blob: 33c373ad68d6046597bf2d128c71e4087e38f2e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -typecheck -debug-generic-signatures %s > %t.dump 2>&1
// RUN: %FileCheck %s < %t.dump
class A {
func foo() { }
class B : A {
func bar() { }
class Other { }
func f1<T : A>(_: T) where T : Other {} // expected-error{{generic parameter 'T' cannot be a subclass of both 'Other' and 'A'}}
// expected-note@-1{{superclass constraint 'T' : 'A' written here}}
func f2<T : A>(_: T) where T : B {}
// expected-warning@-1{{redundant superclass constraint 'T' : 'A'}}
// expected-note@-2{{superclass constraint 'T' : 'B' written here}}
class GA<T> {}
class GB<T> : GA<T> {}
protocol P {}
func f3<T, U>(_: T, _: U) where U : GA<T> {}
func f4<T, U>(_: T, _: U) where U : GA<T> {}
func f5<T, U : GA<T>>(_: T, _: U) {}
func f6<U : GA<T>, T : P>(_: T, _: U) {}
func f7<U, T>(_: T, _: U) where U : GA<T>, T : P {}
func f8<T : GA<A>>(_: T) where T : GA<B> {} // expected-error{{generic parameter 'T' cannot be a subclass of both 'GA<B>' and 'GA<A>'}}
// expected-note@-1{{superclass constraint 'T' : 'GA<A>' written here}}
func f9<T : GA<A>>(_: T) where T : GB<A> {}
// expected-warning@-1{{redundant superclass constraint 'T' : 'GA<A>'}}
// expected-note@-2{{superclass constraint 'T' : 'GB<A>' written here}}
func f10<T : GB<A>>(_: T) where T : GA<A> {}
// expected-warning@-1{{redundant superclass constraint 'T' : 'GA<A>'}}
// expected-note@-2{{superclass constraint 'T' : 'GB<A>' written here}}
func f11<T : GA<T>>(_: T) { } // expected-error{{superclass constraint 'T' : 'GA<T>' is recursive}}
func f12<T : GA<U>, U : GB<T>>(_: T, _: U) { } // expected-error{{superclass constraint 'U' : 'GB<T>' is recursive}} // expected-error{{superclass constraint 'T' : 'GA<U>' is recursive}}
func f13<T : U, U : GA<T>>(_: T, _: U) { } // expected-error{{inheritance from non-protocol, non-class type 'U'}}
// rdar://problem/24730536
// Superclass constraints can be used to resolve nested types to concrete types.
protocol P3 {
associatedtype T
protocol P2 {
associatedtype T : P3
class C : P3 {
typealias T = Int
class S : P2 {
typealias T = C
// CHECK: superclassConformance1
// CHECK: Canonical generic signature: <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : C>
func superclassConformance1<T>(t: T)
where T : C, // expected-note{{conformance constraint 'T': 'P3' implied here}}
T : P3 {} // expected-warning{{redundant conformance constraint 'T': 'P3'}}
// CHECK: superclassConformance2
// CHECK: Canonical generic signature: <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : C>
func superclassConformance2<T>(t: T)
where T : C, // expected-note{{conformance constraint 'T': 'P3' implied here}}
T : P3 {} // expected-warning{{redundant conformance constraint 'T': 'P3'}}
protocol P4 { }
class C2 : C, P4 { }
// CHECK: superclassConformance3
// CHECK: Canonical generic signature: <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : C2>
func superclassConformance3<T>(t: T) where T : C, T : P4, T : C2 {}
// expected-warning@-1{{redundant superclass constraint 'T' : 'C'}}
// expected-note@-2{{superclass constraint 'T' : 'C2' written here}}
// expected-warning@-3{{redundant conformance constraint 'T': 'P4'}}
// expected-note@-4{{conformance constraint 'T': 'P4' implied here}}
protocol P5: A { }
protocol P6: A, Other { } // expected-error {{protocol 'P6' cannot be a subclass of both 'Other' and 'A'}}
// expected-error@-1{{multiple inheritance from classes 'A' and 'Other'}}
// expected-note@-2 {{superclass constraint 'Self' : 'A' written here}}
func takeA(_: A) { }
func takeP5<T: P5>(_ t: T) {
takeA(t) // okay
protocol P7 {
associatedtype Assoc: A, Other
// FIXME: expected-error@-1{{multiple inheritance from classes 'A' and 'Other'}}
// expected-note@-2{{superclass constraint 'Self.Assoc' : 'A' written here}}
// expected-error@-3{{'Self.Assoc' cannot be a subclass of both 'Other' and 'A'}}
// CHECK: superclassConformance4
// CHECK: Generic signature: <T, U where T : P3, U : P3, T.T : C, T.T == U.T>
func superclassConformance4<T: P3, U: P3>(_: T, _: U)
where T.T: C, // expected-note{{superclass constraint 'T.T' : 'C' written here}}
U.T: C, // expected-warning{{redundant superclass constraint 'U.T' : 'C'}}
T.T == U.T { }
// Lookup of superclass associated types from inheritance clause
protocol Elementary {
associatedtype Element
func get() -> Element
class Classical : Elementary {
func get() -> Int {
return 0
func genericFunc<T : Elementary, U : Classical>(_: T, _: U) where T.Element == U.Element {}
// Lookup within superclass constraints.
protocol P8 {
associatedtype B
class C8 {
struct A { }
func superclassLookup1<T: C8 & P8>(_: T) where T.A == T.B { }
func superclassLookup2<T: P8>(_: T) where T.A == T.B, T: C8 { }
func superclassLookup3<T>(_: T) where T.A == T.B, T: C8, T: P8 { }
// SR-5165
class C9 {}
protocol P9 {}
class C10 : C9, P9 { }
protocol P10 {
associatedtype A: C9
// CHECK: superclass_constraint.(file).testP10
// CHECK: Generic signature: <T where T : P10, T.A : C10>
// CHECK: Canonical generic signature: <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : P10, τ_0_0.A : C10>
func testP10<T>(_: T) where T: P10, T.A: C10 { }
// Nested types of generic class-constrained type parameters.
protocol Tail {
associatedtype E
protocol Rump : Tail {
associatedtype E = Self
class Horse<T>: Rump { }
func hasRedundantConformanceConstraint<X : Horse<T>, T>(_: X) where X : Rump {}
// expected-warning@-1 {{redundant conformance constraint 'X': 'Rump'}}
// expected-note@-2 {{conformance constraint 'X': 'Rump' implied here}}
// SR-5862
protocol X {
associatedtype Y : A
// CHECK-DAG: .noRedundancyWarning@
// CHECK: Generic signature: <C where C : X, C.Y == B>
func noRedundancyWarning<C : X>(_ wrapper: C) where C.Y == B {}
// Qualified lookup bug -- <>
protocol Init {
init(x: ())
class Base {
required init(y: ()) {}
class Derived : Base {}
func g<T : Init & Derived>(_: T.Type) {
_ = T(x: ())
_ = T(y: ())