blob: b567f94a47d630b64225867eb5abc00e8ae4749a [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: cp %s %t/main.swift
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -typecheck -verify -primary-file %t/main.swift %S/Inputs/enum_conformance_synthesis_other.swift -verify-ignore-unknown -swift-version 4
var hasher = Hasher()
enum Foo: CaseIterable {
case A, B
if Foo.A == .B { }
var aHash: Int = Foo.A.hashValue
Foo.A.hash(into: &hasher)
_ = Foo.allCases
Foo.A == Foo.B // expected-warning {{result of operator '==' is unused}}
enum Generic<T>: CaseIterable {
case A, B
static func method() -> Int {
// Test synthesis of == without any member lookup being done
if A == B { }
return Generic.A.hashValue
if Generic<Foo>.A == .B { }
var gaHash: Int = Generic<Foo>.A.hashValue
Generic<Foo>.A.hash(into: &hasher)
_ = Generic<Foo>.allCases
func localEnum() -> Bool {
enum Local {
case A, B
return Local.A == .B
enum CustomHashable {
case A, B
var hashValue: Int { return 0 }
func ==(x: CustomHashable, y: CustomHashable) -> Bool { // expected-note 5 {{non-matching type}}
return true
if CustomHashable.A == .B { }
var custHash: Int = CustomHashable.A.hashValue
CustomHashable.A.hash(into: &hasher)
// We still synthesize conforming overloads of '==' and 'hashValue' if
// explicit definitions don't satisfy the protocol requirements. Probably
// not what we actually want.
enum InvalidCustomHashable {
case A, B
var hashValue: String { return "" } // expected-note{{previously declared here}}
func ==(x: InvalidCustomHashable, y: InvalidCustomHashable) -> String { // expected-note 5 {{non-matching type}}
return ""
if InvalidCustomHashable.A == .B { }
var s: String = InvalidCustomHashable.A == .B
s = InvalidCustomHashable.A.hashValue
var i: Int = InvalidCustomHashable.A.hashValue
InvalidCustomHashable.A.hash(into: &hasher)
// Check use of an enum's synthesized members before the enum is actually declared.
struct UseEnumBeforeDeclaration {
let eqValue = EnumToUseBeforeDeclaration.A == .A
let hashValue = EnumToUseBeforeDeclaration.A.hashValue
enum EnumToUseBeforeDeclaration {
case A
// Check enums from another file in the same module.
if FromOtherFile.A == .A {}
let _: Int = FromOtherFile.A.hashValue
func getFromOtherFile() -> AlsoFromOtherFile { return .A }
if .A == getFromOtherFile() {}
func overloadFromOtherFile() -> YetAnotherFromOtherFile { return .A }
func overloadFromOtherFile() -> Bool { return false }
if .A == overloadFromOtherFile() {}
// Complex enums are not automatically Equatable, Hashable, or CaseIterable.
enum Complex {
case A(Int)
case B
if Complex.A(1) == .B { } // expected-error{{binary operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Complex' and '_'}}
// expected-note @-1 {{overloads for '==' exist with these partially matching parameter lists: }}
// Enums with equatable payloads are equatable if they explicitly conform.
enum EnumWithEquatablePayload: Equatable {
case A(Int)
case B(String, Int)
case C
if EnumWithEquatablePayload.A(1) == .B("x", 1) { }
if EnumWithEquatablePayload.A(1) == .C { }
if EnumWithEquatablePayload.B("x", 1) == .C { }
// Enums with hashable payloads are hashable if they explicitly conform.
enum EnumWithHashablePayload: Hashable {
case A(Int)
case B(String, Int)
case C
_ = EnumWithHashablePayload.A(1).hashValue
_ = EnumWithHashablePayload.B("x", 1).hashValue
_ = EnumWithHashablePayload.C.hashValue
EnumWithHashablePayload.A(1).hash(into: &hasher)
EnumWithHashablePayload.B("x", 1).hash(into: &hasher)
EnumWithHashablePayload.C.hash(into: &hasher)
// ...and they should also inherit equatability from Hashable.
if EnumWithHashablePayload.A(1) == .B("x", 1) { }
if EnumWithHashablePayload.A(1) == .C { }
if EnumWithHashablePayload.B("x", 1) == .C { }
// Enums with non-hashable payloads don't derive conformance.
struct NotHashable {}
enum EnumWithNonHashablePayload: Hashable { // expected-error 2 {{does not conform}}
case A(NotHashable)
// Enums should be able to derive conformances based on the conformances of
// their generic arguments.
enum GenericHashable<T: Hashable>: Hashable {
case A(T)
case B
if GenericHashable<String>.A("a") == .B { }
var genericHashableHash: Int = GenericHashable<String>.A("a").hashValue
// But it should be an error if the generic argument doesn't have the necessary
// constraints to satisfy the conditions for derivation.
enum GenericNotHashable<T: Equatable>: Hashable { // expected-error 2 {{does not conform to protocol 'Hashable'}}
case A(T)
case B
if GenericNotHashable<String>.A("a") == .B { }
let _: Int = GenericNotHashable<String>.A("a").hashValue // No error. hashValue is always synthesized, even if Hashable derivation fails
GenericNotHashable<String>.A("a").hash(into: &hasher) // expected-error {{value of type 'GenericNotHashable<String>' has no member 'hash'}}
// An enum with no cases should not derive conformance.
enum NoCases: Hashable {} // expected-error 2 {{does not conform}}
// rdar://19773050
private enum Bar<T> {
case E(Unknown<T>) // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'Unknown'}}
mutating func value() -> T {
switch self {
// FIXME: Should diagnose here that '.' needs to be inserted, but E has an ErrorType at this point
case E(let x):
return x.value
// Equatable extension -- rdar://20981254
enum Instrument {
case Piano
case Violin
case Guitar
extension Instrument : Equatable {}
extension Instrument : CaseIterable {}
enum UnusedGeneric<T> {
case a, b, c
extension UnusedGeneric : CaseIterable {}
// Explicit conformance should work too
public enum Medicine {
case Antibiotic
case Antihistamine
extension Medicine : Equatable {}
public func ==(lhs: Medicine, rhs: Medicine) -> Bool { // expected-note 4 {{non-matching type}}
return true
// No explicit conformance; but it can be derived, for the same-file cases.
extension Complex : Hashable {}
extension Complex : CaseIterable {} // expected-error {{type 'Complex' does not conform to protocol 'CaseIterable'}}
extension FromOtherFile: CaseIterable {} // expected-error {{cannot be automatically synthesized in an extension in a different file to the type}} expected-error {{does not conform to protocol 'CaseIterable'}}
// No explicit conformance and it cannot be derived.
enum NotExplicitlyHashableAndCannotDerive {
case A(NotHashable)
extension NotExplicitlyHashableAndCannotDerive : Hashable {} // expected-error 2 {{does not conform}}
extension NotExplicitlyHashableAndCannotDerive : CaseIterable {} // expected-error {{does not conform}}
// Verify that conformance (albeit manually implemented) can still be added to
// a type in a different file.
extension OtherFileNonconforming: Hashable {
static func ==(lhs: OtherFileNonconforming, rhs: OtherFileNonconforming) -> Bool { // expected-note 4 {{non-matching type}}
return true
var hashValue: Int { return 0 }
// ...but synthesis in a type defined in another file doesn't work yet.
extension YetOtherFileNonconforming: Equatable {} // expected-error {{cannot be automatically synthesized in an extension in a different file to the type}}
extension YetOtherFileNonconforming: CaseIterable {} // expected-error {{does not conform}}
// Verify that an indirect enum doesn't emit any errors as long as its "leaves"
// are conformant.
enum StringBinaryTree: Hashable {
indirect case tree(StringBinaryTree, StringBinaryTree)
case leaf(String)
// Add some generics to make it more complex.
enum BinaryTree<Element: Hashable>: Hashable {
indirect case tree(BinaryTree, BinaryTree)
case leaf(Element)
// Verify mutually indirect enums.
enum MutuallyIndirectA: Hashable {
indirect case b(MutuallyIndirectB)
case data(Int)
enum MutuallyIndirectB: Hashable {
indirect case a(MutuallyIndirectA)
case data(Int)
// Verify that it works if the enum itself is indirect, rather than the cases.
indirect enum TotallyIndirect: Hashable {
case another(TotallyIndirect)
case end(Int)
// Check the use of conditional conformances.
enum ArrayOfEquatables : Equatable {
case only([Int])
struct NotEquatable { }
enum ArrayOfNotEquatables : Equatable { // expected-error{{type 'ArrayOfNotEquatables' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable'}}
case only([NotEquatable])
// Conditional conformances should be able to be synthesized
enum GenericDeriveExtension<T> {
case A(T)
extension GenericDeriveExtension: Equatable where T: Equatable {}
extension GenericDeriveExtension: Hashable where T: Hashable {}
// Incorrectly/insufficiently conditional shouldn't work
enum BadGenericDeriveExtension<T> {
case A(T)
extension BadGenericDeriveExtension: Equatable {}
// expected-error@-1 {{type 'BadGenericDeriveExtension<T>' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable'}}
extension BadGenericDeriveExtension: Hashable where T: Equatable {}
// expected-error@-1 {{type 'BadGenericDeriveExtension' does not conform to protocol 'Hashable'}}
// But some cases don't need to be conditional, even if they look similar to the
// above
struct AlwaysHashable<T>: Hashable {}
enum UnusedGenericDeriveExtension<T> {
case A(AlwaysHashable<T>)
extension UnusedGenericDeriveExtension: Hashable {}
// Cross-file synthesis is disallowed for conditional cases just as it is for
// non-conditional ones.
extension GenericOtherFileNonconforming: Equatable where T: Equatable {}
// expected-error@-1{{implementation of 'Equatable' cannot be automatically synthesized in an extension in a different file to the type}}
// FIXME: Remove -verify-ignore-unknown.
// <unknown>:0: error: unexpected error produced: invalid redeclaration of 'hashValue'
// <unknown>:0: error: unexpected note produced: candidate has non-matching type '(Foo, Foo) -> Bool'
// <unknown>:0: error: unexpected note produced: candidate has non-matching type '<T> (Generic<T>, Generic<T>) -> Bool'
// <unknown>:0: error: unexpected note produced: candidate has non-matching type '(InvalidCustomHashable, InvalidCustomHashable) -> Bool'
// <unknown>:0: error: unexpected note produced: candidate has non-matching type '(EnumToUseBeforeDeclaration, EnumToUseBeforeDeclaration) -> Bool'