blob: 58ae94fc5a5769b5a910b5dabba03719d41ca4d1 [file] [log] [blame]
//===------ AccessEnforcementOpts.cpp - Optimize access enforcement -------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/// This pass optimizes access enforcement as follows:
/// Access marker folding: Find begin/end access scopes that are uninterrupted
/// by a potential conflicting access. Flag those as [nontracking] access.
/// Folding must prove that no dynamic conflicts occur inside of an access
/// scope. That is, a scope has no "nested inner conflicts". The access itself
/// may still conflict with an outer scope. If successful, folding simply sets
/// the [no_nested_conflict] attribute on the begin_[unpaired_]access
/// instruction and removes all corresponding end_[unpaired_]access
/// instructions.
/// This analysis is conceptually similar to DiagnoseStaticExclusivity. The
/// difference is that it conservatively considers any dynamic access that may
/// alias, as opposed to only the obviously aliasing accesses (it is the
/// complement of the static diagnostic pass in that respect). This makes a
/// considerable difference in the implementation. For example,
/// DiagnoseStaticExclusivity must be able to fully analyze all @inout_aliasable
/// parameters because they aren't dynamically enforced. This optimization
/// completely ignores @inout_aliasable paramters because it only cares about
/// dynamic enforcement. This optimization also does not attempt to look at
/// subaccess paths, because it should not weaken enforcement in any way--a
/// program that traps at -Onone should also trap at -O.
/// AccessFolding is a forward data flow analysis that tracks open accesses. If
/// any path to an access' end of scope has a potentially conflicting access,
/// then that access is marked as a nested conflict.
/// Pass order dependencies:
/// - Benefits from running after AccessEnforcementSelection.
/// TODO: Perform another run of AccessEnforcementSelection immediately before
/// this pass. Currently, that pass only works well when run before
/// AllocBox2Stack. Ideally all such closure analysis passes are combined into a
/// shared anlysis with a set of associated optimizations that can be rerun at
/// any point in the pipeline. Until then, we could settle for a partially
/// working AccessEnforcementSelection, or expand it somewhat to handle
/// alloc_stack.
/// TODO: Add test case. Use SideEffectAnalysis to ignore calls without global
/// effects. Also scan the arguments to see if there are closure captures. If
/// this isn't sufficient, add a bit to SideEffectAnalysis for NonlocalAccess.
/// TODO: Add test case. For Local variables. Ignore global side effects if
/// none of the intervening calls can access the captured variable.
/// TODO: Add test case. For Class/Global variables. Ignore global side effects
/// if callee analysis and interprocedural analysis tell us that none of the
/// intervening calls access that variable.
/// TODO: As a separate module pass, find global/class accesses to properties
/// that are never passed "reentrantly". That optmimization could make use of
/// the no_nested_conflict flags set in this pass. If *none* of a module-private
/// variable's accesses have nested conflict, then they can be downgraded to
/// static checks en masse.
#define DEBUG_TYPE "access-enforcement-opts"
#include "swift/SIL/DebugUtils.h"
#include "swift/SIL/MemAccessUtils.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILFunction.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/AccessedStorageAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/PassManager/Transforms.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Utils/Local.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallBitVector.h"
using namespace swift;
namespace swift {
/// A value-based subclass of AccessedStorage with identical layout. This
/// provides access to pass-specific data in reserved bits.
/// The fully-qualified class name allows for the declaration of bitfields in
/// AccessedStorage. In this file, it is aliased to AccessInfo.
class AccessEnforcementOptsInfo : public AccessedStorage {
/// Get a unique index for this access within its function.
unsigned getAccessIndex() const {
return Bits.AccessEnforcementOptsInfo.beginAccessIndex;
void setAccessIndex(unsigned index) {
Bits.AccessEnforcementOptsInfo.beginAccessIndex = index;
assert(unsigned(Bits.AccessEnforcementOptsInfo.beginAccessIndex) == index);
/// Has the analysis seen a conflicting nested access on any path within this
/// access' scope.
bool seenNestedConflict() const {
return Bits.AccessEnforcementOptsInfo.seenNestedConflict;
void setSeenNestedConflict() {
Bits.AccessEnforcementOptsInfo.seenNestedConflict = 1;
void dump() const {
llvm::dbgs() << " access index: " << getAccessIndex() << " <"
<< (seenNestedConflict() ? "" : "no ") << "conflict>\n";
} // namespace swift
using AccessInfo = AccessEnforcementOptsInfo;
namespace {
class SparseAccessSet;
/// A dense set of begin_[unpaired_]access instructions... because very few
/// accesses are typically in-progress at a particular program point,
/// particularly at block boundaries.
using DenseAccessSet = SmallVector<BeginAccessInst *, 4>;
/// Perform the access folding optimization on a function.
/// Maps each begin access instruction to its AccessInfo, which:
/// - identifies the accessed memory for conflict detection
/// - contains a pass-specific reachability set index
/// - contains a pass-specific flag that indicates the presence of a conflict
/// on any path.
/// If, after computing reachability, an access' conflict flag is still not set,
/// then all paths in its scope are conflict free. Reachability begins at a
/// begin_[unpaired_]access instruction and ends either at a potential conflict
/// or at the end_[unpaired_]access instruction that is associated with the
/// begin access.
/// Forward data flow computes `blockOutAccess` for each block. At a control
/// flow merge, this analysis forms an intersection of reachable accesses on
/// each path. Only visited predecessors are merged (unvisited paths
/// optimistically assume reachability). Before a block is visited, it has no
/// map entry in blockOutAccess. Blocks are processed in RPO order, and a single
/// begin_access dominates all associated end_access instructions. Consequently,
/// when a block is first visited, blockOutAccess contains the maximal
/// reachability set. Further iteration would only reduce this set.
/// The only result of this analysis used by the optimization is the conflict
/// flag in AccessInfo. Since reducing a reachability set cannot further
/// detect conflicts, there is no need to iterate to a reachability fix point.
class AccessFolding {
friend class SparseAccessSet;
SILFunction *F;
PostOrderFunctionInfo *PO;
AccessedStorageAnalysis *ASA;
/// Map each begin access to its index, data, and flags.
llvm::SmallDenseMap<BeginAccessInst *, AccessInfo, 32> beginAccessMap;
/// Tracks the in-progress accesses at the end of each block.
llvm::SmallDenseMap<SILBasicBlock *, DenseAccessSet, 32> blockOutAccess;
AccessFolding(SILFunction *F, PostOrderFunctionInfo *PO,
AccessedStorageAnalysis *ASA)
: F(F), PO(PO), ASA(ASA) {}
void perform();
/// Get the AccessInfo for a BeginAccessInst within this function. All
/// accesses are mapped by identifyBeginAccesses().
AccessInfo &getAccessInfo(BeginAccessInst *beginAccess) {
auto iter = beginAccessMap.find(beginAccess);
assert(iter != beginAccessMap.end());
return iter->second;
const AccessInfo &getAccessInfo(BeginAccessInst *beginAccess) const {
return const_cast<AccessFolding &>(*this).getAccessInfo(beginAccess);
/// Convenience. If AccessInfo has already been retrieved, get the index
/// directly from it instead of calling this to avoid additional hash lookup.
unsigned getAccessIndex(BeginAccessInst *beginAccess) const {
return getAccessInfo(beginAccess).getAccessIndex();
void identifyBeginAccesses();
void visitBeginAccess(BeginAccessInst *beginAccess,
SparseAccessSet &accessMap);
void visitEndAccess(EndAccessInst *endAccess, SparseAccessSet &accessMap);
void visitFullApply(FullApplySite fullApply, SparseAccessSet &accessMap);
void mergePredAccesses(SILBasicBlock *succBB,
SparseAccessSet &mergedAccesses);
void visitBlock(SILBasicBlock *BB);
void foldNonNestedAccesses();
/// A sparse set of in-flight accesses.
/// Explodes a DenseAccessSet into a temporary sparse set for comparison
/// and membership.
/// The AccessFolding pass provides the instruction to index mapping. Rather
/// than having all instances of SparseAccessSet reference the pass, it is only
/// passed in for the operations that require it.
class SparseAccessSet {
llvm::SmallBitVector bitmask; // Most functions have < 64 accesses.
DenseAccessSet denseVec;
/// Internally, the denseVec may contain entries that have been removed from
/// the bitmask. Iteration checks for membership in the bitmask.
class Iterator {
const AccessFolding &pass;
const SparseAccessSet &sparseSet;
DenseAccessSet::const_iterator denseIter;
Iterator(const SparseAccessSet &set, const AccessFolding &pass)
: pass(pass), sparseSet(set), denseIter(set.denseVec.begin()) {}
BeginAccessInst *next() {
auto end = sparseSet.denseVec.end();
while (denseIter != end) {
BeginAccessInst *beginAccess = *denseIter;
unsigned sparseIndex = pass.getAccessIndex(beginAccess);
if (sparseSet.bitmask[sparseIndex])
return beginAccess;
return nullptr;
SparseAccessSet(AccessFolding &pass) : bitmask(pass.beginAccessMap.size()) {}
SparseAccessSet(const DenseAccessSet &denseVec, AccessFolding &pass)
: bitmask(pass.beginAccessMap.size()), denseVec(denseVec) {
for (BeginAccessInst *beginAccess : denseVec)
bool isEmpty(AccessFolding &pass) const {
Iterator iterator(*this, pass);
return == nullptr;
bool contains(unsigned index) const { return bitmask[index]; }
// Insert the given BeginAccessInst with its corresponding reachability index.
// Return true if the set was expanded.
bool insert(BeginAccessInst *beginAccess, unsigned index) {
if (bitmask[index])
return false;
return true;
/// Erase an access from this set based on the index provided by its mapped
/// AccessInfo.
/// Does not invalidate Iterator.
void erase(unsigned index) { bitmask.reset(index); }
bool isEquivalent(const SparseAccessSet &other) const {
return bitmask == other.bitmask;
// Only merge accesses that are present on the `other` map. i.e. erase
// all accesses in this map that are not present in `other`.
void merge(const SparseAccessSet &other) { bitmask &= other.bitmask; }
void copyInto(DenseAccessSet &other, AccessFolding &pass) {
Iterator iterator(*this, pass);
while (BeginAccessInst *beginAccess = {
void dump(AccessFolding &pass) const {
Iterator iterator(*this, pass);
while (BeginAccessInst *beginAccess = {
llvm::dbgs() << *beginAccess << " ";
} // namespace
// Find all begin access operations in this function. Map each access to
// AccessInfo, which includes its identified memory location, identifying
// index, and analysis result flags.
// TODO: begin_unpaired_access is not tracked. Even though begin_unpaired_access
// isn't explicitly paired, it may be possible after devirtualization and
// inlining to find all uses of the scratch buffer. However, this doesn't
// currently happen in practice (rdar://40033735).
void AccessFolding::identifyBeginAccesses() {
for (auto &BB : *F) {
for (auto &I : BB) {
auto *beginAccess = dyn_cast<BeginAccessInst>(&I);
if (!beginAccess)
// The accessed base is expected to be valid for begin_access, but for
// now, since this optimization runs at the end of the pipeline, we
// gracefully handle unrecognized source address patterns, which show up
// here as an invalid `storage` value.
const AccessedStorage &storage =
if (!storage)
auto iterAndSuccess = beginAccessMap.try_emplace(
beginAccess, static_cast<const AccessInfo &>(storage));
// Add a pass-specific access index to the mapped storage object.
AccessInfo &info = iterAndSuccess.first->second;
/// When a conflict is detected, flag the access so it can't be folded, and
/// remove its index from the current access set so we stop checking for
/// conflicts. Erasing from SparseAccessSet does not invalidate any iterators.
static void recordConflict(AccessInfo &info, SparseAccessSet &accessSet) {
// Given an "inner" access, check for potential conflicts with any outer access.
// Allow these overlapping accesses:
// - read/read
// - different bases, both valid, and at least one is local
// Remove any outer access that may conflict from the accessSet.
// and flag the conflict in beginAccessMap.
// Record the inner access in the accessSet.
void AccessFolding::visitBeginAccess(BeginAccessInst *innerBeginAccess,
SparseAccessSet &accessSet) {
if (innerBeginAccess->getEnforcement() != SILAccessEnforcement::Dynamic)
const AccessInfo &innerAccess = getAccessInfo(innerBeginAccess);
SILAccessKind innerAccessKind = innerBeginAccess->getAccessKind();
SparseAccessSet::Iterator accessIter(accessSet, *this);
while (BeginAccessInst *outerBeginAccess = {
// If both are reads, keep the mapped access.
if (!accessKindMayConflict(innerAccessKind,
outerBeginAccess->getAccessKind())) {
AccessInfo &outerAccess = getAccessInfo(outerBeginAccess);
// If there is no potential conflict, leave the outer access mapped.
if (!outerAccess.isDistinctFrom(innerAccess))
DEBUG(innerAccess.dump(); llvm::dbgs() << " may conflict with:\n";
recordConflict(outerAccess, accessSet);
DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Recording access: " << *innerBeginAccess;
llvm::dbgs() << " at: "; innerAccess.dump());
// Record the current access in the map. It can potentially be folded
// regardless of whether it may conflict with an outer access.
bool inserted =
accessSet.insert(innerBeginAccess, innerAccess.getAccessIndex());
assert(inserted && "the same begin_access cannot be seen twice.");
void AccessFolding::visitEndAccess(EndAccessInst *endAccess,
SparseAccessSet &accessSet) {
auto *beginAccess = endAccess->getBeginAccess();
if (beginAccess->getEnforcement() != SILAccessEnforcement::Dynamic)
unsigned index = getAccessIndex(beginAccess);
DEBUG(if (accessSet.contains(index)) llvm::dbgs()
<< "No conflict on one path from " << *beginAccess << " to "
<< *endAccess);
// Erase this access from the sparse set. We only want to detect conflicts
// within the access scope.
void AccessFolding::visitFullApply(FullApplySite fullApply,
SparseAccessSet &accessSet) {
FunctionAccessedStorage callSiteAccesses;
ASA->getCallSiteEffects(callSiteAccesses, fullApply);
SparseAccessSet::Iterator accessIter(accessSet, *this);
while (BeginAccessInst *outerBeginAccess = {
// If there is no potential conflict, leave the outer access mapped.
SILAccessKind accessKind = outerBeginAccess->getAccessKind();
AccessInfo &outerAccess = getAccessInfo(outerBeginAccess);
if (!callSiteAccesses.mayConflictWith(accessKind, outerAccess))
DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << *fullApply.getInstruction() << " call site access: ";
callSiteAccesses.dump(); llvm::dbgs() << " may conflict with:\n";
recordConflict(outerAccess, accessSet);
// Merge all predecessor accesses into the local acces set. Only propagate
// accesses that are still present in all predecessors. The absence of a begin
// access from a visited predecessor indicates the presence of a conflict. A
// block has been visited if it has a map entry in blockOutAccess.
void AccessFolding::mergePredAccesses(SILBasicBlock *succBB,
SparseAccessSet &mergedAccesses) {
for (SILBasicBlock *predBB : succBB->getPredecessorBlocks()) {
auto mapI = blockOutAccess.find(predBB);
if (mapI == blockOutAccess.end())
const DenseAccessSet &predSet = mapI->second;
mergedAccesses.merge(SparseAccessSet(predSet, *this));
// Compute access reachability within the given block.
void AccessFolding::visitBlock(SILBasicBlock *BB) {
// Sparse set for tracking accesses with an individual block.
SparseAccessSet accessSet(*this);
mergePredAccesses(BB, accessSet);
for (auto &I : *BB) {
if (auto *BAI = dyn_cast<BeginAccessInst>(&I)) {
visitBeginAccess(BAI, accessSet);
if (auto *EAI = dyn_cast<EndAccessInst>(&I)) {
visitEndAccess(EAI, accessSet);
if (auto fullApply = FullApplySite::isa(&I)) {
visitFullApply(fullApply, accessSet);
if (BB->getTerminator()->isFunctionExiting())
assert(accessSet.isEquivalent(*this) && "no postdominating end_access");
DEBUG(if (!accessSet.isEmpty(*this)) {
llvm::dbgs() << "Initializing accesses out of bb" << BB->getDebugID()
<< "\n";
// Initialize blockOutAccess for this block with the current access set.
accessSet.copyInto(blockOutAccess[BB], *this);
// Data-flow analysis is now complete. Any begin_access remaining in
// nonNestedBeginAccessInstructions can be marked "non-nested".
// Note: If we later support marking begin_unpaired_access [no_nested_conflict],
// then we also need to remove any corresponding end_unpaired_access. That can
// be done either by recording the end_unpaired_access instructions during
// analysis and deleting them here in the same order, or sorting them here by
// their begin_unpaired_access index.
void AccessFolding::foldNonNestedAccesses() {
for (auto &beginAccessAndInfo : beginAccessMap) {
BeginAccessInst *beginAccess = beginAccessAndInfo.first;
AccessInfo &info = beginAccessAndInfo.second;
if (info.seenNestedConflict())
// Optimize this begin_access by setting [no_nested_conflict].
// Top-level driver for AccessFolding forward data flow optimization.
void AccessFolding::perform() {
// Populate beginAccessMap.
// Perform data flow and set the conflict flags on AccessInfo.
for (auto *BB : PO->getReversePostOrder())
// Fold any accesses that don't have nested conflicts.
namespace {
struct AccessEnforcementOpts : public SILFunctionTransform {
void run() override {
SILFunction *F = getFunction();
if (F->empty())
// Perform access folding. May mark begin_access with no_nested_conflict and
// may removed end_unpaired_access.
PostOrderFunctionInfo *PO = getAnalysis<PostOrderAnalysis>()->get(F);
AccessedStorageAnalysis *ASA = getAnalysis<AccessedStorageAnalysis>();
AccessFolding folding(F, PO, ASA);
SILTransform *swift::createAccessEnforcementOpts() {
return new AccessEnforcementOpts();