blob: fffbcad498eb469c66621b7bef1bc3f2314bb9c1 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -primary-file %s -emit-ir | %FileCheck %s
// Check that we can mangle+demangle the associated type witness table accessor
// and do not crash
protocol V {}
protocol W: V {}
protocol X: W {}
protocol Y: X {}
protocol Z: W {
associatedtype ZZ: X
protocol P {
associatedtype A: W
protocol Q: P where A: Z {}
protocol R: Q where A.ZZ: Y {}
// CHECK: define {{.*}} @"$S13assoctypepath1SVyxGAA1RAA1A_2ZZAA1YPWT"
struct S<T>: R where T: Z, T.ZZ: Y {
typealias A = T