blob: f067f60a46efd38235a2431376116cb134859105 [file] [log] [blame]
// We need to require macOS because swiftSyntax currently doesn't build on Linux
// REQUIRES: OS=macosx
// RUN: %target-swift-ide-test -syntax-coloring -source-filename %s | %FileCheck %s -check-prefixes CHECK,CHECK-OLD
// RUN: %swift-swiftsyntax-test -classify-syntax -source-file %s | %FileCheck %s --check-prefixes CHECK,CHECK-NEW
// XFAIL: broken_std_regex
// CHECK: <comment-block>/* foo is the best */</comment-block>
/* foo is the best */
func foo(n: Float) {}
///- returns: single-line, no space
// CHECK-OLD: ///- <doc-comment-field>returns</doc-comment-field>: single-line, no space
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>///- returns: single-line, no space</doc-comment-line>
/// - returns: single-line, 1 space
// CHECK-OLD: /// - <doc-comment-field>returns</doc-comment-field>: single-line, 1 space
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// - returns: single-line, 1 space</doc-comment-line>
/// - returns: single-line, 2 spaces
// CHECK-OLD: /// - <doc-comment-field>returns</doc-comment-field>: single-line, 2 spaces
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// - returns: single-line, 2 spaces</doc-comment-line>
/// - returns: single-line, more spaces
// CHECK-OLD: /// - <doc-comment-field>returns</doc-comment-field>: single-line, more spaces
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// - returns: single-line, more spaces</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK: <kw>protocol</kw> Prot
protocol Prot {}
func f(x: Int) -> Int {
// CHECK: <comment-line>// string interpolation is the best</comment-line>
// string interpolation is the best
"This is string \(x) interpolation"
// FIXME: blah.
// FIXME: blah blah
// Something something, FIXME: blah
// CHECK-OLD: <comment-line>// <comment-marker>FIXME: blah.</comment-marker></comment-line>
// CHECK-OLD: <comment-line>// <comment-marker>FIXME: blah blah</comment-marker></comment-line>
// CHECK-OLD: <comment-line>// Something something, <comment-marker>FIXME: blah</comment-marker></comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <comment-line>// FIXME: blah.</comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <comment-line>// FIXME: blah blah</comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <comment-line>// Something something, FIXME: blah</comment-line>
/* FIXME: blah*/
// CHECK-OLD: <comment-block>/* <comment-marker>FIXME: blah*/</comment-marker></comment-block>
// CHECK-NEW: <comment-block>/* FIXME: blah*/</comment-block>
* FIXME: blah
* Blah, blah.
// CHECK: <comment-block>/*
// CHECK-OLD: * <comment-marker>FIXME: blah</comment-marker>
// CHECK-NEW: * FIXME: blah
// CHECK: * Blah, blah.
// CHECK: */</comment-block>
// TODO: blah.
// TTODO: blah.
// MARK: blah.
// CHECK-OLD: <comment-line>// <comment-marker>TODO: blah.</comment-marker></comment-line>
// CHECK-OLD: <comment-line>// T<comment-marker>TODO: blah.</comment-marker></comment-line>
// CHECK-OLD: <comment-line>// <comment-marker>MARK: blah.</comment-marker></comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <comment-line>// TODO: blah.</comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <comment-line>// TTODO: blah.</comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <comment-line>// MARK: blah.</comment-line>
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> test5() -> <type>Int</type> {
func test5() -> Int {
// CHECK-OLD: <comment-line>// <comment-marker>TODO: something, something.</comment-marker></comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <comment-line>// TODO: something, something.</comment-line>
// TODO: something, something.
// CHECK: <kw>return</kw> <int>0</int>
return 0
// and radar://123456
/* FIXME: see in */
// CHECK-OLD: <comment-line>// <comment-url></comment-url> and <comment-url>radar://123456</comment-url></comment-line>
// CHECK-OLD: <comment-block>/* <comment-url></comment-url> <comment-marker>FIXME: see in <comment-url></comment-url></comment-marker>
// CHECK-OLD: <comment-url></comment-url> */</comment-block>
// CHECK-NEW: <comment-line>// and radar://123456</comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <comment-block>/* FIXME: see in
// CHECK-NEW: */</comment-block>
// CHECK-OLD: <comment-line>// <comment-url></comment-url></comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <comment-line>//</comment-line>
/// Brief.
/// Simple case.
/// - parameter x: A number
/// - parameter y: Another number
/// - PaRamEteR z-hyphen-q: Another number
/// - parameter : A strange number...
/// - parameternope1: Another number
/// - parameter nope2
/// - parameter: nope3
/// -parameter nope4: Another number
/// * parameter nope5: Another number
/// - parameter nope6: Another number
/// - Parameters: nope7
/// - seealso: yes
/// - seealso: yes
/// - seealso:
/// -seealso: nope
/// - seealso : nope
/// - seealso nope
/// - returns: `x + y`
func foo(x: Int, y: Int) -> Int { return x + y }
// CHECK-OLD: <doc-comment-line>/// Brief.
// CHECK-OLD: </doc-comment-line><doc-comment-line>///
// CHECK-OLD: </doc-comment-line><doc-comment-line>/// Simple case.
// CHECK-OLD: </doc-comment-line><doc-comment-line>///
// CHECK-OLD: </doc-comment-line><doc-comment-line>/// - <doc-comment-field>parameter</doc-comment-field> x: A number
// CHECK-OLD: </doc-comment-line><doc-comment-line>/// - <doc-comment-field>parameter</doc-comment-field> y: Another number
// CHECK-OLD: </doc-comment-line><doc-comment-line>/// - <doc-comment-field>PaRamEteR</doc-comment-field> z-hyphen-q: Another number
// CHECK-OLD: </doc-comment-line><doc-comment-line>/// - <doc-comment-field>parameter</doc-comment-field> : A strange number...
// CHECK-OLD: </doc-comment-line><doc-comment-line>/// - parameternope1: Another number
// CHECK-OLD: </doc-comment-line><doc-comment-line>/// - parameter nope2
// CHECK-OLD: </doc-comment-line><doc-comment-line>/// - parameter: nope3
// CHECK-OLD: </doc-comment-line><doc-comment-line>/// -parameter nope4: Another number
// CHECK-OLD: </doc-comment-line><doc-comment-line>/// * parameter nope5: Another number
// CHECK-OLD: </doc-comment-line><doc-comment-line>/// - parameter nope6: Another number
// CHECK-OLD: </doc-comment-line><doc-comment-line>/// - Parameters: nope7
// CHECK-OLD: </doc-comment-line><doc-comment-line>/// - <doc-comment-field>seealso</doc-comment-field>: yes
// CHECK-OLD: </doc-comment-line><doc-comment-line>/// - <doc-comment-field>seealso</doc-comment-field>: yes
// CHECK-OLD: </doc-comment-line><doc-comment-line>/// - <doc-comment-field>seealso</doc-comment-field>:
// CHECK-OLD: </doc-comment-line><doc-comment-line>/// -seealso: nope
// CHECK-OLD: </doc-comment-line><doc-comment-line>/// - seealso : nope
// CHECK-OLD: </doc-comment-line><doc-comment-line>/// - seealso nope
// CHECK-OLD: </doc-comment-line><doc-comment-line>/// - <doc-comment-field>returns</doc-comment-field>: `x + y`
// CHECK-OLD: </doc-comment-line><kw>func</kw> foo(x: <type>Int</type>, y: <type>Int</type>) -> <type>Int</type> { <kw>return</kw> x + y }
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// Brief.</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>///</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// Simple case.</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>///</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// - parameter x: A number</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// - parameter y: Another number</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// - PaRamEteR z-hyphen-q: Another number</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// - parameter : A strange number...</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// - parameternope1: Another number</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// - parameter nope2</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// - parameter: nope3</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// -parameter nope4: Another number</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// * parameter nope5: Another number</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// - parameter nope6: Another number</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// - Parameters: nope7</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// - seealso: yes</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// - seealso: yes</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// - seealso:</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// -seealso: nope</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// - seealso : nope</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// - seealso nope</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// - returns: `x + y`</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <kw>func</kw> foo(x: <type>Int</type>, y: <type>Int</type>) -> <type>Int</type> { <kw>return</kw> x + y }
/// Brief.
/// Simple case.
/// - Parameters:
/// - x: A number
/// - y: Another number
///- note: NOTE1
/// - NOTE: NOTE2
/// - note: Not a Note field (not at top level)
/// - returns: `x + y`
func bar(x: Int, y: Int) -> Int { return x + y }
// CHECK-OLD: <doc-comment-line>/// Brief.
// CHECK-OLD: </doc-comment-line><doc-comment-line>///
// CHECK-OLD: </doc-comment-line><doc-comment-line>/// Simple case.
// CHECK-OLD: </doc-comment-line><doc-comment-line>///
// CHECK-OLD: </doc-comment-line><doc-comment-line>/// - <doc-comment-field>Parameters</doc-comment-field>:
// CHECK-OLD: </doc-comment-line><doc-comment-line>/// - x: A number
// CHECK-OLD: </doc-comment-line><doc-comment-line>/// - y: Another number
// CHECK-OLD: </doc-comment-line><doc-comment-line>/// - <doc-comment-field>returns</doc-comment-field>: `x + y`
// CHECK-OLD: </doc-comment-line><kw>func</kw> bar(x: <type>Int</type>, y: <type>Int</type>) -> <type>Int</type> { <kw>return</kw> x + y }
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// Brief.</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>///</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// Simple case.</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>///</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// - Parameters:</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// - x: A number</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// - y: Another number</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>///</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>///- note: NOTE1</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>///</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// - NOTE: NOTE2</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// - note: Not a Note field (not at top level)</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// - returns: `x + y`</doc-comment-line>
// CHECK-NEW: <kw>func</kw> bar(x: <type>Int</type>, y: <type>Int</type>) -> <type>Int</type> { <kw>return</kw> x + y }
Does pretty much nothing.
Not a parameter list: improper indentation.
- Parameters: sdfadsf
- WARNING: - WARNING: Should only have one field
- $$$: Not a field.
Empty field, OK:
func baz() {}
// CHECK: <doc-comment-block>/**
// CHECK: Does pretty much nothing.
// CHECK: Not a parameter list: improper indentation.
// CHECK: - Parameters: sdfadsf
// CHECK-OLD: - <doc-comment-field>WARNING</doc-comment-field>: - WARNING: Should only have one field
// CHECK-NEW: - WARNING: - WARNING: Should only have one field
// CHECK: - $$$: Not a field.
// CHECK: Empty field, OK:
// CHECK: */</doc-comment-block>
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> baz() {}
func emptyDocBlockComment() {}
// CHECK: <doc-comment-block>/***/</doc-comment-block>
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> emptyDocBlockComment() {}
func emptyDocBlockComment2() {}
// CHECK: <doc-comment-block>/**
// CHECK: */
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> emptyDocBlockComment2() {}
/** */
func emptyDocBlockComment3() {}
// CHECK: <doc-comment-block>/** */
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> emptyDocBlockComment3() {}
func malformedBlockComment(f : () throws -> ()) rethrows {}
// CHECK: <doc-comment-block>/**/</doc-comment-block>
// CHECK-OLD: <kw>func</kw> malformedBlockComment(f : () <kw>throws</kw> -> ()) <attr-builtin>rethrows</attr-builtin> {}
// CHECK-NEW: <kw>func</kw> malformedBlockComment(f : () <kw>throws</kw> -> ()) <kw>rethrows</kw> {}
//: playground doc comment line
func playgroundCommentLine(f : () throws -> ()) rethrows {}
// CHECK: <comment-line>//: playground doc comment line</comment-line>
playground doc comment multi-line
func playgroundCommentMultiLine(f : () throws -> ()) rethrows {}
// CHECK: <comment-block>/*:
// CHECK: playground doc comment multi-line
// CHECK: */</comment-block>
/// [strict weak ordering](
// CHECK-OLD: <doc-comment-line>/// [strict weak ordering](<comment-url></comment-url>
// CHECK-NEW: <doc-comment-line>/// [strict weak ordering](</doc-comment-line>
/** aaa
- returns: something
// CHECK-OLD: - <doc-comment-field>returns</doc-comment-field>: something
// CHECK-NEW: - returns: something
let blah = 0
// Keep this as the last test
Trailing off ...
func unterminatedBlockComment() {}
// CHECK: <comment-line>// Keep this as the last test</comment-line>
// CHECK: <doc-comment-block>/**
// CHECK: Trailing off ...
// CHECK: func unterminatedBlockComment() {}
// CHECK: </doc-comment-block>