blob: f26d89a829415351eb2aceeb51e91f127ccac498 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -diagnostics-editor-mode -enable-resilience -enable-nonfrozen-enum-exhaustivity-diagnostics -swift-version 3
typealias TimeInterval = Double
let NSEC_PER_USEC : UInt64 = 1000
let NSEC_PER_SEC : UInt64 = 1000000000
@_frozen public enum TemporalProxy {
case seconds(Int)
case milliseconds(Int)
case microseconds(Int)
case nanoseconds(Int)
case never
func unproxify(t : TemporalProxy) -> TimeInterval {
switch t { // expected-warning {{switch must be exhaustive}}
// expected-note@-1 {{do you want to add missing cases?}}
case let .seconds(s):
return TimeInterval(s)
case let .milliseconds(ms):
return TimeInterval(TimeInterval(ms) / 1000.0)
case let .microseconds(us):
return TimeInterval( UInt64(us) * NSEC_PER_USEC ) / TimeInterval(NSEC_PER_SEC)
case let .nanoseconds(ns):
return TimeInterval(ns) / TimeInterval(NSEC_PER_SEC)
public enum NonExhaustive {
case a, b
// Inlineable code is considered "outside" the module and must include a default
// case.
public func testNonExhaustive(_ value: NonExhaustive) {
switch value { // expected-error {{switch must be exhaustive}}
// expected-note@-1 {{do you want to add missing cases?}}
case .a: break
switch value { // expected-warning {{switch must be exhaustive}}
// expected-note@-1 {{handle unknown values using "@unknown default"}} {{3-3=@unknown default:\n<#fatalError()#>\n}}
case .a: break
case .b: break
switch value {
case .a: break
case .b: break
default: break // no-warning
switch value {
case .a: break
case .b: break
@unknown case _: break // no-warning