blob: 84e3c82fbcf36ac9c9962e9ff8a18f6c807a231a [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- RawSyntax.h - Swift Raw Syntax Interface ---------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines the RawSyntax type.
// These are the "backbone or "skeleton" of the Syntax tree, providing
// the recursive structure, child relationships, kind of node, etc.
// They are reference-counted and strictly immutable, so can be shared freely
// among Syntax nodes and have no specific identity. They could even in theory
// be shared for expressions like 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 - you don't need 7 syntax nodes
// to express that at this layer.
// These are internal implementation ONLY - do not expose anything involving
// RawSyntax publicly. Clients of lib/Syntax should not be aware that they
// exist.
#include "swift/Basic/InlineBitfield.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/References.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/SyntaxKind.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/TokenKinds.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/Trivia.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/FoldingSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/IntrusiveRefCntPtr.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/PointerUnion.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "llvm/Support/TrailingObjects.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <vector>
using llvm::cast;
using llvm::StringRef;
#ifndef NDEBUG
#define syntax_assert_child_kind(Raw, Cursor, ExpectedKind) \
({ \
if (auto &__Child = Raw->getChild(Cursor)) \
assert(__Child->getKind() == ExpectedKind); \
#define syntax_assert_child_kind(Raw, Cursor, ExpectedKind) ({});
#ifndef NDEBUG
#define syntax_assert_child_token(Raw, CursorName, ...) \
({ \
bool __Found = false; \
if (auto &__Token = Raw->getChild(Cursor::CursorName)) { \
assert(__Token->isToken()); \
if (__Token->isPresent()) { \
for (auto Token : {__VA_ARGS__}) { \
if (__Token->getTokenKind() == Token) { \
__Found = true; \
break; \
} \
} \
assert(__Found && "invalid token supplied for " #CursorName \
", expected one of {" #__VA_ARGS__ "}"); \
} \
} \
#define syntax_assert_child_token(Raw, CursorName, ...) ({});
#ifndef NDEBUG
#define syntax_assert_child_token_text(Raw, CursorName, TokenKind, ...) \
({ \
bool __Found = false; \
if (auto &__Child = Raw->getChild(Cursor::CursorName)) { \
assert(__Child->isToken()); \
if (__Child->isPresent()) { \
assert(__Child->getTokenKind() == TokenKind); \
for (auto __Text : {__VA_ARGS__}) { \
if (__Child->getTokenText() == __Text) { \
__Found = true; \
break; \
} \
} \
assert(__Found && "invalid text supplied for " #CursorName \
", expected one of {" #__VA_ARGS__ "}"); \
} \
} \
#define syntax_assert_child_token_text(Raw, CursorName, TokenKind, ...) ({});
#ifndef NDEBUG
#define syntax_assert_token_is(Tok, Kind, Text) \
({ \
assert(Tok.getTokenKind() == Kind); \
assert(Tok.getText() == Text); \
#define syntax_assert_token_is(Tok, Kind, Text) ({});
namespace swift {
namespace syntax {
class SyntaxArena;
using CursorIndex = size_t;
/// Get a numeric index suitable for array/vector indexing
/// from a syntax node's Cursor enum value.
template <typename CursorType> constexpr CursorIndex cursorIndex(CursorType C) {
return static_cast<CursorIndex>(C);
/// An absolute position in a source file as text - the absolute offset from
/// the start, line, and column.
class AbsolutePosition {
uintptr_t Offset = 0;
uint32_t Line = 1;
uint32_t Column = 1;
/// Add some number of columns to the position.
void addColumns(uint32_t Columns) {
Column += Columns;
Offset += Columns;
/// Add some number of newlines to the position, resetting the column.
/// Size is byte size of newline char.
/// '\n' and '\r' are 1, '\r\n' is 2.
void addNewlines(uint32_t NewLines, uint32_t Size) {
Line += NewLines;
Column = 1;
Offset += NewLines * Size;
/// Use some text as a reference for adding to the absolute position,
/// taking note of newlines, etc.
void addText(StringRef Str) {
const char * C = Str.begin();
while (C != Str.end()) {
switch (*C++) {
case '\n':
addNewlines(1, 1);
case '\r':
if (C != Str.end() && *C == '\n') {
addNewlines(1, 2);
} else {
addNewlines(1, 1);
/// Get the line number of this position.
uint32_t getLine() const { return Line; }
/// Get the column number of this position.
uint32_t getColumn() const { return Column; }
/// Get the line and column number of this position.
std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> getLineAndColumn() const {
return {Line, Column};
/// Get the absolute offset of this position, suitable for indexing into a
/// buffer if applicable.
uintptr_t getOffset() const { return Offset; }
/// Print the line and column as "l:c" to the given output stream.
void printLineAndColumn(llvm::raw_ostream &OS) const;
/// Dump a description of this position to the given output stream
/// for debugging.
void dump(llvm::raw_ostream &OS = llvm::errs()) const;
/// An indicator of whether a Syntax node was found or written in the source.
/// This is not an 'implicit' bit.
enum class SourcePresence {
/// The syntax was authored by a human and found, or was generated.
/// The syntax was expected or optional, but not found in the source.
/// The print option to specify when printing a raw syntax node.
struct SyntaxPrintOptions {
bool Visual = false;
bool PrintSyntaxKind = false;
bool PrintTrivialNodeKind = false;
/// RawSyntax - the strictly immutable, shared backing nodes for all syntax.
/// This is implementation detail - do not expose it in public API.
class RawSyntax final
: public llvm::ThreadSafeRefCountedBase<RawSyntax>,
private llvm::TrailingObjects<RawSyntax, RC<RawSyntax>, OwnedString,
TriviaPiece> {
friend TrailingObjects;
union {
uint64_t Clear;
struct {
/// The kind of syntax this node represents.
unsigned Kind : bitmax(NumSyntaxKindBits, 8);
/// Whether this piece of syntax was actually present in the source.
unsigned Presence : 1;
/// Whether this piece of syntax was constructed with manually managed
/// memory.
unsigned ManualMemory : 1;
enum { NumRawSyntaxBits = bitmax(NumSyntaxKindBits, 8) + 1 };
// For "layout" nodes.
struct {
uint64_t : bitmax(NumRawSyntaxBits, 32);
/// Number of children this "layout" node has.
unsigned NumChildren : 32;
// For "token" nodes.
struct {
uint64_t : bitmax(NumRawSyntaxBits, 16);
/// The kind of token this "token" node represents.
unsigned TokenKind : 16;
/// Number of leading trivia pieces.
unsigned NumLeadingTrivia : 16;
/// Number of trailing trivia pieces.
unsigned NumTrailingTrivia : 16;
} Bits;
size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<RC<RawSyntax>>) const {
return isToken() ? 0 : Bits.NumChildren;
size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<OwnedString>) const {
return isToken() ? 1 : 0;
size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<TriviaPiece>) const {
return isToken() ? Bits.NumLeadingTrivia + Bits.NumTrailingTrivia : 0;
RawSyntax(SyntaxKind Kind, ArrayRef<RC<RawSyntax>> Layout,
SourcePresence Presence, bool ManualMemory);
RawSyntax(tok TokKind, OwnedString Text,
ArrayRef<TriviaPiece> LeadingTrivia,
ArrayRef<TriviaPiece> TrailingTrivia,
SourcePresence Presence, bool ManualMemory);
void Release() const {
if (Bits.ManualMemory)
return llvm::ThreadSafeRefCountedBase<RawSyntax>::Release();
void Retain() const {
if (Bits.ManualMemory)
return llvm::ThreadSafeRefCountedBase<RawSyntax>::Retain();
/// \name Factory methods.
/// @{
/// Make a raw "layout" syntax node.
static RC<RawSyntax> make(SyntaxKind Kind, ArrayRef<RC<RawSyntax>> Layout,
SourcePresence Presence,
SyntaxArena *Arena = nullptr);
/// Make a raw "token" syntax node.
static RC<RawSyntax> make(tok TokKind, OwnedString Text,
ArrayRef<TriviaPiece> LeadingTrivia,
ArrayRef<TriviaPiece> TrailingTrivia,
SourcePresence Presence,
SyntaxArena *Arena = nullptr);
/// Make a missing raw "layout" syntax node.
static RC<RawSyntax> missing(SyntaxKind Kind, SyntaxArena *Arena = nullptr) {
return make(Kind, {}, SourcePresence::Missing, Arena);
/// Make a missing raw "token" syntax node.
static RC<RawSyntax> missing(tok TokKind, OwnedString Text,
SyntaxArena *Arena = nullptr) {
return make(TokKind, Text, {}, {}, SourcePresence::Missing, Arena);
static RC<RawSyntax> getToken(SyntaxArena &Arena, tok TokKind,
OwnedString Text,
ArrayRef<TriviaPiece> LeadingTrivia,
ArrayRef<TriviaPiece> TrailingTrivia);
/// @}
SourcePresence getPresence() const {
return static_cast<SourcePresence>(Bits.Presence);
SyntaxKind getKind() const { return static_cast<SyntaxKind>(Bits.Kind); }
/// Returns true if the node is "missing" in the source (i.e. it was
/// expected (or optional) but not written.
bool isMissing() const { return getPresence() == SourcePresence::Missing; }
/// Returns true if the node is "present" in the source.
bool isPresent() const { return getPresence() == SourcePresence::Present; }
/// Returns true if this raw syntax node is some kind of declaration.
bool isDecl() const { return isDeclKind(getKind()); }
/// Returns true if this raw syntax node is some kind of type syntax.
bool isType() const { return isTypeKind(getKind()); }
/// Returns true if this raw syntax node is some kind of statement.
bool isStmt() const { return isStmtKind(getKind()); }
/// Returns true if this raw syntax node is some kind of expression.
bool isExpr() const { return isExprKind(getKind()); }
/// Returns true if this raw syntax node is some kind of pattern.
bool isPattern() const { return isPatternKind(getKind()); }
/// Return true is this raw syntax node is a unknown node.
bool isUnknown() const { return isUnknownKind(getKind()); }
/// Return true if this raw syntax node is a token.
bool isToken() const { return isTokenKind(getKind()); }
/// \name Getter routines for SyntaxKind::Token.
/// @{
/// Get the kind of the token.
tok getTokenKind() const {
return static_cast<tok>(Bits.TokenKind);
/// Return the text of the token.
StringRef getTokenText() const {
return getTrailingObjects<OwnedString>()->str();
/// Return the leading trivia list of the token.
ArrayRef<TriviaPiece> getLeadingTrivia() const {
return {getTrailingObjects<TriviaPiece>(), Bits.NumLeadingTrivia};
/// Return the trailing trivia list of the token.
ArrayRef<TriviaPiece> getTrailingTrivia() const {
return {getTrailingObjects<TriviaPiece>() + Bits.NumLeadingTrivia,
/// Return \c true if this is the given kind of token.
bool isToken(tok K) const { return isToken() && getTokenKind() == K; }
/// @}
/// \name Transform routines for "token" nodes.
/// @{
/// Return a new token like this one, but with the given leading
/// trivia instead.
withLeadingTrivia(ArrayRef<TriviaPiece> NewLeadingTrivia) const {
return make(getTokenKind(), getTokenText(), NewLeadingTrivia,
getTrailingTrivia(), getPresence());
RC<RawSyntax> withLeadingTrivia(Trivia NewLeadingTrivia) const {
return withLeadingTrivia(NewLeadingTrivia.Pieces);
/// Return a new token like this one, but with the given trailing
/// trivia instead.
withTrailingTrivia(ArrayRef<TriviaPiece> NewTrailingTrivia) const {
return make(getTokenKind(), getTokenText(), getLeadingTrivia(),
NewTrailingTrivia, getPresence());
RC<RawSyntax> withTrailingTrivia(Trivia NewTrailingTrivia) const {
return withTrailingTrivia(NewTrailingTrivia.Pieces);
/// @}
/// \name Getter routines for "layout" nodes.
/// @{
/// Get the child nodes.
ArrayRef<RC<RawSyntax>> getLayout() const {
if (isToken())
return {};
return {getTrailingObjects<RC<RawSyntax>>(), Bits.NumChildren};
size_t getNumChildren() const {
if (isToken())
return 0;
return Bits.NumChildren;
/// Get a child based on a particular node's "Cursor", indicating
/// the position of the terms in the production of the Swift grammar.
const RC<RawSyntax> &getChild(CursorIndex Index) const {
return getLayout()[Index];
/// @}
/// \name Transform routines for "layout" nodes.
/// @{
/// Return a new raw syntax node with the given new layout element appended
/// to the end of the node's layout.
RC<RawSyntax> append(RC<RawSyntax> NewLayoutElement) const;
/// Return a new raw syntax node with the given new layout element replacing
/// another at some cursor position.
replaceChild(CursorIndex Index, RC<RawSyntax> NewLayoutElement) const;
/// @}
/// Advance the provided AbsolutePosition by the full width of this node.
/// If this is token node, returns the AbsolutePosition of the start of the
/// token's nontrivial text. Otherwise, return the position of the first
/// token. If this contains no tokens, return None.
accumulateAbsolutePosition(AbsolutePosition &Pos) const;
/// Advance the provided AbsolutePosition by the first trivia of this node.
/// Return true if we found this trivia; otherwise false.
bool accumulateLeadingTrivia(AbsolutePosition &Pos) const;
/// Print this piece of syntax recursively.
void print(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, SyntaxPrintOptions Opts) const;
/// Dump this piece of syntax recursively for debugging or testing.
void dump() const;
/// Dump this piece of syntax recursively.
void dump(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, unsigned Indent = 0) const;
static void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID, tok TokKind, OwnedString Text,
ArrayRef<TriviaPiece> LeadingTrivia,
ArrayRef<TriviaPiece> TrailingTrivia);
} // end namespace syntax
} // end namespace swift