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//===------------------ RawSyntax.swift - Raw Syntax nodes ----------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import Foundation
/// Represents the raw tree structure underlying the syntax tree. These nodes
/// have no notion of identity and only provide structure to the tree. They
/// are immutable and can be freely shared between syntax nodes.
indirect enum RawSyntax: Codable {
/// A tree node with a kind, an array of children, and a source presence.
case node(SyntaxKind, [RawSyntax?], SourcePresence)
/// A token with a token kind, leading trivia, trailing trivia, and a source
/// presence.
case token(TokenKind, Trivia, Trivia, SourcePresence)
/// The syntax kind of this raw syntax.
var kind: SyntaxKind {
switch self {
case .node(let kind, _, _): return kind
case .token(_, _, _, _): return .token
var tokenKind: TokenKind? {
switch self {
case .node(_, _, _): return nil
case .token(let kind, _, _, _): return kind
/// The layout of the children of this Raw syntax node.
var layout: [RawSyntax?] {
switch self {
case .node(_, let layout, _): return layout
case .token(_, _, _, _): return []
/// The source presence of this node.
var presence: SourcePresence {
switch self {
case .node(_, _, let presence): return presence
case .token(_, _, _, let presence): return presence
/// Whether this node is present in the original source.
var isPresent: Bool {
return presence == .present
/// Whether this node is missing from the original source.
var isMissing: Bool {
return presence == .missing
/// Keys for serializing RawSyntax nodes.
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
// Keys for the `node` case
case kind, layout, presence
// Keys for the `token` case
case tokenKind, leadingTrivia, trailingTrivia
/// Creates a RawSyntax from the provided Foundation Decoder.
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
let presence = try container.decode(SourcePresence.self, forKey: .presence)
if let kind = try container.decodeIfPresent(SyntaxKind.self, forKey: .kind) {
let layout = try container.decode([RawSyntax?].self, forKey: .layout)
self = .node(kind, layout, presence)
} else {
let kind = try container.decode(TokenKind.self, forKey: .tokenKind)
let leadingTrivia = try container.decode(Trivia.self, forKey: .leadingTrivia)
let trailingTrivia = try container.decode(Trivia.self, forKey: .trailingTrivia)
self = .token(kind, leadingTrivia, trailingTrivia, presence)
/// Encodes the RawSyntax to the provided Foundation Encoder.
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
switch self {
case let .node(kind, layout, presence):
try container.encode(kind, forKey: .kind)
try container.encode(layout, forKey: .layout)
try container.encode(presence, forKey: .presence)
case let .token(kind, leadingTrivia, trailingTrivia, presence):
try container.encode(kind, forKey: .tokenKind)
try container.encode(leadingTrivia, forKey: .leadingTrivia)
try container.encode(trailingTrivia, forKey: .trailingTrivia)
try container.encode(presence, forKey: .presence)
/// Creates a RawSyntax node that's marked missing in the source with the
/// provided kind and layout.
/// - Parameters:
/// - kind: The syntax kind underlying this node.
/// - layout: The children of this node.
/// - Returns: A new RawSyntax `.node` with the provided kind and layout, with
/// `.missing` source presence.
static func missing(_ kind: SyntaxKind) -> RawSyntax {
return .node(kind, [], .missing)
/// Creates a RawSyntax token that's marked missing in the source with the
/// provided kind and no leading/trailing trivia.
/// - Parameter kind: The token kind.
/// - Returns: A new RawSyntax `.token` with the provided kind, no
/// leading/trailing trivia, and `.missing` source presence.
static func missingToken(_ kind: TokenKind) -> RawSyntax {
return .token(kind, [], [], .missing)
/// Returns a new RawSyntax node with the provided layout instead of the
/// existing layout.
/// - Note: This function does nothing with `.token` nodes --- the same token
/// is returned.
/// - Parameter newLayout: The children of the new node you're creating.
func replacingLayout(_ newLayout: [RawSyntax?]) -> RawSyntax {
switch self {
case let .node(kind, _, presence): return .node(kind, newLayout, presence)
case .token(_, _, _, _): return self
/// Creates a new RawSyntax with the provided child appended to its layout.
/// - Parameter child: The child to append
/// - Note: This function does nothing with `.token` nodes --- the same token
/// is returned.
/// - Return: A new RawSyntax node with the provided child at the end.
func appending(_ child: RawSyntax) -> RawSyntax {
var newLayout = layout
return replacingLayout(newLayout)
/// Returns the child at the provided cursor in the layout.
/// - Parameter index: The index of the child you're accessing.
/// - Returns: The child at the provided index.
subscript<CursorType: RawRepresentable>(_ index: CursorType) -> RawSyntax?
where CursorType.RawValue == Int {
return layout[index.rawValue]
/// Replaces the child at the provided index in this node with the provided
/// child.
/// - Parameters:
/// - index: The index of the child to replace.
/// - newChild: The new child that should occupy that index in the node.
func replacingChild(_ index: Int,
with newChild: RawSyntax) -> RawSyntax {
precondition(index < layout.count, "Cursor \(index) reached past layout")
var newLayout = layout
newLayout[index] = newChild
return replacingLayout(newLayout)
extension RawSyntax: TextOutputStreamable {
/// Prints the RawSyntax node, and all of its children, to the provided
/// stream. This implementation must be source-accurate.
/// - Parameter stream: The stream on which to output this node.
func write<Target>(to target: inout Target)
where Target: TextOutputStream {
switch self {
case .node(_, let layout, _):
for child in layout {
guard let child = child else { continue }
child.write(to: &target)
case let .token(kind, leadingTrivia, trailingTrivia, presence):
guard case .present = presence else { return }
for piece in leadingTrivia {
piece.write(to: &target)
for piece in trailingTrivia {
piece.write(to: &target)