blob: 0fee03ef55d597c1382dd68f648c0101567b002c [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -typecheck %s -import-objc-header %S/Inputs/enum-inferred-exhaustivity.h -verify -enable-nonfrozen-enum-exhaustivity-diagnostics -warnings-as-errors
// This is testing what happens with a CF_ENUM definition that doesn't include
// any enum_extensibility attributes. As such, the test deliberately avoids
// importing anything that might pull in CoreFoundation, even from the mock SDK.
func test(_ value: EnumWithDefaultExhaustivity) {
// We want to assume such enums are non-frozen.
switch value { // expected-error {{switch must be exhaustive}} expected-note {{do you want to add a default clause?}}
case .loneCase: break
func test(_ value: EnumWithSpecialAttributes) {
// Same, but with the attributes macro shipped in the Xcode 9 SDKs.
switch value { // expected-error {{switch must be exhaustive}} expected-note {{do you want to add a default clause?}}
case .loneCase: break