blob: e82ce37936d88a99ed5a9d3bb169d41f86e0f70c [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -enable-experimental-property-behaviors -module-name Main
// REQUIRES: property_behavior_value_substitution
protocol behavior {
associatedtype Value
extension behavior {
var value: Value { fatalError("") }
struct NotABehavior {}
var test1: Int __behavior behavior
var test2: String __behavior Main.behavior
// expected-error@+1{{property behavior name must refer to a protocol}}
var test5: String __behavior NotABehavior
struct Concrete {
var test: String __behavior behavior
static var test: String __behavior behavior
protocol Proto { }
extension Proto {
var test: String __behavior behavior
static var test: String __behavior behavior
struct Generic<T> {
var test: String __behavior behavior
static var test: String __behavior behavior
protocol SelfRequirement {}
protocol ValueRequirement {}
protocol constraints: SelfRequirement {
associatedtype Value: ValueRequirement
extension constraints {
var value: Value { fatalError("") }
struct VR: ValueRequirement {}
struct GVR<T>: ValueRequirement {}
struct NVR {}
// expected-error@+3{{property behavior 'constraints' can only be used on instance properties because it has 'Self' requirements}}
// expected-error@+2{{type 'NVR' does not conform to protocol 'ValueRequirement'}}
// expected-note@+1{{behavior 'constraints' requires property type to conform to protocol 'ValueRequirement'}}
var a: NVR __behavior constraints
// expected-error@+1{{property behavior 'constraints' can only be used on instance properties because it has 'Self' requirements}}
var b: VR __behavior constraints
struct SR: SelfRequirement {
// expected-error@+2{{type 'NVR' does not conform to protocol 'ValueRequirement'}}
// expected-note@+1{{behavior 'constraints' requires property type to conform to protocol 'ValueRequirement'}}
var a: NVR __behavior constraints
var b: VR __behavior constraints
// expected-error@+3{{property behavior 'constraints' can only be used on instance properties because it has 'Self' requirements}}
// expected-error@+2{{type 'NVR' does not conform to protocol 'ValueRequirement'}}
// expected-note@+1{{behavior 'constraints' requires property type to conform to protocol 'ValueRequirement'}}
static var a: NVR __behavior constraints
// expected-error@+1{{property behavior 'constraints' can only be used on instance properties because it has 'Self' requirements}}
static var b: VR __behavior constraints
// expected-error@+1 * {{type 'NSR' does not conform to protocol 'SelfRequirement'}}
struct NSR {
// expected-note@+3{{conformance to 'SelfRequirement' required to contain an instance property with behavior 'constraints'}}
// expected-error@+2{{type 'NVR' does not conform to protocol 'ValueRequirement'}}
// expected-note@+1{{behavior 'constraints' requires property type to conform to protocol 'ValueRequirement'}}
var a: NVR __behavior constraints
// expected-note@+1{{conformance to 'SelfRequirement' required to contain an instance property with behavior 'constraints'}}
var b: VR __behavior constraints
struct GSR<T>: SelfRequirement {
var a: VR __behavior constraints
var b: GVR<T> __behavior constraints
extension GSR where T: ValueRequirement {
var c: T __behavior constraints
protocol nonBehaviorReqt {
associatedtype Value
func notBehaviorRelated() // expected-note{{declared here}}
extension nonBehaviorReqt {
var value: Value { fatalError("") }
// expected-error@+1{{behavior protocol 'nonBehaviorReqt' has non-behavior requirement 'notBehaviorRelated'}}
var x: Int __behavior nonBehaviorReqt
protocol hasStorage {
associatedtype Value
var storage: Value? { get set }
extension hasStorage {
static func initStorage() -> Value? {
return nil
// Overloads that should be disregarded
static func initStorage() -> Value {
static func initStorage(_: String) -> Value? {
var value: Value { fatalError("") }
var tuple = (0,0)
var storage1: Int __behavior hasStorage // expected-error {{not supported}}
struct Foo<T> {
static var staticStorage1: T __behavior hasStorage // expected-error{{static stored properties not supported in generic types}}
var storage2: T __behavior hasStorage
// FIXME: Hack because we can't find the synthesized associated type witness
// during witness matching.
typealias Value = T
func foo<U>(_: U) {
var storage1: T __behavior hasStorage // expected-error {{not supported}}
var storage2: U __behavior hasStorage // expected-error {{not supported}}
_ = storage1
_ = storage2
struct Foo2<T> {
var storage3: Int = 0 // expected-error {{initializer expression provided, but property behavior 'hasStorage' does not use it}}
__behavior hasStorage
var (storage4, storage5) = tuple // expected-error* {{initializer expression provided, but property behavior 'hasStorage' does not use it}}
__behavior hasStorage
// FIXME: Hack because we can't find the synthesized associated type witness
// during witness matching.
typealias Value = Int
extension Foo {
static var y: T __behavior hasStorage // expected-error{{static stored properties not supported in generic types}}
var y: T __behavior hasStorage // expected-error {{extensions must not contain stored properties}}
protocol storageWithoutInit {
associatedtype Value
var storage: Value { get set }
extension storageWithoutInit {
var value: Value { fatalError("") }
func initStorage() -> Int { fatalError("signature is wrong") } // expected-note * {{found this candidate}}
struct Bar {
var x: Int __behavior storageWithoutInit // expected-error {{property behavior protocol has a 'storage' requirement but does not have a static 'initStorage' method with the expected type '() -> Self.Value'}}
class Bas {
var x: Int __behavior storageWithoutInit // expected-error {{property behavior protocol has a 'storage' requirement but does not have a static 'initStorage' method with the expected type '() -> Self.Value'}}
protocol valueTypeMismatch {
associatedtype Value
extension valueTypeMismatch {
var value: Value? { fatalError("") } // expected-note {{'value' property declared here}}
var x: Int __behavior valueTypeMismatch // expected-error {{property behavior 'valueTypeMismatch' provides 'value' property implementation with type 'Int?' that doesn't match type 'x' of declared property 'Int'}}
protocol getset {
associatedtype Value
extension getset {
var value: Value { get { } set { } }
var testGetset: Int __behavior getset
class C<T> {
var testGetset: T __behavior getset
static var testGetset: T __behavior getset
struct S<T> {
var testGetset: T __behavior getset
static var testGetset: T __behavior getset
protocol parameterized {
associatedtype Value
func parameter() -> Value
extension parameterized {
var value: Value {
get { }
set { }
struct TestParameters {
var hasParameter: Int __behavior parameterized { 0 }
var (sharedParameter1, sharedParameter2): (Int,Int)
__behavior parameterized { 0 } // expected-error {{multiple variables is not supported}} expected-error{{sharedParameter2}}
var missingParameter: Int __behavior parameterized // expected-error{{requires a parameter}}
var invalidParameter: Int __behavior parameterized { 5.5 } // expected-error{{cannot convert return expression of type 'Double' to return type 'Int'}}
var globalParameter: Int __behavior parameterized { 0 } // expected-error{{not supported}}
protocol noParameter {
associatedtype Value
extension noParameter {
var value: Value {
get { }
set { }
var hasNoParameter: Int __behavior noParameter
var hasUnwantedParameter: Int __behavior noParameter { 0 } // expected-error{{parameter expression provided, but property behavior 'noParameter' does not use it}}
protocol storageWithInitialValue {
associatedtype Value
var storage: Value? { get set }
extension storageWithInitialValue {
var value: Value { get { } }
static func initStorage(_ x: Value) -> Value? {
return nil
struct TestStorageWithInitialValue {
var x: Int __behavior storageWithInitialValue // Would require DI
var y = 0 __behavior storageWithInitialValue
var z: Int = 5.5 __behavior storageWithInitialValue // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'Double' to type 'Int' in coercion}}
var (a, b) = tuple __behavior storageWithInitialValue // expected-error* {{do not support destructuring}}
// FIXME: Hack because we can't find the synthesized associated type witness
// during witness matching.
typealias Value = Int