blob: 682510035dbcccc8e287e3cf7802a9a8859d00d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Verify that the top-level build record file from the last incremental
// compilation is preserved with the same name, suffixed by a '~'.
// RUN: rm -rf %t && cp -r %S/Inputs/one-way/ %t
// RUN: %S/Inputs/ 443865900 %t/*
// RUN: echo '{version: "'$(%swiftc_driver_plain -version | head -n1)'", inputs: {"./main.swift": [443865900, 0], "./other.swift": [443865900, 0]}}' > %t/main~buildrecord.swiftdeps
// RUN: cd %t && %swiftc_driver -driver-use-frontend-path %S/Inputs/ -c ./main.swift ./other.swift -module-name main -incremental -v -driver-show-incremental -output-file-map %t/output.json
// RUN: %FileCheck -check-prefix CHECK-ORIGINAL %s < main~buildrecord.swiftdeps~
// CHECK-ORIGINAL: inputs: {"./main.swift": [443865900, 0], "./other.swift": [443865900, 0]}
// RUN: %FileCheck -check-prefix CHECK-OVERWRITTEN %s < main~buildrecord.swiftdeps
// CHECK-OVERWRITTEN: version: "{{.*}}"
// CHECK-OVERWRITTEN: options: "{{.*}}"
// CHECK-OVERWRITTEN: build_time: [{{[0-9]*}}, {{[0-9]*}}]
// CHECK-OVERWRITTEN: "./main.swift": [443865900, 0]
// CHECK-OVERWRITTEN: "./other.swift": [443865900, 0]