blob: 308497211e178282093a264c289e4e86bf025fb4 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
static func gf1() {} // expected-error {{static methods may only be declared on a type}}{{1-8=}}
class func gf2() {} // expected-error {{class methods may only be declared on a type}}{{1-7=}}
override static func gf3() {} // expected-error {{static methods may only be declared on a type}}{{10-17=}}
// expected-error@-1 {{'override' can only be specified on class members}}{{1-10=}}
override class func gf4() {} // expected-error {{class methods may only be declared on a type}}{{10-16=}}
// expected-error@-1 {{'override' can only be specified on class members}}{{1-10=}}
static override func gf5() {} // expected-error {{static methods may only be declared on a type}}{{1-8=}}
// expected-error@-1 {{'override' can only be specified on class members}}{{8-17=}}
class override func gf6() {} // expected-error {{class methods may only be declared on a type}}{{1-7=}}
// expected-error@-1 {{'override' can only be specified on class members}}{{7-16=}}
static gf7() {} // expected-error {{expected declaration}} expected-error {{closure expression is unused}} expected-error{{begin with a closure}} expected-note{{did you mean to use a 'do' statement?}} {{14-14=do }}
class gf8() {} // expected-error {{expected '{' in class}} expected-error {{closure expression is unused}} expected-error{{begin with a closure}} expected-note{{did you mean to use a 'do' statement?}} {{13-13=do }}
func inGlobalFunc() {
static func gf1() {} // expected-error {{static methods may only be declared on a type}}{{3-10=}}
class func gf2() {} // expected-error {{class methods may only be declared on a type}}{{3-9=}}
struct InMemberFunc {
func member() {
static func gf1() {} // expected-error {{static methods may only be declared on a type}}{{5-12=}}
class func gf2() {} // expected-error {{class methods may only be declared on a type}}{{5-11=}}
struct DuplicateStatic {
static static func f1() {} // expected-error{{'static' specified twice}}{{10-17=}}
static class func f2() {} // expected-error{{'class' specified twice}}{{10-16=}}
class static func f3() {} // expected-error{{'static' specified twice}}{{9-16=}} expected-error{{class methods are only allowed within classes; use 'static' to declare a static method}}{{3-8=static}}
class class func f4() {} // expected-error{{'class' specified twice}}{{9-15=}} expected-error{{class methods are only allowed within classes; use 'static' to declare a static method}}{{3-8=static}}
override static static func f5() {} // expected-error{{'static' specified twice}}{{19-26=}} expected-error{{'override' can only be specified on class members}} {{3-12=}}
static override static func f6() {} // expected-error{{'static' specified twice}}{{19-26=}} expected-error{{'override' can only be specified on class members}} {{10-19=}}
static static override func f7() {} // expected-error{{'static' specified twice}}{{10-17=}} expected-error{{'override' can only be specified on class members}} {{17-26=}}
static final func f8() {} // expected-error {{only classes and class members may be marked with 'final'}}
struct S { // expected-note {{extended type declared here}}
static func f1() {}
class func f2() {} // expected-error {{class methods are only allowed within classes; use 'static' to declare a static method}} {{3-8=static}}
extension S {
static func ef1() {}
class func ef2() {} // expected-error {{class methods are only allowed within classes; use 'static' to declare a static method}} {{3-8=static}}
enum E { // expected-note {{extended type declared here}}
static func f1() {}
class func f2() {} // expected-error {{class methods are only allowed within classes; use 'static' to declare a static method}} {{3-8=static}}
static final func f3() {} // expected-error {{only classes and class members may be marked with 'final'}}
extension E {
static func f4() {}
class func f5() {} // expected-error {{class methods are only allowed within classes; use 'static' to declare a static method}} {{3-8=static}}
class C {
static func f1() {} // expected-note 3{{overri}}
class func f2() {}
class func f3() {}
class func f4() {} // expected-note {{overri}}
class func f5() {} // expected-note {{overri}}
static final func f6() {} // expected-error {{static declarations are already final}} {{10-16=}}
final class func f7() {} // expected-note 3{{overri}}
extension C {
static func ef1() {}
class func ef2() {} // expected-note {{overri}}
class func ef3() {} // expected-note {{overri}}
class func ef4() {} // expected-note {{overri}}
class func ef5() {} // expected-note {{overri}}
class C_Derived : C {
override static func f1() {} // expected-error {{cannot override static method}}
override class func f2() {}
class override func f3() {}
override class func ef2() {} // expected-error {{not supported}}
class override func ef3() {} // expected-error {{not supported}}
override static func f7() {} // expected-error {{static method overrides a 'final' class method}}
class C_Derived2 : C {
override final class func f1() {} // expected-error {{cannot override static method}}
override final class func f7() {} // expected-error {{class method overrides a 'final' class method}}
class C_Derived3 : C {
override class func f1() {} // expected-error {{cannot override static method}}
override class func f7() {} // expected-error {{class method overrides a 'final' class method}}
extension C_Derived {
override class func f4() {} // expected-error {{not supported}}
class override func f5() {} // expected-error {{not supported}}
override class func ef4() {} // expected-error {{not supported}}
class override func ef5() {} // expected-error {{not supported}}
protocol P {
static func f1()
static func f2()
static func f3() {} // expected-error {{protocol methods must not have bodies}}
static final func f4() // expected-error {{only classes and class members may be marked with 'final'}}