blob: f27995fb028fa9a7a6fa003d3d98e4b9a5e5ec10 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk) -emit-sil -I %S/Inputs/custom-modules %s -verify -verify-ignore-unknown
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
import Foundation
import ObjCParseExtras
class MyArray : DummyClass {
@objc func setBoolProperty(_ x: Bool) { } // expected-error{{method 'setBoolProperty' with Objective-C selector 'setBoolProperty:' conflicts with setter for 'boolProperty' from superclass 'DummyClass' with the same Objective-C selector}}
func getObjectAt(_ i: Int) { } // expected-error{{method 'getObjectAt' with Objective-C selector 'objectAtIndexedSubscript:' conflicts with method 'objectAtIndexedSubscript' from superclass 'DummyClass' with the same Objective-C selector}}
class SomeCellSub1 : SomeCell {
init(string: String) { super.init(string: string) } // expected-error{{overriding declaration requires an 'override' keyword}}{{3-3=override }}
// okay: should not conflict
@objc func initWithString(_ string: String) { }
var isEnabled: Bool { // expected-error{{overriding declaration requires an 'override' keyword}}
// FIXE: The error that follows is a bit strange.
get { return super.isEnabled } // expected-error{{'@objc' getter for non-'@objc' property}}
func otherIsEnabled() { } // should not conflict
class SomeCellSub2 : SomeCell {
override init(string: String) { super.init(string: string) }
// okay: should not conflict
func initWithString(_ string: String) { }
override var isEnabled: Bool {
get { return super.isEnabled }
func otherIsEnabled() { } // should not conflict
class SomeCellSub3 : SomeCell {
override init(string: String) { super.init(string: string) }
// okay: should not conflict
func initWithString(_ string: String) { }
override var isEnabled: Bool {
@objc(isEnabled) get { return super.isEnabled }
func otherIsEnabled() { } // should not conflict
class SomeCellSub4 : SomeCell {
override init(string: String) { super.init(string: string) }
// okay: should not conflict
func initWithString(_ string: String) { }
override var isEnabled: Bool {
@objc get { return super.isEnabled }
func otherIsEnabled() { } // should not conflict
class SomeCellSub5 : SomeCell {
@objc(initWithString:) // expected-error{{Objective-C method has a different selector from the method it overrides ('initWithString:' vs. 'initString:')}}{{9-24=initString:}}
override init(string: String) { super.init(string: string) }
override var isEnabled: Bool {
@objc(wasEnabled) get { return super.isEnabled }
// expected-error@-1{{Objective-C method has a different selector from the method it overrides ('wasEnabled' vs. 'isEnabled')}}{{11-21=isEnabled}}
func otherIsEnabled() { } // should not conflict
class FailSub : FailBase {
override init(value: Int) { try! super.init(value: value) } // expected-error {{overriding a throwing @objc initializer with a non-throwing initializer is not supported}}
override class func processValue() {} // expected-error {{overriding a throwing @objc method with a non-throwing method is not supported}}
class CallbackSubA : CallbackBase {
override func perform(handler: () -> Void) {} // expected-error {{method does not override any method from its superclass}}
// expected-note@-1 {{type does not match superclass instance method with type '(@escaping () -> Void) -> Void'}}
override func perform(optHandler: () -> Void) {} // expected-error {{method does not override any method from its superclass}}
override func perform(nonescapingHandler: () -> Void) {}
override func perform(optNonescapingHandler: () -> Void) {} // expected-error {{cannot override instance method parameter of type '(() -> Void)?' with non-optional type '() -> Void'}}
class CallbackSubB : CallbackBase {
override func perform(handler: (() -> Void)?) {}
override func perform(optHandler: (() -> Void)?) {}
override func perform(nonescapingHandler: (() -> Void)?) {} // expected-error {{method does not override any method from its superclass}}
override func perform(optNonescapingHandler: (() -> Void)?) {}
class CallbackSubC : CallbackBase {
override func perform(handler: @escaping () -> Void) {}
override func perform(optHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {} // expected-error {{cannot override instance method parameter of type '(() -> Void)?' with non-optional type '() -> Void'}}
override func perform(nonescapingHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {} // expected-error {{method does not override any method from its superclass}}
override func perform(optNonescapingHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {} // expected-error {{method does not override any method from its superclass}}
// FIXME: Remove -verify-ignore-unknown.
// <unknown>:0: error: unexpected note produced: overridden declaration is here
// <unknown>:0: error: unexpected note produced: setter for 'boolProperty' declared here