blob: c80889602858cc77375d498da37a2ef13cef0d5b [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -Xllvm -sil-inline-generics=true %s -O -g -o - -emit-ir | %FileCheck %s
public protocol P {
associatedtype DT1
func getDT() -> DT1
func foo1<T:P>(_ t: T, _ dt: T.DT1) -> T.DT1 {
var dttmp: T.DT1 = dt
return dttmp
// CHECK: define {{.*}}@"$S4main4foo2yyxAA1PRzlF"
public func foo2<S:P>(_ s: S) {
// CHECK: call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata %swift.type* %S.DT1,
// CHECK-SAME: metadata ![[META:[0-9]+]]
foo1(s, s.getDT())
// T.DT1 should get substituted with S.DT1.
// CHECK: ![[META]] = !DILocalVariable(name: "$\CF\84_0_0.DT1"
// More complex example -- we inline an alloc_stack that references a VarDecl
// with generic type.
public protocol Q : class {
associatedtype T : Equatable
var old: T? { get set }
var new: T? { get }
public func update<S : Q>(_ s: S) -> (S.T?, S.T?)? {
let oldValue = s.old
let newValue =
if oldValue != newValue {
s.old = newValue
return (oldValue, newValue)
} else {
return nil
public class C : Q {
public typealias T = String
public var old: String? = nil
public var new: T? = nil
public func updateC(_ c: C) {