blob: 35346bc95195942754df7edd4fabc4b577093867 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
var var_redecl1: Int // expected-note {{previously declared here}}
var_redecl1 = 0
var var_redecl1: UInt // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration of 'var_redecl1'}}
var var_redecl2: Int // expected-note {{previously declared here}}
var_redecl2 = 0
var var_redecl2: Int // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration of 'var_redecl2'}}
var var_redecl3: (Int) -> () { get {} } // expected-note {{previously declared here}}
var var_redecl3: () -> () { get {} } // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration of 'var_redecl3'}}
var var_redecl4: Int // expected-note 2{{previously declared here}}
var var_redecl4: Int // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration of 'var_redecl4'}}
var var_redecl4: Int // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration of 'var_redecl4'}}
let let_redecl1: Int = 0 // expected-note {{previously declared here}}
let let_redecl1: UInt = 0 // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration}}
let let_redecl2: Int = 0 // expected-note {{previously declared here}}
let let_redecl2: Int = 0 // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration}}
class class_redecl1 {} // expected-note {{previously declared here}}
class class_redecl1 {} // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration}}
class class_redecl2<T> {} // expected-note {{previously declared here}}
class class_redecl2 {} // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration}}
class class_redecl3 {} // expected-note {{previously declared here}}
class class_redecl3<T> {} // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration}}
struct struct_redecl1 {} // expected-note {{previously declared here}}
struct struct_redecl1 {} // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration}}
struct struct_redecl2<T> {} // expected-note {{previously declared here}}
struct struct_redecl2 {} // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration}}
struct struct_redecl3 {} // expected-note {{previously declared here}}
struct struct_redecl3<T> {} // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration}}
enum enum_redecl1 {} // expected-note {{previously declared here}}
enum enum_redecl1 {} // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration}}
enum enum_redecl2<T> {} // expected-note {{previously declared here}}
enum enum_redecl2 {} // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration}}
enum enum_redecl3 {} // expected-note {{previously declared here}}
enum enum_redecl3<T> {} // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration}}
protocol protocol_redecl1 {} // expected-note {{previously declared here}}
protocol protocol_redecl1 {} // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration}}
typealias typealias_redecl1 = Int // expected-note {{previously declared here}}
typealias typealias_redecl1 = Int // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration}}
typealias typealias_redecl2 = Int // expected-note {{previously declared here}}
typealias typealias_redecl2 = UInt // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration}}
var mixed_redecl1: Int // expected-note {{previously declared here}}
class mixed_redecl1 {} // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration}}
class mixed_redecl1a : mixed_redecl1 {}
class mixed_redecl2 {} // expected-note {{previously declared here}}
struct mixed_redecl2 {} // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration}}
class mixed_redecl3 {} // expected-note {{previously declared here}}
// expected-note @-1 2{{found this candidate}}
enum mixed_redecl3 {} // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration}}
// expected-note @-1 2{{found this candidate}}
enum mixed_redecl3a : mixed_redecl3 {} // expected-error {{'mixed_redecl3' is ambiguous for type lookup in this context}}
// expected-error @-1{{'mixed_redecl3a' does not conform}}
class mixed_redecl3b : mixed_redecl3 {} // expected-error {{'mixed_redecl3' is ambiguous for type lookup in this context}}
class mixed_redecl4 {} // expected-note {{previously declared here}}
// expected-note@-1{{found this candidate}}
protocol mixed_redecl4 {} // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration}}
// expected-note@-1{{found this candidate}}
protocol mixed_redecl4a : mixed_redecl4 {} // expected-error {{'mixed_redecl4' is ambiguous for type lookup in this context}}
class mixed_redecl5 {} // expected-note {{previously declared here}}
typealias mixed_redecl5 = Int // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration}}
typealias mixed_redecl5a = mixed_redecl5
func mixed_redecl6() {} // expected-note {{'mixed_redecl6()' previously declared here}}
var mixed_redecl6: Int // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration of 'mixed_redecl6'}}
var mixed_redecl7: Int // expected-note {{'mixed_redecl7' previously declared here}}
func mixed_redecl7() {} // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration of 'mixed_redecl7()'}}
func mixed_redecl8() {} // expected-note {{previously declared here}}
class mixed_redecl8 {} // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration}}
class mixed_redecl8a : mixed_redecl8 {}
class mixed_redecl9 {} // expected-note {{previously declared here}}
func mixed_redecl9() {} // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration}}
func mixed_redecl10() {} // expected-note {{previously declared here}}
typealias mixed_redecl10 = Int // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration}}
typealias mixed_redecl11 = Int // expected-note {{previously declared here}}
func mixed_redecl11() {} // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration}}
var mixed_redecl12: Int // expected-note {{previously declared here}}
let mixed_redecl12: Int = 0 // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration}}
let mixed_redecl13: Int = 0 // expected-note {{previously declared here}}
var mixed_redecl13: Int // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration}}
var mixed_redecl14 : Int
func mixed_redecl14(_ i: Int) {} // okay
func mixed_redecl15(_ i: Int) {}
var mixed_redecl15 : Int // okay
var mixed_redecl16: Int // expected-note {{'mixed_redecl16' previously declared here}}
func mixed_redecl16() -> Int {} // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration of 'mixed_redecl16()'}}
class OverloadStaticFromBase {
class func create() {}
class OverloadStaticFromBase_Derived : OverloadStaticFromBase {
class func create(_ x: Int) {}
// Overloading of functions based on argument names only.
func ovl_argname1(x: Int, y: Int) { }
func ovl_argname1(y: Int, x: Int) { }
func ovl_argname1(a: Int, b: Int) { }
// Overloading with generics
protocol P1 { }
protocol P2 { }
func ovl_generic1<T: P1 & P2>(t: T) { } // expected-note{{previous}}
func ovl_generic1<U: P1 & P2>(t: U) { } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'ovl_generic1(t:)'}}
func ovl_generic2<T : P1>(_: T) {} // expected-note{{previously declared here}}
func ovl_generic2<T : P1>(_: T) {} // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'ovl_generic2'}}
func ovl_generic3<T : P1>(_ x: T) {} // OK
func ovl_generic3<T : P2>(_ x: T) {} // OK
// Redeclarations within nominal types
struct X { }
struct Y { }
struct Z {
var a : X, // expected-note{{previously declared here}}
a : Y // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'a'}}
var b: X // expected-note{{previously declared here}}
extension Z {
var b: Int { return 0 } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'b'}}
struct X1 {
func f(a : Int) {} // expected-note{{previously declared here}}
func f(a : Int) {} // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'f(a:)'}}
struct X2 {
func f(a : Int) {} // expected-note{{previously declared here}}
typealias IntAlias = Int
func f(a : IntAlias) {} // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'f(a:)'}}
struct X3 {
func f(a : Int) {} // expected-note{{previously declared here}}
func f(a : IntAlias) {} // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'f(a:)'}}
typealias IntAlias = Int
struct X4 {
typealias i = Int
// expected-note@-1 {{previously declared}}
// expected-note@-2 {{previously declared}}
static var i: String { return "" } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'i'}}
static func i() {} // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'i()'}}
static var j: Int { return 0 } // expected-note{{previously declared here}}
struct j {} // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'j'}}
var i: Int { return 0 }
func i(x: String) {}
extension X4 {
static var k: Int { return 0 } // expected-note{{previously declared here}}
struct k {} // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'k'}}
// Generic Placeholders
struct X5<t, u, v> {
static var t: Int { return 0 }
static func u() {}
typealias v = String
func foo<t>(_ t: t) {
let t = t
_ = t
struct X6<T> {
var foo: T // expected-note{{previously declared here}}
func foo() -> T {} // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'foo()'}}
func foo(_ x: T) {}
static var j: Int { return 0 } // expected-note{{previously declared here}}
struct j {} // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'j'}}
extension X6 {
var k: Int { return 0 } // expected-note{{previously declared here}}
func k() // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'k()'}}
// Subscripting
struct Subscript1 {
subscript (a: Int) -> Int {
get { return a }
subscript (a: Float) -> Int {
get { return Int(a) }
subscript (a: Int) -> Float {
get { return Float(a) }
struct Subscript2 {
subscript (a: Int) -> Int { // expected-note{{previously declared here}}
get { return a }
subscript (a: Int) -> Int { // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'subscript'}}
get { return a }
var `subscript`: Int { return 0 }
struct Subscript3 {
typealias `subscript` = Int // expected-note{{previously declared here}}
static func `subscript`(x: Int) -> String { return "" } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'subscript(x:)'}}
func `subscript`(x: Int) -> String { return "" }
subscript(x x: Int) -> String { return "" }
struct GenericSubscripts {
subscript<T>(x: T) -> Int { return 0 } // expected-note{{previously declared here}}
extension GenericSubscripts {
subscript<U>(x: U) -> Int { return 0 } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'subscript'}}
subscript<T, U>(x: T) -> U { fatalError() }
subscript<T>(x: T) -> T { fatalError() }
subscript(x: Int) -> Int { return 0 }
struct GenericSubscripts2<T> {
subscript(x: T) -> Int { return 0 } // expected-note{{previously declared here}}
extension GenericSubscripts2 {
subscript(x: T) -> Int { return 0 } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'subscript'}}
subscript<U>(x: U) -> Int { return 0 }
subscript(x: T) -> T { fatalError() }
subscript<U>(x: T) -> U { fatalError() }
subscript<U, V>(x: U) -> V { fatalError() }
subscript(x: Int) -> Int { return 0 }
struct GenericSubscripts3<T> {
subscript<U>(x: T) -> U { fatalError() } // expected-note{{previously declared here}}
extension GenericSubscripts3 {
subscript<U>(x: T) -> U { fatalError() } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'subscript'}}
subscript<U, V>(x: U) -> V { fatalError() }
subscript<U>(x: U) -> U { fatalError() }
subscript(x: Int) -> Int { return 0 }
// Initializers
class Initializers {
init(x: Int) { } // expected-note{{previously declared here}}
convenience init(x: Int) { } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'init(x:)'}}
static func `init`(x: Int) -> Initializers { fatalError() }
func `init`(x: Int) -> Initializers { fatalError() }
// Default arguments
// <rdar://problem/13338746>
func sub(x:Int64, y:Int64) -> Int64 { return x - y } // expected-note 2{{'sub(x:y:)' previously declared here}}
func sub(x:Int64, y:Int64 = 1) -> Int64 { return x - y } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'sub(x:y:)'}}
func sub(x:Int64 = 0, y:Int64 = 1) -> Int64 { return x - y } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'sub(x:y:)'}}
// <rdar://problem/13783231>
struct NoneType {
func != <T>(lhs : T, rhs : NoneType) -> Bool { // expected-note{{'!=' previously declared here}}
return true
func != <T>(lhs : T, rhs : NoneType) -> Bool { // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of '!=}}
return true
// throws
func throwsFunc(code: Int) { } // expected-note{{previously declared}}
func throwsFunc(code: Int) throws { } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'throwsFunc(code:)'}}
// throws function parameter -- OK
func throwsFuncParam(_ fn: () throws -> ()) { }
func throwsFuncParam(_ fn: () -> ()) { }
// @escaping
func escaping(x: @escaping (Int) -> Int) { } // expected-note{{previously declared}}
func escaping(x: (Int) -> Int) { } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'escaping(x:)'}}
func escaping(_ x: @escaping (Int) -> Int) { } // expected-note{{previously declared}}
func escaping(_ x: (Int) -> Int) { } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'escaping'}}
func escaping(a: Int, _ x: @escaping (Int) -> Int) { } // expected-note{{previously declared}}
func escaping(a: Int, _ x: (Int) -> Int) { } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'escaping(a:_:)'}}
func escaping(_ a: (Int) -> Int, _ x: (Int) -> Int) { }
// expected-note@-1{{previously declared}}
// expected-note@-2{{previously declared}}
// expected-note@-3{{previously declared}}
func escaping(_ a: (Int) -> Int, _ x: @escaping (Int) -> Int) { } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'escaping'}}
func escaping(_ a: @escaping (Int) -> Int, _ x: (Int) -> Int) { } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'escaping'}}
func escaping(_ a: @escaping (Int) -> Int, _ x: @escaping (Int) -> Int) { } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'escaping'}}
struct Escaping {
func escaping(_ x: @escaping (Int) -> Int) { } // expected-note{{previously declared}}
func escaping(_ x: (Int) -> Int) { } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'escaping'}}
func escaping(a: Int, _ x: @escaping (Int) -> Int) { } // expected-note{{previously declared}}
func escaping(a: Int, _ x: (Int) -> Int) { } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'escaping(a:_:)'}}
// @autoclosure
func autoclosure(f: () -> Int) { }
func autoclosure(f: @autoclosure () -> Int) { }
// inout
func inout2(x: Int) { }
func inout2(x: inout Int) { }
// optionals
func optional(x: Int?) { } // expected-note{{previously declared}}
func optional(x: Int!) { } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'optional(x:)'}}
func optionalInOut(x: inout Int?) { } // expected-note{{previously declared}}
func optionalInOut(x: inout Int!) { } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'optionalInOut(x:)}}
class optionalOverloads {
class func optionalInOut(x: inout Int?) { } // expected-note{{previously declared}}
class func optionalInOut(x: inout Int!) { } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'optionalInOut(x:)'}}
func optionalInOut(x: inout Int?) { } // expected-note{{previously declared}}
func optionalInOut(x: inout Int!) { } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'optionalInOut(x:)}}
func optional_3() -> Int? { } // expected-note{{previously declared}}
func optional_3() -> Int! { } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'optional_3()'}}
// mutating / nonmutating
protocol ProtocolWithMutating {
mutating func test1() // expected-note {{previously declared}}
func test1() // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'test1()'}}
mutating func test2(_ a: Int?) // expected-note {{previously declared}}
func test2(_ a: Int!) // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'test2'}}
mutating static func classTest1() // expected-error {{static functions must not be declared mutating}} {{3-12=}} expected-note {{previously declared}}
static func classTest1() // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'classTest1()'}}
struct StructWithMutating {
mutating func test1() { } // expected-note {{previously declared}}
func test1() { } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'test1()'}}
mutating func test2(_ a: Int?) { } // expected-note {{previously declared}}
func test2(_ a: Int!) { } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'test2'}}
enum EnumWithMutating {
mutating func test1() { } // expected-note {{previously declared}}
func test1() { } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'test1()'}}
protocol ProtocolWithAssociatedTypes {
associatedtype t
// expected-note@-1 {{previously declared}}
// expected-note@-2 {{previously declared}}
static var t: Int { get } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 't'}}
static func t() // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 't()'}}
associatedtype u
associatedtype v
// Instance requirements are fine.
var t: Int { get }
func u()
mutating func v()
associatedtype W
func foo<W>(_ x: W)
// <rdar://problem/21783216> Ban members named Type and Protocol without backticks
protocol r21783216a {
// expected-error @+2 {{type member must not be named 'Type', since it would conflict with the 'foo.Type' expression}}
// expected-note @+1 {{if this name is unavoidable, use backticks to escape it}} {{18-22=`Type`}}
associatedtype Type
// expected-error @+2 {{type member must not be named 'Protocol', since it would conflict with the 'foo.Protocol' expression}}
// expected-note @+1 {{if this name is unavoidable, use backticks to escape it}} {{18-26=`Protocol`}}
associatedtype Protocol
protocol r21783216b {
associatedtype `Type` // ok
associatedtype `Protocol` // ok
struct SR7249<T> {
var x: T { fatalError() } // expected-note {{previously declared}}
var y: Int // expected-note {{previously declared}}
var z: Int // expected-note {{previously declared}}
extension SR7249 {
var x: Int { fatalError() } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'x'}}
var y: T { fatalError() } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'y'}}
var z: Int { fatalError() } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'z'}}
// A constrained extension is okay.
extension SR7249 where T : P1 {
var x: Int { fatalError() }
var y: T { fatalError() }
var z: Int { fatalError() }
protocol P3 {
var i: Int { get }
subscript(i: Int) -> String { get }
extension P3 {
var i: Int { return 0 }
subscript(i: Int) -> String { return "" }
struct SR7250<T> : P3 {}
extension SR7250 where T : P3 {
var i: Int { return 0 }
subscript(i: Int) -> String { return "" }