blob: 7b73a9adf4956bdfe61284343f3f79971748175d [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %target-build-swift -module-name main %s -o %t/hash
// RUN: (export -n %env-SWIFT_DETERMINISTIC_HASHING; %target-run %t/hash && %target-run %t/hash) | %FileCheck --check-prefixes=RANDOM %s
// RUN: (export %env-SWIFT_DETERMINISTIC_HASHING=1; %target-run %t/hash && %target-run %t/hash) | %FileCheck --check-prefixes=STABLE %s
// This check verifies that the hash seed is randomly generated on every
// execution of a Swift program unless the SWIFT_DETERMINISTIC_HASHING
// environment variable is set.
print("Deterministic: \(_Hasher._isDeterministic)")
print("Seed: \(_Hasher._seed)")
print("Hash values: <\(0.hashValue), \(1.hashValue)>")
// With randomized hashing, we get a new seed and a new set of hash values on
// each run. There is a minuscule chance that the same seed is generated on two
// separate executions; however, a test failure here is more likely to indicate
// an issue with the random number generator or the testing environment.
// RANDOM: Deterministic: false
// RANDOM-NEXT: Seed: [[SEED0:\([0-9]+, [0-9]+\)]]
// RANDOM-NEXT: Hash values: [[HASH0:<-?[0-9]+, -?[0-9]+>]]
// RANDOM-NEXT: Deterministic: false
// RANDOM-NEXT: Hash values:
// Stable runs have known seeds, and generate the same hash values. A test
// failure here indicates that the seed override mechanism isn't working
// correctly.
// STABLE: Deterministic: true
// STABLE-NEXT: Seed: (0, 0)
// STABLE-NEXT: Hash values: [[HASH1:<-?[0-9]+, -?[0-9]+>]]
// STABLE-NEXT: Deterministic: true
// STABLE-NEXT: Seed: (0, 0)
// STABLE-NEXT: Hash values: [[HASH1]]