blob: 5d2e335698b1d62df5164a9f16452eee94093703 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-------------------- SyntaxData.swift - Syntax Data ------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import Foundation
/// A unique identifier for a node in the tree.
/// Currently, this is an index path from the current node to the root of the
/// tree. It's an implementation detail and shouldn't be
/// exposed to clients.
typealias NodeIdentifier = [Int]
/// SyntaxData is the underlying storage for each Syntax node.
/// It's modelled as an array that stores and caches a SyntaxData for each raw
/// syntax node in its layout. It is up to the specific Syntax nodes to maintain
/// the correct layout of their SyntaxData backing stores.
/// SyntaxData is an implementation detail, and should not be exposed to clients
/// of libSyntax.
/// The following relationships are preserved:
/// parent.cachedChild(at: indexInParent) === self
/// raw.layout.count == childCaches.count
/// pathToRoot.first === indexInParent
final class SyntaxData: Equatable {
let raw: RawSyntax
let indexInParent: Int
weak var parent: SyntaxData?
let childCaches: [AtomicCache<SyntaxData>]
let positionCache: AtomicCache<AbsolutePosition>
fileprivate func calculatePosition(_ initPos: AbsolutePosition) ->
AbsolutePosition {
guard let parent = parent else {
// If this node is SourceFileSyntax, its location is the start of the file.
return initPos
// If the node is the first child of its parent, the location is same with
// the parent's location.
guard indexInParent != 0 else { return parent.position }
// Otherwise, the location is same with the previous sibling's location
// adding the stride of the sibling.
for idx in (0..<indexInParent).reversed() {
if let sibling = parent.cachedChild(at: idx) {
let pos = sibling.position.copy()
return pos
return parent.position
var position: AbsolutePosition {
return positionCache.value { return calculatePosition(AbsolutePosition()) }
var positionAfterSkippingLeadingTrivia: AbsolutePosition {
let result = position.copy()
_ = raw.accumulateLeadingTrivia(result)
return result
fileprivate func getNextSiblingPos() -> AbsolutePosition {
// If this node is root, the position of the next sibling is the end of
// this node.
guard let parent = parent else {
let result = self.position.copy()
return result
// Find the first valid sibling and return its position.
for i in indexInParent+1..<parent.raw.layout.count {
guard let sibling = parent.cachedChild(at: i) else { continue }
return sibling.position
// Otherwise, use the parent's sibling instead.
return parent.getNextSiblingPos()
var byteSize: Int {
return getNextSiblingPos().utf8Offset - self.position.utf8Offset
/// Creates a SyntaxData with the provided raw syntax, pointing to the
/// provided index, in the provided parent.
/// - Parameters:
/// - raw: The raw syntax underlying this node.
/// - indexInParent: The index in the parent's layout where this node will
/// reside.
/// - parent: The parent of this node, or `nil` if this node is the root.
required init(raw: RawSyntax, indexInParent: Int = 0,
parent: SyntaxData? = nil) {
self.raw = raw
self.indexInParent = indexInParent
self.parent = parent
self.childCaches = { _ in AtomicCache<SyntaxData>() }
self.positionCache = AtomicCache<AbsolutePosition>()
/// The index path from this node to the root. This can be used to uniquely
/// identify this node in the tree.
lazy private(set) var pathToRoot: NodeIdentifier = {
var path = [Int]()
var node = self
while let parent = node.parent {
node = parent
return path
/// Returns the child data at the provided index in this data's layout.
/// This child is cached and will be used in subsequent accesses.
/// - Note: This function traps if the index is out of the bounds of the
/// data's layout.
/// - Parameter index: The index to create and cache.
/// - Returns: The child's data at the provided index.
func cachedChild(at index: Int) -> SyntaxData? {
if raw.layout[index] == nil { return nil }
return childCaches[index].value { realizeChild(index) }
/// Returns the child data at the provided cursor in this data's layout.
/// This child is cached and will be used in subsequent accesses.
/// - Note: This function traps if the cursor is out of the bounds of the
/// data's layout.
/// - Parameter cursor: The cursor to create and cache.
/// - Returns: The child's data at the provided cursor.
func cachedChild<CursorType: RawRepresentable>(
at cursor: CursorType) -> SyntaxData?
where CursorType.RawValue == Int {
return cachedChild(at: cursor.rawValue)
/// Walks up the provided node's parent tree looking for the receiver.
/// - parameter data: The potential child data.
/// - returns: `true` if the receiver exists in the parent chain of the
/// provided data.
/// - seealso: isDescendent(of:)
func isAncestor(of data: SyntaxData) -> Bool {
return data.isDescendent(of: self)
/// Walks up the receiver's parent tree looking for the provided node.
/// - parameter data: The potential ancestor data.
/// - returns: `true` if the data exists in the parent chain of the receiver.
/// - seealso: isAncestor(of:)
func isDescendent(of data: SyntaxData) -> Bool {
if data == self { return true }
var node = self
while let parent = node.parent {
if parent == data { return true }
node = parent
return false
/// Creates a copy of `self` and recursively creates `SyntaxData` nodes up to
/// the root.
/// - parameter newRaw: The new RawSyntax that will back the new `Data`
/// - returns: A tuple of both the new root node and the new data with the raw
/// layout replaced.
func replacingSelf(
_ newRaw: RawSyntax) -> (root: SyntaxData, newValue: SyntaxData) {
// If we have a parent already, then ask our current parent to copy itself
// recursively up to the root.
if let parent = parent {
let (root, newParent) = parent.replacingChild(newRaw, at: indexInParent)
let newMe = newParent.cachedChild(at: indexInParent)!
return (root: root, newValue: newMe)
} else {
// Otherwise, we're already the root, so return the new data as both the
// new root and the new data.
let newMe = SyntaxData(raw: newRaw, indexInParent: indexInParent,
parent: nil)
return (root: newMe, newValue: newMe)
/// Creates a copy of `self` with the child at the provided index replaced
/// with a new SyntaxData containing the raw syntax provided.
/// - Parameters:
/// - child: The raw syntax for the new child to replace.
/// - index: The index pointing to where in the raw layout to place this
/// child.
/// - Returns: The new root node created by this operation, and the new child
/// syntax data.
/// - SeeAlso: replacingSelf(_:)
func replacingChild(_ child: RawSyntax,
at index: Int) -> (root: SyntaxData, newValue: SyntaxData) {
let newRaw = raw.replacingChild(index, with: child)
return replacingSelf(newRaw)
/// Creates a copy of `self` with the child at the provided cursor replaced
/// with a new SyntaxData containing the raw syntax provided.
/// - Parameters:
/// - child: The raw syntax for the new child to replace.
/// - cursor: A cursor that points to the index of the child you wish to
/// replace
/// - Returns: The new root node created by this operation, and the new child
/// syntax data.
/// - SeeAlso: replacingSelf(_:)
func replacingChild<CursorType: RawRepresentable>(_ child: RawSyntax,
at cursor: CursorType) -> (root: SyntaxData, newValue: SyntaxData)
where CursorType.RawValue == Int {
return replacingChild(child, at: cursor.rawValue)
/// Creates the child's syntax data for the provided cursor.
/// - Parameter cursor: The cursor pointing into the raw syntax's layout for
/// the child you're creating.
/// - Returns: A new SyntaxData for the specific child you're
/// creating, whose parent is pointing to self.
func realizeChild<CursorType: RawRepresentable>(
_ cursor: CursorType) -> SyntaxData
where CursorType.RawValue == Int {
return realizeChild(cursor.rawValue)
/// Creates the child's syntax data for the provided index.
/// - Parameter cursor: The cursor pointing into the raw syntax's layout for
/// the child you're creating.
/// - Returns: A new SyntaxData for the specific child you're
/// creating, whose parent is pointing to self.
func realizeChild(_ index: Int) -> SyntaxData {
return SyntaxData(raw: raw.layout[index]!,
indexInParent: index,
parent: self)
/// Tells whether two SyntaxData nodes have the same identity.
/// This is not structural equality.
/// - Returns: True if both datas are exactly the same.
static func ==(lhs: SyntaxData, rhs: SyntaxData) -> Bool {
return lhs === rhs