blob: 6a50ce984517b8a8f7c3f30de6b1c19abedc440f [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -swift-version 3
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -swift-version 4
// rdar://problem/31969605
class Base {}
class Derived : Base {}
protocol Refined {}
protocol Proto : Refined {}
extension Base : Refined {}
func baseFn(_: Base) {}
func superclassConversion(fn: @escaping (Base) -> ()) {
let _: (Derived) -> () = fn
func existentialConversion(fn: @escaping (Refined) -> ()) {
let _: (Proto) -> () = fn
let _: (Base) -> () = fn
let _: (Derived) -> () = fn
// rdar://problem/31725325
func a<b>(_: [(String, (b) -> () -> Void)]) {}
func a<b>(_: [(String, (b) -> () throws -> Void)]) {}
class c {
func e() {}
static var d = [("", e)]
func b<T>(_: (T) -> () -> ()) {}
func bar(_: () -> ()) {}
func bar(_: () throws -> ()) {}
func bar_empty() {}
func consumeNoEscape(_ f: (Int) -> Int) {}
func consumeEscaping(_ f: @escaping (Int) -> Int) {}
func takesAny(_ f: Any) {}
func twoFns(_ f: (Int) -> Int, _ g: @escaping (Int) -> Int) {
// expected-note@-1 {{parameter 'f' is implicitly non-escaping}}
takesAny(f) // expected-error {{converting non-escaping value to 'Any' may allow it to escape}}
var h = g
h = f // expected-error {{assigning non-escaping parameter 'f' to an @escaping closure}}
var noEscapeParam: ((Int) -> Int) -> () = consumeNoEscape
var escapingParam: (@escaping (Int) -> Int) -> () = consumeEscaping
noEscapeParam = escapingParam // expected-error {{cannot assign value of type '(@escaping (Int) -> Int) -> ()' to type '((Int) -> Int) -> ()}}
escapingParam = takesAny
noEscapeParam = takesAny // expected-error {{converting non-escaping value to 'Any' may allow it to escape}}