blob: a97201bf29b643c6a69c4e45c6ccf1ab87c9a925 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %target-build-swift -module-name alias -emit-module -o %t %S/Inputs/alias.swift
// RUN: llvm-bcanalyzer %t/alias.swiftmodule | %FileCheck %s
// RUN: %target-build-swift -I %t %s -o %t/a.out
// RUN: %target-run %t/a.out | %FileCheck -check-prefix=OUTPUT %s
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// CHECK-NOT: UnknownCode
import alias
var i : MyInt64
i = 42
var j : AnotherInt64 = i
print("\(j)\n", terminator: "")
// OUTPUT: 42
var both : TwoInts
both = (i, j)
var named : ThreeNamedInts
named.b = 64
print("\(named.b)\n", terminator: "")
// OUTPUT: 64
var none : None
none = ()
func doNothing() {}
var nullFn : NullFunction = doNothing
func negate(x: MyInt64) -> AnotherInt64 {
return -x
var monadic : IntFunction = negate
print("\(monadic(i))\n", terminator: "")
// OUTPUT: -42
func subtract(x: MyInt64, y: MyInt64) -> MyInt64 {
return x - y
var dyadic : TwoIntFunction = subtract
print("\(dyadic((named.b, i))) \(dyadic(both))\n", terminator: "")
// OUTPUT: 22 0
// Used for tests that only need to be type-checked.
func check(_: BaseAlias) {
let x: GG<Int> = 0
let x2: GInt = 1