blob: f0f586e7d42533320df9813567d17f370abf28f7 [file] [log] [blame]
//===------- SwiftcInvocation.swift - Utilities for invoking swiftc -------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file provides the logic for invoking swiftc to parse Swift files.
import Foundation
#if os(macOS)
import Darwin
#elseif os(Linux)
import Glibc
/// The result of process execution, containing the exit status code,
/// stdout, and stderr
struct ProcessResult {
/// The process exit code. A non-zero exit code usually indicates failure.
let exitCode: Int
/// The contents of the process's stdout as Data.
let stdoutData: Data
/// The contents of the process's stderr as Data.
let stderrData: Data
/// The contents of the process's stdout, assuming the data was UTF-8 encoded.
var stdout: String {
return String(data: stdoutData, encoding: .utf8)!
/// The contents of the process's stderr, assuming the data was UTF-8 encoded.
var stderr: String {
return String(data: stderrData, encoding: .utf8)!
/// Whether or not this process had a non-zero exit code.
var wasSuccessful: Bool {
return exitCode == 0
/// Runs the provided executable with the provided arguments and returns the
/// contents of stdout and stderr as Data.
/// - Parameters:
/// - executable: The full file URL to the executable you're running.
/// - arguments: A list of strings to pass to the process as arguments.
/// - Returns: A ProcessResult containing stdout, stderr, and the exit code.
func run(_ executable: URL, arguments: [String] = []) -> ProcessResult {
// Use an autoreleasepool to prevent memory- and file-descriptor leaks.
return autoreleasepool {
() -> ProcessResult in
let stdoutPipe = Pipe()
var stdoutData = Data()
stdoutPipe.fileHandleForReading.readabilityHandler = { file in
let stderrPipe = Pipe()
var stderrData = Data()
stderrPipe.fileHandleForReading.readabilityHandler = { file in
let process = Process()
process.terminationHandler = { process in
stdoutPipe.fileHandleForReading.readabilityHandler = nil
stderrPipe.fileHandleForReading.readabilityHandler = nil
process.launchPath = executable.path
process.arguments = arguments
process.standardOutput = stdoutPipe
process.standardError = stderrPipe
return ProcessResult(exitCode: Int(process.terminationStatus),
stdoutData: stdoutData,
stderrData: stderrData)
/// Finds the dylib or executable which the provided address falls in.
/// - Parameter dsohandle: A pointer to a symbol in the object file you're
/// looking for. If not provided, defaults to the
/// caller's `#dsohandle`, which will give you the
/// object file the caller resides in.
/// - Returns: A File URL pointing to the object where the provided address
/// resides. This may be a dylib, shared object, static library,
/// or executable. If unable to find the appropriate object, returns
/// `nil`.
func findFirstObjectFile(for dsohandle: UnsafeRawPointer = #dsohandle) -> URL? {
var info = dl_info()
if dladdr(dsohandle, &info) == 0 {
return nil
let path = String(cString: info.dli_fname)
return URL(fileURLWithPath: path)
enum InvocationError: Error, CustomStringConvertible {
case couldNotFindSwiftc
case couldNotFindSDK
var description: String {
switch self {
case .couldNotFindSwiftc:
return "could not locate swift compiler binary"
case .couldNotFindSDK:
return "could not locate macOS SDK"
struct SwiftcRunner {
/// Gets the `swiftc` binary packaged alongside this library.
/// - Returns: The path to `swiftc` relative to the path of this library
/// file, or `nil` if it could not be found.
/// - Note: This makes assumptions about your Swift installation directory
/// structure. Importantly, it assumes that the directory tree is
/// shaped like this:
/// ```
/// install_root/
/// - bin/
/// - swiftc
/// - lib/
/// - swift/
/// - ${target}/
/// - libswiftSwiftSyntax.[dylib|so]
/// ```
static func locateSwiftc() -> URL? {
guard let libraryPath = findFirstObjectFile() else { return nil }
let swiftcURL = libraryPath.deletingLastPathComponent()
guard FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: swiftcURL.path) else {
return nil
return swiftcURL
#if os(macOS)
/// The location of the macOS SDK, or `nil` if it could not be found.
static let macOSSDK: String? = {
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/usr/bin/env")
let result = run(url, arguments: ["xcrun", "--show-sdk-path"])
guard result.wasSuccessful else { return nil }
let toolPath = result.stdout.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
if toolPath.isEmpty { return nil }
return toolPath
/// Internal static cache of the Swiftc path.
static let _swiftcURL: URL? = SwiftcRunner.locateSwiftc()
/// The URL where the `swiftc` binary lies.
let swiftcURL: URL
/// The source file being parsed.
let sourceFile: URL
/// Creates a SwiftcRunner that will parse and emit the syntax
/// tree for a provided source file.
/// - Parameter sourceFile: The URL to the source file you're trying
/// to parse.
init(sourceFile: URL) throws {
guard let url = SwiftcRunner._swiftcURL else {
throw InvocationError.couldNotFindSwiftc
self.swiftcURL = url
self.sourceFile = sourceFile
/// Invokes swiftc with the provided arguments.
func invoke() throws -> ProcessResult {
var arguments = ["-frontend", "-emit-syntax"]
#if os(macOS)
guard let sdk = SwiftcRunner.macOSSDK else {
throw InvocationError.couldNotFindSDK
return run(swiftcURL, arguments: arguments)