blob: 0f3f306ab7a6b4cdc9c4e5fcbf6eea3369c44218 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: not --crash %target-swift-frontend -parse-stdlib -DBUILDING_OUTSIDE_STDLIB %s -emit-ir
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import Swift
internal func _conditionallyUnreachable() -> Never {
extension Array {
func _getOwner_native() -> Builtin.NativeObject { fatalError() }
internal func _abstract(
methodName: StaticString = #function,
file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line
) -> Never {
_fatalErrorMessage("abstract method", methodName, file: file, line: line,
flags: _fatalErrorFlags())
// MARK: Type-erased abstract base classes
public class AnyKeyPath: Hashable {
public func appending<Value, AppendedValue>(
path: KeyPath<Value, AppendedValue>
) -> AnyKeyPath? {
public class var rootType: Any.Type {
public class var valueType: Any.Type {
final public var hashValue: Int {
var hash = 0
withBuffer {
var buffer = $0
while true {
let (component, type) =
hash ^= _mixInt(component.value.hashValue)
if let type = type {
hash ^= _mixInt(unsafeBitCast(type, to: Int.self))
} else {
return hash
public static func ==(a: AnyKeyPath, b: AnyKeyPath) -> Bool {
// Fast-path identical objects
if a === b {
return true
// Short-circuit differently-typed key paths
if type(of: a) != type(of: b) {
return false
return a.withBuffer {
var aBuffer = $0
return b.withBuffer {
var bBuffer = $0
// Two equivalent key paths should have the same reference prefix
if aBuffer.hasReferencePrefix != bBuffer.hasReferencePrefix {
return false
while true {
let (aComponent, aType) =
let (bComponent, bType) =
if aComponent.header.endOfReferencePrefix
!= bComponent.header.endOfReferencePrefix
|| aComponent.value != bComponent.value
|| aType != bType {
return false
if aType == nil {
return true
// MARK: Implementation details
// Prevent normal initialization. We use tail allocation via
// allocWithTailElems().
internal init() {
_sanityCheckFailure("use _create(...)")
public // @testable
static func _create(
capacityInBytes bytes: Int,
initializedBy body: (UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer) -> Void
) -> Self {
_sanityCheck(bytes > 0 && bytes % 4 == 0,
"capacity must be multiple of 4 bytes")
let result = Builtin.allocWithTailElems_1(self, (bytes/4)._builtinWordValue,
let base = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(Builtin.projectTailElems(result,
body(UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer(start: base, count: bytes))
return result
func withBuffer<T>(_ f: (KeyPathBuffer) throws -> T) rethrows -> T {
defer { _fixLifetime(self) }
let base = UnsafeRawPointer(Builtin.projectTailElems(self, Int32.self))
return try f(KeyPathBuffer(base: base))
public class PartialKeyPath<Root>: AnyKeyPath {
public override func appending<Value, AppendedValue>(
path: KeyPath<Value, AppendedValue>
) -> KeyPath<Root, AppendedValue>? {
public func appending<Value, AppendedValue>(
path: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Value, AppendedValue>
) -> ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Root, AppendedValue>? {
// MARK: Override abstract interfaces
public final override class var rootType: Any.Type {
return Root.self
// MARK: Concrete implementations
// FIXME(ABI): This protocol is a hack to work around the inability to have
// "new" non-overriding overloads in subclasses
public protocol _KeyPath {
associatedtype _Root
associatedtype _Value
public class KeyPath<Root, Value>: PartialKeyPath<Root>, _KeyPath {
public typealias _Root = Root
public typealias _Value = Value
public func appending<AppendedValue>(
path: KeyPath<Value, AppendedValue>
) -> KeyPath<Root, AppendedValue> {
let resultTy = type(of: self).appendedType(with: type(of: path))
return withBuffer {
var rootBuffer = $0
return path.withBuffer {
var leafBuffer = $0
// Result buffer has room for both key paths' components, plus the
// header, plus space for the middle key path component.
let resultSize = +
+ MemoryLayout<KeyPathBuffer.Header>.size
+ MemoryLayout<Int>.size
return resultTy._create(capacityInBytes: resultSize) {
var destBuffer = $0
func pushRaw(_ count: Int) {
_sanityCheck(destBuffer.count >= count)
destBuffer = UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer(
start: destBuffer.baseAddress.unsafelyUnwrapped + count,
count: destBuffer.count - count
func pushType(_ type: Any.Type) {
let intSize = MemoryLayout<Int>.size
_sanityCheck(destBuffer.count >= intSize)
if intSize == 8 {
let words = unsafeBitCast(type, to: (UInt32, UInt32).self)
destBuffer.storeBytes(of: words.0,
as: UInt32.self)
destBuffer.storeBytes(of: words.1, toByteOffset: 4,
as: UInt32.self)
} else if intSize == 4 {
destBuffer.storeBytes(of: type, as: Any.Type.self)
} else {
_sanityCheckFailure("unsupported architecture")
// Save space for the header.
let header = KeyPathBuffer.Header(
size: resultSize - 4,
trivial: rootBuffer.trivial && leafBuffer.trivial,
hasReferencePrefix: rootBuffer.hasReferencePrefix
|| leafBuffer.hasReferencePrefix
destBuffer.storeBytes(of: header, as: KeyPathBuffer.Header.self)
let leafHasReferencePrefix = leafBuffer.hasReferencePrefix
let leafIsReferenceWritable = type(of: path).kind == .reference
// Clone the root components into the buffer.
while true {
let (component, type) =
let isLast = type == nil
// If the leaf appended path has a reference prefix, then the
// entire root is part of the reference prefix.
let endOfReferencePrefix: Bool
if leafHasReferencePrefix {
endOfReferencePrefix = false
} else if isLast && leafIsReferenceWritable {
endOfReferencePrefix = true
} else {
endOfReferencePrefix = component.header.endOfReferencePrefix
into: &destBuffer,
endOfReferencePrefix: endOfReferencePrefix
if let type = type {
} else {
// Insert our endpoint type between the root and leaf components.
// Clone the leaf components into the buffer.
while true {
let (component, type) =
into: &destBuffer,
endOfReferencePrefix: component.header.endOfReferencePrefix
if let type = type {
} else {
_sanityCheck(destBuffer.count == 0,
"did not fill entire result buffer")
public final func appending<AppendedValue>(
path: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Value, AppendedValue>
) -> ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Root, AppendedValue> {
return unsafeDowncast(
appending(path: path as KeyPath<Value, AppendedValue>),
to: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Root, AppendedValue>.self
// MARK: Override optional-returning abstract interfaces
public final override func appending<Value2, AppendedValue>(
path: KeyPath<Value2, AppendedValue>
) -> KeyPath<Root, AppendedValue>? {
if Value2.self == Value.self {
return .some(appending(
path: unsafeDowncast(path, to: KeyPath<Value, AppendedValue>.self)))
return nil
public final override func appending<Value2, AppendedValue>(
path: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Value2, AppendedValue>
) -> ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Root, AppendedValue>? {
if Value2.self == Value.self {
return .some(appending(
path: unsafeDowncast(path,
to: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Value, AppendedValue>.self)))
return nil
public final override class var valueType: Any.Type {
return Value.self
// MARK: Implementation
enum Kind { case readOnly, value, reference }
class var kind: Kind { return .readOnly }
static func appendedType<AppendedValue>(
with t: KeyPath<Value, AppendedValue>.Type
) -> KeyPath<Root, AppendedValue>.Type {
let resultKind: Kind
switch (self.kind, t.kind) {
case (_, .reference):
resultKind = .reference
case (let x, .value):
resultKind = x
resultKind = .readOnly
switch resultKind {
case .readOnly:
return KeyPath<Root, AppendedValue>.self
case .value:
return WritableKeyPath.self
case .reference:
return ReferenceWritableKeyPath.self
final func projectReadOnly(from root: Root) -> Value {
// TODO: For perf, we could use a local growable buffer instead of Any
var curBase: Any = root
return withBuffer {
var buffer = $0
while true {
let (rawComponent, optNextType) =
let valueType = optNextType ?? Value.self
let isLast = optNextType == nil
func project<CurValue>(_ base: CurValue) -> Value? {
func project2<NewValue>(_: NewValue.Type) -> Value? {
let newBase: NewValue = rawComponent.projectReadOnly(base)
if isLast {
_sanityCheck(NewValue.self == Value.self,
"key path does not terminate in correct type")
return unsafeBitCast(newBase, to: Value.self)
} else {
curBase = newBase
return nil
return _openExistential(valueType, do: project2)
if let result = _openExistential(curBase, do: project) {
return result
deinit {
withBuffer { $0.destroy() }
public class WritableKeyPath<Root, Value>: KeyPath<Root, Value> {
public final func appending<AppendedValue>(
path: WritableKeyPath<Value, AppendedValue>
) -> WritableKeyPath<Root, AppendedValue> {
return unsafeDowncast(
appending(path: path as KeyPath<Value, AppendedValue>),
to: WritableKeyPath<Root, AppendedValue>.self
// MARK: Implementation detail
override class var kind: Kind { return .value }
// `base` is assumed to be undergoing a formal access for the duration of the
// call, so must not be mutated by an alias
func projectMutableAddress(from base: UnsafePointer<Root>)
-> (pointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Value>, owner: Builtin.NativeObject) {
var p = UnsafeRawPointer(base)
var type: Any.Type = Root.self
var keepAlive: [AnyObject] = []
return withBuffer {
var buffer = $0
"WritableKeyPath should not have a reference prefix")
while true {
let (rawComponent, optNextType) =
let nextType = optNextType ?? Value.self
func project<CurValue>(_: CurValue.Type) {
func project2<NewValue>(_: NewValue.Type) {
p = rawComponent.projectMutableAddress(p,
from: CurValue.self,
to: NewValue.self,
isRoot: p == UnsafeRawPointer(base),
keepAlive: &keepAlive)
_openExistential(nextType, do: project2)
_openExistential(type, do: project)
if optNextType == nil { break }
type = nextType
// TODO: With coroutines, it would be better to yield here, so that
// we don't need the hack of the keepAlive array to manage closing
// accesses.
let typedPointer = p.assumingMemoryBound(to: Value.self)
return (pointer: UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: typedPointer),
owner: keepAlive._getOwner_native())
public class ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Root, Value>: WritableKeyPath<Root, Value> {
/* TODO: need a "new" attribute
public final func appending<AppendedValue>(
path: WritableKeyPath<Value, AppendedValue>
) -> ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Root, AppendedValue> {
return unsafeDowncast(
appending(path: path as KeyPath<Value, AppendedValue>),
to: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Root, AppendedValue>.self
// MARK: Implementation detail
final override class var kind: Kind { return .reference }
final override func projectMutableAddress(from base: UnsafePointer<Root>)
-> (pointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Value>, owner: Builtin.NativeObject) {
// Since we're a ReferenceWritableKeyPath, we know we don't mutate the base in
// practice.
return projectMutableAddress(from: base.pointee)
final func projectMutableAddress(from origBase: Root)
-> (pointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Value>, owner: Builtin.NativeObject) {
var keepAlive: [AnyObject] = []
var address: UnsafeMutablePointer<Value> = withBuffer {
var buffer = $0
// Project out the reference prefix.
var base: Any = origBase
while buffer.hasReferencePrefix {
let (rawComponent, optNextType) =
_sanityCheck(optNextType != nil,
"reference prefix should not go to end of buffer")
let nextType = optNextType.unsafelyUnwrapped
func project<NewValue>(_: NewValue.Type) -> Any {
func project2<CurValue>(_ base: CurValue) -> Any {
return rawComponent.projectReadOnly(base) as NewValue
return _openExistential(base, do: project2)
base = _openExistential(nextType, do: project)
// Start formal access to the mutable value, based on the final base
// value.
func formalMutation<MutationRoot>(_ base: MutationRoot)
-> UnsafeMutablePointer<Value> {
var base2 = base
return withUnsafeBytes(of: &base2) { baseBytes in
var p = baseBytes.baseAddress.unsafelyUnwrapped
var curType: Any.Type = MutationRoot.self
while true {
let (rawComponent, optNextType) =
let nextType = optNextType ?? Value.self
func project<CurValue>(_: CurValue.Type) {
func project2<NewValue>(_: NewValue.Type) {
p = rawComponent.projectMutableAddress(p,
from: CurValue.self,
to: NewValue.self,
isRoot: p == baseBytes.baseAddress,
keepAlive: &keepAlive)
_openExistential(nextType, do: project2)
_openExistential(curType, do: project)
if optNextType == nil { break }
curType = nextType
let typedPointer = p.assumingMemoryBound(to: Value.self)
return UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: typedPointer)
return _openExistential(base, do: formalMutation)
return (address, keepAlive._getOwner_native())
extension _KeyPath where Self: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<_Root, _Value> {
public final func appending<AppendedValue>(
path: WritableKeyPath<Value, AppendedValue>
) -> ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Root, AppendedValue> {
return unsafeDowncast(
appending(path: path as KeyPath<Value, AppendedValue>),
to: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Root, AppendedValue>.self
// MARK: Implementation details
enum KeyPathComponentKind {
/// The keypath projects within the storage of the outer value, like a
/// stored property in a struct.
case `struct`
/// The keypath projects from the referenced pointer, like a
/// stored property in a class.
case `class`
/// The keypath optional-chains, returning nil immediately if the input is
/// nil, or else proceeding by projecting the value inside.
case optionalChain
/// The keypath optional-forces, trapping if the input is
/// nil, or else proceeding by projecting the value inside.
case optionalForce
/// The keypath wraps a value in an optional.
case optionalWrap
enum KeyPathComponent: Hashable {
struct RawAccessor {
var rawCode: Builtin.RawPointer
var rawContext: Builtin.NativeObject?
/// The keypath projects within the storage of the outer value, like a
/// stored property in a struct.
case `struct`(offset: Int)
/// The keypath projects from the referenced pointer, like a
/// stored property in a class.
case `class`(offset: Int)
/// The keypath optional-chains, returning nil immediately if the input is
/// nil, or else proceeding by projecting the value inside.
case optionalChain
/// The keypath optional-forces, trapping if the input is
/// nil, or else proceeding by projecting the value inside.
case optionalForce
/// The keypath wraps a value in an optional.
case optionalWrap
static func ==(a: KeyPathComponent, b: KeyPathComponent) -> Bool {
switch (a, b) {
case (.struct(offset: let a), .struct(offset: let b)),
(.class (offset: let a), .class (offset: let b)):
return a == b
case (.optionalChain, .optionalChain),
(.optionalForce, .optionalForce),
(.optionalWrap, .optionalWrap):
return true
case (.struct, _),
(.class, _),
(.optionalChain, _),
(.optionalForce, _),
(.optionalWrap, _):
return false
var hashValue: Int {
var hash: Int = 0
switch self {
case .struct(offset: let a):
hash ^= _mixInt(0)
hash ^= _mixInt(a)
case .class(offset: let b):
hash ^= _mixInt(1)
hash ^= _mixInt(b)
case .optionalChain:
hash ^= _mixInt(2)
case .optionalForce:
hash ^= _mixInt(3)
case .optionalWrap:
hash ^= _mixInt(4)
return hash
struct RawKeyPathComponent {
var header: Header
var body: UnsafeRawBufferPointer
struct Header {
static var payloadBits: Int { return 29 }
static var payloadMask: Int { return 0xFFFF_FFFF >> (32 - payloadBits) }
var _value: UInt32
var discriminator: Int { return Int(_value) >> Header.payloadBits & 0x3 }
var payload: Int {
get { return Int(_value) & Header.payloadMask }
set {
_sanityCheck(newValue & Header.payloadMask == newValue,
"payload too big")
let shortMask = UInt32(Header.payloadMask)
_value = _value & ~shortMask | UInt32(newValue)
var endOfReferencePrefix: Bool {
get {
return Int(_value) >> Header.payloadBits & 0x4 != 0
set {
let bit = 0x4 << UInt32(Header.payloadBits)
if newValue {
_value = _value | bit
} else {
_value = _value & ~bit
var kind: KeyPathComponentKind {
switch (discriminator, payload) {
case (0, _):
return .struct
case (2, _):
return .class
case (3, 0):
return .optionalChain
case (3, 1):
return .optionalWrap
case (3, 2):
return .optionalForce
_sanityCheckFailure("invalid header")
var bodySize: Int {
switch kind {
case .struct, .class:
if payload == Header.payloadMask { return 4 } // overflowed
return 0
case .optionalChain, .optionalForce, .optionalWrap:
return 0
var isTrivial: Bool {
switch kind {
case .struct, .class, .optionalChain, .optionalForce, .optionalWrap:
return true
var _structOrClassOffset: Int {
_sanityCheck(header.kind == .struct || header.kind == .class,
"no offset for this kind")
// An offset too large to fit inline is represented by a signal and stored
// in the body.
if header.payload == Header.payloadMask {
// Offset overflowed into body
_sanityCheck(body.count >= MemoryLayout<UInt32>.size,
"component not big enough")
return Int(body.load(as: UInt32.self))
return header.payload
var value: KeyPathComponent {
switch header.kind {
case .struct:
return .struct(offset: _structOrClassOffset)
case .class:
return .class(offset: _structOrClassOffset)
case .optionalChain:
return .optionalChain
case .optionalForce:
return .optionalForce
case .optionalWrap:
return .optionalWrap
func destroy() {
switch header.kind {
case .struct,
// trivial
func clone(into buffer: inout UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer,
endOfReferencePrefix: Bool) {
var newHeader = header
newHeader.endOfReferencePrefix = endOfReferencePrefix
var componentSize = MemoryLayout<Header>.size
buffer.storeBytes(of: newHeader, as: Header.self)
switch header.kind {
case .struct,
if header.payload == Header.payloadMask {
let overflowOffset = body.load(as: UInt32.self)
buffer.storeBytes(of: overflowOffset, toByteOffset: 4,
as: UInt32.self)
componentSize += 4
case .optionalChain,
_sanityCheck(buffer.count >= componentSize)
buffer = UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer(
start: buffer.baseAddress.unsafelyUnwrapped + componentSize,
count: buffer.count - componentSize
func projectReadOnly<CurValue, NewValue>(_ base: CurValue) -> NewValue {
switch value {
case .struct(let offset):
var base2 = base
return withUnsafeBytes(of: &base2) {
let p = $0.baseAddress.unsafelyUnwrapped.advanced(by: offset)
// The contents of the struct should be well-typed, so we can assume
// typed memory here.
return p.assumingMemoryBound(to: NewValue.self).pointee
case .class(let offset):
_sanityCheck(CurValue.self is AnyObject.Type,
"base is not a class")
let baseObj = unsafeBitCast(base, to: AnyObject.self)
let basePtr = UnsafeRawPointer(Builtin.bridgeToRawPointer(baseObj))
defer { _fixLifetime(baseObj) }
return basePtr.advanced(by: offset)
.assumingMemoryBound(to: NewValue.self)
case .optionalChain:
case .optionalForce:
case .optionalWrap:
func projectMutableAddress<CurValue, NewValue>(
_ base: UnsafeRawPointer,
from _: CurValue.Type,
to _: NewValue.Type,
isRoot: Bool,
keepAlive: inout [AnyObject]
) -> UnsafeRawPointer {
switch value {
case .struct(let offset):
return base.advanced(by: offset)
case .class(let offset):
// A class dereference should only occur at the root of a mutation,
// since otherwise it would be part of the reference prefix.
"class component should not appear in the middle of mutation")
// AnyObject memory can alias any class reference memory, so we can
// assume type here
let object = base.assumingMemoryBound(to: AnyObject.self).pointee
// The base ought to be kept alive for the duration of the derived access
return UnsafeRawPointer(Builtin.bridgeToRawPointer(object))
.advanced(by: offset)
case .optionalForce:
case .optionalChain, .optionalWrap:
_sanityCheckFailure("not a mutable key path component")
internal struct KeyPathBuffer {
var data: UnsafeRawBufferPointer
var trivial: Bool
var hasReferencePrefix: Bool
struct Header {
var _value: UInt32
init(size: Int, trivial: Bool, hasReferencePrefix: Bool) {
_sanityCheck(size <= 0x3FFF_FFFF, "key path too big")
_value = UInt32(size)
| (trivial ? 0x8000_0000 : 0)
| (hasReferencePrefix ? 0x4000_0000 : 0)
var size: Int { return Int(_value & 0x3FFF_FFFF) }
var trivial: Bool { return _value & 0x8000_0000 != 0 }
var hasReferencePrefix: Bool { return _value & 0x4000_0000 != 0 }
init(base: UnsafeRawPointer) {
let header = base.load(as: Header.self)
data = UnsafeRawBufferPointer(
start: base + MemoryLayout<Header>.size,
count: header.size
trivial = header.trivial
hasReferencePrefix = header.hasReferencePrefix
func destroy() {
if trivial { return }
mutating func next() -> (RawKeyPathComponent, Any.Type?) {
let header = pop(RawKeyPathComponent.Header.self)
// Track if this is the last component of the reference prefix.
if header.endOfReferencePrefix {
"beginMutation marker in non-reference-writable key path?")
self.hasReferencePrefix = false
let body: UnsafeRawBufferPointer
let size = header.bodySize
if size != 0 {
body = popRaw(size)
} else {
body = UnsafeRawBufferPointer(start: nil, count: 0)
let component = RawKeyPathComponent(header: header, body: body)
// fetch type, which is in the buffer unless it's the final component
let nextType: Any.Type?
if data.count == 0 {
nextType = nil
} else {
if MemoryLayout<Any.Type>.size == 8 {
// Words in the key path buffer are 32-bit aligned
nextType = unsafeBitCast(pop((Int32, Int32).self),
to: Any.Type.self)
} else if MemoryLayout<Any.Type>.size == 4 {
nextType = pop(Any.Type.self)
} else {
_sanityCheckFailure("unexpected word size")
return (component, nextType)
mutating func pop<T>(_ type: T.Type) -> T {
let raw = popRaw(MemoryLayout<T>.size)
return raw.load(as: type)
mutating func popRaw(_ size: Int) -> UnsafeRawBufferPointer {
_sanityCheck(data.count >= size,
"not enough space for next component?")
let result = UnsafeRawBufferPointer(start: data.baseAddress, count: size)
data = UnsafeRawBufferPointer(
start: data.baseAddress.unsafelyUnwrapped + size,
count: data.count - size
return result
public struct _KeyPathBase<T> {
public var base: T
public init(base: T) { self.base = base }
// TODO: These subscripts ought to sit on `Any`
public subscript<U>(keyPath: KeyPath<T, U>) -> U {
return keyPath.projectReadOnly(from: base)
public subscript<U>(keyPath: WritableKeyPath<T, U>) -> U {
get {
return keyPath.projectReadOnly(from: base)
mutableAddressWithNativeOwner {
// The soundness of this `addressof` operation relies on the returned
// address from an address only being used during a single formal access
// of `self` (IOW, there's no end of the formal access between
// `materializeForSet` and its continuation).
let basePtr = UnsafeMutablePointer<T>(Builtin.addressof(&base))
return keyPath.projectMutableAddress(from: basePtr)
public subscript<U>(keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<T, U>) -> U {
get {
return keyPath.projectReadOnly(from: base)
nonmutating mutableAddressWithNativeOwner {
return keyPath.projectMutableAddress(from: base)