blob: 50641d3958506bb761169c6bd3a816ac9a45bb63 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
func basic() {
var i: Int! = 0
let _: Int = i
i = 7
func takesIUOs(i: Int!, j: inout Int!) -> Int {
j = 7
return i
struct S {
let i: Int!
var j: Int!
let k: Int
var m: Int
var n: Int! {
get {
return m
set {
m = newValue
var o: Int! {
willSet {
m = newValue
didSet {
m = oldValue
func fn() -> Int! { return i }
static func static_fn() -> Int! { return 0 }
subscript(i: Int) -> Int! {
set {
m = newValue
get {
return i
init(i: Int!, j: Int!, k: Int, m: Int) {
self.i = i
self.j = j
self.k = k
self.m = m
init!() {
i = 0
j = 0
k = 0
m = 0
func takesStruct(s: S) {
let _: Int = s.i
let _: Int = s.j
var t: S! = s
t.j = 7
var a: (Int, Int)! = (0, 0)
a.0 = 42
var s: S! = S(i: nil, j: 1, k: 2, m: 3)
_ = s.i
let _: Int = s.j
_ = s.k
s.m = 7
s.j = 3
let _: Int = s[0]
struct T {
let i: Float!
var j: Float!
func fn() -> Float! { return i }
func overloaded() -> S { return S(i: 0, j: 1, k: 2, m: 3) }
func overloaded() -> T { return T(i: 0.5, j: 1.5) }
let _: Int = overloaded().i
func cflow(i: Int!, j: inout Bool!, s: S) {
let k: Int? = i
let m: Int = i
let b: Bool! = i == 0
if i == 7 {
if s.i == 7 {
let _ = b ? i : k
let _ = b ? i : m
let _ = b ? j : b
let _ = b ? s.j : s.k
if b {}
if j {}
let _ = j ? 7 : 0
func forcedResultInt() -> Int! {
return 0
let _: Int = forcedResultInt()
func forcedResult() -> Int! {
return 0
func forcedResult() -> Float! {
return 0
func overloadedForcedResult() -> Int {
return forcedResult()
func forceMemberResult(s: S) -> Int {
return s.fn()
func forceStaticMemberResult() -> Int {
return S.static_fn()
func overloadedForceMemberResult() -> Int {
return overloaded().fn()
func overloadedForcedStructResult() -> S! { return S(i: 0, j: 1, k: 2, m: 3) }
func overloadedForcedStructResult() -> T! { return T(i: 0.5, j: 1.5) }
let _: S = overloadedForcedStructResult()
let _: Int = overloadedForcedStructResult().i
func id<T>(_ t: T) -> T { return t }
protocol P { }
extension P {
func iuoResult(_ b: Bool) -> Self! { }
static func iuoResultStatic(_ b: Bool) -> Self! { }
func cast<T : P>(_ t: T) {
let _: (T) -> (Bool) -> T? = id(T.iuoResult as (T) -> (Bool) -> T?)
let _: (Bool) -> T? = id(T.iuoResult(t) as (Bool) -> T?)
let _: T! = id(T.iuoResult(t)(true))
let _: (Bool) -> T? = id(t.iuoResult as (Bool) -> T?)
let _: T! = id(t.iuoResult(true))
let _: T = id(t.iuoResult(true))
let _: (Bool) -> T? = id(T.iuoResultStatic as (Bool) -> T?)
let _: T! = id(T.iuoResultStatic(true))
class rdar37241550 {
public init(blah: Float) { fatalError() }
public convenience init() { fatalError() }
public convenience init!(with void: ()) { fatalError() }
static func f(_ fn: () -> rdar37241550) {}
static func test() {
f(rdar37241550.init) // no error, the failable init is not applicable
class B {}
class D : B {
var i: Int!
func coerceToIUO(d: D?) -> B {
return d as B! // expected-warning {{using '!' here is deprecated and will be removed in a future release}}
func forcedDowncastToOptional(b: B?) -> D? {
return b as! D! // expected-warning {{using '!' here is deprecated and will be removed in a future release}}
func forcedDowncastToObject(b: B?) -> D {
return b as! D! // expected-warning {{using '!' here is deprecated and will be removed in a future release}}
func forcedDowncastToObjectIUOMember(b: B?) -> Int {
return (b as! D!).i // expected-warning {{using '!' here is deprecated and will be removed in a future release}}
func forcedUnwrapViaForcedCast(b: B?) -> B {
return b as! B! // expected-warning {{forced cast from 'B?' to 'B' only unwraps optionals; did you mean to use '!'?}}
// expected-warning@-1 {{using '!' here is deprecated and will be removed in a future release}}
func conditionalDowncastToOptional(b: B?) -> D? {
return b as? D! // expected-warning {{using '!' here is deprecated and will be removed in a future release}}
func conditionalDowncastToObject(b: B?) -> D {
return b as? D! // expected-error {{value of optional type 'D?' not unwrapped; did you mean to use '!' or '?'?}}
// expected-warning@-1 {{using '!' here is deprecated and will be removed in a future release}}
// Ensure that we select the overload that does *not* involve forcing an IUO.
func sr6988(x: Int?, y: Int?) -> Int { return x! }
func sr6988(x: Int, y: Int) -> Float { return Float(x) }
var x: Int! = nil
var y: Int = 2
let r = sr6988(x: x, y: y)
let _: Int = r