blob: 7f5874c1c64be5c35f408e9b169b0e44f010cb59 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -import-objc-header %S/Inputs/conditional_conformances_objc.h
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
protocol Foo {}
extension ObjC: Foo where ObjectType == ObjC2 {}
// expected-error@-1{{type 'ObjC<ObjectType>' cannot conditionally conform to protocol 'Foo' because the type uses the Objective-C generics model}}
protocol Bar {}
extension ObjC: Bar where ObjectType: Bar {}
// expected-error@-1{{type 'ObjC<ObjectType>' cannot conditionally conform to protocol 'Bar' because the type uses the Objective-C generics model}}
extension ObjC {
struct Struct {
enum Enum {}
class Class<T> {}
extension ObjC.Struct: Foo where ObjectType == ObjC2 {}
// expected-error@-1{{type 'ObjC<ObjectType>.Struct' cannot conditionally conform to protocol 'Foo' because the type uses the Objective-C generics model}}
extension ObjC.Struct: Bar where ObjectType: Bar {}
// expected-error@-1{{type 'ObjC<ObjectType>.Struct' cannot conditionally conform to protocol 'Bar' because the type uses the Objective-C generics model}}
extension ObjC.Struct.Enum: Foo where ObjectType == ObjC2 {}
// expected-error@-1{{type 'ObjC<ObjectType>.Struct.Enum' cannot conditionally conform to protocol 'Foo' because the type uses the Objective-C generics model}}
extension ObjC.Struct.Enum: Bar where ObjectType: Bar {}
// expected-error@-1{{type 'ObjC<ObjectType>.Struct.Enum' cannot conditionally conform to protocol 'Bar' because the type uses the Objective-C generics model}}
extension ObjC.Class: Foo where T == ObjC2 {}
// expected-error@-1{{type 'ObjC<ObjectType>.Class<T>' cannot conditionally conform to protocol 'Foo' because the type uses the Objective-C generics model}}
extension ObjC.Class: Bar where T: Bar {}
// expected-error@-1{{type 'ObjC<ObjectType>.Class<T>' cannot conditionally conform to protocol 'Bar' because the type uses the Objective-C generics model}}