blob: 10a2dcea127eb3916c00357ecde8a4add5a65f6d [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swiftgyb
// REQUIRES: executable_test
import StdlibUnittest
import StdlibCollectionUnittest
import SwiftPrivate
// FIXME(prext): fold this test into Algorithm.swift.gyb.
var Algorithm = TestSuite("Algorithm")
// Check if one array is a correctly sorted version of another array.
// We can't simply sort both arrays and compare them, because it is needed to
// check correctness of sorting itself.
func expectSortedCollection(_ sortedAry: [Int], _ originalAry: [Int]) {
expectEqual(sortedAry.count, originalAry.count)
var sortedVals = [Int: Int]()
var originalVals = [Int: Int]()
// Keep track of what values we have in sortedAry.
for e in sortedAry {
if let v = sortedVals[e] {
sortedVals[e] = v + 1
} else {
sortedVals[e] = 0
// And do the same for originalAry.
for e in originalAry {
if let v = originalVals[e] {
originalVals[e] = v + 1
} else {
originalVals[e] = 0
// Now check if sets of elements are the same in both arrays.
for (key, value) in sortedVals {
expectEqual(originalVals[key]!, value)
// Check if values in sortedAry are actually sorted.
for i in 1..<sortedAry.count {
expectTrue(sortedAry[i - 1] <= sortedAry[i])
func expectSortedCollection(
_ sortedAry: [Int],
_ originalAry: ContiguousArray<Int>
) {
expectSortedCollection(sortedAry, Array(originalAry))
func expectSortedCollection(_ sortedAry: ArraySlice<Int>, _ originalAry: ArraySlice<Int>) {
expectSortedCollection([Int](sortedAry), [Int](originalAry))
class OffsetCollection : MutableCollection, RandomAccessCollection {
typealias Indices = Range<Int>
let offset: Int
var data: [Int] = []
let forward: Bool
var startIndex: Int { return forward ? offset : offset - data.count }
var endIndex: Int { return forward ? offset + data.count : offset }
subscript (i: Int) -> Int {
get { return data[i - startIndex] }
set { data[i - startIndex] = newValue }
func toArray() -> [Int] {
return data
var count: Int { return data.count }
init(_ ary: [Int], offset: Int, forward: Bool) {
data = ary
self.offset = offset
self.forward = forward
typealias Index = Int
subscript(bounds: Range<Int>) -> Slice<OffsetCollection> {
get {
return Slice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
set {
for i in bounds {
self[i] = newValue[i]
// Generate two versions of tests: one for sort with explicitly passed
// predicate and the other using default comparison operator.
% withArrayTypeNames = ["Array", "ContiguousArray"]
% withPredicateValues = [True, False]
% for t in withArrayTypeNames:
// workaround for <rdar://problem/18900352> gyb miscompiles nested loops
% for p in withPredicateValues:
// workaround for <rdar://problem/18900352> gyb miscompiles nested loops
% comparePredicate = "<" if p else ""
% commaComparePredicate = ", by: <" if p else ""
% name = "lessPredicate" if p else "noPredicate"
Algorithm.test("${t}/sorted/${name}") {
let count = 1000
var ary = ${t}(randArray(count))
var sortedAry1 = [Int]()
var sortedAry2 = ${t}<Int>()
// Similar test for sorting with predicate
% if comparePredicate:
sortedAry1 = ary.sorted(by: ${comparePredicate})
% else:
sortedAry1 = ary.sorted()
% end
expectSortedCollection(sortedAry1, ary)
// Check that sorting works well on intervals
let i1 = 400
let i2 = 700
sortedAry2 = ary
_introSort(&sortedAry2, subRange: i1..<i2, by: <)
expectEqual(ary[0..<i1], sortedAry2[0..<i1])
expectSortedCollection(sortedAry2[i1..<i2], ary[i1..<i2])
expectEqual(ary[i2..<count], sortedAry2[i2..<count])
% end
% end
Algorithm.test("sort/CollectionsWithUnusualIndices") {
let count = 1000
let ary = randArray(count)
// Check if sorting routines work well on collections with startIndex != 0.
var offsetAry = OffsetCollection(ary, offset: 500, forward: false)
expectSortedCollection(offsetAry.toArray(), ary)
// Check if sorting routines work well on collections with endIndex = Int.max.
// That could expose overflow errors in index computations.
offsetAry = OffsetCollection(ary, offset: Int.max, forward: false)
expectSortedCollection(offsetAry.toArray(), ary)
// Check if sorting routines work well on collections with
// startIndex = Int.min.
offsetAry = OffsetCollection(ary, offset: Int.min, forward: true)
expectSortedCollection(offsetAry.toArray(), ary)
Algorithm.test("partition/CrashOnSingleElement") {
var a = DefaultedMutableRandomAccessCollection([10])
let first = a.first!
expectEqual(a.startIndex, a.partition(by: {$0 >= first}))