blob: cff22db347c040c202dff85c4b83f915734771ae [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
infix operator
protocol Runcible { func runce() }
protocol Fungible { func funge() }
protocol Ansible { func anse() }
protocol NeedsGenericMethods {
func oneArgNoConstraints<T>(x : T) // expected-note {{protocol requires function 'oneArgNoConstraints(x:)' with type '<T> (x: T) -> ()'}}
func oneArgWithConstraint<T : Runcible>(x: T) // expected-note {{protocol requires function 'oneArgWithConstraint(x:)' with type '<T> (x: T) -> ()'}}
func oneArgWithConstraints<T : Runcible & Fungible>(x: T) // expected-note {{protocol requires function 'oneArgWithConstraints(x:)' with type '<T> (x: T) -> ()'}}
func twoArgsOneVar<T>(x: T, y: T) // expected-note {{protocol requires function 'twoArgsOneVar(x:y:)' with type '<T> (x: T, y: T) -> ()'}}
func twoArgsTwoVars<T, U>(x: T, y: U) // expected-note {{protocol requires function 'twoArgsTwoVars(x:y:)' with type '<T, U> (x: T, y: U) -> ()'}}
static func •<T : Fungible>(x: Self, y: T) // expected-note {{protocol requires function '•' with type '<T> (TooTightConstraints, T) -> ()'}}
class EqualConstraints : NeedsGenericMethods {
func oneArgNoConstraints<U>(x: U) {}
func oneArgWithConstraint<U : Runcible>(x: U) {}
func oneArgWithConstraints<U : Fungible & Runcible>(x: U) {}
func twoArgsOneVar<U>(x: U, y: U) {}
func twoArgsTwoVars<V, U>(x: U, y: V) {}
func •<T : Fungible>(x: EqualConstraints, y: T) {} // expected-note {{candidate has non-matching type '<T where T : Fungible> (EqualConstraints, T) -> ()'}}
class LooseConstraints : NeedsGenericMethods {
func oneArgNoConstraints<U>(x: U) {}
func oneArgWithConstraint<U>(x: U) {}
func oneArgWithConstraints<U : Fungible>(x: U) {}
func twoArgsOneVar<V, U>(x: U, y: V) {}
func twoArgsTwoVars<V, U>(x: U, y: V) {}
func •<T>(_ x: LooseConstraints, y: T) {} // expected-note {{candidate has non-matching type '<T> (LooseConstraints, T) -> ()'}}
class TooTightConstraints : NeedsGenericMethods { // expected-error{{type 'TooTightConstraints' does not conform to protocol 'NeedsGenericMethods'}}
func oneArgNoConstraints<U : Runcible>(x: U) {} // expected-note{{candidate has non-matching type '<U> (x: U) -> ()'}}
func oneArgWithConstraint<U : Fungible>(x: U) {} // expected-note{{candidate has non-matching type '<U> (x: U) -> ()'}}
func oneArgWithConstraints<U : Runcible & Fungible & Ansible>(x: U) {} // expected-note{{candidate has non-matching type '<U> (x: U) -> ()'}}
func twoArgsOneVar<U : Runcible>(x: U) {} // expected-note{{candidate has non-matching type '<U> (x: U) -> ()'}}
func twoArgsTwoVars<U>(x: U, y: U) {} // expected-note{{candidate has non-matching type '<U> (x: U, y: U) -> ()'}}
func •(_ x: TooTightConstraints, y: Int) {} // expected-note {{candidate has non-matching type '(TooTightConstraints, Int) -> ()'}}
// Regression test for a crash when resolving a reference to a generic method
// in a protocol.
protocol NeedsAGenericMethod {
func method<T>(_ x: T)
func usesAGenericMethod<U : NeedsAGenericMethod>(_ x: U) {
struct L<T>: Sequence {} // expected-error {{type 'L<T>' does not conform to protocol 'Sequence'}}
func z(_ x: L<Int>) {
for xx in x {}