blob: 5238c9512e9a1066b58011982674974dacc85b0d [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -swift-version 4
class Container {
private func foo() {} // expected-note * {{declared here}}
private var bar = 0 // expected-note * {{declared here}}
private struct PrivateInner {} // expected-note * {{declared here}}
func localTest() {
_ = bar
bar = 5
_ = = 5
_ = PrivateInner()
_ = Container.PrivateInner()
struct Inner {
func test(obj: Container) {
_ = = 5
_ = PrivateInner()
_ = Container.PrivateInner()
var inner: PrivateInner? // expected-error {{property must be declared private because its type uses a private type}}
var innerQualified: Container.PrivateInner? // expected-error {{property must be declared private because its type uses a private type}} expected-note {{declared here}}
var inner: PrivateInner? // expected-error {{property must be declared private because its type uses a private type}}
var innerQualified: Container.PrivateInner? // expected-error {{property must be declared private because its type uses a private type}}
func test(obj: Container) { // expected-error {{'foo' is inaccessible due to 'private' protection level}}
_ = // expected-error {{'bar' is inaccessible due to 'private' protection level}} = 5 // expected-error {{'bar' is inaccessible due to 'private' protection level}}
obj.privateExtensionMethod() // expected-error {{'privateExtensionMethod' is inaccessible due to 'private' protection level}}
_ = Container.PrivateInner() // expected-error {{'PrivateInner' is inaccessible due to 'private' protection level}}
extension Container {
private func privateExtensionMethod() {} // expected-note * {{declared here}}
func extensionTest() {
_ = bar
bar = 5
_ = = 5
_ = PrivateInner()
_ = Container.PrivateInner()
var extensionInner: PrivateInner? { return nil } // expected-error {{property must be declared private because its type uses a private type}}
var extensionInnerQualified: Container.PrivateInner? { return nil } // expected-error {{property must be declared private because its type uses a private type}}
extension Container.Inner {
func extensionTest(obj: Container) {
_ = = 5
// FIXME: Unqualified lookup won't look into Container from here.
_ = PrivateInner() // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'PrivateInner'}}
_ = Container.PrivateInner()
// FIXME: Unqualified lookup won't look into Container from here.
var inner: PrivateInner? { return nil } // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'PrivateInner'}}
var innerQualified: Container.PrivateInner? { return nil } // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration of 'innerQualified'}} expected-error {{property must be declared private because its type uses a private type}}
class Sub : Container {
func subTest() {
foo() // expected-error {{'foo' is inaccessible due to 'private' protection level}} // expected-error {{'foo' is inaccessible due to 'private' protection level}}
_ = bar // expected-error {{'bar' is inaccessible due to 'private' protection level}}
bar = 5 // expected-error {{'bar' is inaccessible due to 'private' protection level}}
_ = // expected-error {{'bar' is inaccessible due to 'private' protection level}} = 5 // expected-error {{'bar' is inaccessible due to 'private' protection level}}
privateExtensionMethod() // expected-error {{'privateExtensionMethod' is inaccessible due to 'private' protection level}}
self.privateExtensionMethod() // expected-error {{'privateExtensionMethod' is inaccessible due to 'private' protection level}}
_ = PrivateInner() // expected-error {{'PrivateInner' is inaccessible due to 'private' protection level}}
_ = Container.PrivateInner() // expected-error {{'PrivateInner' is inaccessible due to 'private' protection level}}
var subInner: PrivateInner? // expected-error {{'PrivateInner' is inaccessible due to 'private' protection level}}
var subInnerQualified: Container.PrivateInner? // expected-error {{'PrivateInner' is inaccessible due to 'private' protection level}}
protocol VeryImportantProto {
associatedtype Assoc
var value: Int { get set } // expected-note {{protocol requires property 'value' with type 'Int'; do you want to add a stub?}}
private struct VIPPrivateType : VeryImportantProto {
private typealias Assoc = Int // expected-error {{type alias 'Assoc' must be as accessible as its enclosing type because it matches a requirement in protocol 'VeryImportantProto'}}
var value: Int
private struct VIPPrivateProp : VeryImportantProto {
typealias Assoc = Int
private var value: Int // expected-error {{property 'value' must be as accessible as its enclosing type because it matches a requirement in protocol 'VeryImportantProto'}} {{3-10=fileprivate}}
private struct VIPPrivateSetProp : VeryImportantProto {
typealias Assoc = Int
private(set) var value: Int // expected-error {{setter for property 'value' must be as accessible as its enclosing type because it matches a requirement in protocol 'VeryImportantProto'}} {{3-10=fileprivate}}
private class VIPPrivateSetBase {
private var value: Int = 0
private class VIPPrivateSetSub : VIPPrivateSetBase, VeryImportantProto { // expected-error {{type 'VIPPrivateSetSub' does not conform to protocol 'VeryImportantProto'}}
typealias Assoc = Int
private class VIPPrivateSetPropBase {
private(set) var value: Int = 0 // expected-error {{setter for property 'value' must be as accessible as its enclosing type because it matches a requirement in protocol 'VeryImportantProto'}} {{3-10=fileprivate}}
private class VIPPrivateSetPropSub : VIPPrivateSetPropBase, VeryImportantProto {
typealias Assoc = Int
extension Container {
private typealias ExtensionConflictingType = Int // expected-note {{found candidate with type}} expected-note {{previously declared here}} expected-note{{found this candidate}}
extension Container {
private typealias ExtensionConflictingType = Double // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration of 'ExtensionConflictingType'}} expected-note {{found candidate with type}} expected-note{{found this candidate}}
extension Container {
func test() {
let a: ExtensionConflictingType? = nil // expected-error{{'ExtensionConflictingType' is ambiguous for type lookup in this context}}
let b: Container.ExtensionConflictingType? = nil // expected-error {{ambiguous type name 'ExtensionConflictingType' in 'Container'}}
_ = ExtensionConflictingType()
_ = Container.ExtensionConflictingType()
// All of these are errors in Swift 4, but didn't have the correct behavior in
// Swift 3.0GM.
extension Container {
private struct VeryPrivateStruct { // expected-note * {{type declared here}}
private typealias VeryPrivateType = Int // expected-note * {{type declared here}}
var privateVar: VeryPrivateType { fatalError() } // expected-error {{property must be declared private because its type uses a private type}}
var privateVar2 = VeryPrivateType() // expected-error {{property must be declared private because its type 'Container.VeryPrivateStruct.VeryPrivateType' (aka 'Int') uses a private type}}
typealias PrivateAlias = VeryPrivateType // expected-error {{type alias must be declared private because its underlying type uses a private type}}
subscript(_: VeryPrivateType) -> Void { return () } // expected-error {{subscript must be declared private because its index uses a private type}}
func privateMethod(_: VeryPrivateType) -> Void {} // expected-error {{method must be declared private because its parameter uses a private type}} {{none}}
enum PrivateRawValue: VeryPrivateType { // expected-error {{enum must be declared private because its raw type uses a private type}} {{none}}
case A
enum PrivatePayload {
case A(VeryPrivateType) // expected-error {{enum case in an internal enum uses a private type}} {{none}}
private class PrivateInnerClass {} // expected-note * {{declared here}}
class PrivateSuper: PrivateInnerClass {} // expected-error {{class must be declared private because its superclass is private}} {{none}}
fileprivate var privateVar: VeryPrivateStruct { fatalError() } // expected-error {{property cannot be declared fileprivate because its type uses a private type}} {{none}}
fileprivate typealias PrivateAlias = VeryPrivateStruct // expected-error {{type alias cannot be declared fileprivate because its underlying type uses a private type}} {{none}}
fileprivate subscript(_: VeryPrivateStruct) -> Void { return () } // expected-error {{subscript cannot be declared fileprivate because its index uses a private type}} {{none}}
fileprivate func privateMethod(_: VeryPrivateStruct) -> Void {} // expected-error {{method cannot be declared fileprivate because its parameter uses a private type}} {{none}}
fileprivate enum PrivateRawValue: VeryPrivateStruct {} // expected-error {{enum cannot be declared fileprivate because its raw type uses a private type}} {{none}}
// expected-error@-1 {{raw type 'Container.VeryPrivateStruct' is not expressible by any literal}}
// expected-error@-2 {{'Container.PrivateRawValue' declares raw type 'Container.VeryPrivateStruct', but does not conform to RawRepresentable and conformance could not be synthesized}}
// expected-error@-3 {{RawRepresentable conformance cannot be synthesized because raw type 'Container.VeryPrivateStruct' is not Equatable}}
fileprivate enum PrivatePayload {
case A(VeryPrivateStruct) // expected-error {{enum case in an internal enum uses a private type}} {{none}}
private class PrivateInnerClass {} // expected-note * {{declared here}}
fileprivate class PrivateSuperClass: PrivateInnerClass {} // expected-error {{class cannot be declared fileprivate because its superclass is private}} {{none}}
fileprivate class PrivateGenericUser<T> where T: PrivateInnerClass {} // expected-error {{generic class cannot be declared fileprivate because its generic requirement uses a private type}} {{none}}
fileprivate struct SR2579 {
private struct Inner {
private struct InnerPrivateType {}
var innerProperty = InnerPrivateType() // expected-error {{property must be declared private because its type 'SR2579.Inner.InnerPrivateType' uses a private type}}
// FIXME: We need better errors when one access violation results in more
// downstream.
private var outerProperty = Inner().innerProperty // expected-error {{property cannot be declared in this context because its type 'SR2579.Inner.InnerPrivateType' uses a private type}}
var outerProperty2 = Inner().innerProperty // expected-error {{property must be declared private because its type 'SR2579.Inner.InnerPrivateType' uses a private type}}