blob: 2b07b7deffdcc3a649ae05b4b48feab8c6b17e7c [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Attr.cpp - Swift Language Attr ASTs ------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements routines relating to declaration attributes.
#include "swift/AST/Attr.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTPrinter.h"
#include "swift/AST/Decl.h"
#include "swift/AST/GenericEnvironment.h"
#include "swift/AST/Module.h"
#include "swift/AST/Types.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Defer.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
using namespace swift;
// Only allow allocation of attributes using the allocator in ASTContext.
void *AttributeBase::operator new(size_t Bytes, ASTContext &C,
unsigned Alignment) {
return C.Allocate(Bytes, Alignment);
/// Given a name like "autoclosure", return the type attribute ID that
/// corresponds to it. This returns TAK_Count on failure.
TypeAttrKind TypeAttributes::getAttrKindFromString(StringRef Str) {
return llvm::StringSwitch<TypeAttrKind>(Str)
#define TYPE_ATTR(X) .Case(#X, TAK_##X)
#include "swift/AST/Attr.def"
/// Return the name (like "autoclosure") for an attribute ID.
const char *TypeAttributes::getAttrName(TypeAttrKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
default: llvm_unreachable("Invalid attribute ID");
#define TYPE_ATTR(X) case TAK_##X: return #X;
#include "swift/AST/Attr.def"
/// Given a name like "inline", return the decl attribute ID that corresponds
/// to it. Note that this is a many-to-one mapping, and that the identifier
/// passed in may only be the first portion of the attribute (e.g. in the case
/// of the 'unowned(unsafe)' attribute, the string passed in is 'unowned'.
/// Also note that this recognizes both attributes like '@inline' (with no @)
/// and decl modifiers like 'final'. This returns DAK_Count on failure.
DeclAttrKind DeclAttribute::getAttrKindFromString(StringRef Str) {
return llvm::StringSwitch<DeclAttrKind>(Str)
#define DECL_ATTR(X, CLASS, ...) .Case(#X, DAK_##CLASS)
#include "swift/AST/Attr.def"
/// Returns true if this attribute can appear on the specified decl.
bool DeclAttribute::canAttributeAppearOnDecl(DeclAttrKind DK, const Decl *D) {
return canAttributeAppearOnDeclKind(DK, D->getKind());
bool DeclAttribute::canAttributeAppearOnDeclKind(DeclAttrKind DAK, DeclKind DK) {
auto Options = getOptions(DAK);
switch (DK) {
#define DECL(Id, Parent) case DeclKind::Id: return (Options & On##Id) != 0;
#include "swift/AST/DeclNodes.def"
llvm_unreachable("bad DeclKind");
const version::Version &effectiveVersion) const {
clang::VersionTuple vers = effectiveVersion;
for (auto attr : *this) {
if (auto available = dyn_cast<AvailableAttr>(attr)) {
if (available->isInvalid())
if (available->getPlatformAgnosticAvailability() ==
PlatformAgnosticAvailabilityKind::SwiftVersionSpecific) {
if (available->Introduced.hasValue() &&
available->Introduced.getValue() > vers)
return true;
if (available->Obsoleted.hasValue() &&
available->Obsoleted.getValue() <= vers)
return true;
return false;
const AvailableAttr *DeclAttributes::getUnavailable(
const ASTContext &ctx) const {
const AvailableAttr *conditional = nullptr;
for (auto Attr : *this)
if (auto AvAttr = dyn_cast<AvailableAttr>(Attr)) {
if (AvAttr->isInvalid())
// If this attribute doesn't apply to the active platform, we're done.
if (!AvAttr->isActivePlatform(ctx) &&
// Unconditional unavailable.
if (AvAttr->isUnconditionallyUnavailable())
return AvAttr;
switch (AvAttr->getVersionAvailability(ctx)) {
case AvailableVersionComparison::Available:
case AvailableVersionComparison::PotentiallyUnavailable:
case AvailableVersionComparison::Obsoleted:
case AvailableVersionComparison::Unavailable:
conditional = AvAttr;
return conditional;
const AvailableAttr *
DeclAttributes::getDeprecated(const ASTContext &ctx) const {
const AvailableAttr *conditional = nullptr;
for (auto Attr : *this) {
if (auto AvAttr = dyn_cast<AvailableAttr>(Attr)) {
if (AvAttr->isInvalid())
if (!AvAttr->isActivePlatform(ctx) &&
// Unconditional deprecated.
if (AvAttr->isUnconditionallyDeprecated())
return AvAttr;
Optional<clang::VersionTuple> DeprecatedVersion = AvAttr->Deprecated;
if (!DeprecatedVersion.hasValue())
clang::VersionTuple MinVersion =
AvAttr->isLanguageVersionSpecific() ?
ctx.LangOpts.EffectiveLanguageVersion :
// We treat the declaration as deprecated if it is deprecated on
// all deployment targets.
// Once availability checking is enabled by default, we should
// query the type refinement context hierarchy to determine
// whether a declaration is deprecated on all versions
// allowed by the context containing the reference.
if (DeprecatedVersion.getValue() <= MinVersion) {
conditional = AvAttr;
return conditional;
void DeclAttributes::dump(const Decl *D) const {
StreamPrinter P(llvm::errs());
PrintOptions PO = PrintOptions::printEverything();
print(P, PO, D);
/// Returns true if the attribute can be presented as a short form available
/// attribute (e.g., as @available(iOS 8.0, *). The presentation requires an
/// introduction version and does not support deprecation, obsoletion, or
/// messages.
static bool isShortAvailable(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
auto *AvailAttr = dyn_cast<AvailableAttr>(DA);
if (!AvailAttr)
return false;
if (!AvailAttr->Introduced.hasValue())
return false;
if (AvailAttr->Deprecated.hasValue())
return false;
if (AvailAttr->Obsoleted.hasValue())
return false;
if (!AvailAttr->Message.empty())
return false;
if (!AvailAttr->Rename.empty())
return false;
if (AvailAttr->PlatformAgnostic != PlatformAgnosticAvailabilityKind::None &&
return false;
return true;
/// Print the short-form @available() attribute for an array of long-form
/// AvailableAttrs that can be represented in the short form.
/// For example, for:
/// @available(OSX, introduced: 10.10)
/// @available(iOS, introduced: 8.0)
/// this will print:
/// @available(OSX 10.10, iOS 8.0, *)
static void printShortFormAvailable(ArrayRef<const DeclAttribute *> Attrs,
ASTPrinter &Printer,
const PrintOptions &Options) {
Printer << "@available(";
auto FirstAvail = dyn_cast<AvailableAttr>(Attrs[0]);
if (Attrs.size() == 1 &&
FirstAvail->isLanguageVersionSpecific()) {
Printer << "swift "
<< FirstAvail->Introduced.getValue().getAsString()
<< ")";
} else {
for (auto *DA : Attrs) {
auto *AvailAttr = cast<AvailableAttr>(DA);
Printer << platformString(AvailAttr->Platform) << " "
<< AvailAttr->Introduced.getValue().getAsString() << ", ";
Printer << "*)";
void DeclAttributes::print(ASTPrinter &Printer, const PrintOptions &Options,
const Decl *D) const {
if (!DeclAttrs)
using AttributeVector = SmallVector<const DeclAttribute *, 8>;
AttributeVector orderedAttributes(begin(), end());
std::reverse(orderedAttributes.begin(), orderedAttributes.end());
// Process attributes in passes.
AttributeVector shortAvailableAttributes;
AttributeVector longAttributes;
AttributeVector attributes;
AttributeVector modifiers;
for (auto DA : orderedAttributes) {
if (!Options.PrintImplicitAttrs && DA->isImplicit())
if (!Options.PrintUserInaccessibleAttrs &&
if (Options.excludeAttrKind(DA->getKind()))
AttributeVector &which = DA->isDeclModifier() ? modifiers :
isShortAvailable(DA) ? shortAvailableAttributes :
DA->isLongAttribute() ? longAttributes :
if (!shortAvailableAttributes.empty()) {
printShortFormAvailable(shortAvailableAttributes, Printer, Options);
for (auto DA : longAttributes)
DA->print(Printer, Options, D);
for (auto DA : attributes)
DA->print(Printer, Options, D);
for (auto DA : modifiers)
DA->print(Printer, Options, D);
SourceLoc DeclAttributes::getStartLoc(bool forModifiers) const {
if (isEmpty())
return SourceLoc();
const DeclAttribute *lastAttr = nullptr;
for (auto attr : *this) {
if (attr->getRangeWithAt().Start.isValid() &&
(!forModifiers || attr->isDeclModifier()))
lastAttr = attr;
return lastAttr ? lastAttr->getRangeWithAt().Start : SourceLoc();
bool DeclAttribute::printImpl(ASTPrinter &Printer, const PrintOptions &Options,
const Decl *D) const {
// Handle any attributes that are not printed at all before we make printer
// callbacks.
switch (getKind()) {
case DAK_ObjC:
if (Options.PrintForSIL && isImplicit())
return false;
case DAK_RawDocComment:
case DAK_ObjCBridged:
case DAK_SynthesizedProtocol:
case DAK_ShowInInterface:
case DAK_Rethrows:
case DAK_Infix:
return false;
// Handle any decl-modifiers.
// FIXME: Ideally we would handle decl modifiers as a special kind of
// attribute, but for now it's simpler to treat them as a keyword in the
// printer.
switch (getKind()) {
// Handle all of the SIMPLE_DECL_ATTRs.
#define SIMPLE_DECL_ATTR(X, CLASS, ...) case DAK_##CLASS:
#include "swift/AST/Attr.def"
case DAK_Inline:
case DAK_AccessControl:
case DAK_ReferenceOwnership:
case DAK_Effects:
case DAK_Optimize:
if (DeclAttribute::isDeclModifier(getKind())) {
} else {
Printer.printSimpleAttr(getAttrName(), /*needAt=*/true);
return true;
case DAK_SetterAccess:
Printer << "(set)";
return true;
switch (getKind()) {
case DAK_Semantics:
Printer << "(\"" << cast<SemanticsAttr>(this)->Value << "\")";
case DAK_Alignment:
Printer << "(" << cast<AlignmentAttr>(this)->getValue() << ")";
case DAK_SILGenName:
Printer << "(\"" << cast<SILGenNameAttr>(this)->Name << "\")";
case DAK_Available: {
Printer << "(";
auto Attr = cast<AvailableAttr>(this);
if (Attr->isLanguageVersionSpecific())
Printer << "swift";
Printer << Attr->platformString();
if (Attr->isUnconditionallyUnavailable())
Printer << ", unavailable";
else if (Attr->isUnconditionallyDeprecated())
Printer << ", deprecated";
if (Attr->Introduced)
Printer << ", introduced: " << Attr->Introduced.getValue().getAsString();
if (Attr->Deprecated)
Printer << ", deprecated: " << Attr->Deprecated.getValue().getAsString();
if (Attr->Obsoleted)
Printer << ", obsoleted: " << Attr->Obsoleted.getValue().getAsString();
if (!Attr->Rename.empty())
Printer << ", renamed: \"" << Attr->Rename << "\"";
// If there's no message, but this is specifically an imported
// "unavailable in Swift" attribute, synthesize a message to look good in
// the generated interface.
if (!Attr->Message.empty())
Printer << ", message: \"" << Attr->Message << "\"";
else if (Attr->getPlatformAgnosticAvailability()
== PlatformAgnosticAvailabilityKind::UnavailableInSwift)
Printer << ", message: \"Not available in Swift\"";
Printer << ")";
case DAK_CDecl:
Printer << "@_cdecl(\"" << cast<CDeclAttr>(this)->Name << "\")";
case DAK_ObjC: {
llvm::SmallString<32> scratch;
if (auto Name = cast<ObjCAttr>(this)->getName()) {
if (!cast<ObjCAttr>(this)->isNameImplicit())
Printer << "(" << Name->getString(scratch) << ")";
case DAK_SwiftNativeObjCRuntimeBase: {
auto *attr = cast<SwiftNativeObjCRuntimeBaseAttr>(this);
Printer << "(" << attr->BaseClassName.str() << ")";
case DAK_Specialize: {
Printer << "@" << getAttrName() << "(";
auto *attr = cast<SpecializeAttr>(this);
auto exported = attr->isExported() ? "true" : "false";
auto kind = attr->isPartialSpecialization() ? "partial" : "full";
Printer << "exported: "<< exported << ", ";
Printer << "kind: " << kind << ", ";
if (!attr->getRequirements().empty()) {
Printer << "where ";
std::function<Type(Type)> GetInterfaceType;
auto *FnDecl = dyn_cast_or_null<AbstractFunctionDecl>(D);
if (!FnDecl || !FnDecl->getGenericEnvironment())
GetInterfaceType = [](Type Ty) -> Type { return Ty; };
else {
// Use GenericEnvironment to produce user-friendly
// names instead of something like t_0_0.
auto *GenericEnv = FnDecl->getGenericEnvironment();
GetInterfaceType = [=](Type Ty) -> Type {
return GenericEnv->getSugaredType(Ty);
[&](Requirement req) {
auto FirstTy = GetInterfaceType(req.getFirstType());
if (req.getKind() != RequirementKind::Layout) {
auto SecondTy = GetInterfaceType(req.getSecondType());
Requirement ReqWithDecls(req.getKind(), FirstTy, SecondTy);
ReqWithDecls.print(Printer, Options);
} else {
Requirement ReqWithDecls(req.getKind(), FirstTy,
ReqWithDecls.print(Printer, Options);
[&] { Printer << ", "; });
Printer << ")";
case DAK_Implements: {
Printer << "(";
auto *attr = cast<ImplementsAttr>(this);
attr->getProtocolType().getType().print(Printer, Options);
Printer << ", " << attr->getMemberName() << ")";
case DAK_ObjCRuntimeName: {
Printer << "(";
auto *attr = cast<ObjCRuntimeNameAttr>(this);
Printer << "\"" << attr->Name << "\"";
Printer << ")";
case DAK_ClangImporterSynthesizedType: {
auto *attr = cast<ClangImporterSynthesizedTypeAttr>(this);
Printer << "(originalTypeName: \"" << attr->originalTypeName
<< "\", manglingForKind: \"" << attr->getManglingName() << "\")";
case DAK_Count:
llvm_unreachable("exceed declaration attribute kinds");
#define SIMPLE_DECL_ATTR(X, CLASS, ...) case DAK_##CLASS:
#include "swift/AST/Attr.def"
llvm_unreachable("handled above");
assert(DeclAttribute::isDeclModifier(getKind()) &&
"handled above");
return true;
void DeclAttribute::print(ASTPrinter &Printer, const PrintOptions &Options,
const Decl *D) const {
if (!printImpl(Printer, Options, D))
return; // Nothing printed.
if (isLongAttribute() && Options.PrintLongAttrsOnSeparateLines)
Printer << " ";
void DeclAttribute::print(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const Decl *D) const {
StreamPrinter P(OS);
print(P, PrintOptions(), D);
uint64_t DeclAttribute::getOptions(DeclAttrKind DK) {
switch (DK) {
case DAK_Count:
llvm_unreachable("getOptions needs a valid attribute");
#define DECL_ATTR(_, CLASS, OPTIONS, ...)\
case DAK_##CLASS: return OPTIONS;
#include "swift/AST/Attr.def"
llvm_unreachable("bad DeclAttrKind");
StringRef DeclAttribute::getAttrName() const {
switch (getKind()) {
case DAK_Count:
llvm_unreachable("getAttrName needs a valid attribute");
case DAK_##CLASS: \
return #NAME;
#include "swift/AST/Attr.def"
case DAK_SILGenName:
return "_silgen_name";
case DAK_Alignment:
return "_alignment";
case DAK_CDecl:
return "_cdecl";
case DAK_SwiftNativeObjCRuntimeBase:
return "_swift_native_objc_runtime_base";
case DAK_Semantics:
return "_semantics";
case DAK_Available:
return "availability";
case DAK_ObjC:
case DAK_ObjCRuntimeName:
return "objc";
case DAK_RestatedObjCConformance:
return "_restatedObjCConformance";
case DAK_Inline: {
switch (cast<InlineAttr>(this)->getKind()) {
case InlineKind::Never:
return "inline(never)";
case InlineKind::Always:
return "inline(__always)";
llvm_unreachable("Invalid inline kind");
case DAK_Optimize: {
switch (cast<OptimizeAttr>(this)->getMode()) {
case OptimizationMode::NoOptimization:
return "_optimize(none)";
case OptimizationMode::ForSpeed:
return "_optimize(speed)";
case OptimizationMode::ForSize:
return "_optimize(size)";
llvm_unreachable("Invalid optimization kind");
case DAK_Effects:
switch (cast<EffectsAttr>(this)->getKind()) {
case EffectsKind::ReadNone:
return "effects(readnone)";
case EffectsKind::ReadOnly:
return "effects(readonly)";
case EffectsKind::ReleaseNone:
return "effects(releasenone)";
case EffectsKind::ReadWrite:
return "effects(readwrite)";
case EffectsKind::Unspecified:
return "effects(unspecified)";
case DAK_AccessControl:
case DAK_SetterAccess:
switch (cast<AbstractAccessControlAttr>(this)->getAccess()) {
case AccessLevel::Private:
return "private";
case AccessLevel::FilePrivate:
return "fileprivate";
case AccessLevel::Internal:
return "internal";
case AccessLevel::Public:
return "public";
case AccessLevel::Open:
return "open";
llvm_unreachable("bad access level");
case DAK_ReferenceOwnership:
return keywordOf(cast<ReferenceOwnershipAttr>(this)->get());
case DAK_RawDocComment:
return "<<raw doc comment>>";
case DAK_ObjCBridged:
return "<<ObjC bridged>>";
case DAK_SynthesizedProtocol:
return "<<synthesized protocol>>";
case DAK_Specialize:
return "_specialize";
case DAK_Implements:
return "_implements";
case DAK_ClangImporterSynthesizedType:
return "_clangImporterSynthesizedType";
llvm_unreachable("bad DeclAttrKind");
ObjCAttr::ObjCAttr(SourceLoc atLoc, SourceRange baseRange,
Optional<ObjCSelector> name, SourceRange parenRange,
ArrayRef<SourceLoc> nameLocs)
: DeclAttribute(DAK_ObjC, atLoc, baseRange, /*Implicit=*/false),
if (name) {
// Store the name.
assert(name->getNumSelectorPieces() == nameLocs.size());
NameData = name->getOpaqueValue();
// Store location information.
Bits.ObjCAttr.HasTrailingLocationInfo = true;
getTrailingLocations()[0] = parenRange.Start;
getTrailingLocations()[1] = parenRange.End;
nameLocs.size() * sizeof(SourceLoc));
} else {
Bits.ObjCAttr.HasTrailingLocationInfo = false;
Bits.ObjCAttr.ImplicitName = false;
Bits.ObjCAttr.Swift3Inferred = false;
ObjCAttr *ObjCAttr::create(ASTContext &Ctx, Optional<ObjCSelector> name,
bool isNameImplicit) {
return new (Ctx) ObjCAttr(name, isNameImplicit);
ObjCAttr *ObjCAttr::createUnnamed(ASTContext &Ctx, SourceLoc AtLoc,
SourceLoc ObjCLoc) {
return new (Ctx) ObjCAttr(AtLoc, SourceRange(ObjCLoc), None,
SourceRange(), { });
ObjCAttr *ObjCAttr::createUnnamedImplicit(ASTContext &Ctx) {
return new (Ctx) ObjCAttr(None, false);
ObjCAttr *ObjCAttr::createNullary(ASTContext &Ctx, SourceLoc AtLoc,
SourceLoc ObjCLoc, SourceLoc LParenLoc,
SourceLoc NameLoc, Identifier Name,
SourceLoc RParenLoc) {
void *mem = Ctx.Allocate(totalSizeToAlloc<SourceLoc>(3), alignof(ObjCAttr));
return new (mem) ObjCAttr(AtLoc, SourceRange(ObjCLoc, RParenLoc),
ObjCSelector(Ctx, 0, Name),
SourceRange(LParenLoc, RParenLoc),
ObjCAttr *ObjCAttr::createNullary(ASTContext &Ctx, Identifier Name,
bool isNameImplicit) {
return new (Ctx) ObjCAttr(ObjCSelector(Ctx, 0, Name), isNameImplicit);
ObjCAttr *ObjCAttr::createSelector(ASTContext &Ctx, SourceLoc AtLoc,
SourceLoc ObjCLoc, SourceLoc LParenLoc,
ArrayRef<SourceLoc> NameLocs,
ArrayRef<Identifier> Names,
SourceLoc RParenLoc) {
assert(NameLocs.size() == Names.size());
void *mem = Ctx.Allocate(totalSizeToAlloc<SourceLoc>(NameLocs.size() + 2),
return new (mem) ObjCAttr(AtLoc, SourceRange(ObjCLoc, RParenLoc),
ObjCSelector(Ctx, Names.size(), Names),
SourceRange(LParenLoc, RParenLoc),
ObjCAttr *ObjCAttr::createSelector(ASTContext &Ctx,
ArrayRef<Identifier> Names,
bool isNameImplicit) {
return new (Ctx) ObjCAttr(ObjCSelector(Ctx, Names.size(), Names),
ArrayRef<SourceLoc> ObjCAttr::getNameLocs() const {
if (!hasTrailingLocationInfo())
return { };
return getTrailingLocations().slice(2);
SourceLoc ObjCAttr::getLParenLoc() const {
if (!hasTrailingLocationInfo())
return SourceLoc();
return getTrailingLocations()[0];
SourceLoc ObjCAttr::getRParenLoc() const {
if (!hasTrailingLocationInfo())
return SourceLoc();
return getTrailingLocations()[1];
ObjCAttr *ObjCAttr::clone(ASTContext &context) const {
auto attr = new (context) ObjCAttr(getName(), isNameImplicit());
return attr;
AvailableAttr *
AvailableAttr::createPlatformAgnostic(ASTContext &C,
StringRef Message,
StringRef Rename,
PlatformAgnosticAvailabilityKind Kind,
clang::VersionTuple Obsoleted) {
assert(Kind != PlatformAgnosticAvailabilityKind::None);
clang::VersionTuple NoVersion;
if (Kind == PlatformAgnosticAvailabilityKind::SwiftVersionSpecific) {
return new (C) AvailableAttr(
SourceLoc(), SourceRange(), PlatformKind::none, Message, Rename,
NoVersion, SourceRange(),
NoVersion, SourceRange(),
Obsoleted, SourceRange(),
Kind, /* isImplicit */ false);
bool AvailableAttr::isActivePlatform(const ASTContext &ctx) const {
return isPlatformActive(Platform, ctx.LangOpts);
bool AvailableAttr::isLanguageVersionSpecific() const {
if (PlatformAgnostic ==
assert(Platform == PlatformKind::none &&
(Introduced.hasValue() ||
Deprecated.hasValue() ||
return true;
return false;
bool AvailableAttr::isUnconditionallyUnavailable() const {
switch (PlatformAgnostic) {
case PlatformAgnosticAvailabilityKind::None:
case PlatformAgnosticAvailabilityKind::Deprecated:
case PlatformAgnosticAvailabilityKind::SwiftVersionSpecific:
return false;
case PlatformAgnosticAvailabilityKind::Unavailable:
case PlatformAgnosticAvailabilityKind::UnavailableInSwift:
return true;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled PlatformAgnosticAvailabilityKind in switch.");
bool AvailableAttr::isUnconditionallyDeprecated() const {
switch (PlatformAgnostic) {
case PlatformAgnosticAvailabilityKind::None:
case PlatformAgnosticAvailabilityKind::Unavailable:
case PlatformAgnosticAvailabilityKind::UnavailableInSwift:
case PlatformAgnosticAvailabilityKind::SwiftVersionSpecific:
return false;
case PlatformAgnosticAvailabilityKind::Deprecated:
return true;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled PlatformAgnosticAvailabilityKind in switch.");
AvailableVersionComparison AvailableAttr::getVersionAvailability(
const ASTContext &ctx) const {
// Unconditional unavailability.
if (isUnconditionallyUnavailable())
return AvailableVersionComparison::Unavailable;
clang::VersionTuple queryVersion =
isLanguageVersionSpecific() ?
ctx.LangOpts.EffectiveLanguageVersion :
// If this entity was obsoleted before or at the query platform version,
// consider it obsolete.
if (Obsoleted && *Obsoleted <= queryVersion)
return AvailableVersionComparison::Obsoleted;
// If this entity was introduced after the query version and we're doing a
// platform comparison, true availability can only be determined dynamically;
// if we're doing a _language_ version check, the query version is a
// static requirement, so we treat "introduced later" as just plain
// unavailable.
if (Introduced && *Introduced > queryVersion) {
if (isLanguageVersionSpecific())
return AvailableVersionComparison::Unavailable;
return AvailableVersionComparison::PotentiallyUnavailable;
// The entity is available.
return AvailableVersionComparison::Available;
const AvailableAttr *AvailableAttr::isUnavailable(const Decl *D) {
ASTContext &ctx = D->getASTContext();
return D->getAttrs().getUnavailable(ctx);
SpecializeAttr::SpecializeAttr(SourceLoc atLoc, SourceRange range,
TrailingWhereClause *clause,
bool exported,
SpecializationKind kind)
: DeclAttribute(DAK_Specialize, atLoc, range, /*Implicit=*/false),
trailingWhereClause(clause) {
Bits.SpecializeAttr.exported = exported;
Bits.SpecializeAttr.kind = unsigned(kind);
Bits.SpecializeAttr.numRequirements = 0;
SpecializeAttr::SpecializeAttr(SourceLoc atLoc, SourceRange range,
ArrayRef<Requirement> requirements,
bool exported,
SpecializationKind kind)
: DeclAttribute(DAK_Specialize, atLoc, range, /*Implicit=*/false) {
Bits.SpecializeAttr.exported = exported;
Bits.SpecializeAttr.kind = unsigned(kind);
Bits.SpecializeAttr.numRequirements = requirements.size();
std::copy(requirements.begin(), requirements.end(), getRequirementsData());
void SpecializeAttr::setRequirements(ASTContext &Ctx,
ArrayRef<Requirement> requirements) {
unsigned numClauseRequirements =
(trailingWhereClause) ? trailingWhereClause->getRequirements().size() : 0;
assert(requirements.size() <= numClauseRequirements);
if (!numClauseRequirements)
Bits.SpecializeAttr.numRequirements = requirements.size();
std::copy(requirements.begin(), requirements.end(), getRequirementsData());
ArrayRef<Requirement> SpecializeAttr::getRequirements() const {
return const_cast<SpecializeAttr*>(this)->getRequirements();
TrailingWhereClause *SpecializeAttr::getTrailingWhereClause() const {
return trailingWhereClause;
SpecializeAttr *SpecializeAttr::create(ASTContext &Ctx, SourceLoc atLoc,
SourceRange range,
TrailingWhereClause *clause,
bool exported,
SpecializationKind kind) {
unsigned numRequirements = (clause) ? clause->getRequirements().size() : 0;
unsigned size =
sizeof(SpecializeAttr) + (numRequirements * sizeof(Requirement));
void *mem = Ctx.Allocate(size, alignof(SpecializeAttr));
return new (mem)
SpecializeAttr(atLoc, range, clause, exported, kind);
SpecializeAttr *SpecializeAttr::create(ASTContext &Ctx, SourceLoc atLoc,
SourceRange range,
ArrayRef<Requirement> requirements,
bool exported,
SpecializationKind kind) {
unsigned numRequirements = requirements.size();
unsigned size =
sizeof(SpecializeAttr) + (numRequirements * sizeof(Requirement));
void *mem = Ctx.Allocate(size, alignof(SpecializeAttr));
return new (mem)
SpecializeAttr(atLoc, range, requirements, exported, kind);
ImplementsAttr::ImplementsAttr(SourceLoc atLoc, SourceRange range,
TypeLoc ProtocolType,
DeclName MemberName,
DeclNameLoc MemberNameLoc)
: DeclAttribute(DAK_Implements, atLoc, range, /*Implicit=*/false),
MemberNameLoc(MemberNameLoc) {
ImplementsAttr *ImplementsAttr::create(ASTContext &Ctx, SourceLoc atLoc,
SourceRange range,
TypeLoc ProtocolType,
DeclName MemberName,
DeclNameLoc MemberNameLoc) {
void *mem = Ctx.Allocate(sizeof(ImplementsAttr), alignof(ImplementsAttr));
return new (mem) ImplementsAttr(atLoc, range, ProtocolType,
MemberName, MemberNameLoc);
TypeLoc ImplementsAttr::getProtocolType() const {
return ProtocolType;
TypeLoc &ImplementsAttr::getProtocolType() {
return ProtocolType;