blob: 75e25ad89b6f1fc906ca52734154be4dec8f1088 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- OldDemangler.cpp - Old Swift Demangling --------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements Swift symbol demangling with the old scheme.
#include "swift/Demangling/Demangle.h"
#include "swift/Demangling/Demangler.h"
#include "swift/Demangling/ManglingMacros.h"
#include "swift/Demangling/ManglingUtils.h"
#include "swift/Strings.h"
#include "swift/Demangling/Punycode.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace swift;
using namespace Demangle;
using llvm::Optional;
using llvm::None;
namespace {
struct FindPtr {
FindPtr(Node *v) : Target(v) {}
bool operator()(NodePointer sp) const {
return sp == Target;
Node *Target;
} // end anonymous namespace
static bool isStartOfIdentifier(char c) {
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
return true;
return c == 'o';
static bool isStartOfNominalType(char c) {
switch (c) {
case 'C':
case 'V':
case 'O':
return true;
return false;
static bool isStartOfEntity(char c) {
switch (c) {
case 'F':
case 'I':
case 'v':
case 'P':
case 's':
case 'Z':
return true;
return isStartOfNominalType(c);
static Node::Kind nominalTypeMarkerToNodeKind(char c) {
if (c == 'C')
return Node::Kind::Class;
if (c == 'V')
return Node::Kind::Structure;
if (c == 'O')
return Node::Kind::Enum;
return Node::Kind::Identifier;
namespace {
/// A convenient class for parsing characters out of a string.
class NameSource {
StringRef Text;
NameSource(StringRef text) : Text(text) {}
/// Return whether there are at least len characters remaining.
bool hasAtLeast(size_t len) { return (len <= Text.size()); }
bool isEmpty() { return Text.empty(); }
explicit operator bool() { return !isEmpty(); }
/// Return the next character without claiming it. Asserts that
/// there is at least one remaining character.
char peek() { return Text.front(); }
/// Claim and return the next character. Asserts that there is at
/// least one remaining character.
char next() {
char c = peek();
return c;
/// Claim the next character if it exists and equals the given
/// character.
bool nextIf(char c) {
if (isEmpty() || peek() != c) return false;
return true;
/// Claim the next few characters if they exactly match the given string.
bool nextIf(StringRef str) {
if (!Text.startswith(str)) return false;
return true;
/// Return the next len characters without claiming them. Asserts
/// that there are at least so many characters.
StringRef slice(size_t len) { return Text.substr(0, len); }
/// Return the current string ref without claiming any characters.
StringRef str() { return Text; }
/// Claim the next len characters.
void advanceOffset(size_t len) {
Text = Text.substr(len);
/// Claim and return all the rest of the characters.
StringRef getString() {
auto result = Text;
return result;
bool readUntil(char c, std::string &result) {
llvm::Optional<char> c2;
while (!isEmpty() && (c2 = peek()).getValue() != c) {
return c2.hasValue() && c2.getValue() == c;
/// The main class for parsing a demangling tree out of a mangled string.
class OldDemangler {
std::vector<NodePointer> Substitutions;
NameSource Mangled;
NodeFactory &Factory;
OldDemangler(llvm::StringRef mangled, NodeFactory &Factory)
: Mangled(mangled), Factory(Factory) {}
/// Try to demangle a child node of the given kind. If that fails,
/// return; otherwise add it to the parent.
auto _node = demangle##CHILD_KIND(); \
if (!_node) return nullptr; \
addChild(PARENT, _node); \
} while (false)
/// Try to demangle a child node of the given kind. If that fails,
/// return; otherwise add it to the parent.
auto _kind = demangle##CHILD_KIND(); \
if (!_kind.hasValue()) return nullptr; \
addChild(PARENT, Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::CHILD_KIND, \
unsigned(*_kind))); \
} while (false)
/// Attempt to demangle the source string. The root node will
/// always be a Global. Extra characters at the end will be
/// tolerated (and included as a Suffix node as a child of the
/// Global).
/// \return true if the mangling succeeded
NodePointer demangleTopLevel() {
if (!Mangled.nextIf("_T"))
return nullptr;
NodePointer topLevel = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Global);
// First demangle any specialization prefixes.
if (Mangled.nextIf("TS")) {
do {
DEMANGLE_CHILD_OR_RETURN(topLevel, SpecializedAttribute);
// The Substitution header does not share state with the rest
// of the mangling.
} while (Mangled.nextIf("_TTS"));
// Then check that we have a global.
if (!Mangled.nextIf("_T"))
return nullptr;
} else if (Mangled.nextIf("To")) {
addChild(topLevel, Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::ObjCAttribute));
} else if (Mangled.nextIf("TO")) {
addChild(topLevel, Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::NonObjCAttribute));
} else if (Mangled.nextIf("TD")) {
addChild(topLevel, Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::DynamicAttribute));
} else if (Mangled.nextIf("Td")) {
addChild(topLevel, Factory.createNode(
} else if (Mangled.nextIf("TV")) {
addChild(topLevel, Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::VTableAttribute));
// Add a suffix node if there's anything left unmangled.
if (!Mangled.isEmpty()) {
addChild(topLevel, Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Suffix,
return topLevel;
NodePointer demangleTypeName() {
return demangleType();
enum class IsVariadic {
yes = true, no = false
void addChild(NodePointer Parent, NodePointer Child) {
Parent->addChild(Child, Factory);
Optional<Directness> demangleDirectness() {
if (Mangled.nextIf('d'))
return Directness::Direct;
if (Mangled.nextIf('i'))
return Directness::Indirect;
return None;
bool demangleNatural(Node::IndexType &num) {
if (!Mangled)
return false;
char c =;
if (c < '0' || c > '9')
return false;
num = (c - '0');
while (true) {
if (!Mangled) {
return true;
c = Mangled.peek();
if (c < '0' || c > '9') {
return true;
} else {
num = (10 * num) + (c - '0');
bool demangleBuiltinSize(Node::IndexType &num) {
if (!demangleNatural(num))
return false;
if (Mangled.nextIf('_'))
return true;
return false;
Optional<ValueWitnessKind> demangleValueWitnessKind() {
char Code[2];
if (!Mangled)
return None;
Code[0] =;
if (!Mangled)
return None;
Code[1] =;
StringRef CodeStr(Code, 2);
if (CodeStr == #MANGLING) return ValueWitnessKind::NAME;
#include "swift/Demangling/ValueWitnessMangling.def"
return None;
NodePointer demangleGlobal() {
if (!Mangled)
return nullptr;
// Type metadata.
if (Mangled.nextIf('M')) {
if (Mangled.nextIf('P')) {
auto pattern =
return pattern;
if (Mangled.nextIf('a')) {
auto accessor =
return accessor;
if (Mangled.nextIf('L')) {
auto cache = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::TypeMetadataLazyCache);
return cache;
if (Mangled.nextIf('m')) {
auto metaclass = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Metaclass);
return metaclass;
if (Mangled.nextIf('n')) {
auto nominalType =
return nominalType;
if (Mangled.nextIf('f')) {
auto metadata = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::FullTypeMetadata);
return metadata;
if (Mangled.nextIf('p')) {
auto metadata = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::ProtocolDescriptor);
DEMANGLE_CHILD_OR_RETURN(metadata, ProtocolName);
return metadata;
auto metadata = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::TypeMetadata);
return metadata;
// Partial application thunks.
if (Mangled.nextIf("PA")) {
Node::Kind kind = Node::Kind::PartialApplyForwarder;
if (Mangled.nextIf('o'))
kind = Node::Kind::PartialApplyObjCForwarder;
auto forwarder = Factory.createNode(kind);
if (Mangled.nextIf("__T"))
DEMANGLE_CHILD_OR_RETURN(forwarder, Global);
return forwarder;
// Top-level types, for various consumers.
if (Mangled.nextIf('t')) {
auto type = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::TypeMangling);
return type;
// Value witnesses.
if (Mangled.nextIf('w')) {
Optional<ValueWitnessKind> w = demangleValueWitnessKind();
if (!w.hasValue())
return nullptr;
auto witness =
Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::ValueWitness, unsigned(w.getValue()));
return witness;
// Offsets, value witness tables, and protocol witnesses.
if (Mangled.nextIf('W')) {
if (Mangled.nextIf('V')) {
auto witnessTable = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::ValueWitnessTable);
return witnessTable;
if (Mangled.nextIf('v')) {
auto fieldOffset = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::FieldOffset);
DEMANGLE_CHILD_AS_NODE_OR_RETURN(fieldOffset, Directness);
DEMANGLE_CHILD_OR_RETURN(fieldOffset, Entity);
return fieldOffset;
if (Mangled.nextIf('P')) {
auto witnessTable =
DEMANGLE_CHILD_OR_RETURN(witnessTable, ProtocolConformance);
return witnessTable;
if (Mangled.nextIf('G')) {
auto witnessTable =
DEMANGLE_CHILD_OR_RETURN(witnessTable, ProtocolConformance);
return witnessTable;
if (Mangled.nextIf('I')) {
auto witnessTable = Factory.createNode(
DEMANGLE_CHILD_OR_RETURN(witnessTable, ProtocolConformance);
return witnessTable;
if (Mangled.nextIf('l')) {
auto accessor =
DEMANGLE_CHILD_OR_RETURN(accessor, ProtocolConformance);
return accessor;
if (Mangled.nextIf('L')) {
auto accessor =
DEMANGLE_CHILD_OR_RETURN(accessor, ProtocolConformance);
return accessor;
if (Mangled.nextIf('a')) {
auto tableTemplate =
DEMANGLE_CHILD_OR_RETURN(tableTemplate, ProtocolConformance);
return tableTemplate;
if (Mangled.nextIf('t')) {
auto accessor = Factory.createNode(
DEMANGLE_CHILD_OR_RETURN(accessor, ProtocolConformance);
return accessor;
if (Mangled.nextIf('T')) {
auto accessor = Factory.createNode(
DEMANGLE_CHILD_OR_RETURN(accessor, ProtocolConformance);
DEMANGLE_CHILD_OR_RETURN(accessor, ProtocolName);
return accessor;
return nullptr;
// Other thunks.
if (Mangled.nextIf('T')) {
if (Mangled.nextIf('R')) {
auto thunk = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::ReabstractionThunkHelper);
if (!demangleReabstractSignature(thunk))
return nullptr;
return thunk;
if (Mangled.nextIf('r')) {
auto thunk = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::ReabstractionThunk);
if (!demangleReabstractSignature(thunk))
return nullptr;
return thunk;
if (Mangled.nextIf('W')) {
NodePointer thunk = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::ProtocolWitness);
DEMANGLE_CHILD_OR_RETURN(thunk, ProtocolConformance);
// The entity is mangled in its own generic context.
return thunk;
return nullptr;
// Everything else is just an entity.
return demangleEntity();
NodePointer demangleGenericSpecialization(NodePointer specialization) {
while (!Mangled.nextIf('_')) {
// Otherwise, we have another parameter. Demangle the type.
NodePointer param = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::GenericSpecializationParam);
// Then parse any conformances until we find an underscore. Pop off the
// underscore since it serves as the end of our mangling list.
while (!Mangled.nextIf('_')) {
DEMANGLE_CHILD_OR_RETURN(param, ProtocolConformance);
// Add the parameter to our specialization list.
specialization->addChild(param, Factory);
return specialization;
/// TODO: This is an atrocity. Come up with a shorter name.
Factory.createNode( \
Node::Kind::FunctionSignatureSpecializationParamKind, \
Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::FunctionSignatureSpecializationParamPayload, \
bool demangleFuncSigSpecializationConstantProp(NodePointer parent) {
// Then figure out what was actually constant propagated. First check if
// we have a function.
if (Mangled.nextIf("fr")) {
// Demangle the identifier
NodePointer name = demangleIdentifier();
if (!name || !Mangled.nextIf('_'))
return false;
parent->addChild(FUNCSIGSPEC_CREATE_PARAM_KIND(ConstantPropFunction), Factory);
parent->addChild(FUNCSIGSPEC_CREATE_PARAM_PAYLOAD(name->getText()), Factory);
return true;
if (Mangled.nextIf('g')) {
NodePointer name = demangleIdentifier();
if (!name || !Mangled.nextIf('_'))
return false;
parent->addChild(FUNCSIGSPEC_CREATE_PARAM_KIND(ConstantPropGlobal), Factory);
parent->addChild(FUNCSIGSPEC_CREATE_PARAM_PAYLOAD(name->getText()), Factory);
return true;
if (Mangled.nextIf('i')) {
std::string Str;
if (!Mangled.readUntil('_', Str) || !Mangled.nextIf('_'))
return false;
parent->addChild(FUNCSIGSPEC_CREATE_PARAM_KIND(ConstantPropInteger), Factory);
parent->addChild(FUNCSIGSPEC_CREATE_PARAM_PAYLOAD(Str), Factory);
return true;
if (Mangled.nextIf("fl")) {
std::string Str;
if (!Mangled.readUntil('_', Str) || !Mangled.nextIf('_'))
return false;
parent->addChild(FUNCSIGSPEC_CREATE_PARAM_KIND(ConstantPropFloat), Factory);
parent->addChild(FUNCSIGSPEC_CREATE_PARAM_PAYLOAD(Str), Factory);
return true;
if (Mangled.nextIf("s")) {
// Skip: 'e' encoding 'v' str. encoding is a 0 or 1 and str is a string of
// length less than or equal to 32. We do not specialize strings with a
// length greater than 32.
if (!Mangled.nextIf('e'))
return false;
char encoding = Mangled.peek();
if (encoding != '0' && encoding != '1')
return false;
std::string encodingStr;
if (encoding == '0')
encodingStr += "u8";
encodingStr += "u16";
if (!Mangled.nextIf('v'))
return false;
NodePointer str = demangleIdentifier();
if (!str || !Mangled.nextIf('_'))
return false;
parent->addChild(FUNCSIGSPEC_CREATE_PARAM_KIND(ConstantPropString), Factory);
parent->addChild(FUNCSIGSPEC_CREATE_PARAM_PAYLOAD(encodingStr), Factory);
parent->addChild(FUNCSIGSPEC_CREATE_PARAM_PAYLOAD(str->getText()), Factory);
return true;
// Unknown constant prop specialization
return false;
bool demangleFuncSigSpecializationClosureProp(NodePointer parent) {
// We don't actually demangle the function or types for now. But we do want
// to signal that we specialized a closure.
NodePointer name = demangleIdentifier();
if (!name) {
return false;
parent->addChild(FUNCSIGSPEC_CREATE_PARAM_KIND(ClosureProp), Factory);
parent->addChild(FUNCSIGSPEC_CREATE_PARAM_PAYLOAD(name->getText()), Factory);
// Then demangle types until we fail.
NodePointer type = nullptr;
while (Mangled.peek() != '_' && (type = demangleType())) {
parent->addChild(type, Factory);
// Eat last '_'
if (!Mangled.nextIf('_'))
return false;
return true;
demangleFunctionSignatureSpecialization(NodePointer specialization) {
unsigned paramCount = 0;
// Until we hit the last '_' in our specialization info...
while (!Mangled.nextIf('_')) {
// Create the parameter.
NodePointer param =
// First handle options.
if (Mangled.nextIf("n_")) {
// Leave the parameter empty.
} else if (Mangled.nextIf("cp")) {
if (!demangleFuncSigSpecializationConstantProp(param))
return nullptr;
} else if (Mangled.nextIf("cl")) {
if (!demangleFuncSigSpecializationClosureProp(param))
return nullptr;
} else if (Mangled.nextIf("i_")) {
if (!result)
return nullptr;
param->addChild(result, Factory);
} else if (Mangled.nextIf("k_")) {
if (!result)
return nullptr;
param->addChild(result, Factory);
} else {
// Otherwise handle option sets.
unsigned Value = 0;
if (Mangled.nextIf('d')) {
Value |=
if (Mangled.nextIf('g')) {
Value |=
if (Mangled.nextIf('s')) {
Value |= unsigned(FunctionSigSpecializationParamKind::SROA);
if (!Mangled.nextIf('_'))
return nullptr;
if (!Value)
return nullptr;
auto result = Factory.createNode(
Node::Kind::FunctionSignatureSpecializationParamKind, Value);
if (!result)
return nullptr;
param->addChild(result, Factory);
specialization->addChild(param, Factory);
return specialization;
NodePointer demangleSpecializedAttribute() {
bool isNotReAbstracted = false;
if (Mangled.nextIf("g") || (isNotReAbstracted = Mangled.nextIf("r"))) {
auto spec = Factory.createNode(isNotReAbstracted ?
Node::Kind::GenericSpecializationNotReAbstracted :
// Create a node if the specialization is externally inlinable.
if (Mangled.nextIf("q")) {
auto kind = Node::Kind::SpecializationIsFragile;
spec->addChild(Factory.createNode(kind), Factory);
// Create a node for the pass id.
unsigned( - 48)), Factory);
// And then mangle the generic specialization.
return demangleGenericSpecialization(spec);
if (Mangled.nextIf("f")) {
auto spec =
// Create a node if the specialization is externally inlinable.
if (Mangled.nextIf("q")) {
auto kind = Node::Kind::SpecializationIsFragile;
spec->addChild(Factory.createNode(kind), Factory);
// Add the pass id.
unsigned( - 48)), Factory);
// Then perform the function signature specialization.
return demangleFunctionSignatureSpecialization(spec);
// We don't know how to handle this specialization.
return nullptr;
NodePointer demangleDeclName() {
// decl-name ::= local-decl-name
// local-decl-name ::= 'L' index identifier
if (Mangled.nextIf('L')) {
NodePointer discriminator = demangleIndexAsNode();
if (!discriminator) return nullptr;
NodePointer name = demangleIdentifier();
if (!name) return nullptr;
NodePointer localName = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::LocalDeclName);
localName->addChild(discriminator, Factory);
localName->addChild(name, Factory);
return localName;
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('P')) {
NodePointer discriminator = demangleIdentifier();
if (!discriminator) return nullptr;
NodePointer name = demangleIdentifier();
if (!name) return nullptr;
auto privateName = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::PrivateDeclName);
privateName->addChild(discriminator, Factory);
privateName->addChild(name, Factory);
return privateName;
// decl-name ::= identifier
return demangleIdentifier();
NodePointer demangleIdentifier(Optional<Node::Kind> kind = None) {
if (!Mangled)
return nullptr;
bool isPunycoded = Mangled.nextIf('X');
std::string decodeBuffer;
auto decode = [&](StringRef s) -> StringRef {
if (!isPunycoded)
return s;
if (!Punycode::decodePunycodeUTF8(s, decodeBuffer))
return {};
return decodeBuffer;
bool isOperator = false;
if (Mangled.nextIf('o')) {
isOperator = true;
// Operator identifiers aren't valid in the contexts that are
// building more specific identifiers.
if (kind.hasValue()) return nullptr;
char op_mode =;
switch (op_mode) {
case 'p':
kind = Node::Kind::PrefixOperator;
case 'P':
kind = Node::Kind::PostfixOperator;
case 'i':
kind = Node::Kind::InfixOperator;
return nullptr;
if (!kind.hasValue()) kind = Node::Kind::Identifier;
Node::IndexType length;
if (!demangleNatural(length))
return nullptr;
if (!Mangled.hasAtLeast(length))
return nullptr;
StringRef identifier = Mangled.slice(length);
// Decode Unicode identifiers.
identifier = decode(identifier);
if (identifier.empty())
return nullptr;
// Decode operator names.
std::string opDecodeBuffer;
if (isOperator) {
// abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
static const char op_char_table[] = "& @/= > <*!|+?%-~ ^ .";
for (signed char c : identifier) {
if (c < 0) {
// Pass through Unicode characters.
if (c < 'a' || c > 'z')
return nullptr;
char o = op_char_table[c - 'a'];
if (o == ' ')
return nullptr;
identifier = opDecodeBuffer;
return Factory.createNode(*kind, identifier);
bool demangleIndex(Node::IndexType &natural) {
if (Mangled.nextIf('_')) {
natural = 0;
return true;
if (demangleNatural(natural)) {
if (!Mangled.nextIf('_'))
return false;
return true;
return false;
/// Demangle an <index> and package it as a node of some kind.
NodePointer demangleIndexAsNode(Node::Kind kind = Node::Kind::Number) {
Node::IndexType index;
if (!demangleIndex(index))
return nullptr;
return Factory.createNode(kind, index);
NodePointer createSwiftType(Node::Kind typeKind, StringRef name) {
NodePointer type = Factory.createNode(typeKind);
type->addChild(Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Module, STDLIB_NAME), Factory);
type->addChild(Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Identifier, name), Factory);
return type;
/// Demangle a <substitution>, given that we've already consumed the 'S'.
NodePointer demangleSubstitutionIndex() {
if (!Mangled)
return nullptr;
if (Mangled.nextIf('o'))
return Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Module, MANGLING_MODULE_OBJC);
if (Mangled.nextIf('C'))
return Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Module,
if (Mangled.nextIf('a'))
return createSwiftType(Node::Kind::Structure, "Array");
if (Mangled.nextIf('b'))
return createSwiftType(Node::Kind::Structure, "Bool");
if (Mangled.nextIf('c'))
return createSwiftType(Node::Kind::Structure, "UnicodeScalar");
if (Mangled.nextIf('d'))
return createSwiftType(Node::Kind::Structure, "Double");
if (Mangled.nextIf('f'))
return createSwiftType(Node::Kind::Structure, "Float");
if (Mangled.nextIf('i'))
return createSwiftType(Node::Kind::Structure, "Int");
if (Mangled.nextIf('V'))
return createSwiftType(Node::Kind::Structure, "UnsafeRawPointer");
if (Mangled.nextIf('v'))
return createSwiftType(Node::Kind::Structure, "UnsafeMutableRawPointer");
if (Mangled.nextIf('P'))
return createSwiftType(Node::Kind::Structure, "UnsafePointer");
if (Mangled.nextIf('p'))
return createSwiftType(Node::Kind::Structure, "UnsafeMutablePointer");
if (Mangled.nextIf('q'))
return createSwiftType(Node::Kind::Enum, "Optional");
if (Mangled.nextIf('Q'))
return createSwiftType(Node::Kind::Enum, "ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional");
if (Mangled.nextIf('R'))
return createSwiftType(Node::Kind::Structure, "UnsafeBufferPointer");
if (Mangled.nextIf('r'))
return createSwiftType(Node::Kind::Structure, "UnsafeMutableBufferPointer");
if (Mangled.nextIf('S'))
return createSwiftType(Node::Kind::Structure, "String");
if (Mangled.nextIf('u'))
return createSwiftType(Node::Kind::Structure, "UInt");
Node::IndexType index_sub;
if (!demangleIndex(index_sub))
return nullptr;
if (index_sub >= Substitutions.size())
return nullptr;
return Substitutions[index_sub];
NodePointer demangleModule() {
if (Mangled.nextIf('s')) {
return Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Module, STDLIB_NAME);
if (Mangled.nextIf('S')) {
NodePointer module = demangleSubstitutionIndex();
if (!module)
return nullptr;
if (module->getKind() != Node::Kind::Module)
return nullptr;
return module;
NodePointer module = demangleIdentifier(Node::Kind::Module);
if (!module) return nullptr;
return module;
NodePointer demangleDeclarationName(Node::Kind kind) {
NodePointer context = demangleContext();
if (!context) return nullptr;
auto name = demangleDeclName();
if (!name) return nullptr;
auto decl = Factory.createNode(kind);
decl->addChild(context, Factory);
decl->addChild(name, Factory);
return decl;
NodePointer demangleProtocolName() {
NodePointer proto = demangleProtocolNameImpl();
if (!proto) return nullptr;
NodePointer type = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Type);
type->addChild(proto, Factory);
return type;
NodePointer demangleProtocolNameGivenContext(NodePointer context) {
NodePointer name = demangleDeclName();
if (!name) return nullptr;
auto proto = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Protocol);
proto->addChild(context, Factory);
proto->addChild(name, Factory);
return proto;
NodePointer demangleProtocolNameImpl() {
// There's an ambiguity in <protocol> between a substitution of
// the protocol and a substitution of the protocol's context, so
// we have to duplicate some of the logic from
// demangleDeclarationName.
if (Mangled.nextIf('S')) {
NodePointer sub = demangleSubstitutionIndex();
if (!sub) return nullptr;
if (sub->getKind() == Node::Kind::Protocol)
return sub;
if (sub->getKind() != Node::Kind::Module)
return nullptr;
return demangleProtocolNameGivenContext(sub);
if (Mangled.nextIf('s')) {
NodePointer stdlib = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Module, STDLIB_NAME);
return demangleProtocolNameGivenContext(stdlib);
return demangleDeclarationName(Node::Kind::Protocol);
NodePointer demangleNominalType() {
if (Mangled.nextIf('S'))
return demangleSubstitutionIndex();
if (Mangled.nextIf('V'))
return demangleDeclarationName(Node::Kind::Structure);
if (Mangled.nextIf('O'))
return demangleDeclarationName(Node::Kind::Enum);
if (Mangled.nextIf('C'))
return demangleDeclarationName(Node::Kind::Class);
if (Mangled.nextIf('P'))
return demangleDeclarationName(Node::Kind::Protocol);
return nullptr;
NodePointer demangleBoundGenericArgs(NodePointer nominalType) {
if (nominalType->getNumChildren() == 0)
return nullptr;
// Generic arguments for the outermost type come first.
NodePointer parentOrModule = nominalType->getChild(0);
if (parentOrModule->getKind() != Node::Kind::Module &&
parentOrModule->getKind() != Node::Kind::Function &&
parentOrModule->getKind() != Node::Kind::Extension) {
parentOrModule = demangleBoundGenericArgs(parentOrModule);
// Rebuild this type with the new parent type, which may have
// had its generic arguments applied.
NodePointer result = Factory.createNode(nominalType->getKind());
result->addChild(parentOrModule, Factory);
result->addChild(nominalType->getChild(1), Factory);
nominalType = result;
NodePointer args = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::TypeList);
while (!Mangled.nextIf('_')) {
NodePointer type = demangleType();
if (!type)
return nullptr;
args->addChild(type, Factory);
if (Mangled.isEmpty())
return nullptr;
// If there were no arguments at this level there is nothing left
// to do.
if (args->getNumChildren() == 0)
return nominalType;
// Otherwise, build a bound generic type node from the unbound
// type and arguments.
NodePointer unboundType = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Type);
unboundType->addChild(nominalType, Factory);
Node::Kind kind;
switch (nominalType->getKind()) { // look through Type node
case Node::Kind::Class:
kind = Node::Kind::BoundGenericClass;
case Node::Kind::Structure:
kind = Node::Kind::BoundGenericStructure;
case Node::Kind::Enum:
kind = Node::Kind::BoundGenericEnum;
return nullptr;
NodePointer result = Factory.createNode(kind);
result->addChild(unboundType, Factory);
result->addChild(args, Factory);
return result;
NodePointer demangleBoundGenericType() {
// bound-generic-type ::= 'G' nominal-type (args+ '_')+
// Each level of nominal type nesting has its own list of arguments.
NodePointer nominalType = demangleNominalType();
if (!nominalType)
return nullptr;
return demangleBoundGenericArgs(nominalType);
NodePointer demangleContext() {
// context ::= module
// context ::= entity
// context ::= 'E' module context (extension defined in a different module)
// context ::= 'e' module context generic-signature (constrained extension)
if (!Mangled) return nullptr;
if (Mangled.nextIf('E')) {
NodePointer ext = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Extension);
NodePointer def_module = demangleModule();
if (!def_module) return nullptr;
NodePointer type = demangleContext();
if (!type) return nullptr;
ext->addChild(def_module, Factory);
ext->addChild(type, Factory);
return ext;
if (Mangled.nextIf('e')) {
NodePointer ext = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Extension);
NodePointer def_module = demangleModule();
if (!def_module) return nullptr;
NodePointer sig = demangleGenericSignature();
// The generic context is currently re-specified by the type mangling.
// If we ever remove 'self' from manglings, we should stop resetting the
// context here.
if (!sig) return nullptr;
NodePointer type = demangleContext();
if (!type) return nullptr;
ext->addChild(def_module, Factory);
ext->addChild(type, Factory);
ext->addChild(sig, Factory);
return ext;
if (Mangled.nextIf('S'))
return demangleSubstitutionIndex();
if (Mangled.nextIf('s'))
return Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Module, STDLIB_NAME);
if (Mangled.nextIf('G'))
return demangleBoundGenericType();
if (isStartOfEntity(Mangled.peek()))
return demangleEntity();
return demangleModule();
NodePointer demangleProtocolList() {
NodePointer proto_list = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::ProtocolList);
NodePointer type_list = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::TypeList);
proto_list->addChild(type_list, Factory);
while (!Mangled.nextIf('_')) {
NodePointer proto = demangleProtocolName();
if (!proto)
return nullptr;
type_list->addChild(proto, Factory);
return proto_list;
NodePointer demangleProtocolConformance() {
NodePointer type = demangleType();
if (!type)
return nullptr;
NodePointer protocol = demangleProtocolName();
if (!protocol)
return nullptr;
NodePointer context = demangleContext();
if (!context)
return nullptr;
NodePointer proto_conformance =
proto_conformance->addChild(type, Factory);
proto_conformance->addChild(protocol, Factory);
proto_conformance->addChild(context, Factory);
return proto_conformance;
// entity ::= entity-kind context entity-name
// entity ::= nominal-type
NodePointer demangleEntity() {
// static?
bool isStatic = Mangled.nextIf('Z');
// entity-kind
Node::Kind entityBasicKind;
if (Mangled.nextIf('F')) {
entityBasicKind = Node::Kind::Function;
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('v')) {
entityBasicKind = Node::Kind::Variable;
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('I')) {
entityBasicKind = Node::Kind::Initializer;
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('i')) {
entityBasicKind = Node::Kind::Subscript;
} else {
return demangleNominalType();
NodePointer context = demangleContext();
if (!context) return nullptr;
// entity-name
Node::Kind entityKind;
bool hasType = true;
// Wrap the enclosed entity in a variable or subscript node
bool wrapEntity = false;
NodePointer name = nullptr;
if (Mangled.nextIf('D')) {
entityKind = Node::Kind::Deallocator;
hasType = false;
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('d')) {
entityKind = Node::Kind::Destructor;
hasType = false;
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('e')) {
entityKind = Node::Kind::IVarInitializer;
hasType = false;
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('E')) {
entityKind = Node::Kind::IVarDestroyer;
hasType = false;
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('C')) {
entityKind = Node::Kind::Allocator;
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('c')) {
entityKind = Node::Kind::Constructor;
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('a')) {
wrapEntity = true;
if (Mangled.nextIf('O')) {
entityKind = Node::Kind::OwningMutableAddressor;
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('o')) {
entityKind = Node::Kind::NativeOwningMutableAddressor;
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('p')) {
entityKind = Node::Kind::NativePinningMutableAddressor;
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('u')) {
entityKind = Node::Kind::UnsafeMutableAddressor;
} else {
return nullptr;
name = demangleDeclName();
if (!name) return nullptr;
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('l')) {
wrapEntity = true;
if (Mangled.nextIf('O')) {
entityKind = Node::Kind::OwningAddressor;
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('o')) {
entityKind = Node::Kind::NativeOwningAddressor;
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('p')) {
entityKind = Node::Kind::NativePinningAddressor;
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('u')) {
entityKind = Node::Kind::UnsafeAddressor;
} else {
return nullptr;
name = demangleDeclName();
if (!name) return nullptr;
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('g')) {
wrapEntity = true;
entityKind = Node::Kind::Getter;
name = demangleDeclName();
if (!name) return nullptr;
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('G')) {
wrapEntity = true;
entityKind = Node::Kind::GlobalGetter;
name = demangleDeclName();
if (!name) return nullptr;
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('s')) {
wrapEntity = true;
entityKind = Node::Kind::Setter;
name = demangleDeclName();
if (!name) return nullptr;
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('m')) {
wrapEntity = true;
entityKind = Node::Kind::MaterializeForSet;
name = demangleDeclName();
if (!name) return nullptr;
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('w')) {
wrapEntity = true;
entityKind = Node::Kind::WillSet;
name = demangleDeclName();
if (!name) return nullptr;
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('W')) {
wrapEntity = true;
entityKind = Node::Kind::DidSet;
name = demangleDeclName();
if (!name) return nullptr;
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('U')) {
entityKind = Node::Kind::ExplicitClosure;
name = demangleIndexAsNode();
if (!name) return nullptr;
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('u')) {
entityKind = Node::Kind::ImplicitClosure;
name = demangleIndexAsNode();
if (!name) return nullptr;
} else if (entityBasicKind == Node::Kind::Initializer) {
// entity-name ::= 'A' index
if (Mangled.nextIf('A')) {
entityKind = Node::Kind::DefaultArgumentInitializer;
name = demangleIndexAsNode();
if (!name) return nullptr;
// entity-name ::= 'i'
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('i')) {
entityKind = Node::Kind::Initializer;
} else {
return nullptr;
hasType = false;
} else {
entityKind = entityBasicKind;
name = demangleDeclName();
if (!name) return nullptr;
NodePointer entity = Factory.createNode(entityKind);
if (wrapEntity) {
// Create a subscript or variable node and make it the accessor's child
NodePointer wrappedEntity;
bool isSubscript = false;
// Rewrite the subscript's name to match the new mangling scheme
switch (name->getKind()) {
case Node::Kind::Identifier:
if (name->getText() == "subscript") {
isSubscript = true;
// Subscripts have no 'subscript' identifier name
name = nullptr;
case Node::Kind::PrivateDeclName: // identifier file-discriminator?
if (name->getNumChildren() > 1 &&
name->getChild(1)->getText() == "subscript") {
isSubscript = true;
auto discriminator = name->getChild(0);
// Create new PrivateDeclName with no 'subscript' identifer child
name = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::PrivateDeclName);
name->addChild(discriminator, Factory);
// Create wrapped entity node
if (isSubscript) {
wrappedEntity = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Subscript);
} else {
wrappedEntity = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Variable);
wrappedEntity->addChild(context, Factory);
// Variables mangle their name before their type
if (!isSubscript)
wrappedEntity->addChild(name, Factory);
if (hasType) {
auto type = demangleType();
if (!type) return nullptr;
wrappedEntity->addChild(type, Factory);
// Subscripts mangle their file-discriminator after the type
if (isSubscript && name)
wrappedEntity->addChild(name, Factory);
entity->addChild(wrappedEntity, Factory);
} else {
entity->addChild(context, Factory);
if (name) entity->addChild(name, Factory);
if (hasType) {
auto type = demangleType();
if (!type) return nullptr;
entity->addChild(type, Factory);
if (isStatic) {
auto staticNode = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Static);
staticNode->addChild(entity, Factory);
return staticNode;
return entity;
NodePointer getDependentGenericParamType(unsigned depth, unsigned index) {
DemanglerPrinter PrintName;
PrintName << archetypeName(index, depth);
auto paramTy = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::DependentGenericParamType,
paramTy->addChild(Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Index, depth), Factory);
paramTy->addChild(Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Index, index), Factory);
return paramTy;
NodePointer demangleGenericParamIndex() {
Node::IndexType depth, index;
if (Mangled.nextIf('d')) {
if (!demangleIndex(depth))
return nullptr;
depth += 1;
if (!demangleIndex(index))
return nullptr;
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('x')) {
depth = 0;
index = 0;
} else {
if (!demangleIndex(index))
return nullptr;
depth = 0;
index += 1;
return getDependentGenericParamType(depth, index);
NodePointer demangleDependentMemberTypeName(NodePointer base) {
assert(base->getKind() == Node::Kind::Type
&& "base should be a type");
NodePointer assocTy = nullptr;
if (Mangled.nextIf('S')) {
assocTy = demangleSubstitutionIndex();
if (!assocTy)
return nullptr;
if (assocTy->getKind() != Node::Kind::DependentAssociatedTypeRef)
return nullptr;
} else {
NodePointer protocol = nullptr;
if (Mangled.nextIf('P')) {
protocol = demangleProtocolName();
if (!protocol) return nullptr;
// TODO: If the protocol name was elided from the assoc type mangling,
// we could try to fish it out of the generic signature constraints on the
// base.
assocTy = demangleIdentifier(Node::Kind::DependentAssociatedTypeRef);
if (!assocTy) return nullptr;
if (protocol)
assocTy->addChild(protocol, Factory);
NodePointer depTy = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::DependentMemberType);
depTy->addChild(base, Factory);
depTy->addChild(assocTy, Factory);
return depTy;
NodePointer demangleAssociatedTypeSimple() {
// Demangle the base type.
auto base = demangleGenericParamIndex();
if (!base)
return nullptr;
NodePointer nodeType = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Type);
nodeType->addChild(base, Factory);
// Demangle the associated type name.
return demangleDependentMemberTypeName(nodeType);
NodePointer demangleAssociatedTypeCompound() {
// Demangle the base type.
auto base = demangleGenericParamIndex();
if (!base)
return nullptr;
// Demangle the associated type chain.
while (!Mangled.nextIf('_')) {
NodePointer nodeType = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Type);
nodeType->addChild(base, Factory);
base = demangleDependentMemberTypeName(nodeType);
if (!base)
return nullptr;
return base;
NodePointer demangleDependentType() {
if (!Mangled)
return nullptr;
// A dependent member type begins with a non-index, non-'d' character.
auto c = Mangled.peek();
if (c != 'd' && c != '_' && !Mangle::isDigit(c)) {
NodePointer baseType = demangleType();
if (!baseType) return nullptr;
return demangleDependentMemberTypeName(baseType);
// Otherwise, we have a generic parameter.
return demangleGenericParamIndex();
NodePointer demangleConstrainedTypeImpl() {
// The constrained type can only be a generic parameter or an associated
// type thereof. The 'q' introducer is thus left off of generic params.
if (Mangled.nextIf('w')) {
return demangleAssociatedTypeSimple();
if (Mangled.nextIf('W')) {
return demangleAssociatedTypeCompound();
return demangleGenericParamIndex();
NodePointer demangleConstrainedType() {
auto type = demangleConstrainedTypeImpl();
if (!type)
return nullptr;
NodePointer nodeType = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Type);
nodeType->addChild(type, Factory);
return nodeType;
NodePointer demangleGenericSignature(bool isPseudogeneric = false) {
auto sig =
? Node::Kind::DependentPseudogenericSignature
: Node::Kind::DependentGenericSignature);
// First read in the parameter counts at each depth.
Node::IndexType count = ~(Node::IndexType)0;
auto addCount = [&]{
auto countNode =
Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::DependentGenericParamCount, count);
sig->addChild(countNode, Factory);
while (Mangled.peek() != 'R' && Mangled.peek() != 'r') {
if (Mangled.nextIf('z')) {
count = 0;
} else if (demangleIndex(count)) {
count += 1;
} else {
return nullptr;
// No mangled parameters means we have exactly one.
if (count == ~(Node::IndexType)0) {
count = 1;
// Next read in the generic requirements, if any.
if (Mangled.nextIf('r'))
return sig;
if (!Mangled.nextIf('R'))
return nullptr;
while (!Mangled.nextIf('r')) {
NodePointer reqt = demangleGenericRequirement();
if (!reqt) return nullptr;
sig->addChild(reqt, Factory);
return sig;
NodePointer demangleMetatypeRepresentation() {
if (Mangled.nextIf('t'))
return Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::MetatypeRepresentation, "@thin");
if (Mangled.nextIf('T'))
return Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::MetatypeRepresentation, "@thick");
if (Mangled.nextIf('o'))
return Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::MetatypeRepresentation,
// Unknown metatype representation
return nullptr;
NodePointer demangleGenericRequirement() {
NodePointer constrainedType = demangleConstrainedType();
if (!constrainedType)
return nullptr;
if (Mangled.nextIf('z')) {
NodePointer second = demangleType();
if (!second) return nullptr;
auto reqt = Factory.createNode(
reqt->addChild(constrainedType, Factory);
reqt->addChild(second, Factory);
return reqt;
if (Mangled.nextIf('l')) {
StringRef name;
Node::Kind kind;
Node::IndexType size = SIZE_MAX;
Node::IndexType alignment = SIZE_MAX;
if (Mangled.nextIf('U')) {
kind = Node::Kind::Identifier;
name = "U";
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('R')) {
kind = Node::Kind::Identifier;
name = "R";
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('N')) {
kind = Node::Kind::Identifier;
name = "N";
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('T')) {
kind = Node::Kind::Identifier;
name = "T";
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('E')) {
kind = Node::Kind::Identifier;
if (!demangleNatural(size))
return nullptr;
if (!Mangled.nextIf('_'))
return nullptr;
if (!demangleNatural(alignment))
return nullptr;
name = "E";
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('e')) {
kind = Node::Kind::Identifier;
if (!demangleNatural(size))
return nullptr;
name = "e";
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('M')) {
kind = Node::Kind::Identifier;
if (!demangleNatural(size))
return nullptr;
if (!Mangled.nextIf('_'))
return nullptr;
if (!demangleNatural(alignment))
return nullptr;
name = "M";
} else if (Mangled.nextIf('m')) {
kind = Node::Kind::Identifier;
if (!demangleNatural(size))
return nullptr;
name = "m";
} else {
return nullptr;
NodePointer second = Factory.createNode(kind, name);
if (!second) return nullptr;
auto reqt = Factory.createNode(
reqt->addChild(constrainedType, Factory);
reqt->addChild(second, Factory);
if (size != SIZE_MAX) {
reqt->addChild(Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Number, size), Factory);
if (alignment != SIZE_MAX)
reqt->addChild(Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Number, alignment), Factory);
return reqt;
// Base class constraints are introduced by a class type mangling, which
// will begin with either 'C' or 'S'.
if (!Mangled)
return nullptr;
NodePointer constraint = nullptr;
auto next = Mangled.peek();
if (next == 'C') {
constraint = demangleType();
if (!constraint) return nullptr;
} else if (next == 'S') {
// A substitution may be either the module name of a protocol or a full
// type name.
NodePointer typeName = nullptr;;
NodePointer sub = demangleSubstitutionIndex();
if (!sub) return nullptr;
if (sub->getKind() == Node::Kind::Protocol
|| sub->getKind() == Node::Kind::Class) {
typeName = sub;
} else if (sub->getKind() == Node::Kind::Module) {
typeName = demangleProtocolNameGivenContext(sub);
if (!typeName)
return nullptr;
} else {
return nullptr;
constraint = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Type);
constraint->addChild(typeName, Factory);
} else {
constraint = demangleProtocolName();
if (!constraint)
return nullptr;
auto reqt = Factory.createNode(
reqt->addChild(constrainedType, Factory);
reqt->addChild(constraint, Factory);
return reqt;
NodePointer demangleArchetypeType() {
auto makeAssociatedType = [&](NodePointer root) -> NodePointer {
NodePointer name = demangleIdentifier();
if (!name) return nullptr;
auto assocType = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::AssociatedTypeRef);
assocType->addChild(root, Factory);
assocType->addChild(name, Factory);
return assocType;
if (Mangled.nextIf('Q')) {
NodePointer root = demangleArchetypeType();
if (!root) return nullptr;
return makeAssociatedType(root);
if (Mangled.nextIf('S')) {
NodePointer sub = demangleSubstitutionIndex();
if (!sub) return nullptr;
return makeAssociatedType(sub);
if (Mangled.nextIf('s')) {
NodePointer stdlib = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Module, STDLIB_NAME);
return makeAssociatedType(stdlib);
if (Mangled.nextIf('q')) {
NodePointer index = demangleIndexAsNode();
if (!index)
return nullptr;
NodePointer decl_ctx = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::DeclContext);
NodePointer ctx = demangleContext();
if (!ctx)
return nullptr;
decl_ctx->addChild(ctx, Factory);
auto qual_atype = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::QualifiedArchetype);
qual_atype->addChild(index, Factory);
qual_atype->addChild(decl_ctx, Factory);
return qual_atype;
return nullptr;
NodePointer demangleTuple(IsVariadic isV) {
NodePointer tuple = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Tuple);
NodePointer elt = nullptr;
while (!Mangled.nextIf('_')) {
if (!Mangled)
return nullptr;
elt = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::TupleElement);
if (isStartOfIdentifier(Mangled.peek())) {
NodePointer label = demangleIdentifier(Node::Kind::TupleElementName);
if (!label)
return nullptr;
elt->addChild(label, Factory);
NodePointer type = demangleType();
if (!type)
return nullptr;
elt->addChild(type, Factory);
tuple->addChild(elt, Factory);
if (isV == IsVariadic::yes && elt) {
NodePointer marker = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::VariadicMarker);
elt->addChild(marker, Factory);
return tuple;
NodePointer postProcessReturnTypeNode (NodePointer out_args) {
NodePointer out_node = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::ReturnType);
out_node->addChild(out_args, Factory);
return out_node;
NodePointer demangleType() {
NodePointer type = demangleTypeImpl();
if (!type)
return nullptr;
NodePointer nodeType = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Type);
nodeType->addChild(type, Factory);
return nodeType;
NodePointer demangleFunctionType(Node::Kind kind) {
bool throws = false;
if (Mangled &&
Mangled.nextIf('z')) {
throws = true;
NodePointer in_args = demangleType();
if (!in_args)
return nullptr;
NodePointer out_args = demangleType();
if (!out_args)
return nullptr;
NodePointer block = Factory.createNode(kind);
if (throws) {
block->addChild(Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::ThrowsAnnotation), Factory);
NodePointer in_node = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::ArgumentTuple);
block->addChild(in_node, Factory);
in_node->addChild(in_args, Factory);
block->addChild(postProcessReturnTypeNode(out_args), Factory);
return block;
NodePointer demangleTypeImpl() {
if (!Mangled)
return nullptr;
char c =;
if (c == 'B') {
if (!Mangled)
return nullptr;
c =;
if (c == 'b')
return Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::BuiltinTypeName,
if (c == 'B')
return Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::BuiltinTypeName,
if (c == 'f') {
Node::IndexType size;
if (demangleBuiltinSize(size)) {
return Factory.createNode(
std::move(DemanglerPrinter() << "Builtin.Float" << size).str());
if (c == 'i') {
Node::IndexType size;
if (demangleBuiltinSize(size)) {
return Factory.createNode(
(DemanglerPrinter() << "Builtin.Int" << size).str());
if (c == 'v') {
Node::IndexType elts;
if (demangleNatural(elts)) {
if (!Mangled.nextIf('B'))
return nullptr;
if (Mangled.nextIf('i')) {
Node::IndexType size;
if (!demangleBuiltinSize(size))
return nullptr;
return Factory.createNode(
(DemanglerPrinter() << "Builtin.Vec" << elts << "xInt" << size)
if (Mangled.nextIf('f')) {
Node::IndexType size;
if (!demangleBuiltinSize(size))
return nullptr;
return Factory.createNode(
(DemanglerPrinter() << "Builtin.Vec" << elts << "xFloat"
<< size).str());
if (Mangled.nextIf('p'))
return Factory.createNode(
(DemanglerPrinter() << "Builtin.Vec" << elts << "xRawPointer")
if (c == 'O')
return Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::BuiltinTypeName,
if (c == 'o')
return Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::BuiltinTypeName,
if (c == 'p')
return Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::BuiltinTypeName,
if (c == 't')
return Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::BuiltinTypeName,
if (c == 'w')
return Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::BuiltinTypeName,
return nullptr;
if (c == 'a')
return demangleDeclarationName(Node::Kind::TypeAlias);
if (c == 'b') {
return demangleFunctionType(Node::Kind::ObjCBlock);
if (c == 'c') {
return demangleFunctionType(Node::Kind::CFunctionPointer);
if (c == 'D') {
NodePointer type = demangleType();
if (!type)
return nullptr;
NodePointer dynamicSelf = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::DynamicSelf);
dynamicSelf->addChild(type, Factory);
return dynamicSelf;
if (c == 'E') {
if (!Mangled.nextIf('R'))
return nullptr;
if (!Mangled.nextIf('R'))
return nullptr;
return Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::ErrorType, std::string());
if (c == 'F') {
return demangleFunctionType(Node::Kind::FunctionType);
if (c == 'f') {
return demangleFunctionType(Node::Kind::UncurriedFunctionType);
if (c == 'G') {
return demangleBoundGenericType();
if (c == 'X') {
if (Mangled.nextIf('b')) {
NodePointer type = demangleType();
if (!type)
return nullptr;
NodePointer boxType = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::SILBoxType);
boxType->addChild(type, Factory);
return boxType;
if (Mangled.nextIf('B')) {
NodePointer signature = nullptr;
if (Mangled.nextIf('G')) {
signature = demangleGenericSignature(/*pseudogeneric*/ false);
if (!signature)
return nullptr;
NodePointer layout = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::SILBoxLayout);
while (!Mangled.nextIf('_')) {
Node::Kind kind;
if (Mangled.nextIf('m'))
kind = Node::Kind::SILBoxMutableField;
else if (Mangled.nextIf('i'))
kind = Node::Kind::SILBoxImmutableField;
return nullptr;
auto type = demangleType();
if (!type)
return nullptr;
auto field = Factory.createNode(kind);
field->addChild(type, Factory);
layout->addChild(field, Factory);
NodePointer genericArgs = nullptr;
if (signature) {
genericArgs = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::TypeList);
while (!Mangled.nextIf('_')) {
auto type = demangleType();
if (!type)
return nullptr;
genericArgs->addChild(type, Factory);
NodePointer boxType =
boxType->addChild(layout, Factory);
if (signature) {
boxType->addChild(signature, Factory);
boxType->addChild(genericArgs, Factory);
return boxType;
if (c == 'K') {
return demangleFunctionType(Node::Kind::AutoClosureType);
if (c == 'M') {
NodePointer type = demangleType();
if (!type)
return nullptr;
NodePointer metatype = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Metatype);
metatype->addChild(type, Factory);
return metatype;
if (c == 'X') {
if (Mangled.nextIf('M')) {
NodePointer metatypeRepr = demangleMetatypeRepresentation();
if (!metatypeRepr) return nullptr;
NodePointer type = demangleType();
if (!type)
return nullptr;
NodePointer metatype = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Metatype);
metatype->addChild(metatypeRepr, Factory);
metatype->addChild(type, Factory);
return metatype;
if (c == 'P') {
if (Mangled.nextIf('M')) {
NodePointer type = demangleType();
if (!type) return nullptr;
auto metatype = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::ExistentialMetatype);
metatype->addChild(type, Factory);
return metatype;
return demangleProtocolList();
if (c == 'X') {
if (Mangled.nextIf('P')) {
if (Mangled.nextIf('M')) {
NodePointer metatypeRepr = demangleMetatypeRepresentation();
if (!metatypeRepr) return nullptr;
NodePointer type = demangleType();
if (!type) return nullptr;
auto metatype = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::ExistentialMetatype);
metatype->addChild(metatypeRepr, Factory);
metatype->addChild(type, Factory);
return metatype;
return demangleProtocolList();
if (c == 'Q') {
return demangleArchetypeType();
if (c == 'q') {
return demangleDependentType();
if (c == 'x') {
// Special mangling for the first generic param.
return getDependentGenericParamType(0, 0);
if (c == 'w') {
return demangleAssociatedTypeSimple();
if (c == 'W') {
return demangleAssociatedTypeCompound();
if (c == 'R') {
NodePointer inout = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::InOut);
NodePointer type = demangleTypeImpl();
if (!type)
return nullptr;
inout->addChild(type, Factory);
return inout;
if (c == 'S') {
return demangleSubstitutionIndex();
if (c == 'T') {
return demangleTuple(IsVariadic::no);
if (c == 't') {
return demangleTuple(IsVariadic::yes);
if (c == 'u') {
NodePointer sig = demangleGenericSignature();
if (!sig) return nullptr;
NodePointer sub = demangleType();
if (!sub) return nullptr;
NodePointer dependentGenericType
= Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::DependentGenericType);
dependentGenericType->addChild(sig, Factory);
dependentGenericType->addChild(sub, Factory);
return dependentGenericType;
if (c == 'X') {
if (Mangled.nextIf('f')) {
return demangleFunctionType(Node::Kind::ThinFunctionType);
if (Mangled.nextIf('o')) {
NodePointer type = demangleType();
if (!type)
return nullptr;
NodePointer unowned = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Unowned);
unowned->addChild(type, Factory);
return unowned;
if (Mangled.nextIf('u')) {
NodePointer type = demangleType();
if (!type)
return nullptr;
NodePointer unowned = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Unmanaged);
unowned->addChild(type, Factory);
return unowned;
if (Mangled.nextIf('w')) {
NodePointer type = demangleType();
if (!type)
return nullptr;
NodePointer weak = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Weak);
weak->addChild(type, Factory);
return weak;
// type ::= 'XF' impl-function-type
if (Mangled.nextIf('F')) {
return demangleImplFunctionType();
return nullptr;
if (isStartOfNominalType(c))
return demangleDeclarationName(nominalTypeMarkerToNodeKind(c));
return nullptr;
bool demangleReabstractSignature(NodePointer signature) {
if (Mangled.nextIf('G')) {
NodePointer generics = demangleGenericSignature();
if (!generics) return false;
signature->addChild(generics, Factory);
NodePointer srcType = demangleType();
if (!srcType) return false;
signature->addChild(srcType, Factory);
NodePointer destType = demangleType();
if (!destType) return false;
signature->addChild(destType, Factory);
return true;
// impl-function-type ::= impl-callee-convention impl-function-attribute*
// generics? '_' impl-parameter* '_' impl-result* '_'
// impl-function-attribute ::= 'Cb' // compatible with C block invocation function
// impl-function-attribute ::= 'Cc' // compatible with C global function
// impl-function-attribute ::= 'Cm' // compatible with Swift method
// impl-function-attribute ::= 'CO' // compatible with ObjC method
// impl-function-attribute ::= 'Cw' // compatible with protocol witness
// impl-function-attribute ::= 'G' // generic
NodePointer demangleImplFunctionType() {
NodePointer type = Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::ImplFunctionType);
if (!demangleImplCalleeConvention(type))
return nullptr;
if (Mangled.nextIf('C')) {
if (Mangled.nextIf('b'))
addImplFunctionAttribute(type, "@convention(block)");
else if (Mangled.nextIf('c'))
addImplFunctionAttribute(type, "@convention(c)");
else if (Mangled.nextIf('m'))
addImplFunctionAttribute(type, "@convention(method)");
else if (Mangled.nextIf('O'))
addImplFunctionAttribute(type, "@convention(objc_method)");
else if (Mangled.nextIf('w'))
addImplFunctionAttribute(type, "@convention(witness_method)");
return nullptr;
// Enter a new generic context if this type is generic.
// FIXME: replace with std::optional, when we have it.
bool isPseudogeneric = false;
if (Mangled.nextIf('G') ||
(isPseudogeneric = Mangled.nextIf('g'))) {
NodePointer generics = demangleGenericSignature(isPseudogeneric);
if (!generics)
return nullptr;
type->addChild(generics, Factory);
// Expect the attribute terminator.
if (!Mangled.nextIf('_'))
return nullptr;
// Demangle the parameters.
if (!demangleImplParameters(type))
return nullptr;
// Demangle the result type.
if (!demangleImplResults(type))
return nullptr;
return type;
enum class ImplConventionContext { Callee, Parameter, Result };
/// impl-convention ::= 'a' // direct, autoreleased
/// impl-convention ::= 'd' // direct, no ownership transfer
/// impl-convention ::= 'D' // direct, no ownership transfer,
/// // dependent on self
/// impl-convention ::= 'g' // direct, guaranteed
/// impl-convention ::= 'e' // direct, deallocating
/// impl-convention ::= 'i' // indirect, ownership transfer
/// impl-convention ::= 'l' // indirect, inout
/// impl-convention ::= 'o' // direct, ownership transfer
/// Returns an empty string otherwise.
StringRef demangleImplConvention(ImplConventionContext ctxt) {
if (Mangled.nextIf(CHAR)) { \
switch (ctxt) { \
case ImplConventionContext::Callee: return (FOR_CALLEE); \
case ImplConventionContext::Parameter: return (FOR_PARAMETER); \
case ImplConventionContext::Result: return (FOR_RESULT); \
} \
return StringRef(); \
auto Nothing = StringRef();
CASE('a', Nothing, Nothing, "@autoreleased")
CASE('d', "@callee_unowned", "@unowned", "@unowned")
CASE('D', Nothing, Nothing, "@unowned_inner_pointer")
CASE('g', "@callee_guaranteed", "@guaranteed", Nothing)
CASE('e', Nothing, "@deallocating", Nothing)
CASE('i', Nothing, "@in", "@out")
CASE('l', Nothing, "@inout", Nothing)
CASE('o', "@callee_owned", "@owned", "@owned")
return Nothing;
#undef CASE
// impl-callee-convention ::= 't'
// impl-callee-convention ::= impl-convention
bool demangleImplCalleeConvention(NodePointer type) {
StringRef attr;
if (Mangled.nextIf('t')) {
attr = "@convention(thin)";
} else {
attr = demangleImplConvention(ImplConventionContext::Callee);
if (attr.empty()) {
return false;
type->addChild(Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::ImplConvention, attr), Factory);
return true;
void addImplFunctionAttribute(NodePointer parent, StringRef attr,
Node::Kind kind = Node::Kind::ImplFunctionAttribute) {
parent->addChild(Factory.createNode(kind, attr), Factory);
// impl-parameter ::= impl-convention type
bool demangleImplParameters(NodePointer parent) {
while (!Mangled.nextIf('_')) {
auto input = demangleImplParameterOrResult(Node::Kind::ImplParameter);
if (!input) return false;
parent->addChild(input, Factory);
return true;
// impl-result ::= impl-convention type
bool demangleImplResults(NodePointer parent) {
while (!Mangled.nextIf('_')) {
auto res = demangleImplParameterOrResult(Node::Kind::ImplResult);
if (!res) return false;
parent->addChild(res, Factory);
return true;
NodePointer demangleImplParameterOrResult(Node::Kind kind) {
if (Mangled.nextIf('z')) {
// Only valid for a result.
if (kind != Node::Kind::ImplResult)
return nullptr;
kind = Node::Kind::ImplErrorResult;
ImplConventionContext ConvCtx;
if (kind == Node::Kind::ImplParameter) {
ConvCtx = ImplConventionContext::Parameter;
} else if (kind == Node::Kind::ImplResult
|| kind == Node::Kind::ImplErrorResult) {
ConvCtx = ImplConventionContext::Result;
} else {
return nullptr;
auto convention = demangleImplConvention(ConvCtx);
if (convention.empty()) return nullptr;
auto type = demangleType();
if (!type) return nullptr;
NodePointer node = Factory.createNode(kind);
node->addChild(Factory.createNode(Node::Kind::ImplConvention, convention),
node->addChild(type, Factory);
return node;
} // end anonymous namespace
swift::Demangle::demangleOldSymbolAsNode(StringRef MangledName,
NodeFactory &Factory) {
OldDemangler demangler(MangledName, Factory);
return demangler.demangleTopLevel();