blob: a78203343c42c54bbe9b85d5edfe82b76785bb5d [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: not %target-swift-frontend -dump-parse %s 2>&1 | %FileCheck %s
// RUN: not %target-swift-frontend -dump-ast %s 2>&1 | %FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK-AST
// CHECK-LABEL: (func_decl "foo(_:)"
// CHECK-AST-LABEL: (func_decl "foo(_:)"
func foo(_ n: Int) -> Int {
// CHECK: (brace_stmt
// CHECK: (return_stmt
// CHECK: (integer_literal_expr type='<null>' value=42)))
// CHECK-AST: (brace_stmt
// CHECK-AST: (return_stmt
// CHECK-AST: (call_expr implicit type='Int'
// CHECK-AST: (integer_literal_expr type='{{[^']+}}' {{.*}} value=42)
return 42
// -dump-parse should print an AST even though this code is invalid.
// CHECK-LABEL: (func_decl "bar()"
// CHECK-AST-LABEL: (func_decl "bar()"
func bar() {
// CHECK: (brace_stmt
// CHECK-NEXT: (unresolved_decl_ref_expr type='{{[^']+}}' name=foo
// CHECK-NEXT: (unresolved_decl_ref_expr type='{{[^']+}}' name=foo
// CHECK-NEXT: (unresolved_decl_ref_expr type='{{[^']+}}' name=foo
// CHECK-AST: (brace_stmt
// CHECK-AST-NEXT: (declref_expr type='{{[^']+}}' {{.*}} decl=main.(file).foo
// CHECK-AST-NEXT: (declref_expr type='{{[^']+}}' {{.*}} decl=main.(file).foo
// CHECK-AST-NEXT: (declref_expr type='{{[^']+}}' {{.*}} decl=main.(file).foo
foo foo foo
// CHECK-LABEL: (enum_decl trailing_semi "TrailingSemi"
enum TrailingSemi {
// CHECK-LABEL: (enum_case_decl trailing_semi
// CHECK-NOT: (enum_element_decl{{.*}}trailing_semi
// CHECK: (enum_element_decl "A")
// CHECK: (enum_element_decl "B")
case A,B;
// CHECK-LABEL: (subscript_decl trailing_semi
// CHECK-NOT: (func_decl trailing_semi 'anonname={{.*}}' getter_for=subscript(_:)
// CHECK: (accessor_decl 'anonname={{.*}}' getter_for=subscript(_:)
subscript(x: Int) -> Int {
// CHECK-LABEL: (pattern_binding_decl trailing_semi
// CHECK-NOT: (var_decl trailing_semi "y"
// CHECK: (var_decl "y"
var y = 1;
// CHECK-LABEL: (sequence_expr {{.*}} trailing_semi
y += 1;
// CHECK-LABEL: (return_stmt trailing_semi
return y;
// The substitution map for a declref should be relatively unobtrustive.
// CHECK-AST-LABEL: (func_decl "generic(_:)" <T : Hashable> interface type='<T where T : Hashable> (T) -> ()' access=internal captures=(<generic> )
func generic<T: Hashable>(_: T) {}
// CHECK-AST: (pattern_binding_decl
// CHECK-AST: (declref_expr type='(Int) -> ()' location={{.*}} range={{.*}} decl=main.(file).generic@{{.*}} [with (substitution_map generic_signature=<T where T : Hashable> (substitution T -> Int))] function_ref=unapplied))
let _: (Int) -> () = generic