blob: e3c15d1f9aa5f1347ec0261ee0806d562477ccce [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -parse-stdlib
import Swift
class C {}
class D : C {}
func expectEqualType<T>(_: T.Type, _: T.Type) {}
func commonSupertype<T>(_: T, _: T) -> T {}
expectEqualType(Builtin.type_join(Int.self, Int.self), Int.self)
expectEqualType(Builtin.type_join_meta(D.self, C.self), C.self)
expectEqualType(Builtin.type_join(Int?.self, Int?.self), Int?.self)
expectEqualType(Builtin.type_join(Int.self, Int?.self), Int?.self)
expectEqualType(Builtin.type_join(Int?.self, Int.self), Int?.self)
expectEqualType(Builtin.type_join(Int.self, Int??.self), Int??.self)
expectEqualType(Builtin.type_join(Int??.self, Int.self), Int??.self)
expectEqualType(Builtin.type_join(Int?.self, Int??.self), Int??.self)
expectEqualType(Builtin.type_join(Int??.self, Int?.self), Int??.self)
expectEqualType(Builtin.type_join(D?.self, D?.self), D?.self)
expectEqualType(Builtin.type_join(C?.self, D?.self), C?.self)
expectEqualType(Builtin.type_join(D?.self, C?.self), C?.self)
expectEqualType(Builtin.type_join(D.self, D?.self), D?.self)
expectEqualType(Builtin.type_join(D?.self, D.self), D?.self)
expectEqualType(Builtin.type_join(C.self, D?.self), C?.self)
expectEqualType(Builtin.type_join(D?.self, C.self), C?.self)
expectEqualType(Builtin.type_join(D.self, C?.self), C?.self)
expectEqualType(Builtin.type_join(C?.self, D.self), C?.self)
expectEqualType(Builtin.type_join(Any?.self, D.self), Any?.self)
expectEqualType(Builtin.type_join(D.self, Any?.self), Any?.self)
expectEqualType(Builtin.type_join(Any.self, D?.self), Any?.self)
expectEqualType(Builtin.type_join(D?.self, Any.self), Any?.self)
expectEqualType(Builtin.type_join(Any?.self, Any.self), Any?.self)
expectEqualType(Builtin.type_join(Any.self, Any?.self), Any?.self)
expectEqualType(Builtin.type_join(Builtin.Int1.self, Builtin.Int1.self), Builtin.Int1.self)
expectEqualType(Builtin.type_join(Builtin.Int32.self, Builtin.Int1.self), Any.self)
expectEqualType(Builtin.type_join(Builtin.Int1.self, Builtin.Int32.self), Any.self)
func joinFunctions(
_ escaping: @escaping () -> (),
_ nonescaping: () -> ()
) {
_ = commonSupertype(escaping, escaping)
_ = commonSupertype(nonescaping, escaping)
// expected-error@-1 {{converting non-escaping value to 'T' may allow it to escape}}
_ = commonSupertype(escaping, nonescaping)
// expected-error@-1 {{converting non-escaping value to 'T' may allow it to escape}}
let x: Int = 1
// FIXME: We emit these diagnostics here because we refuse to allow
// Any to be inferred for the generic type. That's pretty
// arbitrary.
_ = commonSupertype(escaping, x)
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot convert value of type 'Int' to expected argument type '() -> ()'}}
_ = commonSupertype(x, escaping)
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot convert value of type '() -> ()' to expected argument type 'Int'}}
let a: Any = 1
_ = commonSupertype(nonescaping, a)
// expected-error@-1 {{converting non-escaping value to 'Any' may allow it to escape}}
_ = commonSupertype(a, nonescaping)
// expected-error@-1 {{converting non-escaping value to 'Any' may allow it to escape}}
_ = commonSupertype(escaping, a)
_ = commonSupertype(a, escaping)
expectEqualType(Builtin.type_join(((C) -> C).self, ((C) -> D).self),
((C) -> C).self)
func rdar37241221(_ a: C?, _ b: D?) {
let c: C? = C()
let array_c_opt = [c]
let inferred = [a!, b]
expectEqualType(type(of: array_c_opt).self, type(of: inferred).self)