blob: df4f294f62b34c5aa0154253d501680957b7d6ce [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Prims.swift ------------------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
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// The test implements Prim's algorithm for minimum spanning tree building.
// This class implements array-based heap (priority queue).
// It is used to store edges from nodes in spanning tree to nodes outside of it.
// We are interested only in the edges with the smallest costs, so if there are
// several edges pointing to the same node, we keep only one from them. Thus,
// it is enough to record this node instead.
// We maintain a map (node index in graph)->(node index in heap) to be able to
// update the heap fast when we add a new node to the tree.
import TestsUtils
class PriorityQueue {
final var heap: Array<EdgeCost>
final var graphIndexToHeapIndexMap: Array<Int?>
// Create heap for graph with NUM nodes.
init(Num: Int) {
heap = Array<EdgeCost>()
graphIndexToHeapIndexMap = Array<Int?>(repeating:nil, count: Num)
func isEmpty() -> Bool {
return heap.isEmpty
// Insert element N to heap, maintaining the heap property.
func insert(_ n: EdgeCost) {
let ind: Int = heap.count
graphIndexToHeapIndexMap[] = heap.count - 1
// Insert element N if in's not in the heap, or update its cost if the new
// value is less than the existing one.
func insertOrUpdate(_ n: EdgeCost) {
let id =
let c = n.cost
if let ind = graphIndexToHeapIndexMap[id] {
if heap[ind].cost <= c {
// We don't need an edge with a bigger cost
heap[ind].cost = c
heap[ind].from = n.from
} else {
// Restore heap property by moving element at index IND up.
// This is needed after insertion, and after decreasing an element's cost.
func bubbleUp(_ ind: Int) {
var ind = ind
let c = heap[ind].cost
while (ind != 0) {
let p = getParentIndex(ind)
if heap[p].cost > c {
Swap(p, with: ind)
ind = p
} else {
// Pop minimum element from heap and restore the heap property after that.
func pop() -> EdgeCost? {
if (heap.isEmpty) {
return nil
Swap(0, with:heap.count-1)
let r = heap.removeLast()
graphIndexToHeapIndexMap[] = nil
return r
// Restore heap property by moving element at index IND down.
// This is needed after removing an element, and after increasing an
// element's cost.
func bubbleDown(_ ind: Int) {
var ind = ind
let n = heap.count
while (ind < n) {
let l = getLeftChildIndex(ind)
let r = getRightChildIndex(ind)
if (l >= n) {
var min: Int
if (r < n && heap[r].cost < heap[l].cost) {
min = r
} else {
min = l
if (heap[ind].cost <= heap[min].cost) {
Swap(ind, with: min)
ind = min
// Swaps elements I and J in the heap and correspondingly updates
// graphIndexToHeapIndexMap.
func Swap(_ i: Int, with j : Int) {
if (i == j) {
(heap[i], heap[j]) = (heap[j], heap[i])
let (I, J) = (heap[i].to, heap[j].to)
(graphIndexToHeapIndexMap[I], graphIndexToHeapIndexMap[J]) =
(graphIndexToHeapIndexMap[J], graphIndexToHeapIndexMap[I])
// Dumps the heap.
func dump() {
for nodeCost in heap {
let to: Int =
let from: Int = nodeCost.from
let cost: Double = nodeCost.cost
print("(\(from)->\(to), \(cost))")
func getLeftChildIndex(_ index : Int) -> Int {
return index*2 + 1
func getRightChildIndex(_ index : Int) -> Int {
return (index + 1)*2
func getParentIndex(_ childIndex : Int) -> Int {
return (childIndex - 1)/2
struct GraphNode {
var id: Int
var adjList: Array<Int>
init(i : Int) {
id = i
adjList = Array<Int>()
struct EdgeCost {
var to: Int
var cost: Double
var from: Int
struct Edge : Equatable {
var start: Int
var end: Int
func ==(lhs: Edge, rhs: Edge) -> Bool {
return lhs.start == rhs.start && lhs.end == rhs.end
extension Edge : Hashable {
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
func Prims(_ graph : Array<GraphNode>, _ fun : (Int, Int) -> Double) -> Array<Int?> {
var treeEdges = Array<Int?>(repeating:nil, count:graph.count)
let queue = PriorityQueue(Num:graph.count)
// Make the minimum spanning tree root its own parent for simplicity.
queue.insert(EdgeCost(to: 0, cost: 0.0, from: 0))
// Take an element with the smallest cost from the queue and add its
// neighbors to the queue if their cost was updated
while !queue.isEmpty() {
// Add an edge with minimum cost to the spanning tree
let e = queue.pop()!
let newnode =
// Add record about the edge newnode->e.from to treeEdges
treeEdges[newnode] = e.from
// Check all adjacent nodes and add edges, ending outside the tree, to the
// queue. If the queue already contains an edge to an adjacent node, we
// replace existing one with the new one in case the new one costs less.
for adjNodeIndex in graph[newnode].adjList {
if treeEdges[adjNodeIndex] != nil {
let newcost = fun(newnode, graph[adjNodeIndex].id)
queue.insertOrUpdate(EdgeCost(to: adjNodeIndex, cost: newcost, from: newnode))
return treeEdges