generic_specialization_loops_detection_with_C011testFooBar4yyF
// CHECK-NEXT: // Parent: $S044generic_specialization_loops_detection_with_C04foo4yyx_q_tr0_lF
// CHECK-NEXT: // Substitutions: <Int, Double>
// CHECK-NEXT: apply %{{.*}}Array<Array<UInt8>>
// Check specializations of mutually recursive functions which
// may result in an infinite specialization loop.
public struct MyStruct<A, B> {
func foo3<T, S>(_ t: T, _ s: S) {
bar3(s, t)
func bar3<T, S>(_ t: T, _ s: S) {
foo3(t, MyStruct<T, S>())
public func testFooBar3() {
foo3(1, 2.0)
// Check specializations of mutually recursive functions which
// may result in an infinite specialization loop.
public var g = 0
func foo4<T, S>(_ t: T, _ s: S) {
// Here we have multiple call-sites of the same generic
// functions inside the same caller.
// Some of these call-sites use different generic type parameters.
bar4([UInt8(1)], [t])
if g > 0 {
bar4(t, t)
} else {
bar4(t, s)
func bar4<T, S>(_ t: T, _ s: S) {
foo4([t], [s])
public func testFooBar4() {
foo4(1, 2.0)
// This is an example of a deeply nested generics which
// may result in an infinite specialization loop.
class Something<T> {
var somethingArray: Something<Array<T>>? = nil
var somethingOptional: Something<Optional<T>>? = nil
var value: T? = nil
init() {
init(plainValue: T) {
value = plainValue
init(compoundValue: T) {
value = compoundValue
somethingArray = Something<Array<T>>(compoundValue: [compoundValue])
somethingOptional = Something<Optional<T>>(plainValue: compoundValue as T?)
func map<U>(_ f: (T) -> (U)) -> Something<U> {
let somethingArrayU = somethingArray?.map { $ { f($0) } }
let somethingOptionalU = somethingOptional?.map { $ { f($0) } }
let valueU = { f($0) }
let s = Something<U>()
s.value = valueU
s.somethingArray = somethingArrayU
s.somethingOptional = somethingOptionalU
return s
print(Something<Int8>(compoundValue: 0))
print(Something<Int8>(compoundValue: 0).map { Double($0) })
// Test more complex cases, where types of substitutions are partially
// contained in each other.
protocol P {
associatedtype X: P
struct Start {}
struct Step<Param> {}
struct Outer<Param>: P {
typealias X = Outer<Step<Param>>
func testFoo6<T: P>(_: T.Type) {
func testFoo7<T: P>(_: T.Type) {
struct Outer1<Param>: P {
typealias X = Outer2<Param>
struct Outer2<Param>: P {
typealias X = Outer3<Param>
struct Outer3<Param>: P {
typealias X = Outer4<Param>
struct Outer4<Param>: P {
typealias X = Outer5<Param>
struct Outer5<Param>: P {
typealias X = Outer1<Step<Param>>
// T will look like:
// Outer<Start>
// Outer<Step<Start>>
// Outer<Step<Step<Start>>>
// ...
// As it can be seen, the substitution type is growing, but a type
// on each specialization iteration would not completely contain a type from
// the previous iteration. Instead, it partially contains it. That is,
// if all common structural prefixes are dropped, then it looks like:
// Start
// Step<Start>
// Step<Step<Start>>
// ...
// And it can be easily seen that the type used by the new iteration contains
// a type from the previous one.
// Check a more complex, but similar idea.