blob: 48c93f7b0178333f8259ecd09e386ce48b8d0bbb [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Job.cpp - Command to Execute -------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/Basic/STLExtras.h"
#include "swift/Driver/Job.h"
#include "swift/Driver/PrettyStackTrace.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Option/Arg.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Program.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace swift::driver;
StringRef CommandOutput::getOutputForInputAndType(StringRef PrimaryInputFile,
file_types::ID Type) const {
if (Type == file_types::TY_Nothing)
return StringRef();
auto const *M = DerivedOutputMap.getOutputMapForInput(PrimaryInputFile);
if (!M)
return StringRef();
auto const Out = M->find(Type);
if (Out == M->end())
return StringRef();
return StringRef(Out->second);
struct CommandOutputInvariantChecker {
CommandOutput const &Out;
CommandOutputInvariantChecker(CommandOutput const &CO) : Out(CO) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
~CommandOutputInvariantChecker() {
#ifndef NDEBUG
void CommandOutput::ensureEntry(StringRef PrimaryInputFile,
file_types::ID Type,
StringRef OutputFile,
bool Overwrite) {
assert(Type != file_types::TY_Nothing);
auto &M = DerivedOutputMap.getOrCreateOutputMapForInput(PrimaryInputFile);
if (Overwrite) {
M[Type] = OutputFile;
} else {
auto res = M.insert(std::make_pair(Type, OutputFile));
if (res.second) {
// New entry, no need to compare.
} else {
// Existing entry, check equality with request.
assert(res.first->getSecond() == OutputFile);
void CommandOutput::checkInvariants() const {
file_types::forAllTypes([&](file_types::ID Type) {
size_t numOutputsOfType = 0;
for (auto const &I : Inputs) {
// FIXME: At the moment, empty primary input names correspond to
// corner cases in the driver where it is doing TY_Nothing work
// and isn't even given a primary input; but at some point we
// ought to enable storing derived OFM entries under the empty
// name in general, for "whole build" additional outputs. They
// are presently (arbitrarily and wrongly) stored in entries
// associated with the first primary input of the CommandOutput
// that they were derived from.
assert(PrimaryOutputType == file_types::TY_Nothing || !I.Primary.empty());
auto const *M = DerivedOutputMap.getOutputMapForInput(I.Primary);
if (!M)
auto const Out = M->find(Type);
if (Out == M->end())
assert(numOutputsOfType == 0 ||
numOutputsOfType == 1 ||
numOutputsOfType == Inputs.size());
assert(AdditionalOutputTypes.count(PrimaryOutputType) == 0);
bool CommandOutput::hasSameAdditionalOutputTypes(
CommandOutput const &other) const {
bool sameAdditionalOutputTypes = true;
file_types::forAllTypes([&](file_types::ID Type) {
bool a = AdditionalOutputTypes.count(Type) == 0;
bool b = other.AdditionalOutputTypes.count(Type) == 0;
if (a != b)
sameAdditionalOutputTypes = false;
return sameAdditionalOutputTypes;
void CommandOutput::addOutputs(CommandOutput const &other) {
CommandOutputInvariantChecker Check(*this);
assert(PrimaryOutputType == other.PrimaryOutputType);
assert(&DerivedOutputMap == &other.DerivedOutputMap);
// Should only be called with an empty AdditionalOutputTypes
// or one populated with the same types as other.
if (AdditionalOutputTypes.empty()) {
AdditionalOutputTypes = other.AdditionalOutputTypes;
} else {
CommandOutput::CommandOutput(file_types::ID PrimaryOutputType,
OutputFileMap &Derived)
: PrimaryOutputType(PrimaryOutputType), DerivedOutputMap(Derived) {
CommandOutputInvariantChecker Check(*this);
file_types::ID CommandOutput::getPrimaryOutputType() const {
return PrimaryOutputType;
void CommandOutput::addPrimaryOutput(CommandInputPair Input,
StringRef PrimaryOutputFile) {
PrettyStackTraceDriverCommandOutputAddition CrashInfo(
"primary", this, Input.Primary, PrimaryOutputType, PrimaryOutputFile);
if (PrimaryOutputType == file_types::TY_Nothing) {
// For TY_Nothing, we accumulate the inputs but do not add any outputs.
// The invariant holds on either side of this action because all primary
// outputs for this command will be absent (so the length == 0 case in the
// invariant holds).
CommandOutputInvariantChecker Check(*this);
// The invariant holds in the non-TY_Nothing case before an input is added and
// _after the corresponding output is added_, but not inbetween. Don't try to
// merge these two cases, they're different.
CommandOutputInvariantChecker Check(*this);
assert(AdditionalOutputTypes.count(PrimaryOutputType) == 0);
ensureEntry(Input.Primary, PrimaryOutputType, PrimaryOutputFile, false);
StringRef CommandOutput::getPrimaryOutputFilename() const {
// FIXME: ideally this shouldn't exist, or should at least assert size() == 1,
// and callers should handle cases with multiple primaries explicitly.
assert(Inputs.size() >= 1);
return getOutputForInputAndType(Inputs[0].Primary, PrimaryOutputType);
SmallVector<StringRef, 16> CommandOutput::getPrimaryOutputFilenames() const {
SmallVector<StringRef, 16> V;
size_t NonEmpty = 0;
for (auto const &I : Inputs) {
auto Out = getOutputForInputAndType(I.Primary, PrimaryOutputType);
if (!Out.empty())
assert(!Out.empty() || PrimaryOutputType == file_types::TY_Nothing);
assert(NonEmpty == 0 || NonEmpty == Inputs.size());
return V;
void CommandOutput::setAdditionalOutputForType(file_types::ID Type,
StringRef OutputFilename) {
PrettyStackTraceDriverCommandOutputAddition CrashInfo(
"additional", this, Inputs[0].Primary, Type, OutputFilename);
CommandOutputInvariantChecker Check(*this);
assert(Inputs.size() >= 1);
assert(Type != file_types::TY_Nothing);
// If we're given an "additional" output with the same type as the primary,
// and we've not yet had such an additional type added, we treat it as a
// request to overwrite the primary choice (which happens early and is
// sometimes just inferred) with a refined value (eg. -emit-module-path).
bool Overwrite = Type == PrimaryOutputType;
if (Overwrite) {
assert(AdditionalOutputTypes.count(Type) == 0);
} else {
ensureEntry(Inputs[0].Primary, Type, OutputFilename, Overwrite);
StringRef CommandOutput::getAdditionalOutputForType(file_types::ID Type) const {
if (AdditionalOutputTypes.count(Type) == 0)
return StringRef();
assert(Inputs.size() >= 1);
// FIXME: ideally this shouldn't associate the additional output with the
// first primary, but with a specific primary (and/or possibly the primary "",
// for build-wide outputs) specified by the caller.
assert(Inputs.size() >= 1);
return getOutputForInputAndType(Inputs[0].Primary, Type);
SmallVector<StringRef, 16>
CommandOutput::getAdditionalOutputsForType(file_types::ID Type) const {
SmallVector<StringRef, 16> V;
if (AdditionalOutputTypes.count(Type) != 0) {
for (auto const &I : Inputs) {
auto Out = getOutputForInputAndType(I.Primary, Type);
// FIXME: In theory this should always be non-empty -- and V.size() would
// always be either 0 or N like with primary outputs -- but in practice
// WMO currently associates additional outputs with the _first primary_ in
// a multi-primary job, which means that the 2nd..Nth primaries will have
// an empty result from getOutputForInputAndType, and V.size() will be 1.
if (!Out.empty())
assert(V.empty() || V.size() == 1 || V.size() == Inputs.size());
return V;
StringRef CommandOutput::getAnyOutputForType(file_types::ID Type) const {
if (PrimaryOutputType == Type)
return getPrimaryOutputFilename();
return getAdditionalOutputForType(Type);
const OutputFileMap &CommandOutput::getDerivedOutputMap() const {
return DerivedOutputMap;
StringRef CommandOutput::getBaseInput(size_t Index) const {
assert(Index < Inputs.size());
return Inputs[Index].Base;
static void escapeAndPrintString(llvm::raw_ostream &os, StringRef Str) {
if (Str.empty()) {
// Special-case the empty string.
os << "\"\"";
bool NeedsEscape = Str.find_first_of(" \"\\$") != StringRef::npos;
if (!NeedsEscape) {
// This string doesn't have anything we need to escape, so print it directly
os << Str;
// Quote and escape. This isn't really complete, but is good enough, and
// matches how Clang's Command handles escaping arguments.
os << '"';
for (const char c : Str) {
switch (c) {
case '"':
case '\\':
case '$':
// These characters need to be escaped.
os << '\\';
// Fall-through to the default case, since we still need to print the
// character.
os << c;
os << '"';
CommandOutput::print(raw_ostream &out) const {
<< "{\n"
<< " PrimaryOutputType = " << file_types::getTypeName(PrimaryOutputType)
<< ";\n"
<< " Inputs = [\n";
[&](CommandInputPair const &P) {
out << " CommandInputPair {\n"
<< " Base = ";
escapeAndPrintString(out, P.Base);
out << ", \n"
<< " Primary = ";
escapeAndPrintString(out, P.Primary);
out << "\n }";
[&] { out << ",\n"; });
out << "];\n"
<< " DerivedOutputFileMap = {\n";
DerivedOutputMap.dump(out, true);
out << "\n };\n}";
CommandOutput::dump() const {
llvm::errs() << '\n';
void CommandOutput::writeOutputFileMap(llvm::raw_ostream &out) const {
SmallVector<StringRef, 4> inputs;
for (const CommandInputPair IP : Inputs) {
assert(IP.Base == IP.Primary && !IP.Base.empty() &&
"output file maps won't work if these differ");
getDerivedOutputMap().write(out, inputs);
Job::~Job() = default;
void Job::printArguments(raw_ostream &os,
const llvm::opt::ArgStringList &Args) {
[&](const char *Arg) { escapeAndPrintString(os, Arg); },
[&] { os << ' '; });
void Job::dump() const {
void Job::printCommandLineAndEnvironment(raw_ostream &Stream,
StringRef Terminator) const {
printCommandLine(Stream, /*Terminator=*/"");
if (!ExtraEnvironment.empty()) {
Stream << " #";
for (auto &pair : ExtraEnvironment) {
Stream << " " << pair.first << "=" << pair.second;
Stream << "\n";
void Job::printCommandLine(raw_ostream &os, StringRef Terminator) const {
escapeAndPrintString(os, Executable);
os << ' ';
printArguments(os, Arguments);
os << Terminator;
void Job::printSummary(raw_ostream &os) const {
// Deciding how to describe our inputs is a bit subtle; if we are a Job built
// from a JobAction that itself has InputActions sources, then we collect
// those up. Otherwise it's more correct to talk about our inputs as the
// outputs of our input-jobs.
SmallVector<StringRef, 4> Inputs;
SmallVector<StringRef, 4> Outputs = getOutput().getPrimaryOutputFilenames();
for (const Action *A : getSource().getInputs())
if (const auto *IA = dyn_cast<InputAction>(A))
for (const Job *J : getInputs())
for (StringRef f : J->getOutput().getPrimaryOutputFilenames())
size_t limit = 3;
size_t actual_in = Inputs.size();
size_t actual_out = Outputs.size();
if (actual_in > limit) {
Inputs.erase(Inputs.begin() + limit, Inputs.end());
if (actual_out > limit) {
Outputs.erase(Outputs.begin() + limit, Outputs.end());
os << "{" << getSource().getClassName() << ": ";
[&](const std::string &Arg) {
os << llvm::sys::path::filename(Arg);
[&] { os << ' '; });
if (actual_out > limit) {
os << " ... " << (actual_out-limit) << " more";
os << " <= ";
[&](const std::string &Arg) {
os << llvm::sys::path::filename(Arg);
[&] { os << ' '; });
if (actual_in > limit) {
os << " ... " << (actual_in-limit) << " more";
os << "}";
BatchJob::BatchJob(const JobAction &Source,
SmallVectorImpl<const Job *> &&Inputs,
std::unique_ptr<CommandOutput> Output,
const char *Executable, llvm::opt::ArgStringList Arguments,
EnvironmentVector ExtraEnvironment,
std::vector<FilelistInfo> Infos,
ArrayRef<const Job *> Combined)
: Job(Source, std::move(Inputs), std::move(Output), Executable, Arguments,
ExtraEnvironment, Infos),
CombinedJobs(Combined.begin(), Combined.end()) {}