blob: 31d6ab8d45a10775f5ef94aff4fbb0c50e764fd8 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- DerivedConformanceEquatableHashable.cpp - Derived Equatable & co -===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements implicit derivation of the Equatable and Hashable
// protocols. (Comparable is similar enough in spirit that it would make
// sense to live here too when we implement its derivation.)
#include "TypeChecker.h"
#include "swift/AST/Decl.h"
#include "swift/AST/Stmt.h"
#include "swift/AST/Expr.h"
#include "swift/AST/Module.h"
#include "swift/AST/Pattern.h"
#include "swift/AST/ParameterList.h"
#include "swift/AST/ProtocolConformance.h"
#include "swift/AST/Types.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/APInt.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "DerivedConformances.h"
using namespace swift;
/// Returns true if, for every element of the given enum, it either has no
/// associated values or all of them conform to a protocol.
/// \p theEnum The enum whose elements and associated values should be checked.
/// \p protocol The protocol being requested.
/// \return True if all associated values of all elements of the enum conform.
static bool allAssociatedValuesConformToProtocol(TypeChecker &tc,
DeclContext *DC,
EnumDecl *theEnum,
ProtocolDecl *protocol) {
for (auto elt : theEnum->getAllElements()) {
if (!elt->hasInterfaceType())
auto PL = elt->getParameterList();
if (!PL)
for (auto param : *PL) {
auto type = param->getType()->mapTypeOutOfContext();
if (!tc.conformsToProtocol(DC->mapTypeIntoContext(type), protocol, DC,
ConformanceCheckFlags::Used)) {
return false;
return true;
/// Returns true if every stored property in the given struct conforms to the
/// protocol (or, vacuously, if it has no stored properties).
/// \p theStruct The struct whose stored properties should be checked.
/// \p protocol The protocol being requested.
/// \return True if all stored properties of the struct conform.
static bool allStoredPropertiesConformToProtocol(TypeChecker &tc,
DeclContext *DC,
StructDecl *theStruct,
ProtocolDecl *protocol) {
auto storedProperties =
for (auto propertyDecl : storedProperties) {
if (!propertyDecl->hasType())
if (!propertyDecl->hasType())
return false;
auto type = propertyDecl->getType()->mapTypeOutOfContext();
if (!tc.conformsToProtocol(DC->mapTypeIntoContext(type), protocol, DC,
ConformanceCheckFlags::Used)) {
return false;
return true;
/// Common preconditions for Equatable and Hashable.
static bool canDeriveConformance(TypeChecker &tc, DeclContext *DC,
NominalTypeDecl *target,
ProtocolDecl *protocol) {
// The type must be an enum or a struct.
if (auto enumDecl = dyn_cast<EnumDecl>(target)) {
// The cases must not have associated values, or all associated values must
// conform to the protocol.
return allAssociatedValuesConformToProtocol(tc, DC, enumDecl, protocol);
if (auto structDecl = dyn_cast<StructDecl>(target)) {
// All stored properties of the struct must conform to the protocol.
return allStoredPropertiesConformToProtocol(tc, DC, structDecl, protocol);
return false;
/// Creates a named variable based on a prefix character and a numeric index.
/// \p prefixChar The prefix character for the variable's name.
/// \p index The numeric index to append to the variable's name.
/// \p type The type of the variable.
/// \p varContext The context of the variable.
/// \return A VarDecl named with the prefix and number.
static VarDecl *indexedVarDecl(char prefixChar, int index, Type type,
DeclContext *varContext) {
ASTContext &C = varContext->getASTContext();
llvm::SmallString<8> indexVal;
indexVal.append(1, prefixChar);
APInt(32, index).toString(indexVal, 10, /*signed*/ false);
auto indexStr = C.AllocateCopy(indexVal);
auto indexStrRef = StringRef(, indexStr.size());
auto varDecl = new (C) VarDecl(/*IsStatic*/false, VarDecl::Specifier::Let,
/*IsCaptureList*/true, SourceLoc(),
C.getIdentifier(indexStrRef), type,
return varDecl;
/// Returns the pattern used to match and bind the associated values (if any) of
/// an enum case.
/// \p enumElementDecl The enum element to match.
/// \p varPrefix The prefix character for variable names (e.g., a0, a1, ...).
/// \p varContext The context into which payload variables should be declared.
/// \p boundVars The array to which the pattern's variables will be appended.
static Pattern*
enumElementPayloadSubpattern(EnumElementDecl *enumElementDecl,
char varPrefix, DeclContext *varContext,
SmallVectorImpl<VarDecl*> &boundVars) {
auto parentDC = enumElementDecl->getDeclContext();
ASTContext &C = parentDC->getASTContext();
// No arguments, so no subpattern to match.
if (!enumElementDecl->hasAssociatedValues())
return nullptr;
auto argumentType = enumElementDecl->getArgumentInterfaceType();
if (auto tupleType = argumentType->getAs<TupleType>()) {
// Either multiple (labeled or unlabeled) arguments, or one labeled
// argument. Return a tuple pattern that matches the enum element in arity,
// types, and labels. For example:
// case a(x: Int) => (x: let a0)
// case b(Int, String) => (let a0, let a1)
SmallVector<TuplePatternElt, 3> elementPatterns;
int index = 0;
for (auto tupleElement : tupleType->getElements()) {
auto payloadVar = indexedVarDecl(varPrefix, index++,
tupleElement.getType(), varContext);
auto namedPattern = new (C) NamedPattern(payloadVar);
auto letPattern = new (C) VarPattern(SourceLoc(), /*isLet*/ true,
SourceLoc(), letPattern));
auto pat = TuplePattern::create(C, SourceLoc(), elementPatterns,
return pat;
// Otherwise, a one-argument unlabeled payload. Return a paren pattern whose
// underlying type is the same as the payload. For example:
// case a(Int) => (let a0)
auto underlyingType = argumentType->getWithoutParens();
auto payloadVar = indexedVarDecl(varPrefix, 0, underlyingType, varContext);
auto namedPattern = new (C) NamedPattern(payloadVar);
auto letPattern = new (C) VarPattern(SourceLoc(), /*isLet*/ true,
auto pat = new (C) ParenPattern(SourceLoc(), letPattern, SourceLoc());
return pat;
/// Create AST statements which convert from an enum to an Int with a switch.
/// \p stmts The generated statements are appended to this vector.
/// \p parentDC Either an extension or the enum itself.
/// \p enumDecl The enum declaration.
/// \p enumVarDecl The enum input variable.
/// \p funcDecl The parent function.
/// \p indexName The name of the output variable.
/// \return A DeclRefExpr of the output variable (of type Int).
static DeclRefExpr *convertEnumToIndex(SmallVectorImpl<ASTNode> &stmts,
DeclContext *parentDC,
EnumDecl *enumDecl,
VarDecl *enumVarDecl,
AbstractFunctionDecl *funcDecl,
const char *indexName) {
ASTContext &C = enumDecl->getASTContext();
Type enumType = enumVarDecl->getType();
Type intType = C.getIntDecl()->getDeclaredType();
auto indexVar = new (C) VarDecl(/*IsStatic*/false, VarDecl::Specifier::Var,
/*IsCaptureList*/false, SourceLoc(),
C.getIdentifier(indexName), intType,
// generate: var indexVar
Pattern *indexPat = new (C) NamedPattern(indexVar, /*implicit*/ true);
indexPat = new (C) TypedPattern(indexPat, TypeLoc::withoutLoc(intType));
auto *indexBind = PatternBindingDecl::createImplicit(
C, StaticSpellingKind::None, indexPat, /*InitExpr*/ nullptr, funcDecl);
unsigned index = 0;
SmallVector<ASTNode, 4> cases;
for (auto elt : enumDecl->getAllElements()) {
// generate: case .<Case>:
auto pat = new (C) EnumElementPattern(TypeLoc::withoutLoc(enumType),
SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(),
Identifier(), elt, nullptr);
auto labelItem = CaseLabelItem(pat);
// generate: indexVar = <index>
auto indexExpr = IntegerLiteralExpr::createFromUnsigned(C, index++);
auto indexRef = new (C) DeclRefExpr(indexVar, DeclNameLoc(),
auto assignExpr = new (C) AssignExpr(indexRef, SourceLoc(),
indexExpr, /*implicit*/ true);
auto body = BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), ASTNode(assignExpr),
cases.push_back(CaseStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), labelItem,
/*HasBoundDecls=*/false, SourceLoc(),
SourceLoc(), body));
// generate: switch enumVar { }
auto enumRef = new (C) DeclRefExpr(enumVarDecl, DeclNameLoc(),
auto switchStmt = SwitchStmt::create(LabeledStmtInfo(), SourceLoc(), enumRef,
SourceLoc(), cases, SourceLoc(), C);
return new (C) DeclRefExpr(indexVar, DeclNameLoc(), /*implicit*/ true,
AccessSemantics::Ordinary, intType);
/// Generates a guard statement that checks whether the given lhs and rhs
/// variables are equal; if they are not, then the isEqual variable is set to
/// false and a break statement is executed.
/// \p C The AST context.
/// \p lhsVar The first variable to test for equality.
/// \p rhsVar The second variable to test for equality.
/// \p isEqualVar The variable to set to false if the guard condition fails.
static GuardStmt *returnIfNotEqualGuard(ASTContext &C,
Expr *lhsExpr,
Expr *rhsExpr) {
SmallVector<StmtConditionElement, 1> conditions;
SmallVector<ASTNode, 2> statements;
// First, generate the statements for the body of the guard.
// return false
auto falseExpr = new (C) BooleanLiteralExpr(false, SourceLoc(),
auto returnStmt = new (C) ReturnStmt(SourceLoc(), falseExpr);
// Next, generate the condition being checked.
// lhs == rhs
auto cmpFuncExpr = new (C) UnresolvedDeclRefExpr(
DeclName(C.getIdentifier("==")), DeclRefKind::BinaryOperator,
auto cmpArgsTuple = TupleExpr::create(C, SourceLoc(),
{ lhsExpr, rhsExpr },
{ }, { }, SourceLoc(),
auto cmpExpr = new (C) BinaryExpr(cmpFuncExpr, cmpArgsTuple,
// Build and return the complete guard statement.
// guard lhs == rhs else { return false }
auto body = BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), statements, SourceLoc());
return new (C) GuardStmt(SourceLoc(), C.AllocateCopy(conditions), body);
static void
deriveBodyEquatable_enum_uninhabited_eq(AbstractFunctionDecl *eqDecl) {
auto parentDC = eqDecl->getDeclContext();
ASTContext &C = parentDC->getASTContext();
auto args = eqDecl->getParameterLists().back();
auto aParam = args->get(0);
auto bParam = args->get(1);
SmallVector<ASTNode, 1> statements;
SmallVector<ASTNode, 0> cases;
// switch (a, b) { }
auto aRef = new (C) DeclRefExpr(aParam, DeclNameLoc(), /*implicit*/ true);
auto bRef = new (C) DeclRefExpr(bParam, DeclNameLoc(), /*implicit*/ true);
auto abExpr = TupleExpr::create(C, SourceLoc(), {aRef, bRef}, {}, {},
SourceLoc(), /*HasTrailingClosure*/ false,
/*implicit*/ true);
auto switchStmt = SwitchStmt::create(LabeledStmtInfo(), SourceLoc(), abExpr,
SourceLoc(), cases, SourceLoc(), C);
auto body = BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), statements, SourceLoc());
/// Derive the body for an '==' operator for an enum that has no associated
/// values. This generates code that converts each value to its integer ordinal
/// and compares them, which produces an optimal single icmp instruction.
static void
deriveBodyEquatable_enum_noAssociatedValues_eq(AbstractFunctionDecl *eqDecl) {
auto parentDC = eqDecl->getDeclContext();
ASTContext &C = parentDC->getASTContext();
auto args = eqDecl->getParameterLists().back();
auto aParam = args->get(0);
auto bParam = args->get(1);
auto enumDecl = cast<EnumDecl>(aParam->getType()->getAnyNominal());
// Generate the conversion from the enums to integer indices.
SmallVector<ASTNode, 6> statements;
DeclRefExpr *aIndex = convertEnumToIndex(statements, parentDC, enumDecl,
aParam, eqDecl, "index_a");
DeclRefExpr *bIndex = convertEnumToIndex(statements, parentDC, enumDecl,
bParam, eqDecl, "index_b");
// Generate the compare of the indices.
FuncDecl *cmpFunc = C.getEqualIntDecl();
assert(cmpFunc && "should have a == for int as we already checked for it");
auto fnType = cmpFunc->getInterfaceType()->castTo<FunctionType>();
Expr *cmpFuncExpr;
if (cmpFunc->getDeclContext()->isTypeContext()) {
auto contextTy = cmpFunc->getDeclContext()->getSelfInterfaceType();
Expr *base = TypeExpr::createImplicitHack(SourceLoc(), contextTy, C);
Expr *ref = new (C) DeclRefExpr(cmpFunc, DeclNameLoc(), /*Implicit*/ true,
AccessSemantics::Ordinary, fnType);
fnType = fnType->getResult()->castTo<FunctionType>();
cmpFuncExpr = new (C) DotSyntaxCallExpr(ref, SourceLoc(), base, fnType);
} else {
cmpFuncExpr = new (C) DeclRefExpr(cmpFunc, DeclNameLoc(),
/*implicit*/ true,
TupleExpr *abTuple = TupleExpr::create(C, SourceLoc(), { aIndex, bIndex },
{ }, { }, SourceLoc(),
/*HasTrailingClosure*/ false,
/*Implicit*/ true);
auto *cmpExpr = new (C) BinaryExpr(cmpFuncExpr, abTuple, /*implicit*/ true);
statements.push_back(new (C) ReturnStmt(SourceLoc(), cmpExpr));
BraceStmt *body = BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), statements, SourceLoc());
/// Derive the body for an '==' operator for an enum where at least one of the
/// cases has associated values.
static void
deriveBodyEquatable_enum_hasAssociatedValues_eq(AbstractFunctionDecl *eqDecl) {
auto parentDC = eqDecl->getDeclContext();
ASTContext &C = parentDC->getASTContext();
auto args = eqDecl->getParameterLists().back();
auto aParam = args->get(0);
auto bParam = args->get(1);
Type enumType = aParam->getType();
auto enumDecl = cast<EnumDecl>(aParam->getType()->getAnyNominal());
SmallVector<ASTNode, 6> statements;
SmallVector<ASTNode, 4> cases;
unsigned elementCount = 0;
// For each enum element, generate a case statement matching a pair containing
// the same case, binding variables for the left- and right-hand associated
// values.
for (auto elt : enumDecl->getAllElements()) {
// .<elt>(let l0, let l1, ...)
SmallVector<VarDecl*, 3> lhsPayloadVars;
auto lhsSubpattern = enumElementPayloadSubpattern(elt, 'l', eqDecl,
auto lhsElemPat = new (C) EnumElementPattern(TypeLoc::withoutLoc(enumType),
SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(),
Identifier(), elt,
// .<elt>(let r0, let r1, ...)
SmallVector<VarDecl*, 3> rhsPayloadVars;
auto rhsSubpattern = enumElementPayloadSubpattern(elt, 'r', eqDecl,
auto rhsElemPat = new (C) EnumElementPattern(TypeLoc::withoutLoc(enumType),
SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(),
Identifier(), elt,
auto hasBoundDecls = !lhsPayloadVars.empty();
// case (.<elt>(let l0, let l1, ...), .<elt>(let r0, let r1, ...))
auto caseTuplePattern = TuplePattern::create(C, SourceLoc(), {
TuplePatternElt(lhsElemPat), TuplePatternElt(rhsElemPat) },
auto labelItem = CaseLabelItem(caseTuplePattern);
// Generate a guard statement for each associated value in the payload,
// breaking out early if any pair is unequal. (This is done to avoid
// constructing long lists of autoclosure-wrapped conditions connected by
// &&, which the type checker has more difficulty processing.)
SmallVector<ASTNode, 6> statementsInCase;
for (size_t varIdx = 0; varIdx < lhsPayloadVars.size(); varIdx++) {
auto lhsVar = lhsPayloadVars[varIdx];
auto lhsExpr = new (C) DeclRefExpr(lhsVar, DeclNameLoc(),
auto rhsVar = rhsPayloadVars[varIdx];
auto rhsExpr = new (C) DeclRefExpr(rhsVar, DeclNameLoc(),
auto guardStmt = returnIfNotEqualGuard(C, lhsExpr, rhsExpr);
// If none of the guard statements caused an early exit, then all the pairs
// were true.
// return true
auto trueExpr = new (C) BooleanLiteralExpr(true, SourceLoc(),
auto returnStmt = new (C) ReturnStmt(SourceLoc(), trueExpr);
auto body = BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), statementsInCase,
cases.push_back(CaseStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), labelItem, hasBoundDecls,
SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(), body));
// default: result = false
// We only generate this if the enum has more than one case. If it has exactly
// one case, then that single case statement is already exhaustive.
if (elementCount > 1) {
auto defaultPattern = new (C) AnyPattern(SourceLoc());
auto defaultItem = CaseLabelItem::getDefault(defaultPattern);
auto falseExpr = new (C) BooleanLiteralExpr(false, SourceLoc(),
/*implicit*/ true);
auto returnStmt = new (C) ReturnStmt(SourceLoc(), falseExpr);
auto body = BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), ASTNode(returnStmt),
cases.push_back(CaseStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), defaultItem,
/*HasBoundDecls*/ false,
SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(), body));
// switch (a, b) { <case statements> }
auto aRef = new (C) DeclRefExpr(aParam, DeclNameLoc(), /*implicit*/true);
auto bRef = new (C) DeclRefExpr(bParam, DeclNameLoc(), /*implicit*/true);
auto abExpr = TupleExpr::create(C, SourceLoc(), { aRef, bRef }, {}, {},
SourceLoc(), /*HasTrailingClosure*/ false,
/*implicit*/ true);
auto switchStmt = SwitchStmt::create(LabeledStmtInfo(), SourceLoc(), abExpr,
SourceLoc(), cases, SourceLoc(), C);
auto body = BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), statements, SourceLoc());
/// Derive the body for an '==' operator for a struct.
static void deriveBodyEquatable_struct_eq(AbstractFunctionDecl *eqDecl) {
auto parentDC = eqDecl->getDeclContext();
ASTContext &C = parentDC->getASTContext();
auto args = eqDecl->getParameterLists().back();
auto aParam = args->get(0);
auto bParam = args->get(1);
auto structDecl = cast<StructDecl>(aParam->getType()->getAnyNominal());
SmallVector<ASTNode, 6> statements;
auto storedProperties =
// For each stored property element, generate a guard statement that returns
// false if a property is not pairwise-equal.
for (auto propertyDecl : storedProperties) {
auto aPropertyRef = new (C) DeclRefExpr(propertyDecl, DeclNameLoc(),
/*implicit*/ true);
auto aParamRef = new (C) DeclRefExpr(aParam, DeclNameLoc(),
/*implicit*/ true);
auto aPropertyExpr = new (C) DotSyntaxCallExpr(aPropertyRef, SourceLoc(),
auto bPropertyRef = new (C) DeclRefExpr(propertyDecl, DeclNameLoc(),
/*implicit*/ true);
auto bParamRef = new (C) DeclRefExpr(bParam, DeclNameLoc(),
/*implicit*/ true);
auto bPropertyExpr = new (C) DotSyntaxCallExpr(bPropertyRef, SourceLoc(),
auto guardStmt = returnIfNotEqualGuard(C, aPropertyExpr, bPropertyExpr);
// If none of the guard statements caused an early exit, then all the pairs
// were true.
// return true
auto trueExpr = new (C) BooleanLiteralExpr(true, SourceLoc(),
auto returnStmt = new (C) ReturnStmt(SourceLoc(), trueExpr);
auto body = BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), statements, SourceLoc());
/// Derive an '==' operator implementation for an enum or a struct.
static ValueDecl *
deriveEquatable_eq(DerivedConformance &derived, Identifier generatedIdentifier,
void (*bodySynthesizer)(AbstractFunctionDecl *)) {
// enum SomeEnum<T...> {
// case A, B(Int), C(String, Int)
// @derived
// @_implements(Equatable, ==(_:_:))
// func __derived_enum_equals(a: SomeEnum<T...>,
// b: SomeEnum<T...>) -> Bool {
// switch (a, b) {
// case (.A, .A):
// return true
// case (.B(let l0), .B(let r0)):
// guard l0 == r0 else { return false }
// return true
// case (.C(let l0, let l1), .C(let r0, let r1)):
// guard l0 == r0 else { return false }
// guard l1 == r1 else { return false }
// return true
// default: return false
// }
// }
// struct SomeStruct<T...> {
// var x: Int
// var y: String
// @derived
// @_implements(Equatable, ==(_:_:))
// func __derived_struct_equals(a: SomeStruct<T...>,
// b: SomeStruct<T...>) -> Bool {
// guard a.x == b.x else { return false; }
// guard a.y == b.y else { return false; }
// return true;
// }
// }
ASTContext &C = derived.TC.Context;
auto parentDC = derived.getConformanceContext();
auto enumTy = parentDC->getDeclaredTypeInContext();
auto enumIfaceTy = parentDC->getDeclaredInterfaceType();
auto getParamDecl = [&](StringRef s) -> ParamDecl * {
auto *param = new (C) ParamDecl(VarDecl::Specifier::Default, SourceLoc(),
SourceLoc(), Identifier(), SourceLoc(),
C.getIdentifier(s), enumTy, parentDC);
return param;
auto selfDecl = ParamDecl::createSelf(SourceLoc(), parentDC,
ParameterList *params[] = {
ParameterList::create(C, {
auto boolTy = C.getBoolDecl()->getDeclaredType();
DeclName name(C, generatedIdentifier, params[1]);
auto eqDecl =
FuncDecl::create(C, /*StaticLoc=*/SourceLoc(),
/*FuncLoc=*/SourceLoc(), name, /*NameLoc=*/SourceLoc(),
/*Throws=*/false, /*ThrowsLoc=*/SourceLoc(),
eqDecl->getAttrs().add(new (C) InfixAttr(/*implicit*/false));
// Add the @_implements(Equatable, ==(_:_:)) attribute
auto equatableProto = C.getProtocol(KnownProtocolKind::Equatable);
auto equatableTy = equatableProto->getDeclaredType();
auto equatableTypeLoc = TypeLoc::withoutLoc(equatableTy);
SmallVector<Identifier, 2> argumentLabels = { Identifier(), Identifier() };
auto equalsDeclName = DeclName(C, DeclBaseName(C.Id_EqualsOperator),
eqDecl->getAttrs().add(new (C) ImplementsAttr(SourceLoc(),
if (!C.getEqualIntDecl()) {
return nullptr;
// Compute the type.
Type paramsTy = params[1]->getType(C);
// Compute the interface type.
Type interfaceTy;
auto selfParam = computeSelfParam(eqDecl);
if (auto genericSig = parentDC->getGenericSignatureOfContext()) {
Type enumIfaceTy = parentDC->getDeclaredInterfaceType();
TupleTypeElt ifaceParamElts[] = {
enumIfaceTy, enumIfaceTy,
auto ifaceParamsTy = TupleType::get(ifaceParamElts, C);
interfaceTy = FunctionType::get(ifaceParamsTy, boolTy,
interfaceTy = GenericFunctionType::get(genericSig, {selfParam}, interfaceTy,
} else {
interfaceTy = FunctionType::get(paramsTy, boolTy);
interfaceTy = FunctionType::get({selfParam}, interfaceTy,
eqDecl->copyFormalAccessFrom(derived.Nominal, /*sourceIsParentContext*/ true);
// Add the operator to the parent scope.
return eqDecl;
bool DerivedConformance::canDeriveEquatable(TypeChecker &tc, DeclContext *DC,
NominalTypeDecl *type) {
auto equatableProto = tc.Context.getProtocol(KnownProtocolKind::Equatable);
return canDeriveConformance(tc, DC, type, equatableProto);
ValueDecl *DerivedConformance::deriveEquatable(ValueDecl *requirement) {
if (checkAndDiagnoseDisallowedContext(requirement))
return nullptr;
// Build the necessary decl.
if (requirement->getBaseName() == "==") {
if (auto ed = dyn_cast<EnumDecl>(Nominal)) {
auto bodySynthesizer =
? &deriveBodyEquatable_enum_uninhabited_eq
: ed->hasOnlyCasesWithoutAssociatedValues()
? &deriveBodyEquatable_enum_noAssociatedValues_eq
: &deriveBodyEquatable_enum_hasAssociatedValues_eq;
return deriveEquatable_eq(*this, TC.Context.Id_derived_enum_equals,
} else if (isa<StructDecl>(Nominal))
return deriveEquatable_eq(*this, TC.Context.Id_derived_struct_equals,
TC.diagnose(requirement->getLoc(), diag::broken_equatable_requirement);
return nullptr;
/// Returns a new \c CallExpr representing
/// hasher.combine(hashable)
/// \param C The AST context to create the expression in.
/// \param hasher The parameter decl to make the call on.
/// \param hashable The parameter to the call.
static CallExpr *createHasherCombineCall(ASTContext &C,
ParamDecl *hasher,
Expr *hashable) {
Expr *hasherExpr = new (C) DeclRefExpr(ConcreteDeclRef(hasher),
DeclNameLoc(), /*implicit*/ true);
DeclName name(C, C.Id_combine, {Identifier()});
// hasher.combine(_:)
auto *combineCall = new (C) UnresolvedDotExpr(hasherExpr, SourceLoc(),
name, DeclNameLoc(),
/*implicit*/ true);
// hasher.combine(hashable)
return CallExpr::createImplicit(C, combineCall, {hashable}, {Identifier()});
static FuncDecl *
deriveHashable_hashInto(DerivedConformance &derived,
void (*bodySynthesizer)(AbstractFunctionDecl *)) {
// @derived func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher)
ASTContext &C = derived.TC.Context;
auto parentDC = derived.getConformanceContext();
// Expected type: (Self) -> (into: inout Hasher) -> ()
// Constructed as:
// func type(input: Self,
// output: func type(input: inout Hasher,
// output: ()))
// Created from the inside out:
auto hasherDecl = C.getHasherDecl();
if (!hasherDecl) {
auto hashableProto = C.getProtocol(KnownProtocolKind::Hashable);
return nullptr;
Type hasherType = hasherDecl->getDeclaredType();
// Params: self (implicit), hasher
auto *selfDecl = ParamDecl::createSelf(SourceLoc(), parentDC);
auto *hasherParamDecl = new (C) ParamDecl(VarDecl::Specifier::InOut,
SourceLoc(), C.Id_into, SourceLoc(),
C.Id_hasher, hasherType, parentDC);
ParameterList *params[] = {ParameterList::createWithoutLoc(selfDecl),
// Return type: ()
auto returnType = TupleType::getEmpty(C);
// Func name: hash(into: inout Hasher) -> ()
DeclName name(C, C.Id_hash, params[1]);
auto *hashDecl = FuncDecl::create(C,
SourceLoc(), StaticSpellingKind::None,
SourceLoc(), name, SourceLoc(),
/*Throws=*/false, SourceLoc(),
nullptr, params,
// Evaluate type of Self in (Self) -> (into: inout Hasher) -> ()
auto selfParam = computeSelfParam(hashDecl);
auto inoutFlag = ParameterTypeFlags().withInOut(true);
auto hasherParam = AnyFunctionType::Param(hasherType, C.Id_into, inoutFlag);
auto innerType = FunctionType::get({hasherParam}, returnType,
Type interfaceType;
if (auto sig = parentDC->getGenericSignatureOfContext()) {
interfaceType = GenericFunctionType::get(sig, {selfParam}, innerType,
} else {
// (Self) -> innerType == (inout Hasher) -> ()
interfaceType = FunctionType::get({selfParam}, innerType,
return hashDecl;
/// Derive the body for the hash(into:) method when hashValue has a
/// user-supplied implementation.
static void
deriveBodyHashable_compat_hashInto(AbstractFunctionDecl *hashIntoDecl) {
// func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
// hasher.combine(self.hashValue)
// }
auto parentDC = hashIntoDecl->getDeclContext();
ASTContext &C = parentDC->getASTContext();
auto selfDecl = hashIntoDecl->getImplicitSelfDecl();
auto selfRef = new (C) DeclRefExpr(selfDecl, DeclNameLoc(),
/*implicit*/ true);
auto hashValueExpr = new (C) UnresolvedDotExpr(selfRef, SourceLoc(),
C.Id_hashValue, DeclNameLoc(),
/*implicit*/ true);
auto hasherParam = hashIntoDecl->getParameterList(1)->get(0);
auto hasherExpr = createHasherCombineCall(C, hasherParam, hashValueExpr);
auto body = BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), {ASTNode(hasherExpr)},
SourceLoc(), /*implicit*/ true);
/// Derive the body for the 'hash(into:)' method for an enum by using its raw
/// value.
static void
AbstractFunctionDecl *hashIntoDecl
) {
// enum SomeEnum: Int {
// case A, B, C
// @derived func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
// hasher.combine(self.rawValue)
// }
// }
ASTContext &C = hashIntoDecl->getASTContext();
// generate: self.rawValue
auto *selfRef = DerivedConformance::createSelfDeclRef(hashIntoDecl);
auto *rawValueRef = new (C) UnresolvedDotExpr(selfRef, SourceLoc(),
C.Id_rawValue, DeclNameLoc(),
// generate: hasher.combine(discriminator)
auto hasherParam = hashIntoDecl->getParameterList(1)->get(0);
ASTNode combineStmt = createHasherCombineCall(C, hasherParam, rawValueRef);
auto body = BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), combineStmt, SourceLoc(),
/*implicit*/ true);
/// Derive the body for the 'hash(into:)' method for an enum without associated
/// values.
static void
AbstractFunctionDecl *hashIntoDecl
) {
// enum SomeEnum {
// case A, B, C
// @derived func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
// let discriminator: Int
// switch self {
// case A:
// discriminator = 0
// case B:
// discriminator = 1
// case C:
// discriminator = 2
// }
// hasher.combine(discriminator)
// }
// }
auto parentDC = hashIntoDecl->getDeclContext();
ASTContext &C = parentDC->getASTContext();
auto enumDecl = parentDC->getAsEnumOrEnumExtensionContext();
auto selfDecl = hashIntoDecl->getImplicitSelfDecl();
// generate: switch self {...}
SmallVector<ASTNode, 3> stmts;
auto discriminatorExpr = convertEnumToIndex(stmts, parentDC, enumDecl,
selfDecl, hashIntoDecl,
// generate: hasher.combine(discriminator)
auto hasherParam = hashIntoDecl->getParameterList(1)->get(0);
auto combineStmt = createHasherCombineCall(C, hasherParam, discriminatorExpr);
auto body = BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), stmts, SourceLoc(),
/*implicit*/ true);
/// Derive the body for the 'hash(into:)' method for an enum with associated
/// values.
static void
AbstractFunctionDecl *hashIntoDecl
) {
// enum SomeEnumWithAssociatedValues {
// case A, B(Int), C(String, Int)
// @derived func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
// switch self {
// case A:
// hasher.combine(0)
// case B(let a0):
// hasher.combine(1)
// hasher.combine(a0)
// case C(let a0, let a1):
// hasher.combine(2)
// hasher.combine(a0)
// hasher.combine(a1)
// }
// }
// }
auto parentDC = hashIntoDecl->getDeclContext();
ASTContext &C = parentDC->getASTContext();
auto enumDecl = parentDC->getAsEnumOrEnumExtensionContext();
auto selfDecl = hashIntoDecl->getImplicitSelfDecl();
Type enumType = selfDecl->getType();
// Extract the decl for the hasher parameter.
auto hasherParam = hashIntoDecl->getParameterList(1)->get(0);
unsigned index = 0;
SmallVector<ASTNode, 4> cases;
// For each enum element, generate a case statement that binds the associated
// values so that they can be fed to the hasher.
for (auto elt : enumDecl->getAllElements()) {
// case .<elt>(let a0, let a1, ...):
SmallVector<VarDecl*, 3> payloadVars;
SmallVector<ASTNode, 3> statements;
auto payloadPattern = enumElementPayloadSubpattern(elt, 'a', hashIntoDecl,
auto pat = new (C) EnumElementPattern(TypeLoc::withoutLoc(enumType),
SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(),
elt->getName(), elt, payloadPattern);
auto labelItem = CaseLabelItem(pat);
// If the enum has no associated values, we use the ordinal as the single
// hash component, because that is sufficient for a good distribution. If
// any case does have associated values, then the ordinal is used as the
// first term fed into the hasher.
// Generate: hasher.combine(<ordinal>)
auto ordinalExpr = IntegerLiteralExpr::createFromUnsigned(C, index++);
auto combineExpr = createHasherCombineCall(C, hasherParam, ordinalExpr);
// Generate a sequence of statements that feed the payloads into hasher.
for (auto payloadVar : payloadVars) {
auto payloadVarRef = new (C) DeclRefExpr(payloadVar, DeclNameLoc(),
/*implicit*/ true);
// Generate: hasher.combine(<payloadVar>)
auto combineExpr = createHasherCombineCall(C, hasherParam, payloadVarRef);
auto hasBoundDecls = !payloadVars.empty();
auto body = BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), statements, SourceLoc());
cases.push_back(CaseStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), labelItem, hasBoundDecls,
SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(), body,
/*implicit*/ true));
// generate: switch enumVar { }
auto enumRef = new (C) DeclRefExpr(selfDecl, DeclNameLoc(),
auto switchStmt = SwitchStmt::create(LabeledStmtInfo(), SourceLoc(), enumRef,
SourceLoc(), cases, SourceLoc(), C);
auto body = BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), {ASTNode(switchStmt)},
/// Derive the body for the 'hash(into:)' method for a struct.
static void
deriveBodyHashable_struct_hashInto(AbstractFunctionDecl *hashIntoDecl) {
// struct SomeStruct {
// var x: Int
// var y: String
// @derived func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
// hasher.combine(x)
// hasher.combine(y)
// }
// }
auto parentDC = hashIntoDecl->getDeclContext();
ASTContext &C = parentDC->getASTContext();
auto structDecl = parentDC->getAsStructOrStructExtensionContext();
SmallVector<ASTNode, 6> statements;
auto selfDecl = hashIntoDecl->getImplicitSelfDecl();
// Extract the decl for the hasher parameter.
auto hasherParam = hashIntoDecl->getParameterList(1)->get(0);
auto storedProperties =
// Feed each stored property into the hasher.
for (auto propertyDecl : storedProperties) {
auto propertyRef = new (C) DeclRefExpr(propertyDecl, DeclNameLoc(),
/*implicit*/ true);
auto selfRef = new (C) DeclRefExpr(selfDecl, DeclNameLoc(),
/*implicit*/ true);
auto selfPropertyExpr = new (C) DotSyntaxCallExpr(propertyRef, SourceLoc(),
// Generate: hasher.combine(self.<property>)
auto combineExpr = createHasherCombineCall(C, hasherParam, selfPropertyExpr);
auto body = BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), statements,
SourceLoc(), /*implicit*/ true);
/// Derive the body for the 'hashValue' getter.
static void
deriveBodyHashable_hashValue(AbstractFunctionDecl *hashValueDecl) {
auto parentDC = hashValueDecl->getDeclContext();
ASTContext &C = parentDC->getASTContext();
// return _hashValue(for: self)
auto *hashFunc = C.getHashValueForDecl();
auto hashExpr = new (C) DeclRefExpr(hashFunc, DeclNameLoc(),
/*implicit*/ true);
auto selfDecl = hashValueDecl->getImplicitSelfDecl();
auto selfRef = new (C) DeclRefExpr(selfDecl, DeclNameLoc(),
/*implicit*/ true);
auto callExpr = CallExpr::createImplicit(C, hashExpr,
{ selfRef }, { C.Id_for });
auto returnStmt = new (C) ReturnStmt(SourceLoc(), callExpr);
auto body = BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), {returnStmt}, SourceLoc(),
/*implicit*/ true);
/// Derive a 'hashValue' implementation.
static ValueDecl *deriveHashable_hashValue(DerivedConformance &derived) {
// @derived var hashValue: Int {
// return _hashValue(for: self)
// }
auto &tc = derived.TC;
ASTContext &C = tc.Context;
auto parentDC = derived.getConformanceContext();
Type intType = C.getIntDecl()->getDeclaredType();
// We can't form a Hashable conformance if Int isn't Hashable or
// ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral.
if (!tc.conformsToProtocol(intType,
parentDC, None)) {
tc.diagnose(derived.ConformanceDecl, diag::broken_int_hashable_conformance);
return nullptr;
ProtocolDecl *intLiteralProto =
if (!tc.conformsToProtocol(intType, intLiteralProto, parentDC, None)) {
return nullptr;
VarDecl *hashValueDecl =
new (C) VarDecl(/*IsStatic*/false, VarDecl::Specifier::Var,
/*IsCaptureList*/false, SourceLoc(),
C.Id_hashValue, intType, parentDC);
auto selfDecl = ParamDecl::createSelf(SourceLoc(), parentDC);
ParameterList *params[] = {
AccessorDecl *getterDecl = AccessorDecl::create(C,
/*FuncLoc=*/SourceLoc(), /*AccessorKeywordLoc=*/SourceLoc(),
AccessorKind::Get, AddressorKind::NotAddressor, hashValueDecl,
/*StaticLoc=*/SourceLoc(), StaticSpellingKind::None,
/*Throws=*/false, /*ThrowsLoc=*/SourceLoc(),
/*GenericParams=*/nullptr, params,
TypeLoc::withoutLoc(intType), parentDC);
// Compute the type of hashValue().
Type methodType = FunctionType::get(TupleType::getEmpty(C), intType);
// Compute the interface type of hashValue().
Type interfaceType;
auto selfParam = computeSelfParam(getterDecl);
if (auto sig = parentDC->getGenericSignatureOfContext()) {
interfaceType = GenericFunctionType::get(sig, {selfParam}, methodType,
} else
interfaceType = FunctionType::get({selfParam}, methodType,
/*sourceIsParentContext*/ true);
// Finish creating the property.
SourceLoc(), {getterDecl}, SourceLoc());
/*sourceIsParentContext*/ true);
Pattern *hashValuePat = new (C) NamedPattern(hashValueDecl, /*implicit*/true);
= new (C) TypedPattern(hashValuePat, TypeLoc::withoutLoc(intType),
/*implicit*/ true);
auto *patDecl = PatternBindingDecl::createImplicit(
C, StaticSpellingKind::None, hashValuePat, /*InitExpr*/ nullptr,
derived.addMembersToConformanceContext({getterDecl, hashValueDecl, patDecl});
return hashValueDecl;
static ValueDecl *
getHashValueRequirement(ASTContext &C) {
auto hashableProto = C.getProtocol(KnownProtocolKind::Hashable);
for (auto member: hashableProto->getMembers()) {
if (auto fd = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(member)) {
if (fd->getBaseName() == C.Id_hashValue)
return fd;
return nullptr;
static ProtocolConformance *
getHashableConformance(Decl *parentDecl) {
ASTContext &C = parentDecl->getASTContext();
auto DC = cast<DeclContext>(parentDecl);
auto hashableProto = C.getProtocol(KnownProtocolKind::Hashable);
for (auto conformance: DC->getLocalConformances()) {
if (conformance->getProtocol() == hashableProto) {
return conformance;
return nullptr;
bool DerivedConformance::canDeriveHashable(TypeChecker &tc,
NominalTypeDecl *type) {
if (!isa<EnumDecl>(type) && !isa<StructDecl>(type) && !isa<ClassDecl>(type))
return false;
// FIXME: This is not actually correct. We cannot promise to always
// provide a witness here in all cases. Unfortunately, figuring out
// whether this is actually possible requires a parent decl context.
// When the answer is no, DerivedConformance::deriveHashable will output
// its own diagnostics.
return true;
ValueDecl *DerivedConformance::deriveHashable(ValueDecl *requirement) {
ASTContext &C = ConformanceDecl->getASTContext();
// var hashValue: Int
if (requirement->getBaseName() == C.Id_hashValue) {
// We always allow hashValue to be synthesized; invalid cases are diagnosed
// during hash(into:) synthesis.
return deriveHashable_hashValue(*this);
// Hashable.hash(into:)
if (requirement->getBaseName() == C.Id_hash) {
// Start by resolving hashValue conformance.
auto hashValueReq = getHashValueRequirement(C);
auto conformance = getHashableConformance(ConformanceDecl);
auto hashValueDecl = conformance->getWitnessDecl(hashValueReq, &TC);
if (!hashValueDecl) {
// We won't derive hash(into:) if hashValue cannot be resolved.
// The hashValue failure will produce a diagnostic elsewhere.
return nullptr;
if (hashValueDecl && hashValueDecl->isImplicit()) {
// Neither hashValue nor hash(into:) is explicitly defined; we need to do
// a full Hashable derivation.
// Refuse to synthesize Hashable if type isn't a struct or enum, or if it
// has non-Hashable stored properties/associated values.
auto hashableProto = C.getProtocol(KnownProtocolKind::Hashable);
if (!canDeriveConformance(TC, getConformanceContext(), Nominal,
hashableProto)) {
TC.diagnose(ConformanceDecl->getLoc(), diag::type_does_not_conform,
return nullptr;
if (checkAndDiagnoseDisallowedContext(requirement))
return nullptr;
if (auto ED = dyn_cast<EnumDecl>(Nominal)) {
void (*bodySynthesizer)(AbstractFunctionDecl *);
if (ED->isObjC())
bodySynthesizer = deriveBodyHashable_enum_rawValue_hashInto;
else if (ED->hasOnlyCasesWithoutAssociatedValues())
bodySynthesizer = deriveBodyHashable_enum_noAssociatedValues_hashInto;
return deriveHashable_hashInto(*this, bodySynthesizer);
} else if (isa<StructDecl>(Nominal))
return deriveHashable_hashInto(*this,
else // This should've been caught by canDeriveHashable above.
llvm_unreachable("Attempt to derive Hashable for a type other "
"than a struct or enum");
} else {
// We can always derive hash(into:) if hashValue has an explicit
// implementation.
return deriveHashable_hashInto(*this,
TC.diagnose(requirement->getLoc(), diag::broken_hashable_requirement);
return nullptr;