blob: 602cbb9492df26f461f625a492b08d3eada59e6d [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swiftgyb
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// REQUIRES: CPU=x86_64
import StdlibUnittest
/// A fixed-width integer that has twice the bit width of its base type.
/// You can use the `DoubleWidth` type to continue calculations with the result
/// of a full width arithmetic operation. Normally, when you perform a full
/// width operation, the result is a tuple of the high and low parts of the
/// result.
/// let a = 2241543570477705381
/// let b = 186319822866995413
/// let c = a.multipliedFullWidth(by: b)
/// // c == (high: 22640526660490081, low: 7959093232766896457)
/// The tuple `c` can't be used in any further comparisons or calculations. To
/// use this value, create a `DoubleWidth` instance from the result. You can
/// use the `DoubleWidth` instance in the same way that you would use any other
/// integer type.
/// let d = DoubleWidth(a.multipliedFullWidth(by: b))
/// // d == 417644001000058515200174966092417353
/// // Check the calculation:
/// print(d / DoubleWidth(a) == b)
/// // Prints "true"
/// if d > Int.max {
/// print("Too big to be an 'Int'!")
/// } else {
/// print("Small enough to fit in an 'Int'")
/// }
/// // Prints "Too big to be an 'Int'!"
/// The `DoubleWidth` type is not intended as a replacement for a variable-width
/// integer type. Nesting `DoubleWidth` instances, in particular, may result in
/// undesirable performance.
public struct DoubleWidth<Base : FixedWidthInteger>
where Base.Magnitude : UnsignedInteger,
Base.Words : Collection, Base.Magnitude.Words : Collection {
public typealias High = Base
public typealias Low = Base.Magnitude
#if _endian(big)
internal var _storage: (high: High, low: Low)
internal var _storage: (low: Low, high: High)
/// The high part of the value.
public var high: High {
return _storage.high
/// The low part of the value.
public var low: Low {
return _storage.low
/// Creates a new instance from the given tuple of high and low parts.
/// - Parameter value: The tuple to use as the source of the new instance's
/// high and low parts.
public init(_ value: (high: High, low: Low)) {
#if _endian(big)
self._storage = (high: value.0, low: value.1)
self._storage = (low: value.1, high: value.0)
// We expect users to invoke the public initializer above as demonstrated in
// the documentation (that is, by passing in the result of a full width
// operation).
// Internally, we'll need to create new instances by supplying high and low
// parts directly; ((double parentheses)) greatly impair readability,
// especially when nested:
// DoubleWidth<DoubleWidth>((DoubleWidth((0, 0)), DoubleWidth((0, 0))))
// For that reason, we'll include an internal initializer that takes two
// separate arguments.
internal init(_ _high: High, _ low: Low) {
self.init((_high, low))
public init() {
self.init(0, 0)
extension DoubleWidth : CustomStringConvertible {
public var description: String {
return String(self, radix: 10)
extension DoubleWidth : CustomDebugStringConvertible {
public var debugDescription: String {
return "(\(_storage.high), \(_storage.low))"
extension DoubleWidth : Equatable {
public static func ==(lhs: DoubleWidth, rhs: DoubleWidth) -> Bool {
return lhs._storage.low == rhs._storage.low
&& lhs._storage.high == rhs._storage.high
extension DoubleWidth : Comparable {
public static func <(lhs: DoubleWidth, rhs: DoubleWidth) -> Bool {
if lhs._storage.high < rhs._storage.high { return true }
else if lhs._storage.high > rhs._storage.high { return false }
else { return lhs._storage.low < rhs._storage.low }
extension DoubleWidth : Hashable {
public var hashValue: Int {
return _hashValue(for: self)
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
extension DoubleWidth : Numeric {
public typealias Magnitude = DoubleWidth<Low>
public var magnitude: Magnitude {
let result = Magnitude(Low(truncatingIfNeeded: _storage.high), _storage.low)
if Base.isSigned && _storage.high < (0 as High) {
return ~result &+ 1
} else {
return result
internal init(_ _magnitude: Magnitude) {
self.init(High(_magnitude._storage.high), _magnitude._storage.low)
public init<T : BinaryInteger>(_ source: T) {
guard let result = DoubleWidth<Base>(exactly: source) else {
_preconditionFailure("Value is outside the representable range")
self = result
public init?<T : BinaryInteger>(exactly source: T) {
// Can't represent a negative 'source' if Base is unsigned.
guard DoubleWidth.isSigned || source >= 0 else { return nil }
// Is 'source' entirely representable in Low?
if let low = Low(exactly: source.magnitude) {
self.init(source < (0 as T) ? (~0, ~low &+ 1) : (0, low))
} else {
// At this point we know source.bitWidth > Base.bitWidth, or else we
// would've taken the first branch.
let lowInT = source & T(~0 as Low)
let highInT = source >> Low.bitWidth
let low = Low(lowInT)
guard let high = High(exactly: highInT) else { return nil }
self.init(high, low)
#if false
// This conformance is only possible once the type is in the stdlib, as it uses
// Builtin
extension DoubleWidth: _ExpressibleByBuiltinIntegerLiteral {
public init(_builtinIntegerLiteral _x: _MaxBuiltinIntegerType) {
var _x = _x
self = DoubleWidth()
// If we can capture the entire literal in a single Int64, stop there.
// This avoids some potential deep recursion due to literal expressions in
// other DoubleWidth methods.
let (_value, _overflow) = Builtin.s_to_s_checked_trunc_Int2048_Int64(_x)
if !Bool(_overflow) {
self = DoubleWidth(Int64(_value))
// Convert all but the most significant 64 bits as unsigned integers.
let _shift = Builtin.sext_Int64_Int2048((64 as Int64)._value)
let lowWordCount = (bitWidth - 1) / 64
for i in 0..<lowWordCount {
let value =
&<< DoubleWidth(i * 64)
self |= value
_x = Builtin.ashr_Int2048(_x, _shift)
// Finally, convert the most significant 64 bits and check for overflow.
let overflow: Bool
if Base.isSigned {
let (_value, _overflow) = Builtin.s_to_s_checked_trunc_Int2048_Int64(_x)
self |= DoubleWidth(Int64(_value)) &<< DoubleWidth(lowWordCount * 64)
overflow = Bool(_overflow)
} else {
let (_value, _overflow) = Builtin.s_to_u_checked_trunc_Int2048_Int64(_x)
self |= DoubleWidth(UInt64(_value)) &<< DoubleWidth(lowWordCount * 64)
overflow = Bool(_overflow)
_precondition(!overflow, "Literal integer out of range for this type")
extension DoubleWidth {
public struct Words {
public var _high: High.Words
public var _low: Low.Words
public init(_ value: DoubleWidth<Base>) {
// Multiples of word size only.
guard Base.bitWidth == Base.Magnitude.bitWidth &&
(UInt.bitWidth % Base.bitWidth == 0 ||
Base.bitWidth % UInt.bitWidth == 0) else {
fatalError("Access to words is not supported on this type")
self._high = value._storage.high.words
self._low = value._storage.low.words
extension DoubleWidth.Words {
public struct Index {
internal enum _WordsIndexValue: Equatable {
case low(DoubleWidth.Low.Words.Index)
case high(DoubleWidth.High.Words.Index)
internal var _value: _WordsIndexValue
internal init(_ _value: _WordsIndexValue) { self._value = _value }
extension DoubleWidth.Words.Index: Equatable { }
extension DoubleWidth.Words.Index: Comparable {
public static func <(lhs: DoubleWidth.Words.Index, rhs: DoubleWidth.Words.Index) -> Bool {
switch (lhs._value, rhs._value) {
case let (.low(l), .low(r)): return l < r
case (.low, .high): return true
case (.high, .low): return false
case let (.high(l), .high(r)): return l < r
extension DoubleWidth.Words: Collection {
public var startIndex: Index {
return Index(.low(_low.startIndex))
public var endIndex: Index {
return Index(.high(_high.endIndex))
public var count: Int {
if Base.bitWidth < UInt.bitWidth { return 1 }
return Int(_low.count) + Int(_high.count)
public func index(after i: Index) -> Index {
switch i._value {
case let .low(li) where Base.bitWidth < UInt.bitWidth:
return Index(.high(_high.endIndex))
case let .low(li):
let next = _low.index(after: li)
if next == _low.endIndex {
return Index(.high(_high.startIndex))
} else {
return Index(.low(next))
case let .high(hi):
return Index(.high(_high.index(after: hi)))
public subscript(_ i: Index) -> UInt {
if Base.bitWidth < UInt.bitWidth {
_precondition(i == Index(.low(_low.startIndex)), "Invalid index")
_sanityCheck(2 * Base.bitWidth <= UInt.bitWidth)
return _low.first! | (_high.first! &<< Base.bitWidth._lowWord)
switch i._value {
case let .low(li): return _low[li]
case let .high(hi): return _high[hi]
extension DoubleWidth : FixedWidthInteger {
public var words: Words {
return Words(self)
public static var isSigned: Bool {
return Base.isSigned
public static var max: DoubleWidth {
return self.init(High.max, Low.max)
public static var min: DoubleWidth {
return self.init(High.min, Low.min)
public static var bitWidth: Int {
return High.bitWidth + Low.bitWidth
% for (operator, name) in [('+', 'adding'), ('-', 'subtracting')]:
% highAffectedByLowOverflow = 'Base.max' if operator == '+' else 'Base.min'
public func ${name}ReportingOverflow(_ rhs: DoubleWidth)
-> (partialValue: DoubleWidth, overflow: Bool) {
let (low, lowOverflow) =
let (high, highOverflow) =
let result = (high &${operator} (lowOverflow ? 1 : 0), low)
let overflow = highOverflow ||
high == ${highAffectedByLowOverflow} && lowOverflow
return (partialValue: DoubleWidth(result), overflow: overflow)
% end
public func multipliedReportingOverflow(
by rhs: DoubleWidth
) -> (partialValue: DoubleWidth, overflow: Bool) {
let (carry, product) = multipliedFullWidth(by: rhs)
let result = DoubleWidth(truncatingIfNeeded: product)
let isNegative = DoubleWidth.isSigned &&
(self < (0 as DoubleWidth)) != (rhs < (0 as DoubleWidth))
let didCarry = isNegative
? carry != ~(0 as DoubleWidth)
: carry != (0 as DoubleWidth)
let hadPositiveOverflow =
DoubleWidth.isSigned && !isNegative && product.leadingZeroBitCount == 0
return (result, didCarry || hadPositiveOverflow)
public func quotientAndRemainder(
dividingBy other: DoubleWidth
) -> (quotient: DoubleWidth, remainder: DoubleWidth) {
let (quotient, remainder) =
Magnitude._divide(self.magnitude, by: other.magnitude)
guard DoubleWidth.isSigned else {
return (DoubleWidth(quotient), DoubleWidth(remainder))
let isNegative = (self.high < (0 as High)) != (other.high < (0 as High))
let quotient_ = isNegative
? quotient == DoubleWidth.min.magnitude
? DoubleWidth.min
: 0 - DoubleWidth(quotient)
: DoubleWidth(quotient)
let remainder_ = self.high < (0 as High)
? 0 - DoubleWidth(remainder)
: DoubleWidth(remainder)
return (quotient_, remainder_)
public func dividedReportingOverflow(
by other: DoubleWidth
) -> (partialValue: DoubleWidth, overflow: Bool) {
if other == (0 as DoubleWidth) { return (self, true) }
if DoubleWidth.isSigned && other == -1 && self == .min {
return (self, true)
return (quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: other).quotient, false)
public func remainderReportingOverflow(
dividingBy other: DoubleWidth
) -> (partialValue: DoubleWidth, overflow: Bool) {
if other == (0 as DoubleWidth) { return (self, true) }
if DoubleWidth.isSigned && other == -1 && self == .min { return (0, true) }
return (quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: other).remainder, false)
public func multipliedFullWidth(
by other: DoubleWidth
) -> (high: DoubleWidth, low: DoubleWidth.Magnitude) {
let isNegative = DoubleWidth.isSigned &&
(self < (0 as DoubleWidth)) != (other < (0 as DoubleWidth))
func mul(_ x: Low, _ y: Low) -> (partial: Low, carry: Low) {
let (high, low) = x.multipliedFullWidth(by: y)
return (low, high)
func sum(_ x: Low, _ y: Low, _ z: Low) -> (partial: Low, carry: Low) {
let (sum1, overflow1) = x.addingReportingOverflow(y)
let (sum2, overflow2) = sum1.addingReportingOverflow(z)
let carry: Low = (overflow1 ? 1 : 0) + (overflow2 ? 1 : 0)
return (sum2, carry)
let lhs = self.magnitude
let rhs = other.magnitude
let a = mul(rhs._storage.low, lhs._storage.low)
let b = mul(rhs._storage.low, lhs._storage.high)
let c = mul(rhs._storage.high, lhs._storage.low)
let d = mul(rhs._storage.high, lhs._storage.high)
let mid1 = sum(a.carry, b.partial, c.partial)
let mid2 = sum(b.carry, c.carry, d.partial)
let low =
DoubleWidth<Low>(mid1.partial, a.partial)
let high =
DoubleWidth(High(mid2.carry + d.carry), mid1.carry + mid2.partial)
if isNegative {
let (lowComplement, overflow) = (~low).addingReportingOverflow(1)
return (~high + (overflow ? 1 : 0 as DoubleWidth), lowComplement)
} else {
return (high, low)
public func dividingFullWidth(
_ dividend: (high: DoubleWidth, low: DoubleWidth.Magnitude)
) -> (quotient: DoubleWidth, remainder: DoubleWidth) {
let other = DoubleWidth<DoubleWidth>(dividend)
let (quotient, remainder) =
Magnitude._divide(other.magnitude, by: self.magnitude)
guard DoubleWidth.isSigned else {
return (DoubleWidth(quotient), DoubleWidth(remainder))
let isNegative =
(self.high < (0 as High)) != (other.high.high < (0 as High))
let quotient_ = isNegative
? quotient == DoubleWidth.min.magnitude
? DoubleWidth.min
: 0 - DoubleWidth(quotient)
: DoubleWidth(quotient)
let remainder_ = other.high.high < (0 as High)
? 0 - DoubleWidth(remainder)
: DoubleWidth(remainder)
return (quotient_, remainder_)
% for operator in ['&', '|', '^']:
public static func ${operator}=(
lhs: inout DoubleWidth, rhs: DoubleWidth
) {
lhs._storage.low ${operator}= rhs._storage.low
lhs._storage.high ${operator}= rhs._storage.high
% end
public static func <<=(lhs: inout DoubleWidth, rhs: DoubleWidth) {
if DoubleWidth.isSigned && rhs < (0 as DoubleWidth) {
lhs >>= 0 - rhs
// Shift is larger than this type's bit width.
if rhs._storage.high != (0 as High) ||
rhs._storage.low >= DoubleWidth.bitWidth
lhs = 0
lhs &<<= rhs
public static func >>=(lhs: inout DoubleWidth, rhs: DoubleWidth) {
if DoubleWidth.isSigned && rhs < (0 as DoubleWidth) {
lhs <<= 0 - rhs
// Shift is larger than this type's bit width.
if rhs._storage.high != (0 as High) ||
rhs._storage.low >= DoubleWidth.bitWidth
lhs = lhs < (0 as DoubleWidth) ? ~0 : 0
lhs &>>= rhs
/// Returns this value "masked" by its bit width.
/// "Masking" notionally involves repeatedly incrementing or decrementing this
/// value by `self.bitWidth` until the result is contained in the range
/// `0..<self.bitWidth`.
internal func _masked() -> DoubleWidth {
// FIXME(integers): test types with bit widths that aren't powers of 2
if DoubleWidth.bitWidth.nonzeroBitCount == 1 {
return self & DoubleWidth(DoubleWidth.bitWidth &- 1)
if DoubleWidth.isSigned && self._storage.high < (0 as High) {
return self % DoubleWidth(DoubleWidth.bitWidth) + self
return self % DoubleWidth(DoubleWidth.bitWidth)
public static func &<<=(lhs: inout DoubleWidth, rhs: DoubleWidth) {
let rhs = rhs._masked()
guard rhs._storage.low < Base.bitWidth else {
lhs._storage.high = High(
truncatingIfNeeded: lhs._storage.low &<<
(rhs._storage.low &- Low(Base.bitWidth)))
lhs._storage.low = 0
guard rhs._storage.low != (0 as Low) else { return }
lhs._storage.high &<<= High(rhs._storage.low)
lhs._storage.high |= High(
truncatingIfNeeded: lhs._storage.low &>>
(Low(Base.bitWidth) &- rhs._storage.low))
lhs._storage.low &<<= rhs._storage.low
public static func &>>=(lhs: inout DoubleWidth, rhs: DoubleWidth) {
let rhs = rhs._masked()
guard rhs._storage.low < Base.bitWidth else {
lhs._storage.low = Low(
truncatingIfNeeded: lhs._storage.high &>>
High(rhs._storage.low &- Low(Base.bitWidth)))
lhs._storage.high = lhs._storage.high < (0 as High) ? ~0 : 0
guard rhs._storage.low != (0 as Low) else { return }
lhs._storage.low &>>= rhs._storage.low
lhs._storage.low |= Low(
truncatingIfNeeded: lhs._storage.high &<<
High(Low(Base.bitWidth) &- rhs._storage.low))
lhs._storage.high &>>= High(rhs._storage.low)
binaryOperators = [
('+', 'adding', '_', '+'),
('-', 'subtracting', '_', '-'),
('*', 'multiplied', 'by', '*'),
('/', 'divided', 'by', '/'),
('%', 'remainder', 'dividingBy', '/'),
% for (operator, name, firstArg, kind) in binaryOperators:
// FIXME(integers): remove this once the operators are back to Numeric
public static func ${operator} (
lhs: DoubleWidth, rhs: DoubleWidth
) -> DoubleWidth {
var lhs = lhs
lhs ${operator}= rhs
return lhs
% argumentLabel = (firstArg + ':') if firstArg != '_' else ''
public static func ${operator}=(
lhs: inout DoubleWidth, rhs: DoubleWidth
) {
let (result, overflow) = lhs.${name}ReportingOverflow(${argumentLabel}rhs)
_precondition(!overflow, "Overflow in ${operator}=")
lhs = result
% end
public init(_truncatingBits bits: UInt) {
_storage.low = Low(_truncatingBits: bits)
_storage.high = High(_truncatingBits: bits >> UInt(Low.bitWidth))
public init(integerLiteral x: Int) {
public var leadingZeroBitCount: Int {
return high == (0 as High)
? High.bitWidth + low.leadingZeroBitCount
: high.leadingZeroBitCount
public var trailingZeroBitCount: Int {
return low == (0 as Low)
? Low.bitWidth + high.trailingZeroBitCount
: low.trailingZeroBitCount
public var nonzeroBitCount: Int {
return high.nonzeroBitCount + low.nonzeroBitCount
public var byteSwapped: DoubleWidth {
return DoubleWidth(
High(truncatingIfNeeded: low.byteSwapped),
Low(truncatingIfNeeded: high.byteSwapped))
extension DoubleWidth : UnsignedInteger where Base : UnsignedInteger {
/// Returns the quotient and remainder after dividing a triple-width magnitude
/// `lhs` by a double-width magnitude `rhs`.
/// This operation is conceptually that described by Burnikel and Ziegler
/// (1998).
internal static func _divide(
_ lhs: (high: Low, mid: Low, low: Low), by rhs: Magnitude
) -> (quotient: Low, remainder: Magnitude) {
// The following invariants are guaranteed to hold by dividingFullWidth or
// quotientAndRemainder before this method is invoked:
_sanityCheck(lhs.high != (0 as Low))
_sanityCheck(rhs.leadingZeroBitCount == 0)
_sanityCheck(Magnitude(lhs.high, lhs.mid) < rhs)
// Estimate the quotient.
var quotient = lhs.high == rhs.high
? Low.max
: rhs.high.dividingFullWidth((lhs.high, lhs.mid)).quotient
// Compute quotient * rhs.
// TODO: This could be performed more efficiently.
var product =
0, Magnitude(quotient.multipliedFullWidth(by: rhs.low)))
let (x, y) = quotient.multipliedFullWidth(by: rhs.high)
product += DoubleWidth<Magnitude>(Magnitude(0, x), Magnitude(y, 0))
// Compute the remainder after decrementing quotient as necessary.
var remainder =
Magnitude(0, lhs.high), Magnitude(lhs.mid, lhs.low))
while remainder < product {
quotient = quotient &- 1
remainder += DoubleWidth<Magnitude>(0, rhs)
remainder -= product
return (quotient, remainder.low)
/// Returns the quotient and remainder after dividing a quadruple-width
/// magnitude `lhs` by a double-width magnitude `rhs`.
internal static func _divide(
_ lhs: DoubleWidth<Magnitude>, by rhs: Magnitude
) -> (quotient: Magnitude, remainder: Magnitude) {
guard _fastPath(rhs > (0 as Magnitude)) else {
fatalError("Division by zero")
guard _fastPath(rhs >= lhs.high) else {
fatalError("Division results in an overflow")
if lhs.high == (0 as Magnitude) {
return lhs.low.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: rhs)
if rhs.high == (0 as Low) {
let a = lhs.high.high % rhs.low
let b = a == (0 as Low)
? lhs.high.low % rhs.low
: rhs.low.dividingFullWidth((a, lhs.high.low)).remainder
let (x, c) = b == (0 as Low)
? lhs.low.high.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: rhs.low)
: rhs.low.dividingFullWidth((b, lhs.low.high))
let (y, d) = c == (0 as Low)
? lhs.low.low.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: rhs.low)
: rhs.low.dividingFullWidth((c, lhs.low.low))
return (Magnitude(x, y), Magnitude(0, d))
// Left shift both rhs and lhs, then divide and right shift the remainder.
let shift = rhs.leadingZeroBitCount
let rhs = rhs &<< shift
let lhs = lhs &<< shift
if lhs.high.high == (0 as Low)
&& Magnitude(lhs.high.low, lhs.low.high) < rhs {
let (quotient, remainder) =
Magnitude._divide((lhs.high.low, lhs.low.high, lhs.low.low), by: rhs)
return (Magnitude(0, quotient), remainder &>> shift)
let (x, a) =
Magnitude._divide((lhs.high.high, lhs.high.low, lhs.low.high), by: rhs)
let (y, b) =
Magnitude._divide((a.high, a.low, lhs.low.low), by: rhs)
return (Magnitude(x, y), b &>> shift)
/// Returns the quotient and remainder after dividing a double-width
/// magnitude `lhs` by a double-width magnitude `rhs`.
internal static func _divide(
_ lhs: Magnitude, by rhs: Magnitude
) -> (quotient: Magnitude, remainder: Magnitude) {
guard _fastPath(rhs > (0 as Magnitude)) else {
fatalError("Division by zero")
guard rhs < lhs else {
if _fastPath(rhs > lhs) { return (0, lhs) }
return (1, 0)
if lhs.high == (0 as Low) {
let (quotient, remainder) =
lhs.low.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: rhs.low)
return (Magnitude(quotient), Magnitude(remainder))
if rhs.high == (0 as Low) {
let (x, a) = lhs.high.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: rhs.low)
let (y, b) = a == (0 as Low)
? lhs.low.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: rhs.low)
: rhs.low.dividingFullWidth((a, lhs.low))
return (Magnitude(x, y), Magnitude(0, b))
// Left shift both rhs and lhs, then divide and right shift the remainder.
let shift = rhs.leadingZeroBitCount
let rhs = rhs &<< shift
let high = (lhs &>> (Magnitude.bitWidth &- shift)).low
let lhs = lhs &<< shift
let (quotient, remainder) =
Magnitude._divide((high, lhs.high, lhs.low), by: rhs)
return (Magnitude(0, quotient), remainder &>> shift)
extension DoubleWidth : SignedNumeric, SignedInteger
where Base : SignedInteger {}
// Tests
var dwTests = TestSuite("DoubleWidth")
typealias UInt128 = DoubleWidth<UInt64>
typealias UInt256 = DoubleWidth<UInt128>
typealias UInt512 = DoubleWidth<UInt256>
typealias UInt1024 = DoubleWidth<UInt512>
typealias Int128 = DoubleWidth<Int64>
typealias Int256 = DoubleWidth<Int128>
typealias Int512 = DoubleWidth<Int256>
typealias Int1024 = DoubleWidth<Int512>
func checkSignedIntegerConformance<T: SignedInteger>(_ x: T) {}
func checkUnsignedIntegerConformance<T: UnsignedInteger>(_ x: T) {}
dwTests.test("Literals") {
let w: DoubleWidth<UInt8> = 100
expectTrue(w == 100 as Int)
let x: DoubleWidth<UInt8> = 1000
expectTrue(x == 1000 as Int)
let y: DoubleWidth<Int8> = 1000
expectTrue(y == 1000 as Int)
let z: DoubleWidth<Int8> = -1000
expectTrue(z == -1000 as Int)
_ = -1 as DoubleWidth<UInt8>
#if false
// Uncomment these tests once _ExpressibleByBuiltinIntegerLiteral
// conformance is available
dwTests.test("Literals/Large/Signed") {
let a: Int256 =
let b: Int256 =
expectEqual(a, Int256.max)
expectEqual(b, Int256.min)
_ = -0x8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
as Int256
dwTests.test("Literals/Large/SignedOverflow") {
_ = 0x8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
as Int256
dwTests.test("Literals/Large/Unsigned") {
let a: UInt256 =
let b: UInt256 = 0
expectEqual(a, UInt256.max)
expectEqual(b, UInt256.min)
_ = -1 as UInt256
dwTests.test("Literals/Large/UnsignedOverflow") {
_ = 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff0
as UInt256
dwTests.test("Arithmetic/unsigned") {
let x: DoubleWidth<UInt8> = 1000
let y: DoubleWidth<UInt8> = 1111
expectEqual(x + 1, 1001)
expectEqual(x + x, 2000)
expectEqual(x - (1 as DoubleWidth<UInt8>), 999)
expectEqual(x - x, 0)
expectEqual(y - x, 111)
expectEqual(x * 7, 7000)
expectEqual(y * 7, 7777)
expectEqual(x / 3, 333)
expectEqual(x / x, 1)
expectEqual(x / y, 0)
expectEqual(y / x, 1)
expectEqual(x % 3, 1)
expectEqual(x % y, x)
dwTests.test("Arithmetic/signed") {
let x: DoubleWidth<Int8> = 1000
let y: DoubleWidth<Int8> = -1111
expectEqual(x + 1, 1001)
expectEqual(x + x, 2000)
expectEqual(x - (1 as DoubleWidth<Int8>), 999)
expectEqual(x - x, 0)
expectEqual(0 - x, -1000)
expectEqual(x + y, -111)
expectEqual(x - y, 2111)
expectEqual(x * 7, 7000)
expectEqual(y * 7, -7777)
expectEqual(x * -7, -7000)
expectEqual(y * -7, 7777)
expectEqual(x / 3, 333)
expectEqual(x / -3, -333)
expectEqual(x / x, 1)
expectEqual(x / y, 0)
expectEqual(y / x, -1)
expectEqual(y / y, 1)
expectEqual(x % 3, 1)
expectEqual(x % -3, 1)
expectEqual(y % 3, -1)
expectEqual(y % -3, -1)
expectEqual(-y, 1111)
expectEqual(-x, -1000)
dwTests.test("Nested") {
do {
let x = UInt1024.max
let (y, o) = x.addingReportingOverflow(1)
expectEqual(y, 0)
expectTrue(y == (0 as Int))
do {
let x = Int1024.max
let (y, o) = x.addingReportingOverflow(1)
expectEqual(y, Int1024.min)
expectLT(y, 0)
expectTrue(y < (0 as Int))
expectTrue(y < (0 as UInt))
expectEqual(UInt1024.bitWidth, 1024)
expectEqual(Int1024.bitWidth, 1024)
UInt1024.max.words, repeatElement(UInt.max, count: 1024 / UInt.bitWidth))
dwTests.test("inits") {
typealias DWU16 = DoubleWidth<UInt8>
expectTrue(DWU16(UInt16.max) == UInt16.max)
expectNil(DWU16(exactly: UInt32.max))
expectEqual(DWU16(truncatingIfNeeded: UInt64.max), DWU16.max)
_ = DWU16(UInt32.max)
dwTests.test("Magnitude") {
typealias DWU16 = DoubleWidth<UInt8>
typealias DWI16 = DoubleWidth<Int8>
expectTrue(DWU16.min.magnitude == UInt16.min.magnitude)
expectTrue((42 as DWU16).magnitude == (42 as UInt16).magnitude)
expectTrue(DWU16.max.magnitude == UInt16.max.magnitude)
expectTrue(DWI16.min.magnitude == Int16.min.magnitude)
expectTrue((-42 as DWI16).magnitude == (-42 as Int16).magnitude)
expectTrue(DWI16().magnitude == Int16(0).magnitude) // See SR-6602.
expectTrue((42 as DWI16).magnitude == (42 as Int16).magnitude)
expectTrue(DWI16.max.magnitude == Int16.max.magnitude)
dwTests.test("TwoWords") {
typealias DW = DoubleWidth<Int>
expectEqual(-1 as DW, DW(truncatingIfNeeded: -1 as Int8))
expectNil(Int(exactly: DW(Int.min) - 1))
expectNil(Int(exactly: DW(Int.max) + 1))
expectTrue(DW(Int.min) - 1 < Int.min)
expectTrue(DW(Int.max) + 1 > Int.max)
dwTests.test("Bitshifts") {
typealias DWU64 = DoubleWidth<DoubleWidth<DoubleWidth<UInt8>>>
typealias DWI64 = DoubleWidth<DoubleWidth<DoubleWidth<Int8>>>
func f<T: FixedWidthInteger, U: FixedWidthInteger>(_ x: T, type: U.Type) {
let y = U(x)
expectEqual(T.bitWidth, U.bitWidth)
for i in -(T.bitWidth + 1)...(T.bitWidth + 1) {
expectTrue(x << i == y << i)
expectTrue(x >> i == y >> i)
expectTrue(x &<< i == y &<< i)
expectTrue(x &>> i == y &>> i)
f(1 as UInt64, type: DWU64.self)
f(~(~0 as UInt64 >> 1), type: DWU64.self)
f(UInt64.max, type: DWU64.self)
// 0b01010101_10100101_11110000_10100101_11110000_10100101_11110000_10100101
f(17340530535757639845 as UInt64, type: DWU64.self)
f(1 as Int64, type: DWI64.self)
f(Int64.min, type: DWI64.self)
f(Int64.max, type: DWI64.self)
// 0b01010101_10100101_11110000_10100101_11110000_10100101_11110000_10100101
f(6171603459878809765 as Int64, type: DWI64.self)
dwTests.test("Remainder/DividingBy0") {
func f(_ x: Int1024, _ y: Int1024) -> Int1024 {
return x % y
_ = f(42, 0)
dwTests.test("RemainderReportingOverflow/DividingByMinusOne") {
func f(_ x: Int256, _ y: Int256) -> Int256 {
return x.remainderReportingOverflow(dividingBy: y).partialValue
expectEqual(f(.max, -1), 0)
expectEqual(f(.min, -1), 0)
dwTests.test("Division/By0") {
func f(_ x: Int1024, _ y: Int1024) -> Int1024 {
return x / y
_ = f(42, 0)
dwTests.test("DivideMinByMinusOne") {
func f(_ x: Int1024) -> Int1024 {
return x / -1
_ = f(Int1024.min)
dwTests.test("MultiplyMinByMinusOne") {
func f(_ x: Int1024) -> Int1024 {
return x * -1
_ = f(Int1024.min)
typealias DWI16 = DoubleWidth<Int8>
typealias DWU16 = DoubleWidth<UInt8>
dwTests.test("Conversions") {
expectTrue(DWI16(1 << 15 - 1) == Int(1 << 15 - 1))
expectTrue(DWI16(-1 << 15) == Int(-1 << 15))
expectTrue(DWU16(1 << 16 - 1) == Int(1 << 16 - 1))
expectTrue(DWU16(0) == Int(0))
expectTrue(DWI16(Double(1 << 15 - 1)) == Int(1 << 15 - 1))
expectTrue(DWI16(Double(-1 << 15)) == Int(-1 << 15))
expectTrue(DWU16(Double(1 << 16 - 1)) == Int(1 << 16 - 1))
expectTrue(DWU16(Double(0)) == Int(0))
expectTrue(DWI16(Double(1 << 15 - 1) + 0.9) == Int(1 << 15 - 1))
expectTrue(DWI16(Double(-1 << 15) - 0.9) == Int(-1 << 15))
expectTrue(DWU16(Double(1 << 16 - 1) + 0.9) == Int(1 << 16 - 1))
expectTrue(DWU16(Double(0) - 0.9) == Int(0))
expectEqual(DWI16(0.00001), 0)
expectEqual(DWU16(0.00001), 0)
dwTests.test("Exact Conversions") {
expectEqual(DWI16(Double(1 << 15 - 1)), DWI16(exactly: Double(1 << 15 - 1))!)
expectEqual(DWI16(Double(-1 << 15)), DWI16(exactly: Double(-1 << 15))!)
expectEqual(DWU16(Double(1 << 16 - 1)), DWU16(exactly: Double(1 << 16 - 1))!)
expectEqual(DWU16(Double(0)), DWU16(exactly: Double(0))!)
expectNil(DWI16(exactly: Double(1 << 15 - 1) + 0.9))
expectNil(DWI16(exactly: Double(-1 << 15) - 0.9))
expectNil(DWU16(exactly: Double(1 << 16 - 1) + 0.9))
expectNil(DWU16(exactly: Double(0) - 0.9))
expectNil(DWI16(exactly: Double(1 << 15)))
expectNil(DWI16(exactly: Double(-1 << 15) - 1))
expectNil(DWU16(exactly: Double(1 << 16)))
expectNil(DWU16(exactly: Double(-1)))
expectNil(DWI16(exactly: 0.00001))
expectNil(DWU16(exactly: 0.00001))
expectNil(DWU16(exactly: Double.nan))
expectNil(DWU16(exactly: Float.nan))
expectNil(DWU16(exactly: Double.infinity))
expectNil(DWU16(exactly: Float.infinity))
dwTests.test("Conversions/SignedMax+1") {
_ = DWI16(1 << 15)
dwTests.test("Conversions/SignedMin-1") {
_ = DWI16(-1 << 15 - 1)
dwTests.test("Conversions/UnsignedMax+1") {
_ = DWU16(1 << 16)
dwTests.test("Conversions/Unsigned-1") {
_ = DWU16(-1)
dwTests.test("Conversions/String") {
expectEqual(String(Int256.max, radix: 16),
expectEqual(String(Int256.min, radix: 16),
expectEqual(String(Int256.max, radix: 2), """
expectEqual(String(Int256.min, radix: 2), """
expectEqual(String(Int128.max, radix: 10),
expectEqual(String(Int128.min, radix: 10),
dwTests.test("Words") {
expectEqualSequence((0 as DoubleWidth<Int8>).words, [0])
expectEqualSequence((1 as DoubleWidth<Int8>).words, [1])
expectEqualSequence((-1 as DoubleWidth<Int8>).words, [UInt.max])
expectEqualSequence((256 as DoubleWidth<Int8>).words, [256])
expectEqualSequence((-256 as DoubleWidth<Int8>).words, [UInt.max - 255])
expectEqualSequence(DoubleWidth<Int8>.max.words, [32767])
expectEqualSequence(DoubleWidth<Int8>.min.words, [UInt.max - 32767])
expectEqualSequence((0 as Int1024).words,
repeatElement(0 as UInt, count: 1024 / UInt.bitWidth))
expectEqualSequence((-1 as Int1024).words,
repeatElement(UInt.max, count: 1024 / UInt.bitWidth))
expectEqualSequence((1 as Int1024).words,
[1] + Array(repeating: 0, count: 1024 / UInt.bitWidth - 1))
dwTests.test("Conditional Conformance") {
checkSignedIntegerConformance(0 as Int128)
checkSignedIntegerConformance(0 as Int1024)
checkUnsignedIntegerConformance(0 as UInt128)
checkUnsignedIntegerConformance(0 as UInt1024)