blob: 15a085f79c87177e279172eac29e3fdecd0c7a7c [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk) -typecheck -verify -o - -primary-file %s -swift-version 4 -I %S/Inputs/custom-modules/
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
import Foundation
import SubclassExistentialsExtra
class SwiftLaundryService : NSLaundry {
var g: (Garment & Coat)? = nil
func wash(_ g: Garment & Coat) {
self.g = g
func bleach(_ g: Garment & Coat & Cotton) {}
func dry() -> Garment & Coat {
return g!
// FIXME: Consider better diagnostics here.
class OldSwiftLaundryService : NSLaundry {
// expected-error@-1 {{type 'OldSwiftLaundryService' does not conform to protocol 'NSLaundry'}}
var g: Coat? = nil
func wash(_ g: Coat) { // expected-note {{candidate has non-matching type '(Coat) -> ()'}}
self.g = g
func bleach(_ g: Coat) {} // expected-note {{candidate has non-matching type '(Coat) -> ()'}}
func dry() -> Coat { // expected-note {{candidate has non-matching type '() -> Coat'}}
return g!
// Make sure the method lookup is not ambiguous
_ = Coat.fashionStatement.wear()
func testInheritanceFromComposition(_ object: CompositionSubObject, _ specific: CompositionSubSpecific) {
let _: NSObject = object
let _: NSCopying = object
let _: SomeSpecificSubclass = specific
let _: NSCopying = specific