blob: 3c4a0e965115bfb0cbe83285f265064f2cd4a914 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t) && %target-swift-frontend -c -update-code -primary-file %s -emit-migrated-file-path %t/prefix_typeof_expr.swift.result -emit-remap-file-path %t/prefix_typeof_expr.swift.remap -o /dev/null -swift-version 3
// RUN: diff -u %S/prefix_typeof_expr.swift.expected %t/prefix_typeof_expr.swift.result
class HasTypeVar {
var type: Int {
precondition(true, "\(Swift.type(of: self)) should never be asked for its type")
_ = Swift.type(of: 1) // Don't add another prefix to this one
return 1
class HasTypeMethod {
func type<T>(of: T) -> Int {
_ = Swift.type(of: 1)
_ = Swift.type(of: 1) // Don't add another prefix to this one
return 1
func type<T>(of: T) -> Int {
return 1
_ = Swift.type(of: 1)
_ = Swift.type(of: 1) // Don't add another prefix to this one