blob: 1b40ca24e2b8c03004f492ba04f846cb073844f3 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Algorithms.swift.gyb ---------------------------------*- swift -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %target-build-swift -g -Onone -DUSE_STDLIBUNITTEST %s -o %t/a.out
// RUN: %target-run %t/a.out
// REQUIRES: executable_test
import Swift
import StdlibUnittest
//===--- Rotate -----------------------------------------------------------===//
/// Provides customization points for `MutableCollection` algorithms.
/// If incorporated into the standard library, these requirements would just be
/// part of `MutableCollection`. In the meantime, you can declare conformance
/// of a collection to `MutableCollectionAlgorithms` to get these customization
/// points to be used from other algorithms defined on
/// `MutableCollectionAlgorithms`.
public protocol MutableCollectionAlgorithms : MutableCollection
where SubSequence : MutableCollectionAlgorithms
/// Rotates the elements of the collection so that the element
/// at `middle` ends up first.
/// - Returns: The new index of the element that was first
/// pre-rotation.
/// - Complexity: O(*n*)
mutating func rotate(shiftingToStart middle: Index) -> Index
// Conformances of common collection types to MutableCollectionAlgorithms.
// If rotate was a requirement of MutableCollection, these would not be needed.
extension Array : MutableCollectionAlgorithms { }
extension ArraySlice : MutableCollectionAlgorithms { }
extension Slice : MutableCollectionAlgorithms
where Base: MutableCollection { }
extension MutableCollection {
/// Swaps the elements of the two given subranges, up to the upper bound of
/// the smaller subrange. The returned indices are the ends of the two ranges
/// that were actually swapped.
/// Input:
/// [a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p]
/// ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
/// lhs rhs
/// Output:
/// [i j k l e f g h a b c d m n o p]
/// ^ ^
/// p q
/// - Precondition: !lhs.isEmpty && !rhs.isEmpty
/// - Postcondition: For returned indices `(p, q)`:
/// - distance(from: lhs.lowerBound, to: p) ==
/// distance(from: rhs.lowerBound, to: q)
/// - p == lhs.upperBound || q == rhs.upperBound
internal mutating func _swapNonemptySubrangePrefixes(
_ lhs: Range<Index>, _ rhs: Range<Index>
) -> (Index, Index) {
var p = lhs.lowerBound
var q = rhs.lowerBound
repeat {
swapAt(p, q)
formIndex(after: &p)
formIndex(after: &q)
while p != lhs.upperBound && q != rhs.upperBound
return (p, q)
/// Rotates the elements of the collection so that the element
/// at `middle` ends up first.
/// - Returns: The new index of the element that was first
/// pre-rotation.
/// - Complexity: O(*n*)
public mutating func rotate(shiftingToStart middle: Index) -> Index {
var m = middle, s = startIndex
let e = endIndex
// Handle the trivial cases
if s == m { return e }
if m == e { return s }
// We have two regions of possibly-unequal length that need to be
// exchanged. The return value of this method is going to be the
// position following that of the element that is currently last
// (element j).
// [a b c d e f g|h i j] or [a b c|d e f g h i j]
// ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
// s m e s m e
var ret = e // start with a known incorrect result.
while true {
// Exchange the leading elements of each region (up to the
// length of the shorter region).
// [a b c d e f g|h i j] or [a b c|d e f g h i j]
// ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^
// [h i j d e f g|a b c] or [d e f|a b c g h i j]
// ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
// s s1 m m1/e s s1/m m1 e
let (s1, m1) = _swapNonemptySubrangePrefixes(s..<m, m..<e)
if m1 == e {
// Left-hand case: we have moved element j into position. if
// we haven't already, we can capture the return value which
// is in s1.
// Note: the STL breaks the loop into two just to avoid this
// comparison once the return value is known. I'm not sure
// it's a worthwhile optimization, though.
if ret == e { ret = s1 }
// If both regions were the same size, we're done.
if s1 == m { break }
// Now we have a smaller problem that is also a rotation, so we
// can adjust our bounds and repeat.
// h i j[d e f g|a b c] or d e f[a b c|g h i j]
// ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
// s m e s m e
s = s1
if s == m { m = m1 }
return ret
extension MutableCollection where Self: BidirectionalCollection {
/// Reverses the elements of the collection, moving from each end until
/// `limit` is reached from either direction. The returned indices are the
/// start and end of the range of unreversed elements.
/// Input:
/// [a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p]
/// ^
/// limit
/// Output:
/// [p o n m e f g h i j k l d c b a]
/// ^ ^
/// f l
/// - Postcondition: For returned indices `(f, l)`:
/// `f == limit || l == limit`
internal mutating func _reverseUntil(_ limit: Index) -> (Index, Index) {
var f = startIndex
var l = endIndex
while f != limit && l != limit {
formIndex(before: &l)
swapAt(f, l)
formIndex(after: &f)
return (f, l)
/// Rotates the elements of the collection so that the element
/// at `middle` ends up first.
/// - Returns: The new index of the element that was first
/// pre-rotation.
/// - Complexity: O(*n*)
public mutating func rotate(shiftingToStart middle: Index) -> Index {
// FIXME: this algorithm should be benchmarked on arrays against
// the forward Collection algorithm above to prove that it's
// actually faster. The other one sometimes does more swaps, but
// has better locality properties. Similarly, we've omitted a
// specialization of rotate for RandomAccessCollection that uses
// cycles per section 11.4 in "From Mathematics to Generic
// Programming" by A. Stepanov because it has *much* worse
// locality properties than either of the other implementations.
// Benchmarks should be performed for that algorithm too, just to
// be sure.
let (p, q) = _reverseUntil(middle)
return middle == p ? q : p
/// Returns the greatest common denominator for `m` and `n`.
internal func _gcd(_ m: Int, _ n: Int) -> Int {
var (m, n) = (m, n)
while n != 0 {
let t = m % n
m = n
n = t
return m
extension MutableCollection where Self: RandomAccessCollection {
/// Rotates elements through a cycle, using `sourceForIndex` to generate
/// the source index for each movement.
internal mutating func _rotateCycle(
start: Index,
sourceOffsetForIndex: (Index) -> Int
) {
let tmp = self[start]
var i = start
var j = index(start, offsetBy: sourceOffsetForIndex(start))
while j != start {
self[i] = self[j]
i = j
j = index(j, offsetBy: sourceOffsetForIndex(j))
self[i] = tmp
/// Rotates the elements of the collection so that the element
/// at `middle` ends up first.
/// - Returns: The new index of the element that was first
/// pre-rotation.
/// - Complexity: O(*n*)
public mutating func rotateRandomAccess(
shiftingToStart middle: Index) -> Index
if middle == startIndex { return endIndex }
if middle == endIndex { return startIndex }
// The distance to move an element that is moving ->
let plus = distance(from: startIndex, to: middle)
// The distance to move an element that is moving <-
let minus = distance(from: endIndex, to: middle)
// The new pivot point, aka the destination for the first element
let pivot = index(startIndex, offsetBy: -minus)
// If the difference moving forward and backward are relative primes,
// the entire rotation will be completed in one cycle. Otherwise, repeat
// cycle, moving the start point forward with each cycle.
let cycles = _gcd(numericCast(plus), -numericCast(minus))
for cycle in 1...cycles {
start: index(startIndex, offsetBy: numericCast(cycle)),
sourceOffsetForIndex: { $0 < pivot ? plus : minus })
return pivot
//===--- ConcatenatedCollection -------------------------------------------===//
// ConcatenatedCollection improves on a flattened array or other collection by
// allowing random-access traversal if the underlying collections are
// random-access.
// Q: Add a ConcatenatedSequence for consistency? Would be nice to be able to
// call `let seqAB = concatenate(seqA, seqB)`.
/// A concatenation of two collections with the same element type.
public struct Concatenation<C1 : Collection, C2: Collection>: Collection
where C1.Element == C2.Element
let _base1: C1
let _base2: C2
init(_base1: C1, base2: C2) {
self._base1 = _base1
self._base2 = base2
/// A position in a `Concatenation`.
public struct Index : Comparable {
internal enum _Representation : Equatable {
case first(C1.Index)
case second(C2.Index)
/// Creates a new index into the first underlying collection.
internal init(first i: C1.Index) {
_position = .first(i)
/// Creates a new index into the second underlying collection.
internal init(second i: C2.Index) {
_position = .second(i)
internal let _position: _Representation
public static func < (lhs: Index, rhs: Index) -> Bool {
switch (lhs._position, rhs._position) {
case (.first, .second):
return true
case (.second, .first):
return false
case let (.first(l), .first(r)):
return l < r
case let (.second(l), .second(r)):
return l < r
public var startIndex: Index {
// If `_base1` is empty, then `_base2.startIndex` is either a valid position
// of an element or equal to `_base2.endIndex`.
return _base1.isEmpty
? Index(second: _base2.startIndex)
: Index(first: _base1.startIndex)
public var endIndex: Index {
return Index(second: _base2.endIndex)
public subscript(i: Index) -> C1.Element {
switch i._position {
case let .first(i):
return _base1[i]
case let .second(i):
return _base2[i]
public func index(after i: Index) -> Index {
switch i._position {
case let .first(i):
_sanityCheck(i != _base1.endIndex)
let next = _base1.index(after: i)
return next == _base1.endIndex
? Index(second: _base2.startIndex)
: Index(first: next)
case let .second(i):
return Index(second: _base2.index(after: i))
extension Concatenation : BidirectionalCollection
where C1: BidirectionalCollection, C2: BidirectionalCollection
public func index(before i: Index) -> Index {
assert(i != startIndex, "Can't advance before startIndex")
switch i._position {
case let .first(i):
return Index(first: _base1.index(before: i))
case let .second(i):
return i == _base2.startIndex
? Index(first: _base1.index(before: _base1.endIndex))
: Index(second: _base2.index(before: i))
extension Concatenation : RandomAccessCollection
where C1: RandomAccessCollection, C2: RandomAccessCollection
public func index(_ i: Index, offsetBy n: Int) -> Index {
if n == 0 { return i }
return n > 0 ? _offsetForward(i, by: n) : _offsetBackward(i, by: -n)
internal func _offsetForward(
_ i: Index, by n: Int
) -> Index {
switch i._position {
case let .first(i):
let d: Int = _base1.distance(from: i, to: _base1.endIndex)
if n < d {
return Index(first: _base1.index(i, offsetBy: numericCast(n)))
} else {
return Index(
second: _base2.index(_base2.startIndex, offsetBy: numericCast(n - d)))
case let .second(i):
return Index(second: _base2.index(i, offsetBy: numericCast(n)))
internal func _offsetBackward(
_ i: Index, by n: Int
) -> Index {
switch i._position {
case let .first(i):
return Index(first: _base1.index(i, offsetBy: -numericCast(n)))
case let .second(i):
let d: Int = _base2.distance(from: _base2.startIndex, to: i)
if n <= d {
return Index(second: _base2.index(i, offsetBy: -numericCast(n)))
} else {
return Index(
first: _base1.index(_base1.endIndex, offsetBy: -numericCast(n - d)))
/// Returns a new collection that presents a view onto the elements of the
/// first collection and then the elements of the second collection.
func concatenate<C1 : Collection, C2 : Collection>(
_ first: C1,
_ second: C2)
-> Concatenation<C1, C2> where C1.Element == C2.Element
return Concatenation(_base1: first, base2: second)
//===--- RotatedCollection ------------------------------------------------===//
/// A rotated view onto a collection.
public struct RotatedCollection<Base : Collection> : Collection {
let _base: Base
let _indices: Concatenation<Base.Indices, Base.Indices>
init(_base: Base, shiftingToStart i: Base.Index) {
self._base = _base
self._indices = concatenate(_base.indices[i...], _base.indices[..<i])
/// A position in a rotated collection.
public struct Index : Comparable {
internal let _index:
Concatenation<Base.Indices, Base.Indices>.Index
public static func < (lhs: Index, rhs: Index) -> Bool {
return lhs._index < rhs._index
public var startIndex: Index {
return Index(_index: _indices.startIndex)
public var endIndex: Index {
return Index(_index: _indices.endIndex)
public subscript(i: Index) -> Base.SubSequence.Element {
return _base[_indices[i._index]]
public func index(after i: Index) -> Index {
return Index(_index: _indices.index(after: i._index))
public func index(_ i: Index, offsetBy n: Int) -> Index {
return Index(_index: _indices.index(i._index, offsetBy: n))
public func distance(from start: Index, to end: Index) -> Int {
return _indices.distance(from: start._index, to: end._index)
/// The shifted position of the base collection's `startIndex`.
public var shiftedStartIndex: Index {
return Index(
_index: Concatenation<Base.Indices, Base.Indices>.Index(
second: _indices._base2.startIndex)
public func rotated(shiftingToStart i: Index) -> RotatedCollection<Base> {
return RotatedCollection(_base: _base, shiftingToStart: _indices[i._index])
extension RotatedCollection : BidirectionalCollection
where Base : BidirectionalCollection {
public func index(before i: Index) -> Index {
return Index(_index: _indices.index(before: i._index))
extension RotatedCollection : RandomAccessCollection
where Base : RandomAccessCollection {}
extension Collection {
/// Returns a view of this collection with the elements reordered such the
/// element at the given position ends up first.
/// The subsequence of the collection up to `i` is shifted to after the
/// subsequence starting at `i`. The order of the elements within each
/// partition is otherwise unchanged.
/// let a = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70]
/// let r = a.rotated(shiftingToStart: 3)
/// // r.elementsEqual([40, 50, 60, 70, 10, 20, 30])
/// - Parameter i: The position in the collection that should be first in the
/// result. `i` must be a valid index of the collection.
/// - Returns: A rotated view on the elements of this collection, such that
/// the element at `i` is first.
func rotated(shiftingToStart i: Index) -> RotatedCollection<Self> {
return RotatedCollection(_base: self, shiftingToStart: i)
//===--- Stable Partition -------------------------------------------------===//
extension MutableCollectionAlgorithms {
/// Moves all elements satisfying `isSuffixElement` into a suffix of the
/// collection, preserving their relative order, and returns the start of the
/// resulting suffix.
/// - Complexity: O(n) where n is the number of elements.
mutating func stablePartition(
isSuffixElement: (Element) throws -> Bool
) rethrows -> Index {
return try stablePartition(count: count, isSuffixElement: isSuffixElement)
/// Moves all elements satisfying `isSuffixElement` into a suffix of the
/// collection, preserving their relative order, and returns the start of the
/// resulting suffix.
/// - Complexity: O(n) where n is the number of elements.
/// - Precondition: `n == self.count`
fileprivate mutating func stablePartition(
count n: Int, isSuffixElement: (Element) throws-> Bool
) rethrows -> Index {
if n == 0 { return startIndex }
if n == 1 {
return try isSuffixElement(self[startIndex]) ? startIndex : endIndex
let h = n / 2, i = index(startIndex, offsetBy: h)
let j = try self[..<i].stablePartition(
count: h, isSuffixElement: isSuffixElement)
let k = try self[i...].stablePartition(
count: n - h, isSuffixElement: isSuffixElement)
return self[j..<k].rotate(shiftingToStart: i)
extension Collection {
func stablyPartitioned(
isSuffixElement p: (Element) -> Bool
) -> [Element] {
var a = Array(self)
a.stablePartition(isSuffixElement: p)
return a
extension LazyCollectionProtocol
where Element == Elements.Element {
func stablyPartitioned(
isSuffixElement p: (Element) -> Bool
) -> LazyCollection<[Element]> {
return elements.stablyPartitioned(isSuffixElement: p).lazy
extension Collection {
/// Returns the index of the first element in the collection
/// that matches the predicate.
/// The collection must already be partitioned according to the
/// predicate, as if `self.partition(by: predicate)` had already
/// been called.
func partitionPoint(
where predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool
) rethrows -> Index {
var n = distance(from: startIndex, to: endIndex)
var l = startIndex
while n > 0 {
let half = n / 2
let mid = index(l, offsetBy: half)
if try predicate(self[mid]) {
n = half
} else {
l = index(after: mid)
n -= half + 1
return l
//===--- Minimal subset of StdlibUnittest for standalone testing ----------===//
class TestSuite {
let name: String
var tests: [(name: String, body: ()->())] = []
static var all: [TestSuite] = []
init(_ name: String) { = name
func test(_ name: String, body: @escaping ()->()) {
tests.append((name, body))
func runAllTests() {
for s in TestSuite.all {
for (testName, f) in s.tests {
func expectEqual<T : Equatable>(
_ expected: T, _ x: T, file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line
) {
x == expected, "Expected \(x) == \(expected)", file: file, line: line)
func expectGE<T: Comparable>(
_ a: T, _ b: T, _ message: @autoclosure ()->String = "",
file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line
) {
precondition(a >= b, message(), file: file, line: line)
func expectLE<T: Comparable>(
_ a: T, _ b: T, _ message: @autoclosure ()->String = "",
file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line
) {
precondition(a <= b, message(), file: file, line: line)
//===--- Tests ------------------------------------------------------------===//
func address<T>(_ p: UnsafePointer<T>) -> UInt { return UInt(bitPattern: p )}
var suite = TestSuite("Algorithms")
suite.test("reverseSubrange") {
for l in 0..<10 {
let a = Array(0..<l)
for p in a.startIndex...a.endIndex {
let prefix = a[..<p]
for q in p...l {
let suffix = a[q...]
var b = a
b.reserveCapacity(b.count) // guarantee unique storage
let id = address(b)
Array([prefix, ArraySlice(a[p..<q].reversed()), suffix].joined()))
expectEqual(address(b), id)
suite.test("rotate") {
for l in 0..<11 {
let a = Array(0..<l)
for p in a.startIndex...a.endIndex {
let prefix = a[..<p]
for q in p...l {
let suffix = a[q...]
for m in p...q {
var b = a
b.reserveCapacity(b.count) // guarantee unique storage
let id = address(b)
let r = b[p..<q].rotate(shiftingToStart: m)
let rotated = Array([prefix, a[m..<q], a[p..<m], suffix].joined())
expectEqual(b, rotated)
expectEqual(r, a.index(p, offsetBy: a[m..<q].count))
expectEqual(address(b), id)
var b = a
b.rotate(shiftingToStart: p)
expectEqual(b, Array(a.rotated(shiftingToStart: p)))
suite.test("rotateRandomAccess") {
for l in 0..<11 {
let a = Array(0..<l)
for p in a.startIndex...a.endIndex {
let prefix = a[..<p]
for q in p...l {
let suffix = a[q...]
for m in p...q {
var b = a
b.reserveCapacity(b.count) // guarantee unique storage
let id = address(b)
let r = b[p..<q].rotateRandomAccess(shiftingToStart: m)
let rotated = Array([prefix, a[m..<q], a[p..<m], suffix].joined())
expectEqual(b, rotated)
expectEqual(r, a.index(p, offsetBy: a[m..<q].count))
expectEqual(address(b), id)
var b = a
b.rotateRandomAccess(shiftingToStart: p)
expectEqual(b, Array(a.rotated(shiftingToStart: p)))
suite.test("concatenate") {
for x in 0...6 {
for y in 0...x {
let r1 = 0..<y
let r2 = y..<x
expectEqual(Array(0..<x), Array(concatenate(r1, r2)))
let c1 = concatenate([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 6...10)
let c2 = concatenate(1...5, [6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
expectEqual(Array(1...10), Array(c1))
expectEqual(Array(1...10), Array(c2))
let h = "Hello, "
let w = "world!"
let hw = concatenate(h, w)
expectEqual("Hello, world!", String(hw))
suite.test("stablePartition") {
// FIXME: add test for stability
for l in 0..<13 {
let a = Array(0..<l)
for p in a.startIndex...a.endIndex {
let prefix = a[..<p]
for q in p...l {
let suffix = a[q...]
let subrange = a[p..<q]
for modulus in 1...5 {
let f = { $0 % modulus != 0 }
let notf = { !f($0) }
var b = a
b.reserveCapacity(b.count) // guarantee unique storage
let id = address(b)
var r = b[p..<q].stablePartition(isSuffixElement: f)
expectEqual(b[..<p], prefix)
expectEqual(b.suffix(from:q), suffix)
expectEqual(b[p..<r], ArraySlice(subrange.filter(notf)))
expectEqual(b[r..<q], ArraySlice(subrange.filter(f)))
expectEqual(address(b), id)
b = a
r = b[p..<q].stablePartition(isSuffixElement: notf)
expectEqual(b[..<p], prefix)
expectEqual(b.suffix(from:q), suffix)
expectEqual(b[p..<r], ArraySlice(subrange.filter(f)))
expectEqual(b[r..<q], ArraySlice(subrange.filter(notf)))
for modulus in 1...5 {
let f = { $0 % modulus != 0 }
let notf = { !f($0) }
var b = a
var r = b.stablePartition(isSuffixElement: f)
expectEqual(b[..<r], ArraySlice(a.filter(notf)))
expectEqual(b[r...], ArraySlice(a.filter(f)))
b = a
r = b.stablePartition(isSuffixElement: notf)
expectEqual(b[..<r], ArraySlice(a.filter(f)))
expectEqual(b[r...], ArraySlice(a.filter(notf)))
suite.test("partitionPoint") {
for i in 0..<7 {
for j in i..<11 {
for k in i...j {
let p = (i..<j).partitionPoint { $0 >= k }
expectGE(p, i, "\(p) >= \(i)")
expectLE(p, j, "\(p) <= \(j)")
expectEqual(p, k)