blob: 05236e0d29f9b675247622244a6efb9b9b8373b1 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- GenericSignatureBuilder.cpp - Generic Requirement Builder --------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// Support for collecting a set of generic requirements, both explicitly stated
// and inferred, and computing the archetypes and required witness tables from
// those requirements.
#include "swift/AST/GenericSignatureBuilder.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticsSema.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticEngine.h"
#include "swift/AST/ExistentialLayout.h"
#include "swift/AST/GenericEnvironment.h"
#include "swift/AST/LazyResolver.h"
#include "swift/AST/Module.h"
#include "swift/AST/ParameterList.h"
#include "swift/AST/PrettyStackTrace.h"
#include "swift/AST/ProtocolConformance.h"
#include "swift/AST/TypeMatcher.h"
#include "swift/AST/TypeRepr.h"
#include "swift/AST/TypeWalker.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Defer.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Statistic.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/GraphTraits.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/GraphWriter.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "llvm/Support/SaveAndRestore.h"
#include <algorithm>
using namespace swift;
using llvm::DenseMap;
/// Define this to 1 to enable expensive assertions.
namespace {
typedef GenericSignatureBuilder::RequirementSource RequirementSource;
typedef GenericSignatureBuilder::FloatingRequirementSource
typedef GenericSignatureBuilder::ConstraintResult ConstraintResult;
typedef GenericSignatureBuilder::PotentialArchetype PotentialArchetype;
typedef GenericSignatureBuilder::ConcreteConstraint ConcreteConstraint;
template<typename T> using Constraint =
typedef GenericSignatureBuilder::EquivalenceClass EquivalenceClass;
typedef EquivalenceClass::DerivedSameTypeComponent DerivedSameTypeComponent;
typedef GenericSignatureBuilder::DelayedRequirement DelayedRequirement;
typedef GenericSignatureBuilder::ResolvedType ResolvedType;
typedef GenericSignatureBuilder::UnresolvedType GSBUnresolvedType;
typedef GenericSignatureBuilder::RequirementRHS RequirementRHS;
} // end anonymous namespace
namespace llvm {
// Equivalence classes are bump-ptr-allocated.
template <> struct ilist_alloc_traits<EquivalenceClass> {
static void deleteNode(EquivalenceClass *ptr) { ptr->~EquivalenceClass(); }
#define DEBUG_TYPE "Generic signature builder"
STATISTIC(NumPotentialArchetypes, "# of potential archetypes");
STATISTIC(NumConformances, "# of conformances tracked");
STATISTIC(NumConformanceConstraints, "# of conformance constraints tracked");
STATISTIC(NumSameTypeConstraints, "# of same-type constraints tracked");
"# of same-type-to-concrete constraints tracked");
STATISTIC(NumSuperclassConstraints, "# of superclass constraints tracked");
"# of superclass constraints that add no information");
STATISTIC(NumLayoutConstraints, "# of layout constraints tracked");
"# of layout constraints that add no information");
STATISTIC(NumSelfDerived, "# of self-derived constraints removed");
"# of hits in the archetype anchor cache");
"# of misses in the archetype anchor cache");
"# of hits in the equivalence class nested type cache");
"# of misses in the equivalence class nested type cache");
"# of times we process delayed requirements");
"# of times we process delayed requirements without change");
"Delayed requirements resolved as concrete");
"Delayed requirements resolved");
"Delayed requirements left unresolved");
"# of conditional requirements added");
"# of rewrite system minimizations performed");
"# of rewrite rule right-hand sides simplified");
"# of rewrite rule right-hand sides simplified to lhs (and removed)");
"# of rewrite rules that are redundant (and removed)");
namespace {
/// A purely-relative rewrite path consisting of a (possibly empty)
/// sequence of associated type references.
using RelativeRewritePath = ArrayRef<AssociatedTypeDecl *>;
class AnchorPathCache;
/// Describes a rewrite path, which contains an optional base (generic
/// parameter) followed by a sequence of associated type references.
class RewritePath {
Optional<GenericParamKey> base;
TinyPtrVector<AssociatedTypeDecl *> path;
RewritePath() { }
enum PathOrder {
/// Form a rewrite path given an optional base and a relative rewrite path.
RewritePath(Optional<GenericParamKey> base, RelativeRewritePath path,
PathOrder order);
/// Retrieve the base of the given rewrite path.
/// When present, it indicates that the entire path will be rebased on
/// the given base generic parameter. This is required for describing
/// rewrites on type parameters themselves, e.g., T == U.
/// When absent, the path is relative to the root of the tree from which
/// the search began.
Optional<GenericParamKey> getBase() const { return base; }
/// Retrieve the sequence of associated type references that describes
/// the path.
ArrayRef<AssociatedTypeDecl *> getPath() const { return path; }
/// Whether this path is completely empty.
bool isEmpty() const { return getBase() == None && getPath().empty(); }
/// whether this describes a valid path.
explicit operator bool() const { return !isEmpty(); }
/// Decompose a type into a path.
/// \returns the path, or None if it contained unresolved dependent member
/// types.
RewritePath static createPath(Type type);
/// Decompose a type into a path.
/// \param path Will be filled in with the components of the path, in
/// reverse order.
/// \returns the generic parameter at the start of the path.
static GenericParamKey createPath(
Type type,
SmallVectorImpl<AssociatedTypeDecl *> &path);
/// Compute the longer common prefix between this path and \c other.
RewritePath commonPath(const RewritePath &other) const;
/// Form a canonical, dependent type.
/// This requires that either the rewrite path have a base, or the
/// \c baseEquivClass to be non-null (which substitutes in a base).
CanType formDependentType(ASTContext &ctx,
AnchorPathCache *anchorPathCache = nullptr) const;
/// Compare the given rewrite paths.
int compare(const RewritePath &other) const;
/// Print this path.
void print(llvm::raw_ostream &out) const;
"only for use within the debugger") {
friend bool operator==(const RewritePath &lhs, const RewritePath &rhs) {
return lhs.getBase() == rhs.getBase() && lhs.getPath() == rhs.getPath();
/// A cache that lazily computes the anchor path for the given equivalence
/// class.
class AnchorPathCache {
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder;
EquivalenceClass &equivClass;
Optional<RewritePath> anchorPath;
AnchorPathCache(GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
EquivalenceClass &equivClass)
: builder(builder), equivClass(equivClass) { }
const RewritePath &getAnchorPath() {
if (anchorPath) return *anchorPath;
anchorPath = RewritePath::createPath(equivClass.getAnchor(builder, { }));
return *anchorPath;
/// A node within the prefix tree that is used to match associated type
/// references.
class RewriteTreeNode {
/// The associated type that leads to this node.
/// The bit indicates whether there is a rewrite rule for this particular
/// node. If the bit is not set, \c rewrite is invalid.
llvm::PointerIntPair<AssociatedTypeDecl *, 1, bool> assocTypeAndHasRewrite;
/// The sequence of associated types to which a reference to this associated
/// type (from the equivalence class root) can be rewritten. This field is
/// only valid when the bit of \c assocTypeAndHasRewrite is set.
/// Consider a requirement "Self.A.B.C == C". This will be encoded as
/// a prefix tree starting at the equivalence class for Self with
/// the following nodes:
/// (assocType: A,
/// children: [
/// (assocType: B,
/// children: [
/// (assocType: C, rewrite: [C], children: [])
/// ])
/// ])
RewritePath rewrite;
/// The child nodes, which extend the sequence to be matched.
/// The child nodes are sorted by the associated type declaration
/// pointers, so we can perform binary searches quickly.
llvm::TinyPtrVector<RewriteTreeNode *> children;
RewriteTreeNode(AssociatedTypeDecl *assocType)
: assocTypeAndHasRewrite(assocType, false) { }
/// Retrieve the associated type declaration one must match to use this
/// node, which may the
AssociatedTypeDecl *getMatch() const {
return assocTypeAndHasRewrite.getPointer();
/// Determine whether this particular node has a rewrite rule.
bool hasRewriteRule() const {
return assocTypeAndHasRewrite.getInt();
/// Set a new rewrite rule for this particular node. This can only be
/// performed once.
void setRewriteRule(RewritePath replacementPath) {
rewrite = replacementPath;
/// Remove the rewrite rule.
void removeRewriteRule() {
/// Retrieve the path to which this node will be rewritten.
const RewritePath &getRewriteRule() const & {
return rewrite;
/// Retrieve the path to which this node will be rewritten.
RewritePath &&getRewriteRule() && {
return std::move(rewrite);
/// Add a new rewrite rule to this tree node.
/// \param matchPath The path of associated type declarations that must
/// be matched to produce a rewrite.
/// \param replacementPath The sequence of associated type declarations
/// with which a match will be replaced.
/// \returns true if a rewrite rule was added, and false if it already
/// existed.
bool addRewriteRule(RelativeRewritePath matchPath,
RewritePath replacementPath);
/// Enumerate all of the paths to which the given matched path can be
/// rewritten.
/// \param matchPath The path to match.
/// \param callback A callback that will be invoked with (prefix, rewrite)
/// pairs, where \c prefix is the length of the matching prefix of
/// \c matchPath that matched and \c rewrite is the path to which it can
/// be rewritten.
void enumerateRewritePaths(
RelativeRewritePath matchPath,
llvm::function_ref<void(unsigned, RewritePath)> callback) const {
return enumerateRewritePathsImpl(matchPath, callback, /*depth=*/0);
void enumerateRewritePathsImpl(
RelativeRewritePath matchPath,
llvm::function_ref<void(unsigned, RewritePath)> callback,
unsigned depth) const;
/// Find the best rewrite rule to match the given path.
/// \param path The path to match.
/// \param prefixLength The length of the prefix leading up to \c path.
Optional<std::pair<unsigned, RewritePath>>
bestRewritePath(GenericParamKey base, RelativeRewritePath path,
unsigned prefixLength);
/// Merge the given rewrite tree into \c other.
/// \returns true if any rules were created by this merge.
bool mergeInto(RewriteTreeNode *other);
/// An action to perform for the given rule
class RuleAction {
enum Kind {
/// No action; continue traversal.
/// Stop traversal.
/// Remove the given rule completely.
/// Replace the right-hand side of the rule with the given new path.
} kind;
RewritePath path;
RuleAction(Kind kind, RewritePath path = {})
: kind(kind), path(path) { }
friend class RewriteTreeNode;
static RuleAction none() { return RuleAction(None); }
static RuleAction stop() { return RuleAction(Stop); }
static RuleAction remove() { return RuleAction(Remove); }
static RuleAction replace(RewritePath path) {
return RuleAction(Replace, std::move(path));
operator Kind() const { return kind; }
/// Callback function for enumerating rules in a tree.
using EnumerateCallback =
RuleAction(RelativeRewritePath lhs, const RewritePath &rhs);
/// Enumerate all of the rewrite rules, calling \c fn with the left and
/// right-hand sides of each rule.
/// \returns true if the action function returned \c Stop at any point.
bool enumerateRules(llvm::function_ref<EnumerateCallback> fn,
bool temporarilyDisableVisitedRule = false) {
SmallVector<AssociatedTypeDecl *, 4> lhs;
return enumerateRulesRec(fn, temporarilyDisableVisitedRule, lhs);
"only for use within the debugger");
/// Dump the tree.
void dump(llvm::raw_ostream &out, bool lastChild = true) const;
/// Enumerate all of the rewrite rules, calling \c fn with the left and
/// right-hand sides of each rule.
/// \returns true if the action function returned \c Stop at any point.
bool enumerateRulesRec(llvm::function_ref<EnumerateCallback> &fn,
bool temporarilyDisableVisitedRule,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<AssociatedTypeDecl *> &lhs);
struct GenericSignatureBuilder::Implementation {
/// Allocator.
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator Allocator;
/// The generic parameters that this generic signature builder is working
/// with.
SmallVector<Type, 4> GenericParams;
/// The potential archetypes for the generic parameters in \c GenericParams.
SmallVector<PotentialArchetype *, 4> PotentialArchetypes;
/// The requirement sources used in this generic signature builder.
llvm::FoldingSet<RequirementSource> RequirementSources;
/// The set of requirements that have been delayed for some reason.
SmallVector<DelayedRequirement, 4> DelayedRequirements;
/// The set of equivalence classes.
llvm::iplist<EquivalenceClass> EquivalenceClasses;
/// Equivalence classes that are not currently being used.
std::vector<void *> FreeEquivalenceClasses;
/// The roots of the rewrite tree, keyed on the canonical, dependent
/// types.
DenseMap<CanType, std::unique_ptr<RewriteTreeNode>> RewriteTreeRoots;
/// The generation number for the term-rewriting system, which is
/// increased every time a new rule gets added.
unsigned RewriteGeneration = 0;
/// The generation at which the term-rewriting system was last minimized.
unsigned LastRewriteMinimizedGeneration = 0;
/// The generation number, which is incremented whenever we successfully
/// introduce a new constraint.
unsigned Generation = 0;
/// The generation at which we last processed all of the delayed requirements.
unsigned LastProcessedGeneration = 0;
/// Whether we are currently processing delayed requirements.
bool ProcessingDelayedRequirements = false;
/// Whether we are currently minimizing the term-rewriting system.
bool MinimizingRewriteSystem = false;
/// Whether there were any errors.
bool HadAnyError = false;
/// FIXME: Hack to work around a small number of minimization bugs.
bool HadAnyRedundantConstraints = false;
#ifndef NDEBUG
/// Whether we've already finalized the builder.
bool finalized = false;
/// Tear down an implementation.
/// Allocate a new equivalence class with the given representative.
EquivalenceClass *allocateEquivalenceClass(
PotentialArchetype *representative);
/// Deallocate the given equivalence class, returning it to the free list.
void deallocateEquivalenceClass(EquivalenceClass *equivClass);
/// Retrieve the rewrite tree root for the given anchor type.
RewriteTreeNode *getRewriteTreeRootIfPresent(CanType anchor);
/// Retrieve the rewrite tree root for the given anchor type,
/// creating it if needed.
RewriteTreeNode *getOrCreateRewriteTreeRoot(CanType anchor);
/// Minimize the rewrite tree by minimizing the right-hand sides and
/// removing redundant rules.
void minimizeRewriteTree(GenericSignatureBuilder &builder);
/// Minimize the right-hand sides of the rewrite tree, simplifying them
/// as far as possible and removing any changes that result in trivial
/// rules.
void minimizeRewriteTreeRhs(GenericSignatureBuilder &builder);
/// Minimize the right-hand sides of the rewrite tree, simplifying them
/// as far as possible and removing any changes that result in trivial
/// rules.
void removeRewriteTreeRedundancies(GenericSignatureBuilder &builder);
#pragma mark Memory management
GenericSignatureBuilder::Implementation::~Implementation() {
for (auto pa : PotentialArchetypes)
EquivalenceClass *
PotentialArchetype *representative) {
void *mem;
if (FreeEquivalenceClasses.empty()) {
// Allocate a new equivalence class.
mem = Allocator.Allocate<EquivalenceClass>();
} else {
// Take an equivalence class from the free list.
mem = FreeEquivalenceClasses.back();
auto equivClass = new (mem) EquivalenceClass(representative);
return equivClass;
void GenericSignatureBuilder::Implementation::deallocateEquivalenceClass(
EquivalenceClass *equivClass) {
#pragma mark GraphViz visualization
namespace {
/// A node in the equivalence class, used for visualization.
struct EquivalenceClassVizNode {
const EquivalenceClass *first;
Type second;
operator const void *() const { return second.getPointer(); }
/// Iterator through the adjacent nodes in an equivalence class, for
/// visualization.
class EquivalenceClassVizIterator {
using BaseIterator = const Constraint<Type> *;
EquivalenceClassVizNode node;
BaseIterator base;
BaseIterator baseEnd;
using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
using value_type = EquivalenceClassVizNode;
using reference = value_type;
using pointer = value_type*;
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
EquivalenceClassVizIterator(EquivalenceClassVizNode node,
BaseIterator base, BaseIterator baseEnd)
: node(node), base(base), baseEnd(baseEnd) {
BaseIterator &getBase() { return base; }
const BaseIterator &getBase() const { return base; }
reference operator*() const {
return { node.first, getBase()->value };
EquivalenceClassVizIterator& operator++() {
return *this;
EquivalenceClassVizIterator operator++(int) {
EquivalenceClassVizIterator result = *this;
return result;
friend bool operator==(const EquivalenceClassVizIterator &lhs,
const EquivalenceClassVizIterator &rhs) {
return lhs.getBase() == rhs.getBase();
friend bool operator!=(const EquivalenceClassVizIterator &lhs,
const EquivalenceClassVizIterator &rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
namespace std {
// FIXME: Egregious hack to work around a bogus static_assert in
// llvm::GraphWriter. Good thing nobody else cares about this trait...
struct is_pointer<EquivalenceClassVizNode>
: std::integral_constant<bool, true> { };
namespace llvm {
// Visualize the same-type constraints within an equivalence class.
struct GraphTraits<const EquivalenceClass *> {
using NodeRef = EquivalenceClassVizNode;
static NodeRef getEntryNode(const EquivalenceClass *equivClass) {
return { equivClass, equivClass->members.front()->getDependentType({ }) };
class nodes_iterator {
using BaseIterator = PotentialArchetype * const *;
const EquivalenceClass *equivClass;
BaseIterator base;
using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
using value_type = EquivalenceClassVizNode;
using reference = value_type;
using pointer = value_type*;
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
nodes_iterator(const EquivalenceClass *equivClass, BaseIterator base)
: equivClass(equivClass), base(base) { }
BaseIterator &getBase() { return base; }
const BaseIterator &getBase() const { return base; }
reference operator*() const {
return { equivClass, (*getBase())->getDependentType({ }) };
nodes_iterator& operator++() {
return *this;
nodes_iterator operator++(int) {
nodes_iterator result = *this;
return result;
friend bool operator==(const nodes_iterator &lhs,
const nodes_iterator &rhs) {
return lhs.getBase() == rhs.getBase();
friend bool operator!=(const nodes_iterator &lhs,
const nodes_iterator &rhs) {
return lhs.getBase() != rhs.getBase();
static nodes_iterator nodes_begin(const EquivalenceClass *equivClass) {
return nodes_iterator(equivClass, equivClass->members.begin());
static nodes_iterator nodes_end(const EquivalenceClass *equivClass) {
return nodes_iterator(equivClass, equivClass->members.end());
static unsigned size(const EquivalenceClass *equivClass) {
return equivClass->members.size();
using ChildIteratorType = EquivalenceClassVizIterator;
static ChildIteratorType child_begin(NodeRef node) {
auto base = node.first->;
auto baseEnd = base + node.first->sameTypeConstraints.size();
return ChildIteratorType(node, base, baseEnd);
static ChildIteratorType child_end(NodeRef node) {
auto base = node.first->;
auto baseEnd = base + node.first->sameTypeConstraints.size();
return ChildIteratorType(node, baseEnd, baseEnd);
template <>
struct DOTGraphTraits<const EquivalenceClass *>
: public DefaultDOTGraphTraits
DOTGraphTraits(bool = false) { }
static std::string getGraphName(const EquivalenceClass *equivClass) {
return "Equivalence class for '" +
equivClass->members.front()->getDebugName() + "'";
std::string getNodeLabel(EquivalenceClassVizNode node,
const EquivalenceClass *equivClass) const {
return node.second.getString();
static std::string getEdgeAttributes(EquivalenceClassVizNode node,
EquivalenceClassVizIterator iter,
const EquivalenceClass *equivClass) {
if (iter.getBase()->source->kind
== RequirementSource::NestedTypeNameMatch)
return "color=\"blue\"";
if (iter.getBase()->source->isDerivedRequirement())
return "color=\"gray\"";
return "color=\"red\"";
} // end namespace llvm
namespace {
/// Retrieve the type described by the given unresolved tyoe.
Type getUnresolvedType(GSBUnresolvedType type,
TypeArrayView<GenericTypeParamType> genericParams) {
if (auto concrete = type.dyn_cast<Type>())
return concrete;
if (auto pa = type.dyn_cast<PotentialArchetype *>())
return pa->getDependentType(genericParams);
return Type();
#pragma mark Requirement sources
#ifndef NDEBUG
bool RequirementSource::isAcceptableStorageKind(Kind kind,
StorageKind storageKind) {
switch (kind) {
case Explicit:
case Inferred:
case RequirementSignatureSelf:
case NestedTypeNameMatch:
case ConcreteTypeBinding:
case EquivalentType:
switch (storageKind) {
case StorageKind::StoredType:
return true;
case StorageKind::ProtocolConformance:
case StorageKind::AssociatedTypeDecl:
case StorageKind::None:
return false;
case Parent:
switch (storageKind) {
case StorageKind::AssociatedTypeDecl:
return true;
case StorageKind::StoredType:
case StorageKind::ProtocolConformance:
case StorageKind::None:
return false;
case ProtocolRequirement:
case InferredProtocolRequirement:
switch (storageKind) {
case StorageKind::StoredType:
return true;
case StorageKind::ProtocolConformance:
case StorageKind::AssociatedTypeDecl:
case StorageKind::None:
return false;
case Superclass:
case Concrete:
switch (storageKind) {
case StorageKind::ProtocolConformance:
return true;
case StorageKind::StoredType:
case StorageKind::AssociatedTypeDecl:
case StorageKind::None:
return false;
case Derived:
switch (storageKind) {
case StorageKind::None:
return true;
case StorageKind::StoredType:
case StorageKind::ProtocolConformance:
case StorageKind::AssociatedTypeDecl:
return false;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled RequirementSourceKind in switch.");
const void *RequirementSource::getOpaqueStorage1() const {
switch (storageKind) {
case StorageKind::None:
return nullptr;
case StorageKind::ProtocolConformance:
return storage.conformance;
case StorageKind::StoredType:
return storage.type;
case StorageKind::AssociatedTypeDecl:
return storage.assocType;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled StorageKind in switch.");
const void *RequirementSource::getOpaqueStorage2() const {
if (numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<ProtocolDecl *>()) == 1)
return getTrailingObjects<ProtocolDecl *>()[0];
if (numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<WrittenRequirementLoc>()) == 1)
return getTrailingObjects<WrittenRequirementLoc>()[0].getOpaqueValue();
return nullptr;
const void *RequirementSource::getOpaqueStorage3() const {
if (numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<ProtocolDecl *>()) == 1 &&
numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<WrittenRequirementLoc>()) == 1)
return getTrailingObjects<WrittenRequirementLoc>()[0].getOpaqueValue();
return nullptr;
bool RequirementSource::isInferredRequirement() const {
for (auto source = this; source; source = source->parent) {
switch (source->kind) {
case Inferred:
case InferredProtocolRequirement:
case NestedTypeNameMatch:
return true;
case ConcreteTypeBinding:
case EquivalentType:
return false;
case Concrete:
case Explicit:
case Parent:
case ProtocolRequirement:
case RequirementSignatureSelf:
case Superclass:
case Derived:
return false;
unsigned RequirementSource::classifyDiagKind() const {
if (isInferredRequirement()) return 2;
if (isDerivedRequirement()) return 1;
return 0;
bool RequirementSource::isDerivedRequirement() const {
switch (kind) {
case Explicit:
case Inferred:
return false;
case NestedTypeNameMatch:
case ConcreteTypeBinding:
case Parent:
case Superclass:
case Concrete:
case RequirementSignatureSelf:
case Derived:
case EquivalentType:
return true;
case ProtocolRequirement:
case InferredProtocolRequirement:
// Requirements based on protocol requirements are derived unless they are
// direct children of the requirement-signature source, in which case we
// need to keep them for the requirement signature.
return parent->kind != RequirementSignatureSelf;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled RequirementSourceKind in switch.");
bool RequirementSource::shouldDiagnoseRedundancy(bool primary) const {
return !isInferredRequirement() && getLoc().isValid() &&
(!primary || !isDerivedRequirement());
bool RequirementSource::isSelfDerivedSource(GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
Type type,
bool &derivedViaConcrete) const {
return getMinimalConformanceSource(builder, type, /*proto=*/nullptr,
!= this;
/// Replace 'Self' in the given dependent type (\c depTy) with the given
/// dependent type, producing a type that refers to
/// the nested type. This limited operation makes sure that it does not
/// create any new potential archetypes along the way, so it should only be
/// used in cases where we're reconstructing something that we know exists.
static Type replaceSelfWithType(Type selfType, Type depTy) {
if (auto depMemTy = depTy->getAs<DependentMemberType>()) {
Type baseType = replaceSelfWithType(selfType, depMemTy->getBase());
assert(depMemTy->getAssocType() && "Missing associated type");
return DependentMemberType::get(baseType, depMemTy->getAssocType());
assert(depTy->is<GenericTypeParamType>() && "missing Self?");
return selfType;
/// Determine whether the given protocol requirement is self-derived when it
/// occurs within the requirement signature of its own protocol.
static bool isSelfDerivedProtocolRequirementInProtocol(
const RequirementSource *source,
ProtocolDecl *selfProto,
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder) {
// This can only happen if the requirement points comes from the protocol
// itself.
if (source->getProtocolDecl() != selfProto) return false;
// This only applies if the parent is not the anchor for computing the
// requirement signature. Anywhere else, we can use the protocol requirement.
if (source->parent->kind == RequirementSource::RequirementSignatureSelf)
return false;
// If the relative type of the protocol requirement itself is in the
// same equivalence class as what we've proven with this requirement,
// it's a self-derived requirement.
ArchetypeResolutionKind::WellFormed) ==
const RequirementSource *RequirementSource::getMinimalConformanceSource(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
Type currentType,
ProtocolDecl *proto,
bool &derivedViaConcrete) const {
derivedViaConcrete = false;
// If it's not a derived requirement, it's not self-derived.
if (!isDerivedRequirement()) return this;
/// Keep track of all of the requirements we've seen along the way. If
/// we see the same requirement twice, we have found a shorter path.
llvm::DenseMap<std::pair<EquivalenceClass *, ProtocolDecl *>,
const RequirementSource *>
/// Note that we've now seen a new constraint (described on an equivalence
/// class).
auto addConstraint = [&](EquivalenceClass *equivClass, ProtocolDecl *proto,
const RequirementSource *source)
-> const RequirementSource * {
auto &storedSource = constraintsSeen[{equivClass, proto}];
if (storedSource) return storedSource;
storedSource = source;
return nullptr;
// Note that we've now seen a new constraint, returning true if we've seen
// it before.
auto addTypeConstraint = [&](Type type, ProtocolDecl *proto,
const RequirementSource *source)
-> const RequirementSource * {
auto equivClass =
assert(equivClass && "Not a well-formed type?");
return addConstraint(equivClass, proto, source);
bool sawProtocolRequirement = false;
ProtocolDecl *requirementSignatureSelfProto = nullptr;
Type rootType = nullptr;
Optional<std::pair<const RequirementSource *, const RequirementSource *>>
bool isSelfDerived = visitPotentialArchetypesAlongPath(
[&](Type parentType, const RequirementSource *source) {
switch (source->kind) {
case ProtocolRequirement:
case InferredProtocolRequirement: {
// Note that we've seen a protocol requirement.
sawProtocolRequirement = true;
// If the base has been made concrete, note it.
auto parentEquivClass =
assert(parentEquivClass && "Not a well-formed type?");
if (parentEquivClass->concreteType)
derivedViaConcrete = true;
// The parent potential archetype must conform to the protocol in which
// this requirement resides. Add this constraint.
if (auto startOfPath =
addConstraint(parentEquivClass, source->getProtocolDecl(),
source->parent)) {
// We found a redundant subpath; record it and stop the algorithm.
assert(startOfPath != source->parent);
redundantSubpath = { startOfPath, source->parent };
return true;
// If this is a self-derived protocol requirement, fail.
if (requirementSignatureSelfProto &&
builder)) {
redundantSubpath = { source->getRoot(), source->parent };
return true;
// No redundancy thus far.
return false;
case Parent:
// FIXME: Ad hoc detection of recursive same-type constraints.
return !proto &&
builder.areInSameEquivalenceClass(parentType, currentType);
case Concrete:
case Superclass:
case Derived:
case EquivalentType:
return false;
case RequirementSignatureSelf:
// Note the protocol whose requirement signature the requirement is
// based on.
requirementSignatureSelfProto = source->getProtocolDecl();
case Explicit:
case Inferred:
case NestedTypeNameMatch:
case ConcreteTypeBinding:
rootType = parentType;
return false;
// If we didn't already find a redundancy, check our end state.
if (!redundantSubpath && proto) {
if (auto startOfPath = addTypeConstraint(currentType, proto, this)) {
redundantSubpath = { startOfPath, this };
assert(startOfPath != this);
isSelfDerived = true;
// If we saw a constraint twice, it's self-derived.
if (redundantSubpath) {
assert(isSelfDerived && "Not considered self-derived?");
auto shorterSource =
return shorterSource
->getMinimalConformanceSource(builder, currentType, proto, derivedViaConcrete);
// It's self-derived but we don't have a redundant subpath to eliminate.
if (isSelfDerived)
return nullptr;
// If we haven't seen a protocol requirement, we're done.
if (!sawProtocolRequirement) return this;
// The root might be a nested type, which implies constraints
// for each of the protocols of the associated types referenced (if any).
for (auto depMemTy = rootType->getAs<DependentMemberType>(); depMemTy;
depMemTy = depMemTy->getBase()->getAs<DependentMemberType>()) {
auto assocType = depMemTy->getAssocType();
if (addTypeConstraint(depMemTy->getBase(), assocType->getProtocol(),
return nullptr;
return this;
#define REQUIREMENT_SOURCE_FACTORY_BODY(ProfileArgs, ConstructorArgs, \
NumProtocolDecls, WrittenReq) \
llvm::FoldingSetNodeID nodeID; \
Profile ProfileArgs; \
void *insertPos = nullptr; \
if (auto known = \
builder.Impl->RequirementSources.FindNodeOrInsertPos(nodeID, \
insertPos)) \
return known; \
unsigned size = \
totalSizeToAlloc<ProtocolDecl *, WrittenRequirementLoc>( \
NumProtocolDecls, \
WrittenReq.isNull()? 0 : 1); \
void *mem = \
builder.Impl->Allocator.Allocate(size, alignof(RequirementSource)); \
auto result = new (mem) RequirementSource ConstructorArgs; \
builder.Impl->RequirementSources.InsertNode(result, insertPos); \
return result
const RequirementSource *RequirementSource::forAbstract(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
Type rootType) {
(nodeID, Explicit, nullptr, rootType.getPointer(),
nullptr, nullptr),
(Explicit, rootType, nullptr, WrittenRequirementLoc()),
0, WrittenRequirementLoc());
const RequirementSource *RequirementSource::forExplicit(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
Type rootType,
GenericSignatureBuilder::WrittenRequirementLoc writtenLoc) {
(nodeID, Explicit, nullptr, rootType.getPointer(),
writtenLoc.getOpaqueValue(), nullptr),
(Explicit, rootType, nullptr, writtenLoc),
0, writtenLoc);
const RequirementSource *RequirementSource::forInferred(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
Type rootType,
const TypeRepr *typeRepr) {
WrittenRequirementLoc writtenLoc = typeRepr;
(nodeID, Inferred, nullptr, rootType.getPointer(),
writtenLoc.getOpaqueValue(), nullptr),
(Inferred, rootType, nullptr, writtenLoc),
0, writtenLoc);
const RequirementSource *RequirementSource::forRequirementSignature(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
Type rootType,
ProtocolDecl *protocol) {
(nodeID, RequirementSignatureSelf, nullptr,
rootType.getPointer(), protocol, nullptr),
(RequirementSignatureSelf, rootType, protocol,
1, WrittenRequirementLoc());
const RequirementSource *RequirementSource::forNestedTypeNameMatch(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
Type rootType) {
(nodeID, NestedTypeNameMatch, nullptr,
rootType.getPointer(), nullptr, nullptr),
(NestedTypeNameMatch, rootType, nullptr,
0, WrittenRequirementLoc());
const RequirementSource *RequirementSource::forConcreteTypeBinding(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
Type rootType) {
(nodeID, ConcreteTypeBinding, nullptr,
rootType.getPointer(), nullptr, nullptr),
(ConcreteTypeBinding, rootType, nullptr,
0, WrittenRequirementLoc());
const RequirementSource *RequirementSource::viaProtocolRequirement(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder, Type dependentType,
ProtocolDecl *protocol,
bool inferred,
GenericSignatureBuilder::WrittenRequirementLoc writtenLoc) const {
inferred ? InferredProtocolRequirement
: ProtocolRequirement,
dependentType.getPointer(), protocol,
(inferred ? InferredProtocolRequirement
: ProtocolRequirement,
this, dependentType,
protocol, writtenLoc),
1, writtenLoc);
const RequirementSource *RequirementSource::viaSuperclass(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
ProtocolConformanceRef conformance) const {
(nodeID, Superclass, this, conformance.getOpaqueValue(),
nullptr, nullptr),
(Superclass, this, conformance),
0, WrittenRequirementLoc());
const RequirementSource *RequirementSource::viaConcrete(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
ProtocolConformanceRef conformance) const {
(nodeID, Concrete, this, conformance.getOpaqueValue(),
nullptr, nullptr),
(Concrete, this, conformance),
0, WrittenRequirementLoc());
const RequirementSource *RequirementSource::viaParent(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
AssociatedTypeDecl *assocType) const {
(nodeID, Parent, this, assocType, nullptr, nullptr),
(Parent, this, assocType),
0, WrittenRequirementLoc());
const RequirementSource *RequirementSource::viaDerived(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder) const {
(nodeID, Derived, this, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr),
(Derived, this),
0, WrittenRequirementLoc());
const RequirementSource *RequirementSource::viaEquivalentType(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
Type newType) const {
(nodeID, EquivalentType, this, newType.getPointer(),
nullptr, nullptr),
(EquivalentType, this, newType),
0, WrittenRequirementLoc());
const RequirementSource *RequirementSource::withoutRedundantSubpath(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
const RequirementSource *start,
const RequirementSource *end) const {
// Replace the end with the start; the caller has guaranteed that they
// produce the same thing.
if (this == end) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Sanity check: make sure the 'start' precedes the 'end'.
bool foundStart = false;
for (auto source = this; source; source = source->parent) {
if (source == start) {
foundStart = true;
assert(foundStart && "Start doesn't precede end!");
return start;
switch (kind) {
case Explicit:
case Inferred:
case RequirementSignatureSelf:
case NestedTypeNameMatch:
case ConcreteTypeBinding:
llvm_unreachable("Subpath end doesn't occur within path");
case ProtocolRequirement:
return parent->withoutRedundantSubpath(builder, start, end)
->viaProtocolRequirement(builder, getStoredType(),
getProtocolDecl(), /*inferred=*/false,
case InferredProtocolRequirement:
return parent->withoutRedundantSubpath(builder, start, end)
->viaProtocolRequirement(builder, getStoredType(),
getProtocolDecl(), /*inferred=*/true,
case Concrete:
return parent->withoutRedundantSubpath(builder, start, end)
->viaParent(builder, getAssociatedType());
case Derived:
return parent->withoutRedundantSubpath(builder, start, end)
case EquivalentType:
return parent->withoutRedundantSubpath(builder, start, end)
->viaEquivalentType(builder, Type(storage.type));
case Parent:
return parent->withoutRedundantSubpath(builder, start, end)
->viaParent(builder, getAssociatedType());
case Superclass:
return parent->withoutRedundantSubpath(builder, start, end)
->viaSuperclass(builder, getProtocolConformance());
const RequirementSource *RequirementSource::getRoot() const {
auto root = this;
while (auto parent = root->parent)
root = parent;
return root;
Type RequirementSource::getRootType() const {
/// Find the root.
auto root = getRoot();
// We're at the root, so it's in the inline storage.
assert(root->storageKind == StorageKind::StoredType);
return Type(root->storage.type);
Type RequirementSource::getAffectedType() const {
return visitPotentialArchetypesAlongPath(
[](Type, const RequirementSource *) {
return false;
llvm::function_ref<bool(Type, const RequirementSource *)> visitor) const {
switch (kind) {
case RequirementSource::Parent: {
Type parentType = parent->visitPotentialArchetypesAlongPath(visitor);
if (!parentType) return nullptr;
if (visitor(parentType, this)) return nullptr;
return replaceSelfWithType(parentType,
case RequirementSource::NestedTypeNameMatch:
case RequirementSource::ConcreteTypeBinding:
case RequirementSource::Explicit:
case RequirementSource::Inferred:
case RequirementSource::RequirementSignatureSelf: {
Type rootType = getRootType();
if (visitor(rootType, this)) return nullptr;
return rootType;
case RequirementSource::Concrete:
case RequirementSource::Superclass:
case RequirementSource::Derived:
return parent->visitPotentialArchetypesAlongPath(visitor);
case RequirementSource::EquivalentType: {
auto parentType = parent->visitPotentialArchetypesAlongPath(visitor);
if (!parentType) return nullptr;
if (visitor(parentType, this)) return nullptr;
return Type(storage.type);
case RequirementSource::ProtocolRequirement:
case RequirementSource::InferredProtocolRequirement: {
Type parentType = parent->visitPotentialArchetypesAlongPath(visitor);
if (!parentType) return nullptr;
if (visitor(parentType, this)) return nullptr;
return replaceSelfWithType(parentType, getStoredType());
Type RequirementSource::getStoredType() const {
switch (storageKind) {
case StorageKind::None:
case StorageKind::ProtocolConformance:
case StorageKind::AssociatedTypeDecl:
return Type();
case StorageKind::StoredType:
return storage.type;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled StorageKind in switch.");
ProtocolDecl *RequirementSource::getProtocolDecl() const {
switch (storageKind) {
case StorageKind::None:
return nullptr;
case StorageKind::StoredType:
if (isProtocolRequirement() || kind == RequirementSignatureSelf)
return getTrailingObjects<ProtocolDecl *>()[0];
return nullptr;
case StorageKind::ProtocolConformance:
return getProtocolConformance().getRequirement();
case StorageKind::AssociatedTypeDecl:
return storage.assocType->getProtocol();
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled StorageKind in switch.");
SourceLoc RequirementSource::getLoc() const {
// Don't produce locations for protocol requirements unless the parent is
// the protocol self.
// FIXME: We should have a better notion of when to emit diagnostics
// for a particular requirement, rather than turning on/off location info.
// Locations that fall into this category should be advisory, emitted via
// notes rather than as the normal location.
if (isProtocolRequirement() && parent &&
parent->kind != RequirementSignatureSelf)
return parent->getLoc();
if (auto typeRepr = getTypeRepr())
return typeRepr->getStartLoc();
if (auto requirementRepr = getRequirementRepr()) {
switch (requirementRepr->getKind()) {
case RequirementReprKind::LayoutConstraint:
case RequirementReprKind::TypeConstraint:
return requirementRepr->getColonLoc();
case RequirementReprKind::SameType:
return requirementRepr->getEqualLoc();
if (parent)
return parent->getLoc();
if (kind == RequirementSignatureSelf)
return getProtocolDecl()->getLoc();
return SourceLoc();
/// Compute the path length of a requirement source, counting only the number
/// of \c ProtocolRequirement elements.
static unsigned sourcePathLength(const RequirementSource *source) {
unsigned count = 0;
for (; source; source = source->parent) {
if (source->isProtocolRequirement())
return count;
int RequirementSource::compare(const RequirementSource *other) const {
// Prefer the derived option, if there is one.
bool thisIsDerived = this->isDerivedRequirement();
bool otherIsDerived = other->isDerivedRequirement();
if (thisIsDerived != otherIsDerived)
return thisIsDerived ? -1 : +1;
// Prefer the shorter path.
unsigned thisLength = sourcePathLength(this);
unsigned otherLength = sourcePathLength(other);
if (thisLength != otherLength)
return thisLength < otherLength ? -1 : +1;
// FIXME: Arbitrary hack to allow later requirement sources to stomp on
// earlier ones. We need a proper ordering here.
return +1;
void RequirementSource::dump() const {
dump(llvm::errs(), nullptr, 0);
llvm::errs() << "\n";
/// Dump the constraint source.
void RequirementSource::dump(llvm::raw_ostream &out, SourceManager *srcMgr,
unsigned indent) const {
// FIXME: Implement for real, so we actually dump the structure.
print(out, srcMgr);
void RequirementSource::print() const {
print(llvm::errs(), nullptr);
void RequirementSource::print(llvm::raw_ostream &out,
SourceManager *srcMgr) const {
if (parent) {
parent->print(out, srcMgr);
out << " -> ";
} else {
out << getRootType().getString() << ": ";
switch (kind) {
case Concrete:
out << "Concrete";
case Explicit:
out << "Explicit";
case Inferred:
out << "Inferred";
case NestedTypeNameMatch:
out << "Nested type match";
case RequirementSource::ConcreteTypeBinding:
out << "Concrete type binding";
case Parent:
out << "Parent";
case ProtocolRequirement:
out << "Protocol requirement";
case InferredProtocolRequirement:
out << "Inferred protocol requirement";
case RequirementSignatureSelf:
out << "Requirement signature self";
case Superclass:
out << "Superclass";
case Derived:
out << "Derived";
case EquivalentType:
out << "Equivalent type";
// Local function to dump a source location, if we can.
auto dumpSourceLoc = [&](SourceLoc loc) {
if (!srcMgr) return;
if (loc.isInvalid()) return;
unsigned bufferID = srcMgr->findBufferContainingLoc(loc);
auto lineAndCol = srcMgr->getLineAndColumn(loc, bufferID);
out << " @ " << lineAndCol.first << ':' << lineAndCol.second;
switch (storageKind) {
case StorageKind::None:
case StorageKind::StoredType:
if (auto proto = getProtocolDecl()) {
out << " (via " << storage.type->getString() << " in " << proto->getName()
<< ")";
case StorageKind::ProtocolConformance: {
auto conformance = getProtocolConformance();
if (conformance.isConcrete()) {
out << " (" << conformance.getConcrete()->getType()->getString() << ": "
<< conformance.getConcrete()->getProtocol()->getName() << ")";
} else {
out << " (abstract " << conformance.getRequirement()->getName() << ")";
case StorageKind::AssociatedTypeDecl:
out << " (" << storage.assocType->getProtocol()->getName()
<< "::" << storage.assocType->getName() << ")";
if (getTypeRepr() || getRequirementRepr()) {
/// Form the dependent type such that the given protocol's \c Self can be
/// replaced by \c baseType to reach \c type.
static Type formProtocolRelativeType(ProtocolDecl *proto,
Type baseType,
Type type) {
// Basis case: we've hit the base potential archetype.
if (baseType->isEqual(type))
return proto->getSelfInterfaceType();
// Recursive case: form a dependent member type.
auto depMemTy = type->castTo<DependentMemberType>();
Type newBaseType = formProtocolRelativeType(proto, baseType,
auto assocType = depMemTy->getAssocType();
return DependentMemberType::get(newBaseType, assocType);
const RequirementSource *FloatingRequirementSource::getSource(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
Type type) const {
switch (kind) {
case Resolved:
return storage.get<const RequirementSource *>();
case Explicit:
if (auto requirementRepr = storage.dyn_cast<const RequirementRepr *>())
return RequirementSource::forExplicit(builder, type, requirementRepr);
if (auto typeRepr = storage.dyn_cast<const TypeRepr *>())
return RequirementSource::forExplicit(builder, type, typeRepr);
return RequirementSource::forAbstract(builder, type);
case Inferred:
return RequirementSource::forInferred(builder, type,
storage.get<const TypeRepr *>());
case AbstractProtocol: {
// Derive the dependent type on which this requirement was written. It is
// the path from the requirement source on which this requirement is based
// to the potential archetype on which the requirement is being placed.
auto baseSource = storage.get<const RequirementSource *>();
auto baseSourceType = baseSource->getAffectedType();
auto dependentType =
formProtocolRelativeType(protocolReq.protocol, baseSourceType, type);
return storage.get<const RequirementSource *>()
->viaProtocolRequirement(builder, dependentType,
protocolReq.protocol, protocolReq.inferred,
case NestedTypeNameMatch:
return RequirementSource::forNestedTypeNameMatch(builder, type);
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled FloatingPointRequirementSourceKind in switch.");
SourceLoc FloatingRequirementSource::getLoc() const {
if (auto source = storage.dyn_cast<const RequirementSource *>())
return source->getLoc();
if (auto typeRepr = storage.dyn_cast<const TypeRepr *>())
return typeRepr->getLoc();
if (auto requirementRepr = storage.dyn_cast<const RequirementRepr *>()) {
switch (requirementRepr->getKind()) {
case RequirementReprKind::LayoutConstraint:
case RequirementReprKind::TypeConstraint:
return requirementRepr->getColonLoc();
case RequirementReprKind::SameType:
return requirementRepr->getEqualLoc();
return SourceLoc();
bool FloatingRequirementSource::isExplicit() const {
switch (kind) {
case Explicit:
return true;
case Inferred:
case NestedTypeNameMatch:
return false;
case AbstractProtocol:
// Requirements implied by other protocol conformance requirements are
// implicit, except when computing a requirement signature, where
// non-inferred ones are explicit, to allow flagging of redundant
// requirements.
switch (storage.get<const RequirementSource *>()->kind) {
case RequirementSource::RequirementSignatureSelf:
return !protocolReq.inferred;
case RequirementSource::Concrete:
case RequirementSource::Explicit:
case RequirementSource::Inferred:
case RequirementSource::NestedTypeNameMatch:
case RequirementSource::ConcreteTypeBinding:
case RequirementSource::Parent:
case RequirementSource::ProtocolRequirement:
case RequirementSource::InferredProtocolRequirement:
case RequirementSource::Superclass:
case RequirementSource::Derived:
case RequirementSource::EquivalentType:
return false;
case Resolved:
switch (storage.get<const RequirementSource *>()->kind) {
case RequirementSource::Explicit:
return true;
case RequirementSource::ProtocolRequirement:
return storage.get<const RequirementSource *>()->parent->kind
== RequirementSource::RequirementSignatureSelf;
case RequirementSource::Inferred:
case RequirementSource::InferredProtocolRequirement:
case RequirementSource::RequirementSignatureSelf:
case RequirementSource::Concrete:
case RequirementSource::NestedTypeNameMatch:
case RequirementSource::ConcreteTypeBinding:
case RequirementSource::Parent:
case RequirementSource::Superclass:
case RequirementSource::Derived:
case RequirementSource::EquivalentType:
return false;
FloatingRequirementSource FloatingRequirementSource::asInferred(
const TypeRepr *typeRepr) const {
switch (kind) {
case Explicit:
return forInferred(typeRepr);
case Inferred:
case Resolved:
case NestedTypeNameMatch:
return *this;
case AbstractProtocol:
return viaProtocolRequirement(storage.get<const RequirementSource *>(),
protocolReq.protocol, typeRepr,
bool FloatingRequirementSource::isRecursive(
Type rootType,
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder) const {
llvm::SmallSet<std::pair<CanType, ProtocolDecl *>, 4> visitedAssocReqs;
for (auto storedSource = storage.dyn_cast<const RequirementSource *>();
storedSource; storedSource = storedSource->parent) {
// FIXME: isRecursive() is completely misnamed
if (storedSource->kind == RequirementSource::EquivalentType)
return true;
if (!storedSource->isProtocolRequirement())
if (!visitedAssocReqs.insert(
return true;
return false;
GenericSignatureBuilder::PotentialArchetype::~PotentialArchetype() {
for (const auto &nested : NestedTypes) {
for (auto pa : nested.second) {
std::string GenericSignatureBuilder::PotentialArchetype::getDebugName() const {
llvm::SmallString<64> result;
auto parent = getParent();
if (!parent) {
static const char *tau = u8"\u03C4_";
llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(result);
os << tau << getGenericParamKey().Depth << '_'
<< getGenericParamKey().Index;
return os.str().str();
// Nested types.
result += parent->getDebugName();
// When building the name for debugging purposes, include the protocol into
// which the associated type or type alias was resolved.
auto *proto = getResolvedType()->getProtocol();
if (proto) {
result.append(proto->getName().str().begin(), proto->getName().str().end());
result.append(getNestedName().str().begin(), getNestedName().str().end());
return result.str().str();
unsigned GenericSignatureBuilder::PotentialArchetype::getNestingDepth() const {
unsigned Depth = 0;
for (auto P = getParent(); P; P = P->getParent())
return Depth;
void EquivalenceClass::addMember(PotentialArchetype *pa) {
assert(find(members, pa) == members.end() &&
"Already have this potential archetype!");
if (members.back()->getNestingDepth() < members.front()->getNestingDepth()) {
MutableArrayRef<PotentialArchetype *> mutMembers = members;
std::swap(mutMembers.front(), mutMembers.back());
class GenericSignatureBuilder::ResolvedType {
llvm::PointerUnion<PotentialArchetype *, Type> type;
EquivalenceClass *equivClass;
/// For a type that could not be resolved further unless the given
/// equivalence class changes.
ResolvedType(EquivalenceClass *equivClass)
: type(), equivClass(equivClass) { }
/// A specific resolved potential archetype.
ResolvedType(PotentialArchetype *pa)
: type(pa), equivClass(pa->getEquivalenceClassIfPresent()) { }
/// A resolved type within the given equivalence class.
ResolvedType(Type type, EquivalenceClass *equivClass)
: type(type), equivClass(equivClass) {
assert(type->isTypeParameter() == static_cast<bool>(equivClass) &&
"type parameters must have equivalence classes");
/// Return an unresolved result, which could be resolved when we
/// learn more information about the given equivalence class.
static ResolvedType forUnresolved(EquivalenceClass *equivClass) {
return ResolvedType(equivClass);
/// Return a result for a concrete type.
static ResolvedType forConcrete(Type concreteType) {
return ResolvedType(concreteType, nullptr);
/// Determine whether this result was resolved.
explicit operator bool() const { return !type.isNull(); }
/// Retrieve the dependent type.
Type getDependentType(GenericSignatureBuilder &builder) const;
/// Retrieve the concrete type, or a null type if this result doesn't store
/// a concrete type.
Type getAsConcreteType() const {
assert(*this && "Doesn't contain any result");
if (equivClass) return Type();
return type.dyn_cast<Type>();
/// Realize a potential archetype for this type parameter.
PotentialArchetype *realizePotentialArchetype(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder);
/// Retrieve the potential archetype, if already known.
PotentialArchetype *getPotentialArchetypeIfKnown() const {
return type.dyn_cast<PotentialArchetype *>();
/// Retrieve the equivalence class into which a resolved type refers.
EquivalenceClass *getEquivalenceClass(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder) const {
assert(*this && "Only for resolved types");
if (equivClass) return equivClass;
// Create the equivalence class now.
return type.get<PotentialArchetype *>()
/// Retrieve the equivalence class into which a resolved type refers.
EquivalenceClass *getEquivalenceClassIfPresent() const {
assert(*this && "Only for resolved types");
if (equivClass) return equivClass;
// Create the equivalence class now.
return type.get<PotentialArchetype *>()->getEquivalenceClassIfPresent();
/// Retrieve the unresolved result.
EquivalenceClass *getUnresolvedEquivClass() const {
return equivClass;
/// Return an unresolved type.
/// This loses equivalence-class information that could be useful, which
/// is unfortunate.
UnresolvedType getUnresolvedType() const {
return type;
bool EquivalenceClass::recordConformanceConstraint(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
ResolvedType type,
ProtocolDecl *proto,
FloatingRequirementSource source) {
// If we haven't seen a conformance to this protocol yet, add it.
bool inserted = false;
auto known = conformsTo.find(proto);
if (known == conformsTo.end()) {
known = conformsTo.insert({ proto, { }}).first;
inserted = true;
// If there is a concrete type that resolves this conformance requirement,
// record the conformance.
if (!builder.resolveConcreteConformance(type, proto)) {
// Otherwise, determine whether there is a superclass constraint where the
// superclass conforms to this protocol.
(void)builder.resolveSuperConformance(type, proto);
// Record this conformance source.
known->second.push_back({type.getUnresolvedType(), proto,
return inserted;
template<typename T>
Type Constraint<T>::getSubjectDependentType(
TypeArrayView<GenericTypeParamType> genericParams) const {
if (auto type = subject.dyn_cast<Type>())
return type;
return subject.get<PotentialArchetype *>()->getDependentType(genericParams);
template<typename T>
bool Constraint<T>::isSubjectEqualTo(Type type) const {
return getSubjectDependentType({ })->isEqual(type);
template<typename T>
bool Constraint<T>::isSubjectEqualTo(const PotentialArchetype *pa) const {
return getSubjectDependentType({ })->isEqual(pa->getDependentType({ }));
template<typename T>
bool Constraint<T>::hasSameSubjectAs(const Constraint<T> &other) const {
return getSubjectDependentType({ })
->isEqual(other.getSubjectDependentType({ }));
EquivalenceClass::findAnyConcreteConstraintAsWritten(Type preferredType) const {
// If we don't have a concrete type, there's no source.
if (!concreteType) return None;
// Go look for a source with source-location information.
Optional<ConcreteConstraint> result;
for (const auto &constraint : concreteTypeConstraints) {
if (constraint.source->getLoc().isValid()) {
result = constraint;
if (!preferredType ||
constraint.getSubjectDependentType({ })->isEqual(preferredType))
return result;
return result;
Type preferredType) const {
// If we don't have a superclass, there's no source.
if (!superclass) return None;
// Go look for a source with source-location information.
Optional<ConcreteConstraint> result;
for (const auto &constraint : superclassConstraints) {
if (constraint.source->getLoc().isValid() &&
constraint.value->isEqual(superclass)) {
result = constraint;
if (!preferredType ||
constraint.getSubjectDependentType({ })->isEqual(preferredType))
return result;
return result;
bool EquivalenceClass::isConformanceSatisfiedBySuperclass(
ProtocolDecl *proto) const {
auto known = conformsTo.find(proto);
assert(known != conformsTo.end() && "doesn't conform to this protocol");
for (const auto &constraint: known->second) {
if (constraint.source->kind == RequirementSource::Superclass)
return true;
return false;
/// Compare two associated types.
static int compareAssociatedTypes(AssociatedTypeDecl *assocType1,
AssociatedTypeDecl *assocType2) {
// - by name.
if (int result = assocType1->getName().str().compare(
return result;
// Prefer an associated type with no overrides (i.e., an anchor) to one
// that has overrides.
bool hasOverridden1 = !assocType1->getOverriddenDecls().empty();
bool hasOverridden2 = !assocType2->getOverriddenDecls().empty();
if (hasOverridden1 != hasOverridden2)
return hasOverridden1 ? +1 : -1;
// - by protocol, so t_n_m.`P.T` < t_n_m.`Q.T` (given P < Q)
auto proto1 = assocType1->getProtocol();
auto proto2 = assocType2->getProtocol();
if (int compareProtocols = ProtocolType::compareProtocols(&proto1, &proto2))
return compareProtocols;
// Error case: if we have two associated types with the same name in the
// same protocol, just tie-break based on address.
if (assocType1 != assocType2)
return assocType1 < assocType2 ? -1 : +1;
return 0;
TypeDecl *EquivalenceClass::lookupNestedType(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
Identifier name,
SmallVectorImpl<TypeDecl *> *otherConcreteTypes) {
// Populates the result structures from the given cache entry.
auto populateResult = [&](const CachedNestedType &cache) -> TypeDecl * {
if (otherConcreteTypes)
// If there aren't any types in the cache, we're done.
if (cache.types.empty()) return nullptr;
// The first type in the cache is always the final result.
// Collect the rest in the concrete-declarations list, if needed.
if (otherConcreteTypes) {
for (auto type : ArrayRef<TypeDecl *>(cache.types).slice(1)) {
return cache.types.front();
// If we have a cached value that is up-to-date, use that.
auto cached = nestedTypeNameCache.find(name);
if (cached != nestedTypeNameCache.end() &&
cached->second.numConformancesPresent == conformsTo.size() &&
(!superclass ||
cached->second.superclassPresent == superclass->getCanonicalType())) {
return populateResult(cached->second);
// Cache miss; go compute the result.
// Look for types with the given name in protocols that we know about.
AssociatedTypeDecl *bestAssocType = nullptr;
llvm::SmallSetVector<AssociatedTypeDecl *, 4> assocTypeAnchors;
SmallVector<TypeDecl *, 4> concreteDecls;
for (const auto &conforms : conformsTo) {
ProtocolDecl *proto = conforms.first;
// Look for an associated type and/or concrete type with this name.
for (auto member : proto->lookupDirect(name,
/*ignoreNewExtensions=*/true)) {
// If this is an associated type, record whether it is the best
// associated type we've seen thus far.
if (auto assocType = dyn_cast<AssociatedTypeDecl>(member)) {
// Retrieve the associated type anchor.
assocType = assocType->getAssociatedTypeAnchor();
if (!bestAssocType ||
compareAssociatedTypes(assocType, bestAssocType) < 0)
bestAssocType = assocType;
// If this is another type declaration, determine whether we should
// record it.
if (auto type = dyn_cast<TypeDecl>(member)) {
// FIXME: Filter out type declarations that aren't in the same
// module as the protocol itself. This is an unprincipled hack, but
// provides consistent lookup semantics for the generic signature
// builder in all contents.
if (type->getDeclContext()->getParentModule()
!= proto->getParentModule())
// Resolve the signature of this type.
if (!type->hasInterfaceType()) {
if (!type->hasInterfaceType())
// If we haven't found anything yet but have a superclass, look for a type
// in the superclass.
// FIXME: Shouldn't we always look in the superclass?
if (!bestAssocType && concreteDecls.empty() && superclass) {
if (auto classDecl = superclass->getClassOrBoundGenericClass()) {
SmallVector<ValueDecl *, 2> superclassMembers;
superclass, name,
NL_QualifiedDefault | NL_OnlyTypes | NL_ProtocolMembers, nullptr,
for (auto member : superclassMembers) {
if (auto type = dyn_cast<TypeDecl>(member)) {
// Resolve the signature of this type.
if (!type->hasInterfaceType()) {
if (!type->hasInterfaceType())
// Infer same-type constraints among same-named associated type anchors.
if (assocTypeAnchors.size() > 1) {
auto anchorType = getAnchor(builder, builder.getGenericParams());
auto inferredSource = FloatingRequirementSource::forInferred(nullptr);
for (auto assocType : assocTypeAnchors) {
if (assocType == bestAssocType) continue;
DependentMemberType::get(anchorType, bestAssocType),
DependentMemberType::get(anchorType, assocType)),
inferredSource, nullptr);
// Form the new cache entry.
CachedNestedType entry;
entry.numConformancesPresent = conformsTo.size();
entry.superclassPresent =
superclass ? superclass->getCanonicalType() : CanType();
if (bestAssocType) {
concreteDecls.begin(), concreteDecls.end());
assert(bestAssocType->getOverriddenDecls().empty() &&
"Lookup should never keep a non-anchor associated type");
} else if (!concreteDecls.empty()) {
// Find the best concrete type.
auto bestConcreteTypeIter =
std::min_element(concreteDecls.begin(), concreteDecls.end(),
[](TypeDecl *type1, TypeDecl *type2) {
return TypeDecl::compare(type1, type2) < 0;
// Put the best concrete type first; the rest will follow.
concreteDecls.begin(), bestConcreteTypeIter);
bestConcreteTypeIter + 1, concreteDecls.end());
return populateResult((nestedTypeNameCache[name] = std::move(entry)));
Type EquivalenceClass::getAnchor(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
TypeArrayView<GenericTypeParamType> genericParams) {
// Substitute into the anchor with the given generic parameters.
auto substAnchor = [&] {
if (genericParams.empty()) return archetypeAnchorCache.anchor;
return archetypeAnchorCache.anchor.subst(
[&](SubstitutableType *dependentType) {
if (auto gp = dyn_cast<GenericTypeParamType>(dependentType)) {
unsigned index =
return Type(genericParams[index]);
return Type(dependentType);
// Check whether the cache is valid.
if (archetypeAnchorCache.anchor &&
archetypeAnchorCache.lastGeneration == builder.Impl->Generation) {
return substAnchor();
// Check whether we already have an anchor, in which case we
// can simplify it further.
if (archetypeAnchorCache.anchor) {
// Record the cache miss.
// Update the anchor by simplifying it further.
archetypeAnchorCache.anchor =
archetypeAnchorCache.lastGeneration = builder.Impl->Generation;
return substAnchor();
// Form the anchor.
bool updatedAnchor = false;
for (auto member : members) {
auto anchorType =
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Check that we get consistent results from all of the anchors.
if (updatedAnchor) {
assert(anchorType->isEqual(archetypeAnchorCache.anchor) &&
"Inconsistent anchor computation");
// Record the cache miss and update the cache.
archetypeAnchorCache.anchor = anchorType;
archetypeAnchorCache.lastGeneration = builder.Impl->Generation;
updatedAnchor = true;
assert(updatedAnchor && "Couldn't update anchor?");
return substAnchor();
Type EquivalenceClass::getTypeInContext(GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
GenericEnvironment *genericEnv) {
auto genericParams = genericEnv->getGenericParams();
// The anchor descr
Type anchor = getAnchor(builder, genericParams);
// If this equivalence class is mapped to a concrete type, produce that
// type.
if (concreteType) {
if (recursiveConcreteType)
return ErrorType::get(anchor);
return genericEnv->mapTypeIntoContext(concreteType,
// Local function to check whether we have a generic parameter that has
// already been recorded
auto getAlreadyRecoveredGenericParam = [&]() -> Type {
auto genericParam = anchor->getAs<GenericTypeParamType>();
if (!genericParam) return Type();
auto type = genericEnv->getMappingIfPresent(genericParam);
if (!type) return Type();
// We already have a mapping for this generic parameter in the generic
// environment. Return it.
return *type;
AssociatedTypeDecl *assocType = nullptr;
ArchetypeType *parentArchetype = nullptr;
if (auto depMemTy = anchor->getAs<DependentMemberType>()) {
// Resolve the equivalence class of the parent.
auto parentEquivClass =
if (!parentEquivClass)
return ErrorType::get(anchor);
// Map the parent type into this context.
Type parentType = parentEquivClass->getTypeInContext(builder, genericEnv);
// If the parent is concrete, handle the
parentArchetype = parentType->getAs<ArchetypeType>();
if (!parentArchetype) {
// Resolve the member type.
Type memberType =
depMemTy->substBaseType(parentType, builder.getLookupConformanceFn());
return genericEnv->mapTypeIntoContext(memberType,
// If we already have a nested type with this name, return it.
assocType = depMemTy->getAssocType();
if (auto nested =
parentArchetype->getNestedTypeIfKnown(assocType->getName())) {
return *nested;
// We will build the archetype below.
} else if (auto result = getAlreadyRecoveredGenericParam()) {
// Return already-contextualized generic type parameter.
return result;
// Substitute into the superclass.
Type superclass = this->recursiveSuperclassType ? Type() : this->superclass;
if (superclass && superclass->hasTypeParameter()) {
superclass = genericEnv->mapTypeIntoContext(
if (superclass->is<ErrorType>())
superclass = Type();
// We might have recursively recorded the archetype; if so, return early.
// FIXME: This should be detectable before we end up building archetypes.
if (auto result = getAlreadyRecoveredGenericParam())
return result;
// Build a new archetype.
// Collect the protocol conformances for the archetype.
SmallVector<ProtocolDecl *, 4> protos;
for (const auto &conforms : conformsTo) {
auto proto = conforms.first;
if (!isConformanceSatisfiedBySuperclass(proto))
ArchetypeType *archetype;
ASTContext &ctx = builder.getASTContext();
if (parentArchetype) {
// Create a nested archetype.
auto *depMemTy = anchor->castTo<DependentMemberType>();
archetype = ArchetypeType::getNew(ctx, parentArchetype, depMemTy, protos,
superclass, layout);
// Register this archetype with its parent.
parentArchetype->registerNestedType(assocType->getName(), archetype);
} else {
// Create a top-level archetype.
auto genericParam = anchor->castTo<GenericTypeParamType>();
archetype = ArchetypeType::getNew(ctx, genericEnv, genericParam, protos,
superclass, layout);
// Register the archetype with the generic environment.
genericEnv->addMapping(genericParam, archetype);
return archetype;
void EquivalenceClass::dump(llvm::raw_ostream &out,
GenericSignatureBuilder *builder) const {
out << "Equivalence class represented by "
<< members.front()->getRepresentative()->getDebugName() << ":\n";
out << "Members: ";
interleave(members, [&](PotentialArchetype *pa) {
out << pa->getDebugName();
}, [&]() {
out << ", ";
out << "\nConformances:";
[&](const std::pair<
ProtocolDecl *,
std::vector<Constraint<ProtocolDecl *>>> &entry) {
out << entry.first->getNameStr();
[&] { out << ", "; });
out << "\nSame-type constraints:";
[&](const Constraint<Type> &constraint) {
out << "\n " << constraint.getSubjectDependentType({ })
<< " == " << constraint.value;
if (constraint.source->isDerivedRequirement())
out << " [derived]";
}, [&] {
out << ", ";
if (concreteType)
out << "\nConcrete type: " << concreteType.getString();
if (superclass)
out << "\nSuperclass: " << superclass.getString();
if (layout)
out << "\nLayout: " << layout.getString();
if (!delayedRequirements.empty()) {
out << "\nDelayed requirements:";
for (const auto &req : delayedRequirements) {
out << "\n ";
out << "\n";
if (builder) {
CanType anchorType =
const_cast<EquivalenceClass *>(this)->getAnchor(*builder, { })
if (auto rewriteRoot =
builder->Impl->getRewriteTreeRootIfPresent(anchorType)) {
out << "---Rewrite tree---\n";
out << "---GraphViz output for same-type constraints---\n";
// Render the output
std::string graphviz;
llvm::raw_string_ostream graphvizOut(graphviz);
llvm::WriteGraph(graphvizOut, this);
// Clean up the output to turn it into an undirected graph.
// FIXME: This is horrible, GraphWriter should be able to support
// undirected graphs.
auto digraphPos = graphviz.find("digraph");
if (digraphPos != std::string::npos) {
// digraph -> graph
graphviz.erase(graphviz.begin() + digraphPos,
graphviz.begin() + digraphPos + 2);
// Directed edges to undirected edges: -> to --
while (true) {
auto arrowPos = graphviz.find("->");
if (arrowPos == std::string::npos) break;
graphviz.replace(arrowPos, 2, "--");
out << graphviz;
void EquivalenceClass::dump(GenericSignatureBuilder *builder) const {
dump(llvm::errs(), builder);
void DelayedRequirement::dump(llvm::raw_ostream &out) const {
// Print LHS.
if (auto lhsPA = lhs.dyn_cast<PotentialArchetype *>())
out << lhsPA->getDebugName();
switch (kind) {
case Type:
case Layout:
out << ": ";
case SameType:
out << " == ";
// Print RHS.
if (auto rhsPA = rhs.dyn_cast<PotentialArchetype *>())
out << rhsPA->getDebugName();
else if (auto rhsType = rhs.dyn_cast<swift::Type>())
void DelayedRequirement::dump() const {
llvm::errs() << "\n";
ConstraintResult GenericSignatureBuilder::handleUnresolvedRequirement(
RequirementKind kind,
UnresolvedType lhs,
UnresolvedRequirementRHS rhs,
FloatingRequirementSource source,
EquivalenceClass *unresolvedEquivClass,
UnresolvedHandlingKind unresolvedHandling) {
// Record the delayed requirement.
DelayedRequirement::Kind delayedKind;
switch (kind) {
case RequirementKind::Conformance:
case RequirementKind::Superclass:
delayedKind = DelayedRequirement::Type;
case RequirementKind::Layout:
delayedKind = DelayedRequirement::Layout;
case RequirementKind::SameType:
delayedKind = DelayedRequirement::SameType;
if (unresolvedEquivClass) {
{delayedKind, lhs, rhs, source});
} else {
Impl->DelayedRequirements.push_back({delayedKind, lhs, rhs, source});
switch (unresolvedHandling) {
case UnresolvedHandlingKind::GenerateConstraints:
return ConstraintResult::Resolved;
case UnresolvedHandlingKind::GenerateUnresolved:
return ConstraintResult::Unresolved;
// Function for feeding through any other requirements that the conformance
// requires to be satisfied. These are things we're inferring.
static void addConditionalRequirements(GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
ProtocolConformanceRef conformance,
ModuleDecl *inferForModule) {
// Abstract conformances don't have associated decl-contexts/modules, but also
// don't have conditional requirements.
if (conformance.isConcrete()) {
auto source = FloatingRequirementSource::forInferred(nullptr);
for (auto requirement : conformance.getConditionalRequirements()) {
builder.addRequirement(requirement, source, inferForModule);
const RequirementSource *
GenericSignatureBuilder::resolveConcreteConformance(ResolvedType type,
ProtocolDecl *proto) {
auto equivClass = type.getEquivalenceClass(*this);
auto concrete = equivClass->concreteType;
if (!concrete) return nullptr;
// Conformance to this protocol is redundant; update the requirement source
// appropriately.
const RequirementSource *concreteSource;
if (auto writtenSource =
concreteSource = writtenSource->source;
concreteSource = equivClass->concreteTypeConstraints.front().source;
// Lookup the conformance of the concrete type to this protocol.
auto conformance =
if (!conformance) {
if (!concrete->hasError() && concreteSource->getLoc().isValid()) {
Impl->HadAnyError = true;
concrete, proto->getName());
Impl->HadAnyError = true;
equivClass->invalidConcreteType = true;
return nullptr;
concreteSource = concreteSource->viaConcrete(*this, *conformance);
equivClass->recordConformanceConstraint(*this, type, proto, concreteSource);
addConditionalRequirements(*this, *conformance, /*inferForModule=*/nullptr);
return concreteSource;
const RequirementSource *GenericSignatureBuilder::resolveSuperConformance(
ResolvedType type,
ProtocolDecl *proto) {
// Get the superclass constraint.
auto equivClass = type.getEquivalenceClass(*this);
Type superclass = equivClass->superclass;
if (!superclass) return nullptr;
// Lookup the conformance of the superclass to this protocol.
auto conformance =
if (!conformance) return nullptr;
// Conformance to this protocol is redundant; update the requirement source
// appropriately.
const RequirementSource *superclassSource;
if (auto writtenSource =
superclassSource = writtenSource->source;
superclassSource = equivClass->superclassConstraints.front().source;
superclassSource =
superclassSource->viaSuperclass(*this, *conformance);
equivClass->recordConformanceConstraint(*this, type, proto, superclassSource);
addConditionalRequirements(*this, *conformance, /*inferForModule=*/nullptr);
return superclassSource;
/// Realize a potential archetype for this type parameter.
PotentialArchetype *ResolvedType::realizePotentialArchetype(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder) {
// Realize and cache the potential archetype.
return builder.realizePotentialArchetype(type);
Type ResolvedType::getDependentType(GenericSignatureBuilder &builder) const {
// Already-resolved potential archetype.
if (auto pa = type.dyn_cast<PotentialArchetype *>())
return pa->getDependentType(builder.getGenericParams());
Type result = type.get<Type>();
return result->isTypeParameter() ? result : Type();
/// If there is a same-type requirement to be added for the given nested type
/// due to a superclass constraint on the parent type, add it now.
static void maybeAddSameTypeRequirementForNestedType(
ResolvedType nested,
const RequirementSource *superSource,
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder) {
// If there's no super conformance, we're done.
if (!superSource) return;
// If the nested type is already concrete, we're done.
if (nested.getAsConcreteType()) return;
// Dig out the associated type.
AssociatedTypeDecl *assocType = nullptr;
if (auto depMemTy =
assocType = depMemTy->getAssocType();
// Dig out the type witness.
auto superConformance = superSource->getProtocolConformance().getConcrete();
auto concreteType =
superConformance->getTypeWitness(assocType, builder.getLazyResolver());
if (!concreteType) return;
// We should only have interface types here.
// Add the same-type constraint.
auto nestedSource = superSource->viaParent(builder, assocType);
nested.getUnresolvedType(), concreteType, nestedSource,
auto PotentialArchetype::getOrCreateEquivalenceClass(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder) const
-> EquivalenceClass * {
// The equivalence class is stored on the representative.
auto representative = getRepresentative();
if (representative != this)
return representative->getOrCreateEquivalenceClass(builder);
// If we already have an equivalence class, return it.
if (auto equivClass = getEquivalenceClassIfPresent())
return equivClass;
// Create a new equivalence class.
auto equivClass =
const_cast<PotentialArchetype *>(this));
representativeOrEquivClass = equivClass;
return equivClass;
auto PotentialArchetype::getRepresentative() const -> PotentialArchetype * {
auto representative =
representativeOrEquivClass.dyn_cast<PotentialArchetype *>();
if (!representative)
return const_cast<PotentialArchetype *>(this);
// Find the representative.
PotentialArchetype *result = representative;
while (auto nextRepresentative =
result->representativeOrEquivClass.dyn_cast<PotentialArchetype *>())
result = nextRepresentative;
// Perform (full) path compression.
const PotentialArchetype *fixUp = this;
while (auto nextRepresentative =
fixUp->representativeOrEquivClass.dyn_cast<PotentialArchetype *>()) {
fixUp->representativeOrEquivClass = nextRepresentative;
fixUp = nextRepresentative;
return result;
/// Canonical ordering for dependent types.
int swift::compareDependentTypes(Type type1, Type type2) {
// Fast-path check for equality.
if (type1->isEqual(type2)) return 0;
// Ordering is as follows:
// - Generic params
auto gp1 = type1->getAs<GenericTypeParamType>();
auto gp2 = type2->getAs<GenericTypeParamType>();
if (gp1 && gp2)
return GenericParamKey(gp1) < GenericParamKey(gp2) ? -1 : +1;
// A generic parameter is always ordered before a nested type.
if (static_cast<bool>(gp1) != static_cast<bool>(gp2))
return gp1 ? -1 : +1;
// - Dependent members
auto depMemTy1 = type1->castTo<DependentMemberType>();
auto depMemTy2 = type2->castTo<DependentMemberType>();
// - by base, so t_0_n.`P.T` < t_1_m.`P.T`
if (int compareBases =
compareDependentTypes(depMemTy1->getBase(), depMemTy2->getBase()))
return compareBases;
// - by name, so t_n_m.`P.T` < t_n_m.`P.U`
if (int compareNames = depMemTy1->getName().str().compare(
return compareNames;
auto *assocType1 = depMemTy1->getAssocType();
auto *assocType2 = depMemTy2->getAssocType();
if (int result = compareAssociatedTypes(assocType1, assocType2))
return result;
return 0;
/// Compare two dependent paths to determine which is better.
static int compareDependentPaths(ArrayRef<AssociatedTypeDecl *> path1,
ArrayRef<AssociatedTypeDecl *> path2) {
// Shorter paths win.
if (path1.size() != path2.size())
return path1.size() < path2.size() ? -1 : 1;
// The paths are the same length, so order by comparing the associted
// types.
for (unsigned index : indices(path1)) {
if (int result = compareAssociatedTypes(path1[index], path2[index]))
return result;
// Identical paths.
return 0;
namespace {
/// Function object used to suppress conflict diagnoses when we know we'll
/// see them again later.
struct SameTypeConflictCheckedLater {
void operator()(Type type1, Type type2) const { }
} // end anonymous namespace
// Give a nested type the appropriately resolved concrete type, based off a
// parent PA that has a concrete type.
static void concretizeNestedTypeFromConcreteParent(
GenericSignatureBuilder::PotentialArchetype *parent,
GenericSignatureBuilder::PotentialArchetype *nestedPA,
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder) {
auto parentEquiv = parent->getEquivalenceClassIfPresent();
assert(parentEquiv && "can't have a concrete type without an equiv class");
auto concreteParent = parentEquiv->concreteType;
assert(concreteParent &&
"attempting to resolve concrete nested type of non-concrete PA");
// These requirements are all implied based on the parent's concrete
// conformance.
auto assocType = nestedPA->getResolvedType();
if (!assocType) return;
auto proto = assocType->getProtocol();
// If we don't already have a conformance of the parent to this protocol,
// add it now; it was elided earlier.
if (parentEquiv->conformsTo.count(proto) == 0) {
auto source = parentEquiv->concreteTypeConstraints.front().source;
parentEquiv->recordConformanceConstraint(builder, parent, proto, source);
assert(parentEquiv->conformsTo.count(proto) > 0 &&
"No conformance requirement");
const RequirementSource *parentConcreteSource = nullptr;
for (const auto &constraint : parentEquiv->conformsTo.find(proto)->second) {
if (constraint.source->kind == RequirementSource::Concrete) {
parentConcreteSource = constraint.source;
// Error condition: parent did not conform to this protocol, so there is no
// way to resolve the nested type via concrete conformance.
if (!parentConcreteSource) return;
auto source = parentConcreteSource->viaParent(builder, assocType);
auto conformance = parentConcreteSource->getProtocolConformance();
Type witnessType;
if (conformance.isConcrete()) {
witnessType =
->getTypeWitness(assocType, builder.getLazyResolver());
if (!witnessType || witnessType->hasError())
return; // FIXME: should we delay here?
} else {
witnessType = DependentMemberType::get(concreteParent, assocType);
nestedPA, witnessType, source,
PotentialArchetype *PotentialArchetype::updateNestedTypeForConformance(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder, AssociatedTypeDecl *assocType,
ArchetypeResolutionKind kind) {
if (!assocType)
return nullptr;
// Always refer to the archetype anchor.
if (assocType)
assocType = assocType->getAssociatedTypeAnchor();
// If we were asked for a complete, well-formed archetype, make sure we
// process delayed requirements if anything changed.
if (kind == ArchetypeResolutionKind::CompleteWellFormed)
Identifier name = assocType->getName();
auto *proto = assocType->getProtocol();
// Look for either an unresolved potential archetype (which we can resolve
// now) or a potential archetype with the appropriate associated type.
PotentialArchetype *resultPA = nullptr;
auto knownNestedTypes = NestedTypes.find(name);
bool shouldUpdatePA = false;
if (knownNestedTypes != NestedTypes.end()) {
for (auto existingPA : knownNestedTypes->second) {
// Do we have an associated-type match?
if (assocType && existingPA->getResolvedType() == assocType) {
resultPA = existingPA;
// If we don't have a result potential archetype yet, we may need to add one.
if (!resultPA) {
switch (kind) {
case ArchetypeResolutionKind::CompleteWellFormed:
case ArchetypeResolutionKind::WellFormed: {
// Creating a new potential archetype in an equivalence class is a
// modification.
void *mem = builder.Impl->Allocator.Allocate<PotentialArchetype>();
resultPA = new (mem) PotentialArchetype(this, assocType);
shouldUpdatePA = true;
case ArchetypeResolutionKind::AlreadyKnown:
return nullptr;
// If we have a potential archetype that requires more processing, do so now.
if (shouldUpdatePA) {
// If there's a superclass constraint that conforms to the protocol,
// add the appropriate same-type relationship.
if (proto) {
if (auto superSource = builder.resolveSuperConformance(this, proto)) {
maybeAddSameTypeRequirementForNestedType(resultPA, superSource,
// We know something concrete about the parent PA, so we need to propagate
// that information to this new archetype.
if (isConcreteType()) {
concretizeNestedTypeFromConcreteParent(this, resultPA, builder);
return resultPA;
void ArchetypeType::resolveNestedType(
std::pair<Identifier, Type> &nested) const {
auto genericEnv = getGenericEnvironment();
auto &builder = *genericEnv->getGenericSignatureBuilder();
Type interfaceType = getInterfaceType();
Type memberInterfaceType =
DependentMemberType::get(interfaceType, nested.first);
auto equivClass =
auto result = equivClass->getTypeInContext(builder, genericEnv);
assert(!nested.second ||
nested.second->isEqual(result) ||
(nested.second->hasError() && result->hasError()));
nested.second = result;
Type GenericSignatureBuilder::PotentialArchetype::getDependentType(
TypeArrayView<GenericTypeParamType> genericParams) const {
if (auto parent = getParent()) {
Type parentType = parent->getDependentType(genericParams);
if (parentType->hasError())
return parentType;
// If we've resolved to an associated type, use it.
if (auto assocType = getResolvedType())
return DependentMemberType::get(parentType, assocType);
return DependentMemberType::get(parentType, getNestedName());
assert(isGenericParam() && "Not a generic parameter?");
if (genericParams.empty()) {
return GenericTypeParamType::get(getGenericParamKey().Depth,
unsigned index = getGenericParamKey().findIndexIn(genericParams);
return genericParams[index];
ASTContext &PotentialArchetype::getASTContext() const {
if (auto context = parentOrContext.dyn_cast<ASTContext *>())
return *context;
return getResolvedType()->getASTContext();
void GenericSignatureBuilder::PotentialArchetype::dump() const {
dump(llvm::errs(), nullptr, 0);
void GenericSignatureBuilder::PotentialArchetype::dump(llvm::raw_ostream &Out,
SourceManager *SrcMgr,
unsigned Indent) const {
// Print name.
if (Indent == 0 || isGenericParam())
Out << getDebugName();
Out.indent(Indent) << getNestedName();
auto equivClass = getEquivalenceClassIfPresent();
// Print superclass.
if (equivClass && equivClass->superclass) {
for (const auto &constraint : equivClass->superclassConstraints) {
if (!constraint.isSubjectEqualTo(this)) continue;
Out << " : ";
Out << " ";
if (!constraint.source->isDerivedRequirement())
Out << "*";
Out << "[";
constraint.source->print(Out, SrcMgr);
Out << "]";
// Print concrete type.
if (equivClass && equivClass->concreteType) {
for (const auto &constraint : equivClass->concreteTypeConstraints) {
if (!constraint.isSubjectEqualTo(this)) continue;
Out << " == ";
Out << " ";
if (!constraint.source->isDerivedRequirement())
Out << "*";
Out << "[";
constraint.source->print(Out, SrcMgr);
Out << "]";
// Print requirements.
if (equivClass) {
bool First = true;
for (const auto &entry : equivClass->conformsTo) {
for (const auto &constraint : entry.second) {
if (!constraint.isSubjectEqualTo(this)) continue;
if (First) {
First = false;
Out << ": ";
} else {
Out << " & ";
Out << constraint.value->getName().str() << " ";
if (!constraint.source->isDerivedRequirement())
Out << "*";
Out << "[";
constraint.source->print(Out, SrcMgr);
Out << "]";
if (getRepresentative() != this) {
Out << " [represented by " << getRepresentative()->getDebugName() << "]";
if (getEquivalenceClassMembers().size() > 1) {
Out << " [equivalence class ";
bool isFirst = true;
for (auto equiv : getEquivalenceClassMembers()) {
if (equiv == this) continue;
if (isFirst) isFirst = false;
else Out << ", ";
Out << equiv->getDebugName();
Out << "]";
Out << "\n";
// Print nested types.
for (const auto &nestedVec : NestedTypes) {
for (auto nested : nestedVec.second) {
nested->dump(Out, SrcMgr, Indent + 2);
#pragma mark Rewrite tree
RewritePath::RewritePath(Optional<GenericParamKey> base,
RelativeRewritePath path,
PathOrder order)
: base(base)
switch (order) {
case Forward:
this->path.insert(this->path.begin(), path.begin(), path.end());
case Reverse:
this->path.insert(this->path.begin(), path.rbegin(), path.rend());
RewritePath RewritePath::createPath(Type type) {
SmallVector<AssociatedTypeDecl *, 4> path;
auto genericParam = createPath(type, path);
return RewritePath(genericParam, path, Reverse);
GenericParamKey RewritePath::createPath(
Type type,
SmallVectorImpl<AssociatedTypeDecl *> &path) {
while (auto depMemTy = type->getAs<DependentMemberType>()) {
auto assocType = depMemTy->getAssocType();
assert(assocType && "Unresolved dependent member type");
type = depMemTy->getBase();
return type->castTo<GenericTypeParamType>();
RewritePath RewritePath::commonPath(const RewritePath &other) const {
assert(getBase().hasValue() && other.getBase().hasValue());
if (*getBase() != *other.getBase()) return RewritePath();
// Find the longest common prefix.
RelativeRewritePath path1 = getPath();
RelativeRewritePath path2 = other.getPath();
if (path1.size() > path2.size())
std::swap(path1, path2);
unsigned prefixLength =
std::mismatch(path1.begin(), path1.end(), path2.begin()).first
- path1.begin();
// Form the common path.
return RewritePath(getBase(), path1.slice(0, prefixLength), Forward);
/// Form a dependent type with the given generic parameter, then following the
/// path of associated types.
static Type formDependentType(GenericTypeParamType *base,
RelativeRewritePath path) {
return std::accumulate(path.begin(), path.end(), Type(base),
[](Type type, AssociatedTypeDecl *assocType) -> Type {
return DependentMemberType::get(type, assocType);
/// Form a dependent type with the (canonical) generic parameter for the given
/// parameter key, then following the path of associated types.
static Type formDependentType(ASTContext &ctx, GenericParamKey genericParam,
RelativeRewritePath path) {
return formDependentType(GenericTypeParamType::get(genericParam.Depth,
CanType RewritePath::formDependentType(
ASTContext &ctx,
AnchorPathCache *anchorPathCache) const {
if (auto base = getBase())
return CanType(::formDependentType(ctx, *base, getPath()));
assert(anchorPathCache && "Need an anchor path cache");
const RewritePath &anchorPath = anchorPathCache->getAnchorPath();
// Add the relative path to the anchor path.
SmallVector<AssociatedTypeDecl *, 4> absolutePath;
absolutePath.append(getPath().begin(), getPath().end());
return CanType(::formDependentType(ctx, *anchorPath.getBase(),
int RewritePath::compare(const RewritePath &other) const {
// Prefer relative to absolute paths.
if (getBase().hasValue() != other.getBase().hasValue()) {
return other.getBase().hasValue() ? -1 : 1;
// Order based on the bases.
if (getBase() && *getBase() != *other.getBase())
return (*getBase() < *other.getBase()) ? -1 : 1;
// Order based on the path contents.
return compareDependentPaths(getPath(), other.getPath());
void RewritePath::print(llvm::raw_ostream &out) const {
out << "[";
if (getBase()) {
out << "(" << getBase()->Depth << ", " << getBase()->Index << ")";
if (!getPath().empty()) out << " -> ";
interleave(getPath().begin(), getPath().end(),
[&](AssociatedTypeDecl *assocType) {
out << assocType->getProtocol()->getName() << "."
<< assocType->getName();
}, [&] {
out << " -> ";
out << "]";
RewriteTreeNode::~RewriteTreeNode() {
for (auto child : children)
delete child;
namespace {
/// Function object used to order rewrite tree nodes based on the address
/// of the associated type.
class OrderTreeRewriteNode {
bool compare(AssociatedTypeDecl *lhs, AssociatedTypeDecl *rhs) const {
// Make sure null pointers precede everything else.
if (static_cast<bool>(lhs) != static_cast<bool>(rhs))
return static_cast<bool>(rhs);
// Use std::less to provide a defined ordering.
return std::less<AssociatedTypeDecl *>()(lhs, rhs);
bool operator()(RewriteTreeNode *lhs, AssociatedTypeDecl *rhs) const {
return compare(lhs->getMatch(), rhs);
bool operator()(AssociatedTypeDecl *lhs, RewriteTreeNode *rhs) const {
return compare(lhs, rhs->getMatch());
bool operator()(RewriteTreeNode *lhs, RewriteTreeNode *rhs) const {
return compare(lhs->getMatch(), rhs->getMatch());
bool RewriteTreeNode::addRewriteRule(RelativeRewritePath matchPath,
RewritePath replacementPath) {
// If the match path is empty, we're adding the rewrite rule to this node.
if (matchPath.empty()) {
// If we don't already have a rewrite rule, add it.
if (!hasRewriteRule()) {
return true;
// If we already have this rewrite rule, we're done.
if (getRewriteRule() == replacementPath) return false;
// Check whether any of the continuation children matches.
auto insertPos = children.begin();
while (insertPos != children.end() && !(*insertPos)->getMatch()) {
if ((*insertPos)->hasRewriteRule() &&
(*insertPos)->getRewriteRule() == replacementPath)
return false;
// We already have a rewrite rule, so add a new child with a
// null associated type match to hold the rewrite rule.
auto newChild = new RewriteTreeNode(nullptr);
children.insert(insertPos, newChild);
return true;
// Find (or create) a child node describing the next step in the match.
auto matchFront = matchPath.front();
auto childPos =
std::lower_bound(children.begin(), children.end(), matchFront,
if (childPos == children.end() || (*childPos)->getMatch() != matchFront) {
childPos = children.insert(childPos, new RewriteTreeNode(matchFront));
// Add the rewrite rule to the child.
return (*childPos)->addRewriteRule(matchPath.slice(1), replacementPath);
void RewriteTreeNode::enumerateRewritePathsImpl(
RelativeRewritePath matchPath,
llvm::function_ref<void(unsigned, RewritePath)> callback,
unsigned depth) const {
// Determine whether we know anything about the next step in the path.
auto childPos =
depth < matchPath.size()
? std::lower_bound(children.begin(), children.end(),
matchPath[depth], OrderTreeRewriteNode())
: children.end();
if (childPos != children.end() &&
(*childPos)->getMatch() == matchPath[depth]) {
// Try to match the rest of the path.
(*childPos)->enumerateRewritePathsImpl(matchPath, callback, depth + 1);
// If we have a rewrite rule at this position, invoke it.
if (hasRewriteRule()) {
// Invoke the callback with the first result.
callback(depth, rewrite);
// Walk any children with NULL associated types; they might have more matches.
for (auto otherRewrite : children) {
if (otherRewrite->getMatch()) break;
otherRewrite->enumerateRewritePathsImpl(matchPath, callback, depth);
Optional<std::pair<unsigned, RewritePath>>
RewriteTreeNode::bestRewritePath(GenericParamKey base, RelativeRewritePath path,
unsigned prefixLength) {
Optional<std::pair<unsigned, RewritePath>> best;
unsigned bestAdjustedLength = 0;
[&](unsigned length, RewritePath path) {
// Determine how much of the original path will be replaced by the rewrite.
unsigned adjustedLength = length;
bool changesBase = false;
if (auto newBase = path.getBase()) {
adjustedLength += prefixLength;
// If the base is unchanged, make sure we're reducing the length.
changesBase = *newBase != base;
if (!changesBase && adjustedLength <= path.getPath().size())
if (adjustedLength == 0 && !changesBase) return;
if (adjustedLength > bestAdjustedLength || !best ||
(adjustedLength == bestAdjustedLength &&>second) < 0)) {
best = { length, path };
bestAdjustedLength = adjustedLength;
return best;
bool RewriteTreeNode::mergeInto(RewriteTreeNode *other) {
// FIXME: A destructive version of this operation would be more efficient,
// since we generally don't care about \c other after doing this.
bool anyAdded = false;
(void)enumerateRules([other, &anyAdded](RelativeRewritePath lhs,
const RewritePath &rhs) {
if (other->addRewriteRule(lhs, rhs))
anyAdded = true;
return RuleAction::none();
return anyAdded;
bool RewriteTreeNode::enumerateRulesRec(
llvm::function_ref<EnumerateCallback> &fn,
bool temporarilyDisableVisitedRule,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<AssociatedTypeDecl *> &lhs) {
if (auto assocType = getMatch())
if (auto assocType = getMatch())
// If there is a rewrite rule, invoke the callback.
if (hasRewriteRule()) {
// If we're supposed to temporarily disabled the visited rule, do so
// now.
Optional<RewritePath> rewriteRule;
if (temporarilyDisableVisitedRule) {
rewriteRule = std::move(*this).getRewriteRule();
// Make sure that we put the rewrite rule back in place if we moved it
// aside.
if (temporarilyDisableVisitedRule && rewriteRule)
switch (auto action =
fn(lhs, rewriteRule ? *rewriteRule : getRewriteRule())) {
case RuleAction::None:
case RuleAction::Stop:
return true;
case RuleAction::Remove:
if (temporarilyDisableVisitedRule)
rewriteRule = None;
case RuleAction::Replace:
if (temporarilyDisableVisitedRule) {
rewriteRule = std::move(action.path);
} else {
// Recurse into the child nodes.
for (auto child : children) {
if (child->enumerateRulesRec(fn, temporarilyDisableVisitedRule, lhs))
return true;
return false;
void RewriteTreeNode::dump() const {
void RewriteTreeNode::dump(llvm::raw_ostream &out, bool lastChild) const {
std::string prefixStr;
std::function<void(const RewriteTreeNode *, bool lastChild)> print;
print = [&](const RewriteTreeNode *node, bool lastChild) {
out << prefixStr << " `--";
// Print the node name.
if (auto assoc = node->getMatch())
out << assoc->getProtocol()->getName() << "." << assoc->getName();
out << "(cont'd)";
// Print the rewrite, if there is one.
if (node->hasRewriteRule()) {
out << " --> ";
out << "\n";
// Print children.
prefixStr += ' ';
prefixStr += (lastChild ? ' ' : '|');
prefixStr += " ";
for (auto child : node->children) {
print(child, child == node->children.back());
prefixStr.erase(prefixStr.end() - 4, prefixStr.end());
print(this, lastChild);
RewriteTreeNode *
CanType anchor) {
auto known = RewriteTreeRoots.find(anchor);
if (known != RewriteTreeRoots.end()) return known->second.get();
return nullptr;
RewriteTreeNode *
CanType anchor) {
auto known = RewriteTreeRoots.find(anchor);
if (known != RewriteTreeRoots.end()) return known->second.get();
auto &root = RewriteTreeRoots[anchor];
root = std::unique_ptr<RewriteTreeNode>(new RewriteTreeNode(nullptr));
return root.get();
void GenericSignatureBuilder::Implementation::minimizeRewriteTree(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder) {
// Only perform minimization if the term-rewriting tree has changed.
if (LastRewriteMinimizedGeneration == RewriteGeneration
|| MinimizingRewriteSystem)
llvm::SaveAndRestore<bool> minimizingRewriteSystem(MinimizingRewriteSystem,
LastRewriteMinimizedGeneration = RewriteGeneration;
void GenericSignatureBuilder::Implementation::minimizeRewriteTreeRhs(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder) {
// Minimize the right-hand sides of each rule in the tree.
for (auto &equivClass : EquivalenceClasses) {
CanType anchorType = equivClass.getAnchor(builder, { })->getCanonicalType();
auto root = RewriteTreeRoots.find(anchorType);
if (root == RewriteTreeRoots.end()) continue;
AnchorPathCache anchorPathCache(builder, equivClass);
ASTContext &ctx = builder.getASTContext();
root->second->enumerateRules([&](RelativeRewritePath lhs,
const RewritePath &rhs) {
// Compute the type of the right-hand side.
Type rhsType = rhs.formDependentType(ctx, &anchorPathCache);
if (!rhsType) return RewriteTreeNode::RuleAction::none();
// Compute the canonical type for the right-hand side.
Type canonicalRhsType = builder.getCanonicalTypeParameter(rhsType);
// If the canonicalized result is equivalent to the right-hand side we
// had, there's nothing to do.
if (rhsType->isEqual(canonicalRhsType))
return RewriteTreeNode::RuleAction::none();
// We have a canonical replacement path. Determine its encoding and
// perform the replacement.
// Determine replacement path, which might be relative to the anchor.
auto canonicalRhsPath = RewritePath::createPath(canonicalRhsType);
auto anchorPath = anchorPathCache.getAnchorPath();
if (auto prefix = anchorPath.commonPath(canonicalRhsPath)) {
unsigned prefixLength = prefix.getPath().size();
RelativeRewritePath replacementRhsPath =
// If the left and right-hand sides are equivalent, just remove the
// rule.
if (lhs == replacementRhsPath) {
return RewriteTreeNode::RuleAction::remove();
RewritePath replacementRhs(None, replacementRhsPath,
return RewriteTreeNode::RuleAction::replace(std::move(replacementRhs));
return RewriteTreeNode::RuleAction::replace(canonicalRhsPath);
void GenericSignatureBuilder::Implementation::removeRewriteTreeRedundancies(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder) {
// Minimize the right-hand sides of each rule in the tree.
for (auto &equivClass : EquivalenceClasses) {
CanType anchorType = equivClass.getAnchor(builder, { })->getCanonicalType();
auto root = RewriteTreeRoots.find(anchorType);
if (root == RewriteTreeRoots.end()) continue;
AnchorPathCache anchorPathCache(builder, equivClass);
ASTContext &ctx = builder.getASTContext();
root->second->enumerateRules([&](RelativeRewritePath lhs,
const RewritePath &rhs) {
/// Left-hand side type.
Type lhsType = RewritePath(None, lhs, RewritePath::Forward)
.formDependentType(ctx, &anchorPathCache);
if (!lhsType) return RewriteTreeNode::RuleAction::none();
// Simplify the left-hand type.
Type simplifiedLhsType = builder.getCanonicalTypeParameter(lhsType);
// Compute the type of the right-hand side.
Type rhsType = rhs.formDependentType(ctx, &anchorPathCache);
if (!rhsType) return RewriteTreeNode::RuleAction::none();
if (simplifiedLhsType->isEqual(rhsType)) {
return RewriteTreeNode::RuleAction::remove();
return RewriteTreeNode::RuleAction::none();
bool GenericSignatureBuilder::addSameTypeRewriteRule(CanType type1,
CanType type2) {
// We already effectively have this rewrite rule.
if (type1 == type2) return false;
auto path1 = RewritePath::createPath(type1);
auto path2 = RewritePath::createPath(type2);
// Look for a common prefix. When we have one, form a rewrite rule using
// relative paths.
if (auto prefix = path1.commonPath(path2)) {
// Find the better relative rewrite path.
RelativeRewritePath relPath1
= path1.getPath().slice(prefix.getPath().size());
RelativeRewritePath relPath2
= path2.getPath().slice(prefix.getPath().size());
// Order the paths so that we go to the more-canonical path.
if (compareDependentPaths(relPath1, relPath2) < 0)
std::swap(relPath1, relPath2);
// Find the anchor for the prefix.
CanType commonType = prefix.formDependentType(getASTContext());
CanType commonAnchor =
// Add the rewrite rule.
auto root = Impl->getOrCreateRewriteTreeRoot(commonAnchor);
return root->addRewriteRule(
RewritePath(None, relPath2, RewritePath::Forward));
// Otherwise, form a rewrite rule with absolute paths.
// Find the better path and make sure it's in path2.
if (compareDependentTypes(type1, type2) < 0) {
std::swap(path1, path2);
std::swap(type1, type2);
// Add the rewrite rule.
Type firstBase =
GenericTypeParamType::get(path1.getBase()->Depth, path1.getBase()->Index,
CanType baseAnchor =
auto root = Impl->getOrCreateRewriteTreeRoot(baseAnchor);
return root->addRewriteRule(path1.getPath(), path2);
Type GenericSignatureBuilder::getCanonicalTypeParameter(Type type) {
auto initialPath = RewritePath::createPath(type);
auto genericParamType =
unsigned startIndex = 0;
Type currentType = genericParamType;
SmallVector<AssociatedTypeDecl *, 4> path(initialPath.getPath().begin(),
bool simplified = false;
do {
CanType currentAnchor = currentType->getCanonicalType();
if (auto rootNode = Impl->getRewriteTreeRootIfPresent(currentAnchor)) {
// Find the best rewrite rule for the path starting at startIndex.
auto match =
// If we have a match, replace the matched path with the replacement
// path.
if (match) {
// Determine the range in the path which we'll be replacing.
unsigned replaceStartIndex = match->second.getBase() ? 0 : startIndex;
unsigned replaceEndIndex = startIndex + match->first;
// Overwrite the beginning of the match.
auto replacementPath = match->second.getPath();
assert((replaceEndIndex - replaceStartIndex) >= replacementPath.size());
auto replacementStartPos = path.begin() + replaceStartIndex;
std::copy(replacementPath.begin(), replacementPath.end(),
// Erase the rest.
path.erase(replacementStartPos + replacementPath.size(),
path.begin() + replaceEndIndex);
// If this is an absolute path, use the new base.
if (auto newBase = match->second.getBase()) {
genericParamType =
GenericTypeParamType::get(newBase->Depth, newBase->Index,
// Move back to the beginning; we may have opened up other rewrites.
simplified = true;
startIndex = 0;
currentType = genericParamType;
// If we've hit the end of the path, we're done.
if (startIndex >= path.size()) break;
currentType = DependentMemberType::get(currentType, path[startIndex++]);
} while (true);
return formDependentType(genericParamType, path);
#pragma mark Equivalence classes
EquivalenceClass::EquivalenceClass(PotentialArchetype *representative)
: recursiveConcreteType(false), invalidConcreteType(false),
void EquivalenceClass::modified(GenericSignatureBuilder &builder) {
// Transfer any delayed requirements to the primary queue, because they
// might be resolvable now.
ASTContext &ctx)
: Context(ctx), Diags(Context.Diags), Impl(new Implementation) {
if (Context.Stats)
GenericSignatureBuilder &&other)
: Context(other.Context), Diags(other.Diags), Impl(std::move(other.Impl))
if (Impl) {
// Update the generic parameters to their canonical types.
for (auto &gp : Impl->GenericParams) {
gp = gp->getCanonicalType()->castTo<GenericTypeParamType>();
GenericSignatureBuilder::~GenericSignatureBuilder() = default;
-> LookUpConformanceInBuilder {
return LookUpConformanceInBuilder(this);
GenericSignatureBuilder::lookupConformance(CanType dependentType,
Type conformingReplacementType,
ProtocolType *conformedProtocol) {
if (conformingReplacementType->isTypeParameter())
return ProtocolConformanceRef(conformedProtocol->getDecl());
// Figure out which module to look into.
// FIXME: When lookupConformance() starts respecting modules, we'll need
// to do some filtering here.
ModuleDecl *searchModule = conformedProtocol->getDecl()->getParentModule();
auto result = searchModule->lookupConformance(conformingReplacementType,
if (result && getLazyResolver())
getLazyResolver()->markConformanceUsed(*result, searchModule);
return result;
LazyResolver *GenericSignatureBuilder::getLazyResolver() const {
return Context.getLazyResolver();
/// Resolve any unresolved dependent member types using the given builder.
static Type resolveDependentMemberTypes(GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
Type type) {
if (!type->hasTypeParameter()) return type;
return type.transformRec([&builder](TypeBase *type) -> Optional<Type> {
if (!type->isTypeParameter())
return None;
auto resolved = builder.maybeResolveEquivalenceClass(
Type(type), ArchetypeResolutionKind::WellFormed, true);
if (!resolved)
return ErrorType::get(Type(type));
if (auto concreteType = resolved.getAsConcreteType())
return concreteType;
// Map the type parameter to an equivalence class.
auto equivClass = resolved.getEquivalenceClass(builder);
if (!equivClass)
return ErrorType::get(Type(type));
// If there is a concrete type in this equivalence class, use that.
if (equivClass->concreteType) {
// .. unless it's recursive.
if (equivClass->recursiveConcreteType)
return ErrorType::get(Type(type));
return resolveDependentMemberTypes(builder, equivClass->concreteType);
return equivClass->getAnchor(builder, builder.getGenericParams());
PotentialArchetype *GenericSignatureBuilder::realizePotentialArchetype(
UnresolvedType &type) {
if (auto pa = type.dyn_cast<PotentialArchetype *>())
return pa;
auto pa = maybeResolveEquivalenceClass(type.get<Type>(),
if (pa) type = pa;
return pa;
static Type substituteConcreteType(GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
PotentialArchetype *basePA,
TypeDecl *concreteDecl) {
auto *proto =
if (!concreteDecl->hasInterfaceType())
if (!concreteDecl->hasInterfaceType())
return Type();
// The protocol concrete type has an underlying type written in terms
// of the protocol's 'Self' type.
auto typealias = dyn_cast<TypeAliasDecl>(concreteDecl);
auto type = typealias ? typealias->getUnderlyingTypeLoc().getType()
: concreteDecl->getDeclaredInterfaceType();
Type parentType;
SubstitutionMap subMap;
if (proto) {
// Substitute in the type of the current PotentialArchetype in
// place of 'Self' here.
parentType = basePA->getDependentType(builder.getGenericParams());
subMap = SubstitutionMap::getProtocolSubstitutions(
proto, parentType, ProtocolConformanceRef(proto));
type = type.subst(subMap, SubstFlags::UseErrorType);
} else {
// Substitute in the superclass type.
parentType = basePA->getEquivalenceClassIfPresent()->superclass;
auto superclassDecl = parentType->getClassOrBoundGenericClass();
subMap = parentType->getMemberSubstitutionMap(
superclassDecl->getParentModule(), concreteDecl);
type = type.subst(subMap, SubstFlags::UseErrorType);
// If we had a typealias, form a sugared type.
if (typealias) {
type = NameAliasType::get(typealias, parentType, subMap, type);
return type;
ResolvedType GenericSignatureBuilder::maybeResolveEquivalenceClass(
Type type,
ArchetypeResolutionKind resolutionKind,
bool wantExactPotentialArchetype) {
// The equivalence class of a generic type is known directly.
if (auto genericParam = type->getAs<GenericTypeParamType>()) {
unsigned index = GenericParamKey(genericParam).findIndexIn(
if (index < Impl->GenericParams.size()) {
return ResolvedType(Impl->PotentialArchetypes[index]);
return ResolvedType::forUnresolved(nullptr);
// The equivalence class of a dependent member type is determined by its
// base equivalence class.
if (auto depMemTy = type->getAs<DependentMemberType>()) {
// Find the equivalence class of the base.
auto resolvedBase =
if (!resolvedBase) return resolvedBase;
// Find the nested type declaration for this.
auto baseEquivClass = resolvedBase.getEquivalenceClass(*this);
// Retrieve the "smallest" type in the equivalence class, by depth, and
// use that to find a nested potential archetype. We used the smallest
// type by depth to limit expansion of the type graph.
PotentialArchetype *basePA;
if (wantExactPotentialArchetype) {
basePA = resolvedBase.getPotentialArchetypeIfKnown();
if (!basePA)
return ResolvedType::forUnresolved(baseEquivClass);
} else {
basePA = baseEquivClass->members.front();
AssociatedTypeDecl *nestedTypeDecl = nullptr;
if (auto assocType = depMemTy->getAssocType()) {
// Check whether this associated type references a protocol to which
// the base conforms. If not, it's unresolved.
if (baseEquivClass->conformsTo.find(assocType->getProtocol())
== baseEquivClass->conformsTo.end())
return ResolvedType::forUnresolved(baseEquivClass);
nestedTypeDecl = assocType;
} else {
auto *typeAlias =
baseEquivClass->lookupNestedType(*this, depMemTy->getName());
if (!typeAlias)
return ResolvedType::forUnresolved(baseEquivClass);
auto type = substituteConcreteType(*this, basePA, typeAlias);
return maybeResolveEquivalenceClass(type, resolutionKind,
auto nestedPA =
basePA->updateNestedTypeForConformance(*this, nestedTypeDecl,
if (!nestedPA)
return ResolvedType::forUnresolved(baseEquivClass);
// If base resolved to the anchor, then the nested potential archetype
// we found is the resolved potential archetype. Return it directly,
// so it doesn't need to be resolved again.
if (basePA == resolvedBase.getPotentialArchetypeIfKnown())
return ResolvedType(nestedPA);
// Compute the resolved dependent type to return.
Type resolvedBaseType = resolvedBase.getDependentType(*this);
Type resolvedMemberType;
if (auto assocType = dyn_cast<AssociatedTypeDecl>(nestedTypeDecl)) {
resolvedMemberType =
DependentMemberType::get(resolvedBaseType, assocType);
} else {
// Note: strange case that might not even really be dependent.
resolvedMemberType =
DependentMemberType::get(resolvedBaseType, depMemTy->getName());
return ResolvedType(resolvedMemberType,
// If it's not a type parameter, it won't directly resolve to one.
// FIXME: Generic typealiases contradict the assumption above.
// If there is a type parameter somewhere in this type, resolve it.
if (type->hasTypeParameter()) {
Type resolved = resolveDependentMemberTypes(*this, type);
if (resolved->hasError() && !type->hasError())
return ResolvedType::forUnresolved(nullptr);
type = resolved;
return ResolvedType::forConcrete(type);
EquivalenceClass *GenericSignatureBuilder::resolveEquivalenceClass(
Type type,
ArchetypeResolutionKind resolutionKind) {
if (auto resolved =
maybeResolveEquivalenceClass(type, resolutionKind,
return resolved.getEquivalenceClass(*this);
return nullptr;
auto GenericSignatureBuilder::resolve(UnresolvedType paOrT,
FloatingRequirementSource source)
-> ResolvedType {
if (auto pa = paOrT.dyn_cast<PotentialArchetype *>())
return ResolvedType(pa);
// Determine what kind of resolution we want.
Type type = paOrT.dyn_cast<Type>();
ArchetypeResolutionKind resolutionKind =
if (!source.isExplicit() && source.isRecursive(type, *this))
resolutionKind = ArchetypeResolutionKind::AlreadyKnown;
return maybeResolveEquivalenceClass(type, resolutionKind,
bool GenericSignatureBuilder::areInSameEquivalenceClass(Type type1,
Type type2) {
return resolveEquivalenceClass(type1, ArchetypeResolutionKind::WellFormed)
== resolveEquivalenceClass(type2, ArchetypeResolutionKind::WellFormed);
GenericSignatureBuilder::getGenericParams() const {
return TypeArrayView<GenericTypeParamType>(Impl->GenericParams);
void GenericSignatureBuilder::addGenericParameter(GenericTypeParamDecl *GenericParam) {
bool GenericSignatureBuilder::addGenericParameterRequirements(
GenericTypeParamDecl *GenericParam) {
GenericParamKey Key(GenericParam);
auto PA = Impl->PotentialArchetypes[Key.findIndexIn(getGenericParams())];
// Add the requirements from the declaration.
return isErrorResult(
addInheritedRequirements(GenericParam, PA, nullptr,
void GenericSignatureBuilder::addGenericParameter(GenericTypeParamType *GenericParam) {
GenericParamKey Key(GenericParam);
auto params = getGenericParams();
assert(params.empty() ||
((Key.Depth == params.back()->getDepth() &&
Key.Index == params.back()->getIndex() + 1) ||
(Key.Depth > params.back()->getDepth() &&
Key.Index == 0)));
// Create a potential archetype for this type parameter.
void *mem = Impl->Allocator.Allocate<PotentialArchetype>();
auto PA = new (mem) PotentialArchetype(getASTContext(), GenericParam);
/// Visit all of the types that show up in the list of inherited
/// types.
static ConstraintResult visitInherited(
ArrayRef<TypeLoc> inheritedTypes,
llvm::function_ref<ConstraintResult(Type, const TypeRepr *)> visitType) {
// Local function that (recursively) adds inherited types.
ConstraintResult result = ConstraintResult::Resolved;
std::function<void(Type, const TypeRepr *)> visitInherited;
visitInherited = [&](Type inheritedType, const TypeRepr *typeRepr) {
// Decompose explicitly-written protocol compositions.
if (auto composition = dyn_cast_or_null<CompositionTypeRepr>(typeRepr)) {
if (auto compositionType
= inheritedType->getAs<ProtocolCompositionType>()) {
unsigned index = 0;
for (auto memberType : compositionType->getMembers()) {
visitInherited(memberType, composition->getTypes()[index]);
auto recursiveResult = visitType(inheritedType, typeRepr);
if (isErrorResult(recursiveResult) && !isErrorResult(result))
result = recursiveResult;
// Visit all of the inherited types.
for (auto inherited : inheritedTypes) {
visitInherited(inherited.getType(), inherited.getTypeRepr());
return result;
ConstraintResult GenericSignatureBuilder::expandConformanceRequirement(
ResolvedType selfType,
ProtocolDecl *proto,
const RequirementSource *source,
bool onlySameTypeConstraints) {
auto protocolSubMap = SubstitutionMap::getProtocolSubstitutions(
proto, selfType.getDependentType(*this), ProtocolConformanceRef(proto));
// Use the requirement signature to avoid rewalking the entire protocol. This
// cannot compute the requirement signature directly, because that may be
// infinitely recursive: this code is also used to construct it.
if (proto->isRequirementSignatureComputed()) {
auto innerSource =
FloatingRequirementSource::viaProtocolRequirement(source, proto,
for (const auto &req : proto->getRequirementSignature()) {
// If we're only looking at same-type constraints, skip everything else.
if (onlySameTypeConstraints && req.getKind() != RequirementKind::SameType)
auto substReq = req.subst(protocolSubMap);
auto reqResult = substReq
? addRequirement(*substReq, innerSource, nullptr)
: ConstraintResult::Conflicting;
if (isErrorResult(reqResult)) return reqResult;
return ConstraintResult::Resolved;
if (!onlySameTypeConstraints) {
// Add all of the inherited protocol requirements, recursively.
if (auto resolver = getLazyResolver())
auto inheritedReqResult =
addInheritedRequirements(proto, selfType.getUnresolvedType(), source,
if (isErrorResult(inheritedReqResult))
return inheritedReqResult;
// Add any requirements in the where clause on the protocol.
if (auto WhereClause = proto->getTrailingWhereClause()) {
for (auto &req : WhereClause->getRequirements()) {
// If we're only looking at same-type constraints, skip everything else.
if (onlySameTypeConstraints &&
req.getKind() != RequirementReprKind::SameType)
auto innerSource = FloatingRequirementSource::viaProtocolRequirement(
source, proto, &req, /*inferred=*/false);
addRequirement(&req, innerSource, &protocolSubMap,
// Remaining logic is not relevant in ObjC protocol cases.
if (proto->isObjC())
return ConstraintResult::Resolved;
// Collect all of the inherited associated types and typealiases in the
// inherited protocols (recursively).
llvm::MapVector<DeclName, TinyPtrVector<TypeDecl *>> inheritedTypeDecls;
[&](ProtocolDecl *inheritedProto) -> TypeWalker::Action {
if (inheritedProto == proto) return TypeWalker::Action::Continue;
for (auto req : inheritedProto->getMembers()) {
if (auto typeReq = dyn_cast<TypeDecl>(req))
return TypeWalker::Action::Continue;
// Local function to find the insertion point for the protocol's "where"
// clause, as well as the string to start the insertion ("where" or ",");
auto getProtocolWhereLoc = [&]() -> std::pair<SourceLoc, const char *> {
// Already has a trailing where clause.
if (auto trailing = proto->getTrailingWhereClause())
return { trailing->getRequirements().back().getSourceRange().End, ", " };
// Inheritance clause.
return { proto->getInherited().back().getSourceRange().End, " where " };
// Retrieve the set of requirements that a given associated type declaration
// produces, in the form that would be seen in the where clause.
auto getAssociatedTypeReqs = [&](AssociatedTypeDecl *assocType,
const char *start) {
std::string result;
llvm::raw_string_ostream out(result);
out << start;
interleave(assocType->getInherited(), [&](TypeLoc inheritedType) {
out << assocType->getFullName() << ": ";
if (auto inheritedTypeRepr = inheritedType.getTypeRepr())
}, [&] {
out << ", ";
return result;
// Retrieve the requirement that a given typealias introduces when it
// overrides an inherited associated type with the same name, as a string
// suitable for use in a where clause.
auto getConcreteTypeReq = [&](TypeDecl *type, const char *start) {
std::string result;
llvm::raw_string_ostream out(result);
out << start;
out << type->getFullName() << " == ";
if (auto typealias = dyn_cast<TypeAliasDecl>(type)) {
if (auto underlyingTypeRepr =
} else {
return result;
// Form an unsubstituted type referring to the given type declaration,
// for use in an inferred same-type requirement.
auto formUnsubstitutedType = [&](TypeDecl *typeDecl) -> Type {
if (auto assocType = dyn_cast<AssociatedTypeDecl>(typeDecl)) {
return DependentMemberType::get(
// Resolve the underlying type, if we haven't done so yet.
if (!typeDecl->hasInterfaceType()) {
if (auto typealias = dyn_cast<TypeAliasDecl>(typeDecl)) {
return typealias->getUnderlyingTypeLoc().getType();
return typeDecl->getDeclaredInterfaceType();
// An inferred same-type requirement between the two type declarations
// within this protocol or a protocol it inherits.
auto addInferredSameTypeReq = [&](TypeDecl *first, TypeDecl *second) {
Type firstType = formUnsubstitutedType(first);
if (!firstType) return;
Type secondType = formUnsubstitutedType(second);
if (!secondType) return;
auto inferredSameTypeSource =
source, proto, WrittenRequirementLoc(), /*inferred=*/true);
auto rawReq = Requirement(RequirementKind::SameType, firstType, secondType);
if (auto req = rawReq.subst(protocolSubMap))
addRequirement(*req, inferredSameTypeSource, proto->getParentModule());
// Add requirements for each of the associated types.
for (auto Member : proto->getMembers()) {
if (auto assocTypeDecl = dyn_cast<AssociatedTypeDecl>(Member)) {
// Add requirements placed directly on this associated type.
Type assocType =
DependentMemberType::get(selfType.getDependentType(*this), assocTypeDecl);
if (!onlySameTypeConstraints) {
auto assocResult =
addInheritedRequirements(assocTypeDecl, assocType, source,
if (isErrorResult(assocResult))
return assocResult;
// Add requirements from this associated type's where clause.
if (auto WhereClause = assocTypeDecl->getTrailingWhereClause()) {
for (auto &req : WhereClause->getRequirements()) {
// If we're only looking at same-type constraints, skip everything
// else.
if (onlySameTypeConstraints &&
req.getKind() != RequirementReprKind::SameType)
auto innerSource =
source, proto, &req, /*inferred=*/false);
addRequirement(&req, innerSource, &protocolSubMap,
// Check whether we inherited any types with the same name.
auto knownInherited =
if (knownInherited == inheritedTypeDecls.end()) continue;
bool shouldWarnAboutRedeclaration =
source->kind == RequirementSource::RequirementSignatureSelf &&
assocTypeDecl->getDefaultDefinitionLoc().isNull() &&
(!assocTypeDecl->getInherited().empty() ||
for (auto inheritedType : knownInherited->second) {
// If we have inherited associated type...
if (auto inheritedAssocTypeDecl =
dyn_cast<AssociatedTypeDecl>(inheritedType)) {
// Complain about the first redeclaration.
if (shouldWarnAboutRedeclaration) {
auto inheritedFromProto = inheritedAssocTypeDecl->getProtocol();
auto fixItWhere = getProtocolWhereLoc();
getAssociatedTypeReqs(assocTypeDecl, fixItWhere.second))
Diags.diagnose(inheritedAssocTypeDecl, diag::decl_declared_here,
shouldWarnAboutRedeclaration = false;
// We inherited a type; this associated type will be identical
// to that typealias.
if (source->kind == RequirementSource::RequirementSignatureSelf) {
auto inheritedOwningDecl =
addInferredSameTypeReq(assocTypeDecl, inheritedType);
// Check all remaining inherited type declarations to determine if
// this protocol has a non-associated-type type with the same name.
[&](const std::pair<DeclName, TinyPtrVector<TypeDecl *>> &inherited) {
auto name = inherited.first;
for (auto found : proto->lookupDirect(name)) {
// We only want concrete type declarations.
auto type = dyn_cast<TypeDecl>(found);
if (!type || isa<AssociatedTypeDecl>(type)) continue;
// ... from the same module as the protocol.
if (type->getModuleContext() != proto->getModuleContext()) continue;
// Ignore types defined in constrained extensions; their equivalence
// to the associated type would have to be conditional, which we cannot
// model.
if (auto ext = dyn_cast<ExtensionDecl>(type->getDeclContext())) {
if (ext->isConstrainedExtension()) continue;
// We found something.
bool shouldWarnAboutRedeclaration =
source->kind == RequirementSource::RequirementSignatureSelf;
for (auto inheritedType : inherited.second) {
// If we have inherited associated type...
if (auto inheritedAssocTypeDecl =
dyn_cast<AssociatedTypeDecl>(inheritedType)) {
// Infer a same-type requirement between the typealias' underlying
// type and the inherited associated type.
addInferredSameTypeReq(inheritedAssocTypeDecl, type);
// Warn that one should use where clauses for this.
if (shouldWarnAboutRedeclaration) {
auto inheritedFromProto = inheritedAssocTypeDecl->getProtocol();
auto fixItWhere = getProtocolWhereLoc();
getConcreteTypeReq(type, fixItWhere.second))
Diags.diagnose(inheritedAssocTypeDecl, diag::decl_declared_here,
shouldWarnAboutRedeclaration = false;
// Two typealiases that should be the same.
addInferredSameTypeReq(inheritedType, type);
// We can remove this entry.
return true;
return false;
// Infer same-type requirements among inherited type declarations.
for (auto &entry : inheritedTypeDecls) {
if (entry.second.size() < 2) continue;
auto firstDecl = entry.second.front();
for (auto otherDecl : ArrayRef<TypeDecl *>(entry.second).slice(1)) {
addInferredSameTypeReq(firstDecl, otherDecl);
return ConstraintResult::Resolved;
ConstraintResult GenericSignatureBuilder::addConformanceRequirement(
ResolvedType type,
ProtocolDecl *proto,
FloatingRequirementSource source) {
// Add the conformance requirement, bailing out earlier if we've already
// seen it.
auto equivClass = type.getEquivalenceClass(*this);
if (!equivClass->recordConformanceConstraint(*this, type, proto, source))
return ConstraintResult::Resolved;
auto resolvedSource = source.getSource(*this,
return expandConformanceRequirement(type, proto, resolvedSource,
ConstraintResult GenericSignatureBuilder::addLayoutRequirementDirect(
ResolvedType type,
LayoutConstraint layout,
FloatingRequirementSource source) {
auto equivClass = type.getEquivalenceClass(*this);
// Update the layout in the equivalence class, if we didn't have one already.
bool anyChanges = false;
if (!equivClass->layout) {
equivClass->layout = layout;
anyChanges = true;
} else {
// Try to merge layout constraints.
auto mergedLayout = equivClass->layout.merge(layout);
if (mergedLayout->isKnownLayout() && mergedLayout != equivClass->layout) {
equivClass->layout = mergedLayout;
anyChanges = true;
// Record this layout constraint.
layout, source.getSource(*this, type.getDependentType(*this))});
if (!anyChanges) ++NumLayoutConstraintsExtra;
return ConstraintResult::Resolved;
ConstraintResult GenericSignatureBuilder::addLayoutRequirement(
UnresolvedType subject,
LayoutConstraint layout,
FloatingRequirementSource source,
UnresolvedHandlingKind unresolvedHandling) {
// Resolve the subject.
auto resolvedSubject = resolve(subject, source);
if (!resolvedSubject) {
return handleUnresolvedRequirement(
RequirementKind::Layout, subject,
layout, source,
// If this layout constraint applies to a concrete type, we can fully
// resolve it now.
if (auto concreteType = resolvedSubject.getAsConcreteType()) {
// If a layout requirement was explicitly written on a concrete type,
// complain.
if (source.isExplicit() && source.getLoc().isValid()) {
Impl->HadAnyError = true;
Diags.diagnose(source.getLoc(), diag::requires_not_suitable_archetype,
return ConstraintResult::Concrete;
// FIXME: Check whether the layout constraint makes sense for this
// concrete type!
return ConstraintResult::Resolved;
return addLayoutRequirementDirect(resolvedSubject, layout, source);
bool GenericSignatureBuilder::updateSuperclass(
ResolvedType type,
Type superclass,
FloatingRequirementSource source) {
auto equivClass = type.getEquivalenceClass(*this);
// Local function to handle the update of superclass conformances
// when the superclass constraint changes.
auto updateSuperclassConformances = [&] {
for (const auto &conforms : equivClass->conformsTo) {
(void)resolveSuperConformance(type, conforms.first);
// If we haven't yet recorded a superclass constraint for this equivalence
// class, do so now.
if (!equivClass->superclass) {
equivClass->superclass = superclass;
// Presence of a superclass constraint implies a _Class layout
// constraint.
auto layoutReqSource =
? LayoutConstraintKind::Class
: LayoutConstraintKind::NativeClass,
return true;
// T already has a superclass; make sure it's related.
auto existingSuperclass = equivClass->superclass;
// TODO: In principle, this could be isBindableToSuperclassOf instead of
// isExactSubclassOf. If you had:
// class Foo<T>
// class Bar: Foo<Int>
// func foo<T, U where U: Foo<T>, U: Bar>(...) { ... }
// then the second constraint should be allowed, constraining U to Bar
// and secondarily imposing a T == Int constraint.
if (existingSuperclass->isExactSuperclassOf(superclass)) {
equivClass->superclass = superclass;
// We've strengthened the bound, so update superclass conformances.
return true;
return false;
ConstraintResult GenericSignatureBuilder::addSuperclassRequirementDirect(
ResolvedType type,
Type superclass,
FloatingRequirementSource source) {
auto resolvedSource =
source.getSource(*this, type.getDependentType(*this));
// Record the constraint.
auto equivClass = type.getEquivalenceClass(*this);
ConcreteConstraint{type.getUnresolvedType(), superclass, resolvedSource});
// Update the equivalence class with the constraint.
if (!updateSuperclass(type, superclass, source))
return ConstraintResult::Resolved;
/// Map an unresolved type to a requirement right-hand-side.
static GenericSignatureBuilder::UnresolvedRequirementRHS
toUnresolvedRequirementRHS(GenericSignatureBuilder::UnresolvedType unresolved) {
if (auto pa = unresolved.dyn_cast<PotentialArchetype *>())
return pa;
return unresolved.dyn_cast<Type>();
ConstraintResult GenericSignatureBuilder::addTypeRequirement(
UnresolvedType subject, UnresolvedType constraint,
FloatingRequirementSource source, UnresolvedHandlingKind unresolvedHandling,
ModuleDecl *inferForModule) {
// Resolve the constraint.
auto resolvedConstraint = resolve(constraint, source);
if (!resolvedConstraint) {
return handleUnresolvedRequirement(
RequirementKind::Conformance, subject,
toUnresolvedRequirementRHS(constraint), source,
// The right-hand side needs to be concrete.
Type constraintType = resolvedConstraint.getAsConcreteType();
if (!constraintType) {
constraintType = resolvedConstraint.getDependentType(*this);
assert(constraintType && "No type to express resolved constraint?");
// Check whether we have a reasonable constraint type at all.
if (!constraintType->isExistentialType() &&
!constraintType->getClassOrBoundGenericClass()) {
if (source.getLoc().isValid() && !constraintType->hasError()) {
auto subjectType = subject.dyn_cast<Type>();
if (!subjectType)
subjectType = subject.get<PotentialArchetype *>()
Impl->HadAnyError = true;
Diags.diagnose(source.getLoc(), diag::requires_conformance_nonprotocol,
return ConstraintResult::Conflicting;
// Resolve the subject. If we can't, delay the constraint.
auto resolvedSubject = resolve(subject, source);
if (!resolvedSubject) {
auto recordedKind =
? RequirementKind::Conformance
: RequirementKind::Superclass;
return handleUnresolvedRequirement(
recordedKind, subject, constraintType,
// If the resolved subject is a type, there may be things we can infer (if it
// conditionally conforms to the protocol), and we can probably perform
// diagnostics here.
if (auto subjectType = resolvedSubject.getAsConcreteType()) {
if (constraintType->isExistentialType()) {
auto layout = constraintType->getExistentialLayout();
for (auto *proto : layout.getProtocols()) {
// We have a pure concrete type, and there's no guarantee of dependent
// type that makes sense to use here, but, in practice, all
// getLookupConformanceFns used in here don't use that parameter anyway.
auto dependentType = CanType();
auto conformance =
getLookupConformanceFn()(dependentType, subjectType, proto);
// FIXME: diagnose if there's no conformance.
if (conformance) {
addConditionalRequirements(*this, *conformance, inferForModule);
// One cannot explicitly write a constraint on a concrete type.
if (source.isExplicit()) {
if (source.getLoc().isValid()) {
Impl->HadAnyError = true;
Diags.diagnose(source.getLoc(), diag::requires_not_suitable_archetype,
return ConstraintResult::Concrete;
return ConstraintResult::Resolved;
// Protocol requirements.
if (constraintType->isExistentialType()) {
bool anyErrors = false;
auto layout = constraintType->getExistentialLayout();
if (auto layoutConstraint = layout.getLayoutConstraint()) {
if (isErrorResult(addLayoutRequirementDirect(resolvedSubject,
anyErrors = true;
if (layout.superclass) {
if (isErrorResult(addSuperclassRequirementDirect(resolvedSubject,
anyErrors = true;
for (auto *proto : layout.getProtocols()) {
auto *protoDecl = proto->getDecl();
if (isErrorResult(addConformanceRequirement(resolvedSubject, protoDecl,
anyErrors = true;
return anyErrors ? ConstraintResult::Conflicting
: ConstraintResult::Resolved;
// Superclass constraint.
return addSuperclassRequirementDirect(resolvedSubject, constraintType,
void GenericSignatureBuilder::addedNestedType(PotentialArchetype *nestedPA) {
// If there was already another type with this name within the parent
// potential archetype, equate this type with that one.
auto parentPA = nestedPA->getParent();
auto &allNested = parentPA->NestedTypes[nestedPA->getNestedName()];
assert(allNested.back() == nestedPA);
if (allNested.size() > 1) {
auto firstPA = allNested.front();
auto inferredSource =
addSameTypeRequirement(firstPA, nestedPA, inferredSource,
// If our parent type is not the representative, equate this nested
// potential archetype to the equivalent nested type within the
// representative.
auto parentRepPA = parentPA->getRepresentative();
if (parentPA == parentRepPA) return;
PotentialArchetype *existingPA =
auto sameNamedSource =
addSameTypeRequirement(existingPA, nestedPA, sameNamedSource,
ResolvedType type1, ResolvedType type2,
const RequirementSource *source)
Type depType1 = type1.getDependentType(*this);
Type depType2 = type2.getDependentType(*this);
// Record the same-type constraint, and bail out if it was already known.
auto equivClass = type1.getEquivalenceClassIfPresent();
auto equivClass2 = type2.getEquivalenceClassIfPresent();
if (depType1->isEqual(depType2) ||
((equivClass || equivClass2) && equivClass == equivClass2)) {
// Make sure we have an equivalence class in which we can record the
// same-type constraint.
if (!equivClass) {
if (equivClass2) {
equivClass = equivClass2;
} else {
auto pa1 = type1.realizePotentialArchetype(*this);
equivClass = pa1->getOrCreateEquivalenceClass(*this);
// FIXME: We could determine equivalence based on both sides canonicalizing
// to the same type.
equivClass->sameTypeConstraints.push_back({depType1, depType2, source});
return ConstraintResult::Resolved;
// Both sides are type parameters; equate them.
// FIXME: Realizes potential archetypes far too early.
auto OrigT1 = type1.realizePotentialArchetype(*this);
auto OrigT2 = type2.realizePotentialArchetype(*this);
// Operate on the representatives
auto T1 = OrigT1->getRepresentative();
auto T2 = OrigT2->getRepresentative();
// Decide which potential archetype is to be considered the representative.
// We prefer potential archetypes with lower nesting depths, because it
// prevents us from unnecessarily building deeply nested potential archetypes.
unsigned nestingDepth1 = T1->getNestingDepth();
unsigned nestingDepth2 = T2->getNestingDepth();
if (nestingDepth2 < nestingDepth1) {
std::swap(T1, T2);
std::swap(OrigT1, OrigT2);
std::swap(equivClass, equivClass2);
// T1 must have an equivalence class; create one if we don't already have
// one.
if (!equivClass)
equivClass = T1->getOrCreateEquivalenceClass(*this);
// Record this same-type constraint.
equivClass->sameTypeConstraints.push_back({depType1, depType2, source});
// Determine the anchor types of the two equivalence classes.
CanType anchor1 = equivClass->getAnchor(*this, { })->getCanonicalType();
CanType anchor2 =
(equivClass2 ? equivClass2->getAnchor(*this, { })
: getCanonicalTypeParameter(T2->getDependentType({ })))
// Merge the equivalence classes.
auto equivClass1Members = equivClass->members;
auto equivClass2Members = T2->getEquivalenceClassMembers();
for (auto equiv : equivClass2Members)
// Grab the old equivalence class, if present. We'll deallocate it at the end.
if (equivClass2)
// Consider the second equivalence class to be modified.
if (equivClass2)
// Same-type requirements.
if (equivClass2) {
// Combine the rewrite rules.
if (auto rewriteRoot2 = Impl->getOrCreateRewriteTreeRoot(anchor2)) {
if (auto rewriteRoot1 = Impl->getOrCreateRewriteTreeRoot(anchor1)) {
// Merge the second rewrite tree into the first.
if (rewriteRoot2->mergeInto(rewriteRoot1))
} else {
// Take the second rewrite tree and make it the first.
auto root2Entry = Impl->RewriteTreeRoots.find(anchor2);
auto root2Ptr = std::move(root2Entry->second);
(void)Impl->RewriteTreeRoots.insert({anchor1, std::move(root2Ptr)});
// Add a rewrite rule to map the anchor of T2 down to the anchor of T1.
if (addSameTypeRewriteRule(anchor2, anchor1))
// Same-type-to-concrete requirements.
bool t1IsConcrete = !equivClass->concreteType.isNull();
bool t2IsConcrete = equivClass2 && !equivClass2->concreteType.isNull();
if (t2IsConcrete) {
if (t1IsConcrete) {
equivClass2->concreteType, source,
} else {
equivClass->concreteType = equivClass2->concreteType;
equivClass->invalidConcreteType = equivClass2->invalidConcreteType;
// Make T1 the representative of T2, merging the equivalence classes.
T2->representativeOrEquivClass = T1;
// Layout requirements.
if (equivClass2 && equivClass2->layout) {
if (!equivClass->layout) {
equivClass->layout = equivClass2->layout;
equivClass->layoutConstraints = std::move(equivClass2->layoutConstraints);
} else {
const RequirementSource *source2
= equivClass2->layoutConstraints.front().source;
addLayoutRequirementDirect(T1, equivClass2->layout, source2);
equivClass2->layoutConstraints.begin() + 1,
// Superclass requirements.
if (equivClass2 && equivClass2->superclass) {
const RequirementSource *source2;
if (auto existingSource2 =
source2 = existingSource2->source;
source2 = equivClass2->superclassConstraints.front().source;
// Add the superclass constraints from the second equivalence class.
(void)updateSuperclass(T1, equivClass2->superclass, source2);
// Add all of the protocol conformance requirements of T2 to T1.
if (equivClass2) {
for (const auto &entry : equivClass2->conformsTo) {
equivClass->recordConformanceConstraint(*this, T1, entry.first,
auto &constraints1 = equivClass->conformsTo[entry.first];
// FIXME: Go through recordConformanceConstraint()?
entry.second.begin() + 1,
// Recursively merge the associated types of T2 into T1.
auto dependentT1 = T1->getDependentType(getGenericParams());
SmallPtrSet<Identifier, 4> visited;
for (auto equivT2 : equivClass2Members) {
for (auto T2Nested : equivT2->NestedTypes) {
// Only visit each name once.
if (!visited.insert(T2Nested.first).second) continue;
// If T1 is concrete but T2 is not, concretize the nested types of T2.
if (t1IsConcrete && !t2IsConcrete) {
concretizeNestedTypeFromConcreteParent(T1, T2Nested.second.front(),
// Otherwise, make the nested types equivalent.
AssociatedTypeDecl *assocTypeT2 = nullptr;
for (auto T2 : T2Nested.second) {
assocTypeT2 = T2->getResolvedType();
if (assocTypeT2) break;
if (!assocTypeT2) continue;
Type nestedT1 = DependentMemberType::get(dependentT1, assocTypeT2);
if (isErrorResult(
nestedT1, T2Nested.second.front(),
return ConstraintResult::Conflicting;
// If T2 is concrete but T1 was not, concretize the nested types of T1.
if (t2IsConcrete && !t1IsConcrete) {
for (auto equivT1 : equivClass1Members) {
for (auto T1Nested : equivT1->NestedTypes) {
// Only visit each name once.
if (!visited.insert(T1Nested.first).second) continue;
concretizeNestedTypeFromConcreteParent(T2, T1Nested.second.front(),
return ConstraintResult::Resolved;
ConstraintResult GenericSignatureBuilder::addSameTypeRequirementToConcrete(
ResolvedType type,
Type concrete,
const RequirementSource *source) {
auto equivClass = type.getEquivalenceClass(*this);
// Record the concrete type and its source.
ConcreteConstraint{type.getUnresolvedType(), concrete, source});
// If we've already been bound to a type, match that type.
if (equivClass->concreteType) {
return addSameTypeRequirement(equivClass->concreteType, concrete, source,
// Record the requirement.
equivClass->concreteType = concrete;
// Make sure the concrete type fulfills the conformance requirements of
// this equivalence class.
for (const auto &conforms : equivClass->conformsTo) {
if (!resolveConcreteConformance(type, conforms.first))
return ConstraintResult::Conflicting;
// Eagerly resolve any existing nested types to their concrete forms (others
// will be "concretized" as they are constructed, in getNestedType).
for (auto equivT : equivClass->members) {
for (auto nested : equivT->getNestedTypes()) {
concretizeNestedTypeFromConcreteParent(equivT, nested.second.front(),
return ConstraintResult::Resolved;
ConstraintResult GenericSignatureBuilder::addSameTypeRequirementBetweenConcrete(
Type type1, Type type2, FloatingRequirementSource source,
llvm::function_ref<void(Type, Type)> diagnoseMismatch) {
// Local class to handle matching the two sides of the same-type constraint.
class ReqTypeMatcher : public TypeMatcher<ReqTypeMatcher> {
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder;
FloatingRequirementSource source;
Type outerType1, outerType2;
llvm::function_ref<void(Type, Type)> diagnoseMismatch;
ReqTypeMatcher(GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
FloatingRequirementSource source,
Type outerType1, Type outerType2,
llvm::function_ref<void(Type, Type)> diagnoseMismatch)
: builder(builder), source(source), outerType1(outerType1),
outerType2(outerType2), diagnoseMismatch(diagnoseMismatch) {}
bool mismatch(TypeBase *firstType, TypeBase *secondType,
Type sugaredFirstType) {
// If the mismatch was in the first layer (i.e. what was fed to
// addSameTypeRequirementBetweenConcrete), then this is a fundamental
// mismatch, and we need to diagnose it. This is what breaks the mutual
// recursion between addSameTypeRequirement and
// addSameTypeRequirementBetweenConcrete.
if (outerType1->isEqual(firstType) && outerType2->isEqual(secondType)) {
diagnoseMismatch(sugaredFirstType, secondType);
return false;
auto failed = builder.addSameTypeRequirement(
sugaredFirstType, Type(secondType), source,
UnresolvedHandlingKind::GenerateConstraints, diagnoseMismatch);
return !isErrorResult(failed);
} matcher(*this, source, type1, type2, diagnoseMismatch);
return matcher.match(type1, type2) ? ConstraintResult::Resolved
: ConstraintResult::Conflicting;
ConstraintResult GenericSignatureBuilder::addSameTypeRequirement(
UnresolvedType paOrT1,
UnresolvedType paOrT2,
FloatingRequirementSource source,
UnresolvedHandlingKind unresolvedHandling) {
return addSameTypeRequirement(paOrT1, paOrT2, source, unresolvedHandling,
[&](Type type1, Type type2) {
Impl->HadAnyError = true;
if (source.getLoc().isValid()) {
Diags.diagnose(source.getLoc(), diag::requires_same_concrete_type,
type1, type2);
ConstraintResult GenericSignatureBuilder::addSameTypeRequirement(
UnresolvedType paOrT1, UnresolvedType paOrT2,
FloatingRequirementSource source,
UnresolvedHandlingKind unresolvedHandling,
llvm::function_ref<void(Type, Type)> diagnoseMismatch) {
auto resolved1 = resolve(paOrT1, source);
if (!resolved1) {
return handleUnresolvedRequirement(RequirementKind::SameType, paOrT1,
auto resolved2 = resolve(paOrT2, source);
if (!resolved2) {
return handleUnresolvedRequirement(RequirementKind::SameType, paOrT1,
return addSameTypeRequirementDirect(resolved1, resolved2, source,
ConstraintResult GenericSignatureBuilder::addSameTypeRequirementDirect(
ResolvedType type1, ResolvedType type2,
FloatingRequirementSource source,
llvm::function_ref<void(Type, Type)> diagnoseMismatch) {
auto concreteType1 = type1.getAsConcreteType();
auto concreteType2 = type2.getAsConcreteType();
// If both sides of the requirement are concrete, equate them.
if (concreteType1 && concreteType2) {
return addSameTypeRequirementBetweenConcrete(concreteType1,
concreteType2, source,
// If one side is concrete, map the other side to that concrete type.
if (concreteType1) {
return addSameTypeRequirementToConcrete(type2, concreteType1,
source.getSource(*this, type2.getDependentType(*this)));
if (concreteType2) {
return addSameTypeRequirementToConcrete(type1, concreteType2,
source.getSource(*this, type1.getDependentType(*this)));
return addSameTypeRequirementBetweenTypeParameters(
type1, type2,
source.getSource(*this, type2.getDependentType(*this)));
ConstraintResult GenericSignatureBuilder::addInheritedRequirements(
TypeDecl *decl,
UnresolvedType type,
const RequirementSource *parentSource,
ModuleDecl *inferForModule) {
if (isa<AssociatedTypeDecl>(decl) &&
decl->hasInterfaceType() &&
return ConstraintResult::Resolved;
// Walk the 'inherited' list to identify requirements.
if (auto resolver = getLazyResolver())
// Local function to get the source.
auto getFloatingSource = [&](const TypeRepr *typeRepr, bool forInferred) {
if (parentSource) {
if (auto assocType = dyn_cast<AssociatedTypeDecl>(decl)) {
auto proto = assocType->getProtocol();
return FloatingRequirementSource::viaProtocolRequirement(
parentSource, proto, typeRepr, forInferred);
auto proto = cast<ProtocolDecl>(decl);
return FloatingRequirementSource::viaProtocolRequirement(
parentSource, proto, typeRepr, forInferred);
// We are inferring requirements.
if (forInferred) {
return FloatingRequirementSource::forInferred(typeRepr);
// Explicit requirement.
if (typeRepr)
return FloatingRequirementSource::forExplicit(typeRepr);
// An abstract explicit requirement.
return FloatingRequirementSource::forAbstract();
auto visitType = [&](Type inheritedType, const TypeRepr *typeRepr) {
if (inferForModule) {
TypeLoc(const_cast<TypeRepr *>(typeRepr),
getFloatingSource(typeRepr, /*forInferred=*/true));
return addTypeRequirement(
type, inheritedType, getFloatingSource(typeRepr,
UnresolvedHandlingKind::GenerateConstraints, inferForModule);
return visitInherited(decl->getInherited(), visitType);
ConstraintResult GenericSignatureBuilder::addRequirement(
const RequirementRepr *req,
ModuleDecl *inferForModule) {
return addRequirement(req,
ConstraintResult GenericSignatureBuilder::addRequirement(
const RequirementRepr *Req,
FloatingRequirementSource source,
const SubstitutionMap *subMap,
ModuleDecl *inferForModule) {
auto subst = [&](Type t) {
if (subMap)
return t.subst(*subMap, SubstFlags::UseErrorType);
return t;
auto getInferredTypeLoc = [=](Type type, TypeLoc existingTypeLoc) {
if (subMap) return TypeLoc::withoutLoc(type);
return existingTypeLoc;
switch (Req->getKind()) {
case RequirementReprKind::LayoutConstraint: {
auto subject = subst(Req->getSubject());
if (inferForModule) {
getInferredTypeLoc(subject, Req->getSubjectLoc()),
return addLayoutRequirement(subject,
case RequirementReprKind::TypeConstraint: {
auto subject = subst(Req->getSubject());
auto constraint = subst(Req->getConstraint());
if (inferForModule) {
getInferredTypeLoc(subject, Req->getSubjectLoc()),
return addTypeRequirement(subject, constraint, source,
case RequirementReprKind::SameType: {
// Warn if neither side of the requirement contains a type parameter.
if (!Req->getFirstType()->hasTypeParameter() &&
!Req->getSecondType()->hasTypeParameter() &&
!Req->getFirstType()->hasError() &&
!Req->getSecondType()->hasError()) {
Req->getFirstType(), Req->getSecondType())
auto firstType = subst(Req->getFirstType());
auto secondType = subst(Req->getSecondType());
if (inferForModule) {
getInferredTypeLoc(firstType, Req->getFirstTypeLoc()),
return addRequirement(Requirement(RequirementKind::SameType,
firstType, secondType),
source, nullptr);
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled requirement?");
GenericSignatureBuilder::addRequirement(const Requirement &req,
FloatingRequirementSource source,
ModuleDecl *inferForModule) {
auto firstType = req.getFirstType();
switch (req.getKind()) {
case RequirementKind::Superclass:
case RequirementKind::Conformance: {
auto secondType = req.getSecondType();
if (inferForModule) {
inferRequirements(*inferForModule, TypeLoc::withoutLoc(firstType),
inferRequirements(*inferForModule, TypeLoc::withoutLoc(secondType),
return addTypeRequirement(firstType, secondType, source,
case RequirementKind::Layout: {
if (inferForModule) {
inferRequirements(*inferForModule, TypeLoc::withoutLoc(firstType),
return addLayoutRequirement(firstType, req.getLayoutConstraint(), source,
case RequirementKind::SameType: {
auto secondType = req.getSecondType();
if (inferForModule) {
inferRequirements(*inferForModule, TypeLoc::withoutLoc(firstType),
inferRequirements(*inferForModule, TypeLoc::withoutLoc(secondType),
return addSameTypeRequirement(
firstType, secondType, source,
[&](Type type1, Type type2) {
Impl->HadAnyError = true;
if (source.getLoc().isValid()) {
Diags.diagnose(source.getLoc(), diag::requires_same_concrete_type,
type1, type2);
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled requirement?");
/// AST walker that infers requirements from type representations.
class GenericSignatureBuilder::InferRequirementsWalker : public TypeWalker {
ModuleDecl &module;
GenericSignatureBuilder &Builder;
FloatingRequirementSource source;
InferRequirementsWalker(ModuleDecl &module,
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
FloatingRequirementSource source)
: module(module), Builder(builder), source(source) { }
Action walkToTypePre(Type ty) override {
// Unbound generic types are the result of recovered-but-invalid code, and
// don't have enough info to do any useful substitutions.
if (ty->is<UnboundGenericType>())
return Action::Stop;
return Action::Continue;
Action walkToTypePost(Type ty) override {
// Infer from generic typealiases.
if (auto NameAlias = dyn_cast<NameAliasType>(ty.getPointer())) {
auto decl = NameAlias->getDecl();
auto genericSig = decl->getGenericSignature();
if (!genericSig)
return Action::Continue;
auto subMap = NameAlias->getSubstitutionMap();
for (const auto &rawReq : genericSig->getRequirements()) {
if (auto req = rawReq.subst(subMap))
Builder.addRequirement(*req, source, nullptr);
return Action::Continue;
// Infer from generic nominal types.
auto decl = ty->getAnyNominal();
if (!decl) return Action::Continue;
auto genericSig = decl->getGenericSignature();
if (!genericSig)
return Action::Continue;
/// Retrieve the substitution.
auto subMap = ty->getContextSubstitutionMap(&module, decl,
// Handle the requirements.
// FIXME: Inaccurate TypeReprs.
for (const auto &rawReq : genericSig->getRequirements()) {
if (auto req = rawReq.subst(subMap))
Builder.addRequirement(*req, source, nullptr);
return Action::Continue;
void GenericSignatureBuilder::inferRequirements(
ModuleDecl &module,
TypeLoc type,
FloatingRequirementSource source) {
if (!type.getType())
// FIXME: Crummy source-location information.
InferRequirementsWalker walker(module, *this, source);
void GenericSignatureBuilder::inferRequirements(
ModuleDecl &module,
ParameterList *params,
GenericParamList *genericParams) {
if (genericParams == nullptr)
for (auto P : *params) {
inferRequirements(module, P->getTypeLoc(),
namespace swift {
template<typename T>
bool operator<(const Constraint<T> &lhs, const Constraint<T> &rhs) {
// FIXME: Awful.
auto lhsSource = lhs.getSubjectDependentType({ });
auto rhsSource = rhs.getSubjectDependentType({ });
if (int result = compareDependentTypes(lhsSource, rhsSource))
return result < 0;
if (int result = lhs.source->compare(rhs.source))
return result < 0;
return false;
template<typename T>
bool operator==(const Constraint<T> &lhs, const Constraint<T> &rhs){
return lhs.hasSameSubjectAs(rhs) &&
lhs.value == rhs.value &&
lhs.source == rhs.source;
bool operator==(const Constraint<Type> &lhs, const Constraint<Type> &rhs){
return lhs.hasSameSubjectAs(rhs) &&
lhs.value->isEqual(rhs.value) &&
lhs.source == rhs.source;
} // namespace swift
namespace {
/// Retrieve the representative constraint that will be used for diagnostics.
template<typename T>
Optional<Constraint<T>> findRepresentativeConstraint(
ArrayRef<Constraint<T>> constraints,
llvm::function_ref<bool(const Constraint<T> &)>
isSuitableRepresentative) {
// Find a representative constraint.
Optional<Constraint<T>> representativeConstraint;
for (const auto &constraint : constraints) {
// If this isn't a suitable representative constraint, ignore it.
if (!isSuitableRepresentative(constraint))
// Check whether this constraint is better than the best we've seen so far
// at being the representative constraint against which others will be
// compared.
if (!representativeConstraint) {
representativeConstraint = constraint;
// We prefer derived constraints to non-derived constraints.
bool thisIsDerived = constraint.source->isDerivedRequirement();
bool representativeIsDerived =
if (thisIsDerived != representativeIsDerived) {
if (thisIsDerived)
representativeConstraint = constraint;
// We prefer constraints that are explicit to inferred constraints.
bool thisIsInferred = constraint.source->isInferredRequirement();
bool representativeIsInferred =
if (thisIsInferred != representativeIsInferred) {
if (thisIsInferred)
representativeConstraint = constraint;
// We prefer constraints with locations to constraints without locations.
bool thisHasValidSourceLoc = constraint.source->getLoc().isValid();
bool representativeHasValidSourceLoc =
if (thisHasValidSourceLoc != representativeHasValidSourceLoc) {
if (thisHasValidSourceLoc)
representativeConstraint = constraint;
// Otherwise, order via the constraint itself.
if (constraint < *representativeConstraint)
representativeConstraint = constraint;
return representativeConstraint;
} // end anonymous namespace
/// For each potential archetype within the given equivalence class that is
/// an associated type, expand the protocol requirements for the enclosing
/// protocol.
static void expandSameTypeConstraints(GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
EquivalenceClass *equivClass) {
auto genericParams = builder.getGenericParams();
auto existingMembers = equivClass->members;
for (auto pa : existingMembers) {
// Make sure that there are only associated types that chain up to the
// parent.
bool foundNonAssociatedType = false;
for (auto currentPA = pa; auto parentPA = currentPA->getParent();
currentPA = parentPA){
if (!currentPA->getResolvedType()) {
foundNonAssociatedType = true;
if (foundNonAssociatedType) continue;
auto dependentType = pa->getDependentType(genericParams);
for (const auto &conforms : equivClass->conformsTo) {
auto proto = conforms.first;
// Check whether we already have a conformance constraint for this
// potential archetype.
bool alreadyFound = false;
const RequirementSource *conformsSource = nullptr;
for (const auto &constraint : conforms.second) {
if (constraint.source->getAffectedType()->isEqual(dependentType)) {
alreadyFound = true;
// Capture the source for later use, skipping
if (!conformsSource &&
!= RequirementSource::RequirementSignatureSelf)
conformsSource = constraint.source;
if (alreadyFound) continue;
if (!conformsSource) continue;
// Pick a source at random and reseat it on this potential archetype.
auto source = conformsSource->viaEquivalentType(builder, dependentType);
// Expand same-type constraints.
builder.expandConformanceRequirement(pa, proto, source,
GenericSignatureBuilder::finalize(SourceLoc loc,
TypeArrayView<GenericTypeParamType> genericParams,
bool allowConcreteGenericParams) {
// Process any delayed requirements that we can handle now.
assert(!Impl->finalized && "Already finalized builder");
#ifndef NDEBUG
Impl->finalized = true;
// Local function (+ cache) describing the set of equivalence classes
// directly referenced by the concrete same-type constraint of the given
// equivalence class.
llvm::DenseMap<EquivalenceClass *,
SmallPtrSet<EquivalenceClass *, 4>> concreteEquivClasses;
auto getConcreteReferencedEquivClasses
= [&](EquivalenceClass *equivClass)
-> SmallPtrSet<EquivalenceClass *, 4> {
auto known = concreteEquivClasses.find(equivClass);
if (known != concreteEquivClasses.end())
return known->second;
SmallPtrSet<EquivalenceClass *, 4> referencedEquivClasses;
if (!equivClass->concreteType ||
return referencedEquivClasses;
equivClass->concreteType.visit([&](Type type) {
if (type->isTypeParameter()) {
if (auto referencedEquivClass =
ArchetypeResolutionKind::AlreadyKnown)) {
concreteEquivClasses[equivClass] = referencedEquivClasses;
return referencedEquivClasses;
/// Check whether the given type references the archetype.
auto isRecursiveConcreteType = [&](EquivalenceClass *equivClass,
bool isSuperclass) {
SmallPtrSet<EquivalenceClass *, 4> visited;
SmallVector<EquivalenceClass *, 4> stack;
// Check whether the specific type introduces recursion.
auto checkTypeRecursion = [&](Type type) {
if (!type->hasTypeParameter()) return false;
return type.findIf([&](Type type) {
if (type->isTypeParameter()) {
if (auto referencedEquivClass =
ArchetypeResolutionKind::AlreadyKnown)) {
if (referencedEquivClass == equivClass) return true;
if (visited.insert(referencedEquivClass).second)
return false;
while (!stack.empty()) {
auto currentEquivClass = stack.back();
// If we're checking superclasses, do so now.
if (isSuperclass && currentEquivClass->superclass &&
checkTypeRecursion(currentEquivClass->superclass)) {
return true;
// Otherwise, look for the equivalence classes referenced by
// same-type constraints.
for (auto referencedEquivClass :
getConcreteReferencedEquivClasses(currentEquivClass)) {
// If we found a reference to the original archetype, it's recursive.
if (referencedEquivClass == equivClass) return true;
if (visited.insert(referencedEquivClass).second)
return false;
// Check for recursive or conflicting same-type bindings and superclass
// constraints.
for (auto &equivClass : Impl->EquivalenceClasses) {
if (equivClass.concreteType) {
// Check for recursive same-type bindings.
if (isRecursiveConcreteType(&equivClass, /*isSuperclass=*/false)) {
if (auto constraint =
equivClass.findAnyConcreteConstraintAsWritten()) {
Impl->HadAnyError = true;
equivClass.recursiveConcreteType = true;
} else {
checkConcreteTypeConstraints(genericParams, &equivClass);
// Check for recursive superclass bindings.
if (equivClass.superclass) {
if (isRecursiveConcreteType(&equivClass, /*isSuperclass=*/true)) {
if (auto source = equivClass.findAnySuperclassConstraintAsWritten()) {
Impl->HadAnyError = true;
equivClass.recursiveSuperclassType = true;
} else {
checkSuperclassConstraints(genericParams, &equivClass);
checkConformanceConstraints(genericParams, &equivClass);
checkLayoutConstraints(genericParams, &equivClass);
// FIXME: Expand all conformance requirements. This is expensive :(
for (auto &equivClass : Impl->EquivalenceClasses) {
expandSameTypeConstraints(*this, &equivClass);
// Check same-type constraints.
for (auto &equivClass : Impl->EquivalenceClasses) {
checkSameTypeConstraints(genericParams, &equivClass);
// Check for generic parameters which have been made concrete or equated
// with each other.
if (!allowConcreteGenericParams) {
SmallPtrSet<PotentialArchetype *, 4> visited;
unsigned depth = 0;
for (const auto gp : getGenericParams())
depth = std::max(depth, gp->getDepth());
for (const auto pa : Impl->PotentialArchetypes) {
auto rep = pa->getRepresentative();
if (pa->getRootGenericParamKey().Depth < depth)
if (!visited.insert(rep).second)
// Don't allow a generic parameter to be equivalent to a concrete type,
// because then we don't actually have a parameter.
auto equivClass = rep->getOrCreateEquivalenceClass(*this);
if (equivClass->concreteType) {
if (auto constraint = equivClass->findAnyConcreteConstraintAsWritten()){
Impl->HadAnyError = true;
// Don't allow two generic parameters to be equivalent, because then we
// don't actually have two parameters.
for (auto other : rep->getEquivalenceClassMembers()) {
// If it isn't a generic parameter, skip it.
if (other == pa || !other->isGenericParam()) continue;
// Try to find an exact constraint that matches 'other'.
auto repConstraint =
[pa, other](const Constraint<Type> &constraint) {
return (constraint.isSubjectEqualTo(pa) &&
constraint.value->isEqual(other->getDependentType({ }))) ||
(constraint.isSubjectEqualTo(other) &&
constraint.value->isEqual(pa->getDependentType({ })));
// Otherwise, just take any old constraint.
if (!repConstraint) {
repConstraint =
[](const Constraint<Type> &constraint) {
return true;
if (repConstraint && repConstraint->source->getLoc().isValid()) {
Impl->HadAnyError = true;
/// Turn a requirement right-hand side into an unresolved type.
static GenericSignatureBuilder::UnresolvedType asUnresolvedType(
GenericSignatureBuilder::UnresolvedRequirementRHS rhs) {
if (auto pa = rhs.dyn_cast<PotentialArchetype *>())
return GenericSignatureBuilder::UnresolvedType(pa);
return GenericSignatureBuilder::UnresolvedType(rhs.get<Type>());
void GenericSignatureBuilder::processDelayedRequirements() {
// If we're already up-to-date, do nothing.
if (Impl->Generation == Impl->LastProcessedGeneration) { return; }
// If there are no delayed requirements, do nothing.
if (Impl->DelayedRequirements.empty()) { return; }
if (Impl->ProcessingDelayedRequirements) { return; }
llvm::SaveAndRestore<bool> processing(Impl->ProcessingDelayedRequirements,
bool anyChanges = false;
Impl->LastProcessedGeneration = Impl->Generation;
if (!anyChanges)
bool anySolved;
do {
// Steal the delayed requirements so we can reprocess them.
anySolved = false;
auto delayed = std::move(Impl->DelayedRequirements);
// Process delayed requirements.
for (const auto &req : delayed) {
// Reprocess the delayed requirement.
ConstraintResult reqResult;
switch (req.kind) {
case DelayedRequirement::Type:
reqResult =
addTypeRequirement(req.lhs, asUnresolvedType(req.rhs), req.source,
case DelayedRequirement::Layout:
reqResult = addLayoutRequirement(
req.lhs, req.rhs.get<LayoutConstraint>(), req.source,
case DelayedRequirement::SameType:
reqResult = addSameTypeRequirement(
req.lhs, asUnresolvedType(req.rhs), req.source,
// Update our state based on what happened.
switch (reqResult) {
case ConstraintResult::Concrete:
anySolved = true;
case ConstraintResult::Conflicting:
anySolved = true;
case ConstraintResult::Resolved:
anySolved = true;
case ConstraintResult::Unresolved:
// Add the requirement back.
if (anySolved) {
anyChanges = true;
} while (anySolved);
template<typename T>
Constraint<T> GenericSignatureBuilder::checkConstraintList(
TypeArrayView<GenericTypeParamType> genericParams,
std::vector<Constraint<T>> &constraints,
llvm::function_ref<bool(const Constraint<T> &)>
ConstraintRelation(const Constraint<T>&)>
Optional<Diag<unsigned, Type, T, T>>
Diag<Type, T> redundancyDiag,
Diag<unsigned, Type, T> otherNoteDiag) {
return checkConstraintList<T, T>(genericParams, constraints,
isSuitableRepresentative, checkConstraint,
conflictingDiag, redundancyDiag,
[](const T& value) { return value; },
namespace {
/// Remove self-derived sources from the given vector of constraints.
/// \returns true if any derived-via-concrete constraints were found.
template<typename T>
bool removeSelfDerived(GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
std::vector<Constraint<T>> &constraints,
ProtocolDecl *proto,
bool dropDerivedViaConcrete = true,
bool allCanBeSelfDerived = false) {
auto genericParams = builder.getGenericParams();
bool anyDerivedViaConcrete = false;
Optional<Constraint<T>> remainingConcrete;
SmallVector<Constraint<T>, 4> minimalSources;
std::remove_if(constraints.begin(), constraints.end(),
[&](const Constraint<T> &constraint) {
bool derivedViaConcrete;
auto minimalSource =
proto, derivedViaConcrete);
if (minimalSource != constraint.source) {
// The minimal source is smaller than the original source, so the
// original source is self-derived.
if (minimalSource) {
// Record a constraint with a minimized source.
return true;
if (!derivedViaConcrete)
return false;
anyDerivedViaConcrete = true;
if (!dropDerivedViaConcrete)
return false;
// Drop derived-via-concrete requirements.
if (!remainingConcrete)
remainingConcrete = constraint;
return true;
// If we found any minimal sources, add them now, avoiding introducing any
// redundant sources.
if (!minimalSources.empty()) {
// Collect the sources we already know about.
SmallPtrSet<const RequirementSource *, 4> sources;
for (const auto &constraint : constraints) {
// Add any minimal sources we didn't know about.
for (const auto &minimalSource : minimalSources) {
if (sources.insert(minimalSource.source).second) {
// If we only had concrete conformances, put one back.
if (constraints.empty() && remainingConcrete)
assert((!constraints.empty() || allCanBeSelfDerived) &&
"All constraints were self-derived!");
return anyDerivedViaConcrete;
} // end anonymous namespace
template<typename T, typename DiagT>
Constraint<T> GenericSignatureBuilder::checkConstraintList(
TypeArrayView<GenericTypeParamType> genericParams,
std::vector<Constraint<T>> &constraints,
llvm::function_ref<bool(const Constraint<T> &)>
ConstraintRelation(const Constraint<T>&)>
Optional<Diag<unsigned, Type, DiagT, DiagT>>
Diag<Type, DiagT> redundancyDiag,
Diag<unsigned, Type, DiagT> otherNoteDiag,
llvm::function_ref<DiagT(const T&)> diagValue,
bool removeSelfDerived) {
assert(!constraints.empty() && "No constraints?");
if (removeSelfDerived) {
::removeSelfDerived(*this, constraints, /*proto=*/nullptr);
// Sort the constraints, so we get a deterministic ordering of diagnostics.
llvm::array_pod_sort(constraints.begin(), constraints.end());
// Find a representative constraint.
auto representativeConstraint =
findRepresentativeConstraint<T>(constraints, isSuitableRepresentative);
// Local function to provide a note describing the representative constraint.
auto noteRepresentativeConstraint = [&] {
if (representativeConstraint->source->getLoc().isInvalid()) return;
// Go through the concrete constraints looking for redundancies.
bool diagnosedConflictingRepresentative = false;
for (const auto &constraint : constraints) {
// Leave the representative alone.
if (representativeConstraint && constraint == *representativeConstraint)
switch (checkConstraint(constraint)) {
case ConstraintRelation::Unrelated:
case ConstraintRelation::Conflicting: {
// Figure out what kind of subject we have; it will affect the
// diagnostic.
auto getSubjectType =
[&](Type subjectType) -> std::pair<unsigned, Type> {
unsigned kind;
if (auto gp = subjectType->getAs<GenericTypeParamType>()) {
if (gp->getDecl() &&
isa<ProtocolDecl>(gp->getDecl()->getDeclContext())) {
kind = 1;
subjectType = cast<ProtocolDecl>(gp->getDecl()->getDeclContext())
} else {
kind = 0;
} else {
kind = 2;
return std::make_pair(kind, subjectType);
// The requirement conflicts. If this constraint has a location, complain
// about it.
if (constraint.source->getLoc().isValid()) {
Impl->HadAnyError = true;
auto subject =
Diags.diagnose(constraint.source->getLoc(), *conflictingDiag,
subject.first, subject.second,
// If the representative itself conflicts and we haven't diagnosed it yet,
// do so now.
if (!diagnosedConflictingRepresentative &&
representativeConstraint->source->getLoc().isValid()) {
Impl->HadAnyError = true;
auto subject =
subject.first, subject.second,
diagnosedConflictingRepresentative = true;
case ConstraintRelation::Redundant:
// If this requirement is not derived or inferred (but has a useful
// location) complain that it is redundant.
Impl->HadAnyRedundantConstraints = true;
if (constraint.source->shouldDiagnoseRedundancy(true) &&
representativeConstraint &&
representativeConstraint->source->shouldDiagnoseRedundancy(false)) {
return *representativeConstraint;
/// Determine whether this is a redundantly inheritable Objective-C protocol.
/// A redundantly-inheritable Objective-C protocol is one where we will
/// silently accept a directly-stated redundant conformance to this protocol,
/// and emit this protocol in the list of "inherited" protocols. There are
/// two cases where we allow this:
// 1) For a protocol defined in Objective-C, so that we will match Clang's
/// behavior, and
/// 2) For an @objc protocol defined in Swift that directly inherits from
/// JavaScriptCore's JSExport, which depends on this behavior.
static bool isRedundantlyInheritableObjCProtocol(
ProtocolDecl *proto,
const RequirementSource *source) {
if (!proto->isObjC()) return false;
// Only do this for the requirement signature computation.
auto parentSource = source->parent;
if (!parentSource ||
parentSource->kind != RequirementSource::RequirementSignatureSelf)
return false;
// Check the two conditions in which we will suppress the diagnostic and
// emit the redundant inheritance.
auto inheritingProto = parentSource->getProtocolDecl();
if (!inheritingProto->hasClangNode() && !proto->getName().is("JSExport"))
return false;
// If the inheriting protocol already has @_restatedObjCConformance with
// this protocol, we're done.
for (auto *attr : inheritingProto->getAttrs()
.getAttributes<RestatedObjCConformanceAttr>()) {
if (attr->Proto == proto) return true;
// Otherwise, add @_restatedObjCConformance.
auto &ctx = proto->getASTContext();
inheritingProto->getAttrs().add(new (ctx) RestatedObjCConformanceAttr(proto));
return true;
void GenericSignatureBuilder::checkConformanceConstraints(
TypeArrayView<GenericTypeParamType> genericParams,
EquivalenceClass *equivClass) {
for (auto &entry : equivClass->conformsTo) {
// Remove self-derived constraints.
assert(!entry.second.empty() && "No constraints to work with?");
// Remove any self-derived constraints.
removeSelfDerived(*this, entry.second, entry.first);
checkConstraintList<ProtocolDecl *, ProtocolDecl *>(
genericParams, entry.second,
[](const Constraint<ProtocolDecl *> &constraint) {
return true;
[&](const Constraint<ProtocolDecl *> &constraint) {
auto proto = constraint.value;
assert(proto == entry.first && "Mixed up protocol constraints");
// If this conformance requirement recursively makes a protocol
// conform to itself, don't complain here.
auto source = constraint.source;
auto rootSource = source->getRoot();
if (rootSource->kind == RequirementSource::RequirementSignatureSelf &&
source != rootSource &&
proto == rootSource->getProtocolDecl() &&
source->getAffectedType())) {
return ConstraintRelation::Unrelated;
// If this is a redundantly inherited Objective-C protocol, treat it
// as "unrelated" to silence the warning about the redundant
// conformance.
if (isRedundantlyInheritableObjCProtocol(proto, constraint.source))
return ConstraintRelation::Unrelated;
return ConstraintRelation::Redundant;
[](ProtocolDecl *proto) { return proto; },
namespace swift {
bool operator<(const DerivedSameTypeComponent &lhs,
const DerivedSameTypeComponent &rhs) {
return compareDependentTypes(getUnresolvedType(lhs.anchor, {}),
getUnresolvedType(rhs.anchor, {})) < 0;
} // namespace swift
/// Find the representative in a simple union-find data structure of
/// integral values.
static unsigned findRepresentative(SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> &parents,
unsigned index) {
if (parents[index] == index) return index;
return parents[index] = findRepresentative(parents, parents[index]);
/// Union the same-type components denoted by \c index1 and \c index2.
/// \param successThreshold Returns true when two sets have been joined
/// and both representatives are below the threshold. The default of 0
/// is equivalent to \c successThreshold == parents.size().
/// \returns \c true if the two components were separate and have now
/// been joined; \c false if they were already in the same set.
static bool unionSets(SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> &parents,
unsigned index1, unsigned index2,
unsigned successThreshold = 0) {
// Find the representatives of each component class.
unsigned rep1 = findRepresentative(parents, index1);
unsigned rep2 = findRepresentative(parents, index2);
if (rep1 == rep2) return false;
// Point at the lowest-numbered representative.
if (rep1 < rep2)
parents[rep2] = rep1;
parents[rep1] = rep2;
return (successThreshold == 0) ||
(rep1 < successThreshold && rep2 < successThreshold);
/// Computes the ordered set of archetype anchors required to form a minimum
/// spanning tree among the connected components formed by only the derived
/// same-type requirements within the equivalence class \c equivClass.
/// The equivalence class contains all potential archetypes that are made
/// equivalent by the known set of same-type constraints, which includes both
/// directly-stated same-type constraints (e.g., \c T.A == T.B) as well as
/// same-type constraints that are implied either because the names coincide
/// (e.g., \c T[.P1].A == T[.P2].A) or due to a requirement in a protocol.
/// The equivalence class of the given representative potential archetype
/// (\c rep) is formed from a graph whose vertices are the potential archetypes
/// and whose edges are the same-type constraints. These edges include both
/// directly-stated same-type constraints (e.g., \c T.A == T.B) as well as
/// same-type constraints that are implied either because the names coincide
/// (e.g., \c T[.P1].A == T[.P2].A) or due to a requirement in a protocol.
/// The equivalence class forms a single connected component.
/// Within that graph is a subgraph that includes only those edges that are
/// implied (and, therefore, excluding those edges that were explicitly stated).
/// The connected components within that subgraph describe the potential
/// archetypes that would be equivalence even with all of the (explicit)
/// same-type constraints removed.
/// The entire equivalence class can be restored by introducing edges between
/// the connected components. This function computes a minimal, canonicalized
/// set of edges (same-type constraints) needed to describe the equivalence
/// class, which is suitable for the generation of the canonical generic
/// signature.
/// The resulting set of "edges" is returned as a set of vertices, one per
/// connected component (of the subgraph). Each is the anchor for that
/// connected component (as determined by \c compareDependentTypes()), and the
/// set itself is ordered by \c compareDependentTypes(). The actual set of
/// canonical edges connects vertex i to vertex i+1 for i in 0..<size-1.
static void computeDerivedSameTypeComponents(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
EquivalenceClass *equivClass,
llvm::SmallDenseMap<CanType, unsigned> &componentOf){
// Set up the array of "parents" in the union-find data structure.
llvm::SmallDenseMap<CanType, unsigned> parentIndices;
SmallVector<unsigned, 4> parents;
for (unsigned i : indices(equivClass->members)) {
Type depType = equivClass->members[i]->getDependentType({ });
parentIndices[depType->getCanonicalType()] = parents.size();
// Walk all of the same-type constraints, performing a union-find operation.
for (const auto &constraint : equivClass->sameTypeConstraints) {
// Treat nested-type-name-match constraints specially.
if (constraint.source->getRoot()->kind ==
// Skip non-derived constraints.
if (!constraint.source->isDerivedRequirement()) continue;
CanType source =
constraint.getSubjectDependentType({ })->getCanonicalType();
CanType target = constraint.value->getCanonicalType();
assert(parentIndices.count(source) == 1 && "Missing source");
assert(parentIndices.count(target) == 1 && "Missing target");
unionSets(parents, parentIndices[source], parentIndices[target]);
// Compute and record the components.
auto &components = equivClass->derivedSameTypeComponents;
for (unsigned i : indices(equivClass->members)) {
auto pa = equivClass->members[i];
CanType depType = pa->getDependentType({ })->getCanonicalType();
// Find the representative of this set.
assert(parentIndices.count(depType) == 1 && "Unknown member?");
unsigned index = parentIndices[depType];
unsigned representative = findRepresentative(parents, index);
// If this is the representative, add a component for it.
if (representative == index) {
componentOf[depType] = components.size();
components.push_back(DerivedSameTypeComponent{pa, nullptr});
// This is not the representative; point at the component of the
// representative.
CanType representativeDepTy =
equivClass->members[representative]->getDependentType({ })
assert(componentOf.count(representativeDepTy) == 1 &&
"Missing representative component?");
unsigned componentIndex = componentOf[representativeDepTy];
componentOf[depType] = componentIndex;
// If this is a better anchor, record it.
if (compareDependentTypes(
depType, getUnresolvedType(components[componentIndex].anchor, {})) <
components[componentIndex].anchor = pa;
// If there is a concrete type, figure out the best concrete type anchor
// per component.
auto genericParams = builder.getGenericParams();
for (const auto &concrete : equivClass->concreteTypeConstraints) {
// Dig out the component associated with constraint.
Type subjectType = concrete.getSubjectDependentType(genericParams);
assert(componentOf.count(subjectType->getCanonicalType()) > 0);
auto &component = components[componentOf[subjectType->getCanonicalType()]];
// FIXME: Skip self-derived sources. This means our attempts to "stage"
// construction of self-derived sources really don't work, because we
// discover more information later, so we need a more on-line or
// iterative approach.
bool derivedViaConcrete;
if (concrete.source->isSelfDerivedSource(builder, subjectType,
// If it has a better source than we'd seen before for this component,
// keep it.
auto &bestConcreteTypeSource = component.concreteTypeSource;
if (!bestConcreteTypeSource ||
concrete.source->compare(bestConcreteTypeSource) < 0)
bestConcreteTypeSource = concrete.source;
namespace {
/// An edge in the same-type constraint graph that spans two different
/// components.
struct IntercomponentEdge {
unsigned source;
unsigned target;
Constraint<Type> constraint;
bool isSelfDerived = false;
IntercomponentEdge(unsigned source, unsigned target,
const Constraint<Type> &constraint)
: source(source), target(target), constraint(constraint)
assert(source != target && "Not an intercomponent edge");
if (this->source > this->target) std::swap(this->source, this->target);
friend bool operator<(const IntercomponentEdge &lhs,
const IntercomponentEdge &rhs) {
if (lhs.source != rhs.source)
return lhs.source < rhs.source;
if ( !=
return <;
// Prefer non-inferred requirement sources.
bool lhsIsInferred = lhs.constraint.source->isInferredRequirement();
bool rhsIsInferred = rhs.constraint.source->isInferredRequirement();
if (lhsIsInferred != rhsIsInferred)
return rhsIsInferred;;
return lhs.constraint < rhs.constraint;
"only for use in the debugger");
void IntercomponentEdge::dump() const {
llvm::errs() << constraint.getSubjectDependentType({ }).getString() << " -- "
<< constraint.value << ": ";
constraint.source->print(llvm::errs(), nullptr);
llvm::errs() << "\n";
/// Determine whether the removal of the given edge will disconnect the
/// nodes \c from and \c to within the given equivalence class.
static bool removalDisconnectsEquivalenceClass(
EquivalenceClass *equivClass,
llvm::SmallDenseMap<CanType, unsigned> &componentOf,
std::vector<IntercomponentEdge> &sameTypeEdges,
unsigned edgeIndex,
CanType fromDepType,
CanType toDepType) {
// Which component are "from" and "to" in within the intercomponent edges?
assert(componentOf.count(fromDepType) > 0);
auto fromComponentIndex = componentOf[fromDepType];
assert(componentOf.count(toDepType) > 0);
auto toComponentIndex = componentOf[toDepType];
// If they're in the same component, they're always connected (due to
// derived edges).
if (fromComponentIndex == toComponentIndex) return false;
/// Describes the parents in the equivalance classes we're forming.
SmallVector<unsigned, 4> parents;
for (unsigned i : range(equivClass->derivedSameTypeComponents.size())) {
for (const auto existingEdgeIndex : indices(sameTypeEdges)) {
if (existingEdgeIndex == edgeIndex) continue;
const auto &edge = sameTypeEdges[existingEdgeIndex];
if (edge.isSelfDerived) continue;
if (unionSets(parents, edge.source, &&
findRepresentative(parents, fromComponentIndex) ==
findRepresentative(parents, toComponentIndex))
return false;
const auto &edge = sameTypeEdges[edgeIndex];
return !unionSets(parents, edge.source, ||
findRepresentative(parents, fromComponentIndex) !=
findRepresentative(parents, toComponentIndex);
static AssociatedTypeDecl *takeMemberOfDependentMemberType(Type &type) {
if (auto depMemTy = type->getAs<DependentMemberType>()) {
type = depMemTy->getBase();
return depMemTy->getAssocType();
return nullptr;
static bool isSelfDerivedNestedTypeNameMatchEdge(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
EquivalenceClass *equivClass,
llvm::SmallDenseMap<CanType, unsigned> &componentOf,
std::vector<IntercomponentEdge> &sameTypeEdges,
unsigned edgeIndex) {
const auto &edge = sameTypeEdges[edgeIndex];
auto genericParams = builder.getGenericParams();
Type sourceType = edge.constraint.getSubjectDependentType(genericParams);
Type target = edge.constraint.value;
DependentMemberType *sourceDepMemTy;
while ((sourceDepMemTy = sourceType->getAs<DependentMemberType>()) &&
sourceDepMemTy->getAssocType() ==
takeMemberOfDependentMemberType(target)) {
sourceType = sourceDepMemTy->getBase();
auto targetEquivClass =
if (targetEquivClass == equivClass &&
.getEquivalenceClass(builder) == equivClass &&
!removalDisconnectsEquivalenceClass(equivClass, componentOf,
sameTypeEdges, edgeIndex,
return true;
return false;
/// Collapse same-type components using the "delayed" requirements of the
/// equivalence class.
/// This operation looks through the delayed requirements within the equivalence
/// class to find paths that connect existing potential archetypes.
static void collapseSameTypeComponentsThroughDelayedRequirements(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
EquivalenceClass *equivClass,
llvm::SmallDenseMap<CanType, unsigned> &componentOf,
SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> &collapsedParents,
unsigned &remainingComponents) {
unsigned numCollapsedParents = collapsedParents.size();
/// "Virtual" components for types that aren't resolve to potential
/// archetypes.
llvm::SmallDenseMap<CanType, unsigned> virtualComponents;
/// Retrieve the component for a type representing a virtual component
auto getTypeVirtualComponent = [&](Type type) {
CanType canType = type->getCanonicalType();
auto knownActual = componentOf.find(canType);
if (knownActual != componentOf.end())
return knownActual->second;
auto knownVirtual = virtualComponents.find(canType);
if (knownVirtual != virtualComponents.end())
return knownVirtual->second;
unsigned component = collapsedParents.size();
virtualComponents[canType] = component;
return component;
/// Retrieve the component for the given potential archetype.
auto genericParams = builder.getGenericParams();
auto getPotentialArchetypeVirtualComponent = [&](PotentialArchetype *pa) {
if (pa->getEquivalenceClassIfPresent() == equivClass)
return getTypeVirtualComponent(pa->getDependentType(genericParams));
// We found a potential archetype in another equivalence class. Treat it
// as a "virtual" component representing that potential archetype's
// equivalence class.
return getTypeVirtualComponent(
for (const auto &delayedReq : equivClass->delayedRequirements) {
// Only consider same-type requirements.
if (delayedReq.kind != DelayedRequirement::SameType) continue;
unsigned lhsComponent;
if (auto lhsPA = delayedReq.lhs.dyn_cast<PotentialArchetype *>())
lhsComponent = getPotentialArchetypeVirtualComponent(lhsPA);
lhsComponent = getTypeVirtualComponent(delayedReq.lhs.get<Type>());
unsigned rhsComponent;
if (auto rhsPA = delayedReq.rhs.dyn_cast<PotentialArchetype *>())
rhsComponent = getPotentialArchetypeVirtualComponent(rhsPA);
rhsComponent = getTypeVirtualComponent(delayedReq.rhs.get<Type>());
// Collapse the sets
if (unionSets(collapsedParents, lhsComponent, rhsComponent,
numCollapsedParents) &&
lhsComponent < numCollapsedParents &&
rhsComponent < numCollapsedParents)
/// Remove any additional collapsed parents we added.
collapsedParents.erase(collapsedParents.begin() + numCollapsedParents,
/// Collapse same-type components within an equivalence class, minimizing the
/// number of requirements required to express the equivalence class.
static void collapseSameTypeComponents(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
EquivalenceClass *equivClass,
llvm::SmallDenseMap<CanType, unsigned> &componentOf,
std::vector<IntercomponentEdge> &sameTypeEdges) {
SmallVector<unsigned, 4> collapsedParents;
for (unsigned i : indices(equivClass->derivedSameTypeComponents)) {
unsigned remainingComponents = equivClass->derivedSameTypeComponents.size();
for (unsigned edgeIndex : indices(sameTypeEdges)) {
auto &edge = sameTypeEdges[edgeIndex];
// If this edge is self-derived, remove it.
if (isSelfDerivedNestedTypeNameMatchEdge(builder, equivClass, componentOf,
sameTypeEdges, edgeIndex)) {
// Note that this edge is self-derived, so we don't consider it again.
edge.isSelfDerived = true;
auto &constraints = equivClass->sameTypeConstraints;
auto known =
std::find_if(constraints.begin(), constraints.end(),
[&](const Constraint<Type> &existing) {
// Check the requirement source, first.
if (existing.source != edge.constraint.source)
return false;
(existing.hasSameSubjectAs(edge.constraint) &&
existing.value->isEqual(edge.constraint.value)) ||
(existing.isSubjectEqualTo(edge.constraint.value) &&
assert(known != constraints.end());
// Otherwise, collapse the derived same-type components along this edge,
// because it's derived.
if (unionSets(collapsedParents, edge.source,
if (remainingComponents > 1) {
// Collapse same-type components by looking at the delayed requirements.
builder, equivClass, componentOf, collapsedParents, remainingComponents);
// If needed, collapse the same-type components merged by a derived
// nested-type-name-match edge.
unsigned maxComponents = equivClass->derivedSameTypeComponents.size();
if (remainingComponents < maxComponents) {
std::vector<DerivedSameTypeComponent> newComponents;
std::vector<unsigned> newIndices(maxComponents, maxComponents);
for (unsigned oldIndex : range(0, maxComponents)) {
auto &oldComponent = equivClass->derivedSameTypeComponents[oldIndex];
unsigned oldRepresentativeIndex =
findRepresentative(collapsedParents, oldIndex);
// If this is the representative, it's a new component; record it.
if (oldRepresentativeIndex == oldIndex) {
assert(newIndices[oldIndex] == maxComponents &&
"Already saw this component?");
unsigned newIndex = newComponents.size();
newIndices[oldIndex] = newIndex;
{oldComponent.anchor, oldComponent.concreteTypeSource});
// This is not the representative; merge it into the representative
// component.
auto newRepresentativeIndex = newIndices[oldRepresentativeIndex];
assert(newRepresentativeIndex != maxComponents &&
"Representative should have come earlier");
auto &newComponent = newComponents[newRepresentativeIndex];
// If the old component has a better anchor, keep it.
if (compareDependentTypes(getUnresolvedType(oldComponent.anchor, {}),
getUnresolvedType(newComponent.anchor, {})) < 0)
newComponent.anchor = oldComponent.anchor;
// If the old component has a better concrete type source, keep it.
if (!newComponent.concreteTypeSource ||
(oldComponent.concreteTypeSource &&
->compare(newComponent.concreteTypeSource) < 0))
newComponent.concreteTypeSource = oldComponent.concreteTypeSource;
// Move the new results into place.
equivClass->derivedSameTypeComponents = std::move(newComponents);
// Sort the components.
void GenericSignatureBuilder::checkSameTypeConstraints(
TypeArrayView<GenericTypeParamType> genericParams,
EquivalenceClass *equivClass) {
if (!equivClass->derivedSameTypeComponents.empty())
bool anyDerivedViaConcrete = false;
// Remove self-derived constraints.
if (removeSelfDerived(*this, equivClass->sameTypeConstraints,
anyDerivedViaConcrete = true;
// Sort the constraints, so we get a deterministic ordering of diagnostics.
// Compute the components in the subgraph of the same-type constraint graph
// that includes only derived constraints.
llvm::SmallDenseMap<CanType, unsigned> componentOf;
computeDerivedSameTypeComponents(*this, equivClass, componentOf);
// Go through all of the same-type constraints, collecting all of the
// non-derived constraints to put them into bins: intra-component and
// inter-component.
// Intra-component edges are stored per-component, so we can perform
// diagnostics within each component.
unsigned numComponents = equivClass->derivedSameTypeComponents.size();
// Intercomponent edges are stored as one big list, which tracks the
// source/target components.
std::vector<IntercomponentEdge> intercomponentEdges;
std::vector<IntercomponentEdge> nestedTypeNameMatchEdges;
for (const auto &constraint : equivClass->sameTypeConstraints) {
// If the source/destination are identical, complain.
if (constraint.isSubjectEqualTo(constraint.value)) {
if (constraint.source->shouldDiagnoseRedundancy(true)) {
// Determine which component each of the source/destination fall into.
CanType subjectType =
constraint.getSubjectDependentType({ })->getCanonicalType();
assert(componentOf.count(subjectType) > 0 &&
"unknown potential archetype?");
unsigned firstComponentIdx = componentOf[subjectType];
assert(componentOf.count(constraint.value->getCanonicalType()) > 0 &&
"unknown potential archetype?");
unsigned secondComponentIdx =
// Separately track nested-type-name-match constraints.
if (constraint.source->getRoot()->kind ==
RequirementSource::NestedTypeNameMatch) {
// If this is an intercomponent edge, record it separately.
if (firstComponentIdx != secondComponentIdx) {
IntercomponentEdge(firstComponentIdx, secondComponentIdx, constraint));
// If both vertices are within the same component, this is an
// intra-component edge. Record it as such.
if (firstComponentIdx == secondComponentIdx) {
// Otherwise, it's an intercomponent edge, which is never derived.
assert(!constraint.source->isDerivedRequirement() &&
"Must not be derived");
// Ignore inferred requirements; we don't want to diagnose them.
IntercomponentEdge(firstComponentIdx, secondComponentIdx, constraint));
// If there were any derived-via-concrete constraints, drop them now before
// we emit other diagnostics.
if (anyDerivedViaConcrete) {
// Remove derived-via-concrete constraints.
(void)removeSelfDerived(*this, equivClass->sameTypeConstraints,
// Walk through each of the components, checking the intracomponent edges.
// This will diagnose any explicitly-specified requirements within a
// component, all of which are redundant.
for (auto &constraints : intracomponentEdges) {
if (constraints.empty()) continue;
checkConstraintList<Type, Type>(
genericParams, constraints,
[](const Constraint<Type> &) { return true; },
[](const Constraint<Type> &constraint) {
// Ignore nested-type-name-match constraints.
if (constraint.source->getRoot()->kind ==
return ConstraintRelation::Unrelated;
return ConstraintRelation::Redundant;
[&](Type type) {
return type;
// Diagnose redundant same-type constraints across components. First,
// sort the edges so that edges that between the same component pairs
// occur next to each other.
llvm::array_pod_sort(intercomponentEdges.begin(), intercomponentEdges.end());
// Diagnose and erase any redundant edges between the same two components.
intercomponentEdges.begin(), intercomponentEdges.end(),
[&](const IntercomponentEdge &lhs,
const IntercomponentEdge &rhs) {
// If either the source or target is different, we have
// different elements.
if (lhs.source != rhs.source || !=
return false;
// Check whethe we should diagnose redundancy for both constraints.
if (!lhs.constraint.source->shouldDiagnoseRedundancy(true) ||
return true;
return true;
// If we have more intercomponent edges than are needed to form a spanning
// tree, complain about redundancies. Note that the edges we have must
// connect all of the components, or else we wouldn't have an equivalence
// class.
if (intercomponentEdges.size() > numComponents - 1) {
std::vector<bool> connected(numComponents, false);
const auto &firstEdge = intercomponentEdges.front();
for (const auto &edge : intercomponentEdges) {
// If both the source and target are already connected, this edge is
// not part of the spanning tree.
if (connected[edge.source] && connected[]) {
if (edge.constraint.source->shouldDiagnoseRedundancy(true) &&
firstEdge.constraint.source->shouldDiagnoseRedundancy(false)) {
// Put the source and target into the spanning tree.
connected[edge.source] = true;
connected[] = true;
collapseSameTypeComponents(*this, equivClass, componentOf,
void GenericSignatureBuilder::checkConcreteTypeConstraints(
TypeArrayView<GenericTypeParamType> genericParams,
EquivalenceClass *equivClass) {
genericParams, equivClass->concreteTypeConstraints,
[&](const ConcreteConstraint &constraint) {
return constraint.value->isEqual(equivClass->concreteType);
[&](const Constraint<Type> &constraint) {
Type concreteType = constraint.value;
// If the concrete type is equivalent, the constraint is redundant.
// FIXME: Should check this constraint after substituting in the
// archetype anchors for each dependent type.
if (concreteType->isEqual(equivClass->concreteType))
return ConstraintRelation::Redundant;
// If either has a type parameter, call them unrelated.
if (concreteType->hasTypeParameter() ||
return ConstraintRelation::Unrelated;
return ConstraintRelation::Conflicting;
// Resolve any thus-far-unresolved dependent types.
equivClass->concreteType =
resolveDependentMemberTypes(*this, equivClass->concreteType);
void GenericSignatureBuilder::checkSuperclassConstraints(
TypeArrayView<GenericTypeParamType> genericParams,
EquivalenceClass *equivClass) {
assert(equivClass->superclass && "No superclass constraint?");
// FIXME: We should be substituting in the canonical type in context so
// we can resolve superclass requirements, e.g., if you had:
// class Foo<T>
// class Bar: Foo<Int>
// func foo<T, U where U: Bar, U: Foo<T>>(...) { ... }
// then the second `U: Foo<T>` constraint introduces a `T == Int`
// constraint, and we will need to perform that substitution for this final
// check.
auto representativeConstraint =
genericParams, equivClass->superclassConstraints,
[&](const ConcreteConstraint &constraint) {
return constraint.value->isEqual(equivClass->superclass);
[&](const Constraint<Type> &constraint) {
Type superclass = constraint.value;
// If this class is a superclass of the "best"
if (superclass->isExactSuperclassOf(equivClass->superclass))
return ConstraintRelation::Redundant;
// Otherwise, it conflicts.
return ConstraintRelation::Conflicting;
// Resolve any this-far-unresolved dependent types.
equivClass->superclass =
resolveDependentMemberTypes(*this, equivClass->superclass);
// If we have a concrete type, check it.
// FIXME: Substitute into the concrete type.
if (equivClass->concreteType) {
auto existing = equivClass->findAnyConcreteConstraintAsWritten();
// Make sure the concrete type fulfills the superclass requirement.
if (!equivClass->superclass->isExactSuperclassOf(equivClass->concreteType)){
Impl->HadAnyError = true;
if (existing) {
Diags.diagnose(existing->source->getLoc(), diag::type_does_not_inherit,
existing->value, equivClass->superclass);
if (representativeConstraint.source->getLoc().isValid()) {
} else if (representativeConstraint.source->getLoc().isValid()) {
equivClass->concreteType, equivClass->superclass);
} else if (representativeConstraint.source->shouldDiagnoseRedundancy(true)
&& existing &&
existing->source->shouldDiagnoseRedundancy(false)) {
// It does fulfill the requirement; diagnose the redundancy.
void GenericSignatureBuilder::checkLayoutConstraints(
TypeArrayView<GenericTypeParamType> genericParams,
EquivalenceClass *equivClass) {
if (!equivClass->layout) return;
genericParams, equivClass->layoutConstraints,
[&](const Constraint<LayoutConstraint> &constraint) {
return constraint.value == equivClass->layout;
[&](const Constraint<LayoutConstraint> &constraint) {
auto layout = constraint.value;
// If the layout constraints are mergable, i.e. compatible,
// it is a redundancy.
if (layout.merge(equivClass->layout)->isKnownLayout())
return ConstraintRelation::Redundant;
return ConstraintRelation::Conflicting;
namespace {
/// Retrieve the best requirement source from a set of constraints.
template<typename T>
Optional<const RequirementSource *>
getBestConstraintSource(ArrayRef<Constraint<T>> constraints,
llvm::function_ref<bool(const T&)> matches) {
Optional<const RequirementSource *> bestSource;
for (const auto &constraint : constraints) {
if (!matches(constraint.value)) continue;
if (!bestSource || constraint.source->compare(*bestSource) < 0)
bestSource = constraint.source;
return bestSource;
using SameTypeComponentRef = std::pair<EquivalenceClass *, unsigned>;
} // end anonymous namespace
static int compareSameTypeComponents(const SameTypeComponentRef *lhsPtr,
const SameTypeComponentRef *rhsPtr){
Type lhsType = getUnresolvedType(
{ });
Type rhsType = getUnresolvedType(
{ });
return compareDependentTypes(lhsType, rhsType);
void GenericSignatureBuilder::enumerateRequirements(
TypeArrayView<GenericTypeParamType> genericParams,
void (RequirementKind kind,
Type type,
RequirementRHS constraint,
const RequirementSource *source)> f) {
// Collect all of the subject types that will be involved in constraints.
SmallVector<SameTypeComponentRef, 8> subjects;
for (auto &equivClass : Impl->EquivalenceClasses) {
if (equivClass.derivedSameTypeComponents.empty()) {
checkSameTypeConstraints(getGenericParams(), &equivClass);
for (unsigned i : indices(equivClass.derivedSameTypeComponents))
subjects.push_back({&equivClass, i});
// Sort the subject types in canonical order.
llvm::array_pod_sort(subjects.begin(), subjects.end(),
for (const auto &subject : subjects) {
// Dig out the subject type and its corresponding component.
auto equivClass = subject.first;
auto &component = equivClass->derivedSameTypeComponents[subject.second];
Type subjectType = getUnresolvedType(component.anchor, genericParams);
// If this equivalence class is bound to a concrete type, equate the
// anchor with a concrete type.
if (Type concreteType = equivClass->concreteType) {
// If the parent of this anchor is also a concrete type, don't
// create a requirement.
if (!subjectType->is<GenericTypeParamType>() &&
auto source =
? component.concreteTypeSource
: RequirementSource::forAbstract(*this, subjectType);
// Drop recursive and invalid concrete-type constraints.
if (equivClass->recursiveConcreteType ||
f(RequirementKind::SameType, subjectType, concreteType, source);
std::function<void()> deferredSameTypeRequirement;
// If we're at the last anchor in the component, do nothing;
if (subject.second + 1 != equivClass->derivedSameTypeComponents.size()) {
// Form a same-type constraint from this anchor within the component
// to the next.
// FIXME: Distinguish between explicit and inferred here?
auto &nextComponent =
equivClass->derivedSameTypeComponents[subject.second + 1];
Type otherSubjectType =
getUnresolvedType(nextComponent.anchor, genericParams);
deferredSameTypeRequirement =
[&f, subjectType, otherSubjectType, this] {
f(RequirementKind::SameType, subjectType, otherSubjectType,
RequirementSource::forAbstract(*this, otherSubjectType));
if (deferredSameTypeRequirement) deferredSameTypeRequirement();
// If this is not the first component anchor in its equivalence class,
// we're done.
if (subject.second > 0)
// If we have a superclass, produce a superclass requirement
if (equivClass->superclass && !equivClass->recursiveSuperclassType) {
auto bestSource =
[&](const Type &type) {
return type->isEqual(equivClass->superclass);
if (!bestSource)
bestSource = RequirementSource::forAbstract(*this, subjectType);
f(RequirementKind::Superclass, subjectType, equivClass->superclass,
// If we have a layout constraint, produce a layout requirement.
if (equivClass->layout) {
auto bestSource = getBestConstraintSource<LayoutConstraint>(
[&](const LayoutConstraint &layout) {
return layout == equivClass->layout;
if (!bestSource)
bestSource = RequirementSource::forAbstract(*this, subjectType);
f(RequirementKind::Layout, subjectType, equivClass->layout, *bestSource);
// Enumerate conformance requirements.
SmallVector<ProtocolDecl *, 4> protocols;
DenseMap<ProtocolDecl *, const RequirementSource *> protocolSources;
if (equivClass) {
for (const auto &conforms : equivClass->conformsTo) {
assert(protocolSources.count(conforms.first) == 0 &&
"redundant protocol requirement?");
*getBestConstraintSource<ProtocolDecl *>(conforms.second,
[&](ProtocolDecl *proto) {
return proto == conforms.first;
// Sort the protocols in canonical order.
llvm::array_pod_sort(protocols.begin(), protocols.end(),
// Enumerate the conformance requirements.
for (auto proto : protocols) {
assert(protocolSources.count(proto) == 1 && "Missing conformance?");
f(RequirementKind::Conformance, subjectType,
void GenericSignatureBuilder::dump() {
void GenericSignatureBuilder::dump(llvm::raw_ostream &out) {
out << "Requirements:";
[&](RequirementKind kind,
Type type,
RequirementRHS constraint,
const RequirementSource *source) {
switch (kind) {
case RequirementKind::Conformance:
case RequirementKind::Superclass:
out << "\n ";
out << type.getString() << " : "
<< constraint.get<Type>().getString() << " [";
source->print(out, &Context.SourceMgr);
out << "]";
case RequirementKind::Layout:
out << "\n ";
out << type.getString() << " : "
<< constraint.get<LayoutConstraint>().getString() << " [";
source->print(out, &Context.SourceMgr);
out << "]";
case RequirementKind::SameType:
out << "\n ";
out << type.getString() << " == " ;
if (auto secondType = constraint.dyn_cast<Type>()) {
out << secondType.getString();
} else {
out << constraint.get<PotentialArchetype *>()->getDebugName();
out << " [";
source->print(out, &Context.SourceMgr);
out << "]";
out << "\n";
out << "Potential archetypes:\n";
for (auto pa : Impl->PotentialArchetypes) {
pa->dump(out, &Context.SourceMgr, 2);
out << "\n";
void GenericSignatureBuilder::addGenericSignature(GenericSignature *sig) {
if (!sig) return;
for (auto param : sig->getGenericParams())
for (auto &reqt : sig->getRequirements())
addRequirement(reqt, FloatingRequirementSource::forAbstract(), nullptr);
/// Collect the set of requirements placed on the given generic parameters and
/// their associated types.
static void collectRequirements(GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
TypeArrayView<GenericTypeParamType> params,
SmallVectorImpl<Requirement> &requirements) {
[&](RequirementKind kind,
Type depTy,
RequirementRHS type,
const RequirementSource *source) {
// Filter out derived requirements... except for concrete-type requirements
// on generic parameters. The exception is due to the canonicalization of
// generic signatures, which never eliminates generic parameters even when
// they have been mapped to a concrete type.
if (source->isDerivedRequirement() &&
!(kind == RequirementKind::SameType &&
depTy->is<GenericTypeParamType>() &&<Type>()))
if (depTy->hasError())
assert(!depTy->findUnresolvedDependentMemberType() &&
"Unresolved dependent member type in requirements");
Type repTy;
if (auto concreteTy = type.dyn_cast<Type>()) {
// Maybe we were equated to a concrete or dependent type...
repTy = concreteTy;
// Drop requirements involving concrete types containing
// unresolved associated types.
if (repTy->findUnresolvedDependentMemberType())
} else {
auto layoutConstraint = type.get<LayoutConstraint>();
requirements.push_back(Requirement(kind, depTy, layoutConstraint));
if (repTy->hasError())
requirements.push_back(Requirement(kind, depTy, repTy));
GenericSignature *GenericSignatureBuilder::computeGenericSignature(
SourceLoc loc,
bool allowConcreteGenericParams,
bool allowBuilderToMove) && {
// Finalize the builder, producing any necessary diagnostics.
finalize(loc, getGenericParams(), allowConcreteGenericParams);
// Collect the requirements placed on the generic parameter types.
SmallVector<Requirement, 4> requirements;
collectRequirements(*this, getGenericParams(), requirements);
// Form the generic signature.
auto sig = GenericSignature::get(getGenericParams(), requirements);
// When we can, move this generic signature builder to make it the canonical
// builder, rather than constructing a new generic signature builder that
// will produce the same thing.
// We cannot do this when there were errors.
// FIXME: The HadAnyRedundantConstraints bit is a hack because we are
// over-minimizing.
if (allowBuilderToMove && !Impl->HadAnyError &&
!Impl->HadAnyRedundantConstraints) {
// Register this generic signature builder as the canonical builder for the
// given signature.
Context.registerGenericSignatureBuilder(sig, std::move(*this));
// Wipe out the internal state, ensuring that nobody uses this builder for
// anything more.
return sig;
GenericSignature *GenericSignatureBuilder::computeRequirementSignature(
ProtocolDecl *proto) {
GenericSignatureBuilder builder(proto->getASTContext());
// Add the 'self' parameter.
auto selfType =
// Add the conformance of 'self' to the protocol.
auto requirement =
Requirement(RequirementKind::Conformance, selfType,
RequirementSource::forRequirementSignature(builder, selfType,
return std::move(builder).computeGenericSignature(
#pragma mark Generic signature verification
void GenericSignatureBuilder::verifyGenericSignature(ASTContext &context,
GenericSignature *sig) {
llvm::errs() << "Validating generic signature: ";
llvm::errs() << "\n";
// Try removing each requirement in turn.
auto genericParams = sig->getGenericParams();
auto requirements = sig->getRequirements();
for (unsigned victimIndex : indices(requirements)) {
PrettyStackTraceGenericSignature debugStack("verifying", sig, victimIndex);
// Form a new generic signature builder.
GenericSignatureBuilder builder(context);
// Add the generic parameters.
for (auto gp : genericParams)
// Add the requirements *except* the victim.
auto source = FloatingRequirementSource::forAbstract();
for (unsigned i : indices(requirements)) {
if (i != victimIndex)
builder.addRequirement(requirements[i], source, nullptr);
// Finalize the generic signature. If there were any errors, we formed
// an invalid signature, so just continue.
if (builder.Impl->HadAnyError) continue;
// Form a generic signature from the result.
auto newSig =
// If the removed requirement is satisfied by the new generic signature,
// it is redundant. Complain.
if (newSig->isRequirementSatisfied(requirements[victimIndex])) {
SmallString<32> reqString;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream out(reqString);
requirements[victimIndex].print(out, PrintOptions());
context.Diags.diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::generic_signature_not_minimal,
reqString, sig->getAsString());
// Canonicalize the signature to check that it is canonical.
void GenericSignatureBuilder::verifyGenericSignaturesInModule(
ModuleDecl *module) {
LoadedFile *loadedFile = nullptr;
for (auto fileUnit : module->getFiles()) {
loadedFile = dyn_cast<LoadedFile>(fileUnit);
if (loadedFile) break;
if (!loadedFile) return;
// Check all of the (canonical) generic signatures.
SmallVector<GenericSignature *, 8> allGenericSignatures;
SmallPtrSet<CanGenericSignature, 4> knownGenericSignatures;
ASTContext &context = module->getASTContext();
for (auto genericSig : allGenericSignatures) {
// Check whether this is the first time we've checked this (canonical)
// signature.
auto canGenericSig = genericSig->getCanonicalSignature();
if (!knownGenericSignatures.insert(canGenericSig).second) continue;
verifyGenericSignature(context, canGenericSig);