blob: a435ed466efdc607c930538e578c0e4deb722c58 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -parse-as-library -swift-version 4
lazy func lazy_func() {} // expected-error {{'lazy' may only be used on 'var' declarations}} {{1-6=}}
lazy var b = 42 // expected-error {{'lazy' must not be used on an already-lazy global}} {{1-6=}}
struct S {
lazy static var lazy_global = 42 // expected-error {{'lazy' must not be used on an already-lazy global}} {{3-8=}}
protocol SomeProtocol {
lazy var x : Int // expected-error {{'lazy' isn't allowed on a protocol requirement}} {{3-8=}}
// expected-error@-1 {{property in protocol must have explicit { get } or { get set } specifier}}
// expected-error@-2 {{lazy properties must have an initializer}}
lazy var y : Int { get } // expected-error {{'lazy' isn't allowed on a protocol requirement}} {{3-8=}}
// expected-error@-1 {{'lazy' must not be used on a computed property}}
// expected-error@-2 {{lazy properties must have an initializer}}
class TestClass {
lazy var a = 42
lazy var a1 : Int = 42
lazy let b = 42 // expected-error {{'lazy' cannot be used on a let}} {{3-8=}}
lazy var c : Int { return 42 } // expected-error {{'lazy' must not be used on a computed property}} {{3-8=}}
// expected-error@-1 {{lazy properties must have an initializer}}
lazy var d : Int // expected-error {{lazy properties must have an initializer}} {{3-8=}}
lazy var (e, f) = (1,2) // expected-error {{'lazy' cannot destructure an initializer}} {{3-8=}}
lazy var g = { 0 }() // single-expr closure
lazy var h : Int = { 0 }() // single-expr closure
lazy var i = { () -> Int in return 0 }()+1 // multi-stmt closure
lazy var j : Int = { return 0 }()+1 // multi-stmt closure
lazy var k : Int = { () -> Int in return 0 }()+1 // multi-stmt closure
lazy var l : Int = 42 { // expected-error {{lazy properties must not have observers}} {{3-8=}}
didSet {
init() {
lazy var localvar = 42 // expected-error {{lazy is only valid for members of a struct or class}} {{5-10=}}
localvar += 1
_ = localvar
struct StructTest {
lazy var p1 : Int = 42
mutating func f1() -> Int {
return p1
// expected-note @+1 {{mark method 'mutating' to make 'self' mutable}} {{3-3=mutating }}
func f2() -> Int {
return p1 // expected-error {{cannot use mutating getter on immutable value: 'self' is immutable}}
static func testStructInits() {
let a = StructTest() // default init
let b = StructTest(p1: 42) // Override the lazily init'd value.
_ = a; _ = b
// <rdar://problem/16889110> capture lists in lazy member properties cannot use self
class CaptureListInLazyProperty {
lazy var closure1 = { [weak self] in return self!.i }
lazy var closure2: () -> Int = { [weak self] in return self!.i }
var i = 42
// Crash when initializer expression is type-checked both to infer the
// property type and also as part of the getter
class WeShouldNotReTypeCheckStatements {
lazy var firstCase = {
_ = nil // expected-error {{'nil' requires a contextual type}}
_ = ()
lazy var secondCase = {
_ = ()
_ = ()
protocol MyProtocol {
func f() -> Int
struct MyStruct : MyProtocol {
func f() -> Int { return 0 }
struct Outer {
static let p: MyProtocol = MyStruct()
struct Inner {
lazy var x = p.f()
lazy var y = {_ = 3}()
// expected-warning@-1 {{variable 'y' inferred to have type '()', which may be unexpected}}
// expected-note@-2 {{add an explicit type annotation to silence this warning}}
struct Construction {
init(x: Int, y: Int? = 42) { }
class Constructor {
lazy var myQ = Construction(x: 3)
// Problems with self references
class BaseClass {
var baseInstanceProp = 42
static var baseStaticProp = 42
class ReferenceSelfInLazyProperty : BaseClass {
lazy var refs = (i, f())
lazy var trefs: (Int, Int) = (i, f())
lazy var qrefs = (self.i, self.f())
lazy var qtrefs: (Int, Int) = (self.i, self.f())
lazy var crefs = { (i, f()) }()
lazy var ctrefs: (Int, Int) = { (i, f()) }()
lazy var cqrefs = { (self.i, self.f()) }()
lazy var cqtrefs: (Int, Int) = { (self.i, self.f()) }()
lazy var mrefs = { () -> (Int, Int) in return (i, f()) }()
lazy var mtrefs: (Int, Int) = { return (i, f()) }()
lazy var mqrefs = { () -> (Int, Int) in (self.i, self.f()) }()
lazy var mqtrefs: (Int, Int) = { return (self.i, self.f()) }()
lazy var lcqrefs = { [unowned self] in (self.i, self.f()) }()
lazy var lcqtrefs: (Int, Int) = { [unowned self] in (self.i, self.f()) }()
lazy var lmrefs = { [unowned self] () -> (Int, Int) in return (i, f()) }()
lazy var lmtrefs: (Int, Int) = { [unowned self] in return (i, f()) }()
lazy var lmqrefs = { [unowned self] () -> (Int, Int) in (self.i, self.f()) }()
lazy var lmqtrefs: (Int, Int) = { [unowned self] in return (self.i, self.f()) }()
var i = 42
func f() -> Int { return 0 }
lazy var refBaseClassProp = baseInstanceProp
class ReferenceStaticInLazyProperty {
lazy var refs1 = i
// expected-error@-1 {{static member 'i' cannot be used on instance of type 'ReferenceStaticInLazyProperty'}}
lazy var refs2 = f()
// expected-error@-1 {{static member 'f' cannot be used on instance of type 'ReferenceStaticInLazyProperty'}}
lazy var trefs1: Int = i
// expected-error@-1 {{static member 'i' cannot be used on instance of type 'ReferenceStaticInLazyProperty'}}
lazy var trefs2: Int = f()
// expected-error@-1 {{static member 'f' cannot be used on instance of type 'ReferenceStaticInLazyProperty'}}
static var i = 42
static func f() -> Int { return 0 }