blob: 3b186b7023fe3c81493c264950704f3b8e52e415 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-module -emit-module-path %t/weak_import_native_helper.swiftmodule %S/Inputs/weak_import_native_helper.swift -enable-resilience
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -primary-file %s -I %t -emit-ir | %FileCheck %s
import weak_import_native_helper
func testTopLevel() {
// CHECK-DAG: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper2fnyyF"()
// CHECK-DAG: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper12globalStoredSivg"
// CHECK-DAG: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper12globalStoredSivs"
let x = globalStored
globalStored = x
globalStored += 1
// CHECK-DAG: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper14globalComputedSivg"
// CHECK-DAG: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper14globalComputedSivs"
let y = globalComputed
globalComputed = y
globalComputed += 1
func testStruct() {
// CHECK-DAG: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper1SVACycfC"
var s = S()
// CHECK-DAG: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper1SV2fnyyF"
// CHECK-DAG: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper1SV10storedPropSivg"
// CHECK-DAG: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper1SV10storedPropSivs"
// CHECK-DAG: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper1SV10storedPropSivm"
let x = s.storedProp
s.storedProp = x
s.storedProp += 1
// CHECK-DAG: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper1SV12computedPropSivg"
// CHECK-DAG: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper1SV12computedPropSivs"
// CHECK-DAG: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper1SV12computedPropSivm"
let y = s.computedProp
s.computedProp = y
s.computedProp += 1
// CHECK-DAG: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper1SVyS2icig"
// CHECK-DAG: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper1SVyS2icis"
// CHECK-DAG: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper1SVyS2icim"
let z = s[0]
s[0] = z
s[0] += 1
func testEnum() {
// FIXME: We're still referencing tags directly.
_ = E.strong
_ = E.weak
_ = E.strongAssoc(0)
_ = E.weakAssoc(0)
func testClass() {
// CHECK-DAG: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper1CCACycfC"
let c = C()
// CHECK-DAG: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper1CC2fnyyFTj"
// FIXME: vtable dispatch functions for accessors should also be weak
// CHECK-DAG: declare swiftcc {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper1CC10storedPropSivgTj"
// CHECK-DAG: declare swiftcc {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper1CC10storedPropSivsTj"
// CHECK-DAG: declare swiftcc {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper1CC10storedPropSivmTj"
let x = c.storedProp
c.storedProp = x
c.storedProp += 1
// CHECK-DAG: declare swiftcc {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper1CC12computedPropSivgTj"
// CHECK-DAG: declare swiftcc {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper1CC12computedPropSivsTj"
// CHECK-DAG: declare swiftcc {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper1CC12computedPropSivmTj"
let y = c.computedProp
c.computedProp = y
c.computedProp += 1
// CHECK-DAG: declare swiftcc {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper1CCyS2icigTj"
// CHECK-DAG: declare swiftcc {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper1CCyS2icisTj"
// CHECK-DAG: declare swiftcc {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper1CCyS2icimTj"
let z = c[0]
c[0] = z
c[0] += 1
class Sub : C {
deinit {
// This is correctly a strong symbol reference; the class is not declared
// weak.
// CHECK-DAG: declare swiftcc {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper1CCfd"
func testProtocolExistential(_ p: P) {
var mutP = p
// CHECK-DAG: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper1PP2fnyyFTj"
// FIXME: witness table dispatch functions for accessors should also be weak
// CHECK-DAG: declare swiftcc {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper1PP4propSivgTj"
// CHECK-DAG: declare swiftcc {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper1PP4propSivsTj"
// CHECK-DAG: declare swiftcc {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper1PP4propSivmTj"
let x = p.prop
mutP.prop = x
mutP.prop += 1
// CHECK-DAG: declare swiftcc {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper1PPyS2icigTj"
// CHECK-DAG: declare swiftcc {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper1PPyS2icisTj"
// CHECK-DAG: declare swiftcc {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper1PPyS2icimTj"
let z = p[0]
mutP[0] = z
mutP[0] += 1
func testProtocolGeneric<Impl: P>(_ type: Impl.Type) {
// CHECK-DAG: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper1PPxycfCTj"
var mutP = type.init()
let x = mutP.prop
mutP.prop = x
mutP.prop += 1
let z = mutP[0]
mutP[0] = z
mutP[0] += 1
func testWeakTypes() -> [Any.Type] {
// FIXME: These should be weak.
// CHECK-DAG: declare %swift.type* @"$S25weak_import_native_helper5WeakSVMa"()
// CHECK-DAG: declare %swift.type* @"$S25weak_import_native_helper5WeakEOMa"()
// CHECK-DAG: declare %swift.type* @"$S25weak_import_native_helper5WeakCCMa"()
// CHECK-DAG: @"$S25weak_import_native_helper5WeakPMp" = extern_weak global %swift.protocol
// CHECK-DAG: declare %swift.type* @"$S25weak_import_native_helper8GenericSVMa"
// CHECK-DAG: declare %swift.type* @"$S25weak_import_native_helper8GenericEOMa"
// CHECK-DAG: declare %swift.type* @"$S25weak_import_native_helper8GenericCCMa"
return [WeakS.self, WeakE.self, WeakC.self, WeakP.self, GenericS<Int>.self, GenericE<Int>.self, GenericC<Int>.self]
class WeakSub: WeakC {
deinit {
// FIXME: This should be weak.
// CHECK-DAG: declare swiftcc {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper5WeakCCfd"
class WeakGenericSub: GenericC<Int> {
deinit {
// FIXME: This should be weak.
// CHECK-DAG: declare swiftcc {{.+}} @"$S25weak_import_native_helper8GenericCCfd"