blob: 8263f597d7a98f265c33a88a6d49bc6261c31045 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %target-build-swift-dylib(%t/libresilient_struct.%target-dylib-extension) -Xfrontend -enable-resilience %S/../Inputs/resilient_struct.swift -emit-module -emit-module-path %t/resilient_struct.swiftmodule -module-name resilient_struct
// RUN: %target-codesign %t/libresilient_struct.%target-dylib-extension
// RUN: %target-build-swift-dylib(%t/libresilient_class.%target-dylib-extension) -Xfrontend -enable-resilience %S/../Inputs/resilient_class.swift -emit-module -emit-module-path %t/resilient_class.swiftmodule -module-name resilient_class -I%t -L%t -lresilient_struct
// RUN: %target-codesign %t/libresilient_class.%target-dylib-extension
// RUN: %target-build-swift %s -L %t -I %t -lresilient_struct -lresilient_class -o %t/main -Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker %t
// RUN: %target-run %t/main %t/libresilient_struct.%target-dylib-extension %t/libresilient_class.%target-dylib-extension
// RUN: %target-build-swift-dylib(%t/libresilient_struct_wmo.%target-dylib-extension) -Xfrontend -enable-resilience %S/../Inputs/resilient_struct.swift -emit-module -emit-module-path %t/resilient_struct.swiftmodule -module-name resilient_struct -whole-module-optimization
// RUN: %target-codesign %t/libresilient_struct_wmo.%target-dylib-extension
// RUN: %target-build-swift-dylib(%t/libresilient_class_wmo.%target-dylib-extension) -Xfrontend -enable-resilience %S/../Inputs/resilient_class.swift -emit-module -emit-module-path %t/resilient_class.swiftmodule -module-name resilient_class -I%t -L%t -lresilient_struct_wmo -whole-module-optimization
// RUN: %target-codesign %t/libresilient_class_wmo.%target-dylib-extension
// RUN: %target-build-swift %s -L %t -I %t -lresilient_struct_wmo -lresilient_class_wmo -o %t/main -Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker %t
// RUN: %target-run %t/main %t/libresilient_struct_wmo.%target-dylib-extension %t/libresilient_class_wmo.%target-dylib-extension
// REQUIRES: executable_test
import StdlibUnittest
import resilient_class
import resilient_struct
var ResilientClassTestSuite = TestSuite("ResilientClass")
// Concrete class with resilient stored property
protocol ProtocolWithResilientProperty {
var s: Size { get }
public class ClassWithResilientProperty : ProtocolWithResilientProperty {
public let p: Point
public let s: Size
public let color: Int32
public init(p: Point, s: Size, color: Int32) {
self.p = p
self.s = s
self.color = color
@inline(never) func getS(_ p: ProtocolWithResilientProperty) -> Size {
return p.s
ResilientClassTestSuite.test("ClassWithResilientProperty") {
let c = ClassWithResilientProperty(
p: Point(x: 10, y: 20),
s: Size(w: 30, h: 40),
color: 50)
expectEqual(c.p.x, 10)
expectEqual(c.p.y, 20)
expectEqual(c.s.w, 30)
expectEqual(c.s.h, 40)
expectEqual(c.color, 50)
// Make sure the conformance works
expectEqual(getS(c).w, 30)
expectEqual(getS(c).h, 40)
ResilientClassTestSuite.test("OutsideClassWithResilientProperty") {
let c = OutsideParentWithResilientProperty(
p: Point(x: 10, y: 20),
s: Size(w: 30, h: 40),
color: 50)
expectEqual(c.p.x, 10)
expectEqual(c.p.y, 20)
expectEqual(c.s.w, 30)
expectEqual(c.s.h, 40)
expectEqual(c.color, 50)
expectEqual(0, c.laziestNumber)
c.laziestNumber = 1
expectEqual(1, c.laziestNumber)
// Generic class with resilient stored property
public class GenericClassWithResilientProperty<T> {
public let s1: Size
public let t: T
public let s2: Size
public init(s1: Size, t: T, s2: Size) {
self.s1 = s1
self.t = t
self.s2 = s2
ResilientClassTestSuite.test("GenericClassWithResilientProperty") {
let c = GenericClassWithResilientProperty<Int32>(
s1: Size(w: 10, h: 20),
t: 30,
s2: Size(w: 40, h: 50))
expectEqual(c.s1.w, 10)
expectEqual(c.s1.h, 20)
expectEqual(c.t, 30)
expectEqual(c.s2.w, 40)
expectEqual(c.s2.h, 50)
// Concrete class with non-fixed size stored property
public class ClassWithResilientlySizedProperty {
public let r: Rectangle
public let color: Int32
public init(r: Rectangle, color: Int32) {
self.r = r
self.color = color
ResilientClassTestSuite.test("ClassWithResilientlySizedProperty") {
let c = ClassWithResilientlySizedProperty(
r: Rectangle(
p: Point(x: 10, y: 20),
s: Size(w: 30, h: 40),
color: 50),
color: 60)
expectEqual(c.r.p.x, 10)
expectEqual(c.r.p.y, 20)
expectEqual(c.r.s.w, 30)
expectEqual(c.r.s.h, 40)
expectEqual(c.r.color, 50)
expectEqual(c.color, 60)
// Concrete subclass of fixed-layout class with resilient stored property
public class ChildOfParentWithResilientStoredProperty : ClassWithResilientProperty {
let enabled: Int32
public init(p: Point, s: Size, color: Int32, enabled: Int32) {
self.enabled = enabled
super.init(p: p, s: s, color: color)
ResilientClassTestSuite.test("ChildOfParentWithResilientStoredProperty") {
let c = ChildOfParentWithResilientStoredProperty(
p: Point(x: 10, y: 20),
s: Size(w: 30, h: 40),
color: 50,
enabled: 60)
expectEqual(c.p.x, 10)
expectEqual(c.p.y, 20)
expectEqual(c.s.w, 30)
expectEqual(c.s.h, 40)
expectEqual(c.color, 50)
expectEqual(c.enabled, 60)
// Concrete subclass of fixed-layout class with resilient stored property
public class ChildOfOutsideParentWithResilientStoredProperty : OutsideParentWithResilientProperty {
let enabled: Int32
public init(p: Point, s: Size, color: Int32, enabled: Int32) {
self.enabled = enabled
super.init(p: p, s: s, color: color)
ResilientClassTestSuite.test("ChildOfOutsideParentWithResilientStoredProperty") {
let c = ChildOfOutsideParentWithResilientStoredProperty(
p: Point(x: 10, y: 20),
s: Size(w: 30, h: 40),
color: 50,
enabled: 60)
expectEqual(c.p.x, 10)
expectEqual(c.p.y, 20)
expectEqual(c.s.w, 30)
expectEqual(c.s.h, 40)
expectEqual(c.color, 50)
expectEqual(c.enabled, 60)
// Resilient class from a different resilience domain
ResilientClassTestSuite.test("ResilientOutsideParent") {
let c = ResilientOutsideParent()
expectEqual(, "")
expectEqual(c.finalProperty, "ResilientOutsideParent.finalProperty")
// Concrete subclass of resilient class
public class ChildOfResilientOutsideParent : ResilientOutsideParent {
let enabled: Int32
public init(enabled: Int32) {
self.enabled = enabled
ResilientClassTestSuite.test("ChildOfResilientOutsideParent") {
let c = ChildOfResilientOutsideParent(enabled: 60)
expectEqual(, "")
expectEqual(c.finalProperty, "ResilientOutsideParent.finalProperty")
expectEqual(c.enabled, 60)
// Concrete subclass of resilient class
public class ChildOfResilientOutsideParentWithResilientStoredProperty : ResilientOutsideParent {
public let p: Point
public let s: Size
public let color: Int32
public init(p: Point, s: Size, color: Int32) {
self.p = p
self.s = s
self.color = color
ResilientClassTestSuite.test("ChildOfResilientOutsideParentWithResilientStoredProperty") {
let c = ChildOfResilientOutsideParentWithResilientStoredProperty(
p: Point(x: 10, y: 20),
s: Size(w: 30, h: 40),
color: 50)
expectEqual(, "")
expectEqual(c.finalProperty, "ResilientOutsideParent.finalProperty")
expectEqual(c.p.x, 10)
expectEqual(c.p.y, 20)
expectEqual(c.s.w, 30)
expectEqual(c.s.h, 40)
expectEqual(c.color, 50)
class ChildWithMethodOverride : ResilientOutsideParent {
override func getValue() -> Int {
return 1
ResilientClassTestSuite.test("ChildWithMethodOverride") {
let c = ChildWithMethodOverride()
expectEqual(c.getValue(), 1)
ResilientClassTestSuite.test("TypeByName") {
== ClassWithResilientProperty.self)
== ClassWithResilientlySizedProperty.self)
== ChildOfParentWithResilientStoredProperty.self)
== ChildOfOutsideParentWithResilientStoredProperty.self)