blob: 0fb23af627d641452db017e31cc3541e1f2af1c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-run-stdlib-swift | %FileCheck %s
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
import Foundation
import Swift
// ==== Tests =====
func hex(_ x: UInt64) -> String { return String(x, radix:16) }
func hexAddrVal<T>(_ x: T) -> String {
return "@0x" + hex(UInt64(unsafeBitCast(x, to: UInt.self)))
func repr(_ x: NSString) -> String {
return "\(NSStringFromClass(object_getClass(x)))\(hexAddrVal(x)) = \"\(x)\""
func repr(_ x: _StringGuts) -> String {
if x._isNative {
return "Native("
+ "owner: \(hexAddrVal(x._owner)), "
+ "count: \(x.count), "
+ "capacity: \(x.capacity))"
} else if x._isCocoa {
return "Cocoa("
+ "owner: \(hexAddrVal(x._owner)), "
+ "count: \(x.count))"
} else if x._isSmall {
return "Cocoa("
+ "owner: <tagged>, "
+ "count: \(x.count))"
} else if x._isUnmanaged {
return "Unmanaged("
+ "count: \(x.count))"
return "?????"
func repr(_ x: String) -> String {
return "String(\(repr(x._guts))) = \"\(x)\""
// CHECK: Testing
//===--------- Native Strings ---------===
// Force the string literal representation into a Native, heap-allocated buffer
var nsb = "🏂☃❅❆❄︎⛄️❄️"
// CHECK-NEXT: Hello, snowy world: 🏂☃❅❆❄︎⛄️❄️
print("Hello, snowy world: \(nsb)")
// CHECK-NEXT: String(Unmanaged(count: 11))
print(" \(repr(nsb))")
var empty = String()
// CHECK-NEXT: These are empty: <>
print("These are empty: <\(empty)>")
// CHECK-NEXT: String(Unmanaged(count: 0))
print(" \(repr(empty))")
//===--------- non-ASCII ---------===
func nonASCII() {
// Cocoa stores non-ASCII in a UTF-16 buffer
// Code units in each character: 2 1 1 1 2 2 2
// Offset of each character: 0 2 3 4 5 7 9 11
let nsUTF16 = NSString(utf8String: "🏂☃❅❆❄︎⛄️❄️")!
// CHECK-NEXT: has UTF-16: true
print("has UTF-16: \(CFStringGetCharactersPtr(unsafeBitCast(nsUTF16, to: CFString.self)) != nil)")
// CHECK: --- UTF-16 basic round-tripping ---
print("--- UTF-16 basic round-tripping ---")
// check that no extraneous objects are created
// CHECK-NEXT: __NSCFString@[[utf16address:[x0-9a-f]+]] = "🏂☃❅❆❄︎⛄️❄️"
print(" \(repr(nsUTF16))")
// CHECK-NEXT: String(Cocoa(owner: @[[utf16address]], count: 11)) = "🏂☃❅❆❄︎⛄️❄️"
let newNSUTF16 = nsUTF16 as String
print(" \(repr(newNSUTF16))")
// CHECK-NEXT: __NSCFString@[[utf16address]] = "🏂☃❅❆❄︎⛄️❄️"
let nsRoundTripUTF16 = newNSUTF16 as NSString
print(" \(repr(nsRoundTripUTF16))")
// CHECK: --- UTF-16 slicing ---
print("--- UTF-16 slicing ---")
// Slicing the String allocates a new buffer
// CHECK-NOT: String(Native(owner: @[[utf16address]],
// CHECK-NEXT: String(Native(owner: @[[sliceAddress:[x0-9a-f]+]], count: 6
let i2 = newNSUTF16.index(newNSUTF16.startIndex, offsetBy: 2)
let i8 = newNSUTF16.index(newNSUTF16.startIndex, offsetBy: 6)
let slice = newNSUTF16[i2..<i8]
print(" \(repr(slice))")
// The storage of the slice implements NSString directly
// CHECK-NOT: @[[utf16address]] = "❅❆❄︎⛄️"
// CHECK-NEXT: _TtGCs19_SwiftStringStorageVs6UInt16_@[[sliceAddress]] = "❅❆❄︎⛄️"
let nsSlice = slice as NSString
print(" \(repr(nsSlice))")
// Check that we can recover the original buffer
// CHECK-NEXT: String(Native(owner: @[[sliceAddress]], count: 6
print(" \(repr(nsSlice as String))")
//===--------- ASCII ---------===
func ascii() {
// Cocoa stores ASCII in a buffer of bytes. This is an important case
// because it doesn't provide a contiguous array of UTF-16, so we'll be
// treating it as an opaque NSString.
let nsASCII = NSString(utf8String: "foobar")!
// CHECK-NEXT: has UTF-16: false
print("has UTF-16: \(CFStringGetCharactersPtr(unsafeBitCast(nsASCII, to: CFString.self)) != nil)")
print("has ASCII pointer: \(CFStringGetCStringPtr(unsafeBitCast(nsASCII, to: CFString.self), 0x0600) != nil)")
print("has ASCII pointer: \(CFStringGetCStringPtr(unsafeBitCast(nsASCII, to: CFString.self), 0x08000100) != nil)")
// CHECK: --- ASCII basic round-tripping ---
print("--- ASCII basic round-tripping ---")
// CHECK-NEXT: [[nsstringclass:(__NSCFString|NSTaggedPointerString)]]@[[asciiaddress:[x0-9a-f]+]] = "foobar"
print(" \(repr(nsASCII))")
// CHECK-NEXT NO: String(Opaque(buffer: @[[asciiaddress]][0...6]))
let newNSASCII = nsASCII as String
// print(" \(repr(newNSASCII))")
// CHECK-NEXT: [[nsstringclass]]@[[asciiaddress]] = "foobar"
let nsRoundTripASCII = newNSASCII as NSString
print(" \(repr(nsRoundTripASCII))")
// CHECK: --- ASCII slicing ---
print("--- ASCII slicing ---")
let i3 = newNSASCII.index(newNSASCII.startIndex, offsetBy: 3)
let i6 = newNSASCII.index(newNSASCII.startIndex, offsetBy: 6)
// Slicing the String
print(" \(repr(newNSASCII[i3..<i6]))")
// Representing a slice as an NSString
let nsSliceASCII = newNSASCII[i3..<i6] as NSString
print(" \(repr(nsSliceASCII))")
// Round-tripped back to Swift
print(" \(repr(nsSliceASCII as String))")
//===-------- Literals --------===
// String literals default to UTF-16.
// CHECK: --- Literals ---
print("--- Literals ---")
// CHECK-NEXT: String(Unmanaged(count: 6)) = "foobar"
// CHECK-NEXT: true
let asciiLiteral: String = "foobar"
print(" \(repr(asciiLiteral))")
print(" \(asciiLiteral._guts.isASCII)")
// CHECK-NEXT: String(Unmanaged(count: 11)) = "🏂☃❅❆❄︎⛄️❄️"
// CHECK-NEXT: false
let nonASCIILiteral: String = "🏂☃❅❆❄︎⛄️❄️"
print(" \(repr(nonASCIILiteral))")
print(" \(!asciiLiteral._guts.isASCII)")
// ===------- Appending -------===
// These tests are in NewStringAppending.swift.
// ===---------- Comparison --------===
var s = "ABCDEF"
let s1 = s + "G"
// CHECK-NEXT: true
print("\(s) == \(s) => \(s == s)")
// CHECK-NEXT: false
print("\(s) == \(s1) => \(s == s1)")
// CHECK-NEXT: true
let abcdef: String = "ABCDEF"
print("\(s) == \"\(abcdef)\" => \(s == abcdef)")
let so: String = "so"
let sox: String = "sox"
let tocks: String = "tocks"
// CHECK-NEXT: false
print("so < so => \(so < so)")
// CHECK-NEXT: true
print("so < sox => \(so < sox)")
// CHECK-NEXT: true
print("so < tocks => \(so < tocks)")
// CHECK-NEXT: true
print("sox < tocks => \(sox < tocks)")
let qqq = nonASCIILiteral.hasPrefix("🏂☃")
let rrr = nonASCIILiteral.hasPrefix("☃")
let zz = (
nonASCIILiteral.hasPrefix("🏂☃"), nonASCIILiteral.hasPrefix("☃"),
nonASCIILiteral.hasSuffix("⛄️❄️"), nonASCIILiteral.hasSuffix("☃"))
// CHECK-NEXT: <true, false, true, false>
print("<\(zz.0), \(zz.1), \(zz.2), \(zz.3)>")
// ===---------- Interpolation --------===
// CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}}"interpolated: foobar 🏂☃❅❆❄︎⛄️❄️ 42 3.14 true"
s = "interpolated: \(asciiLiteral) \(nonASCIILiteral) \(42) \(3.14) \(true)"
// ===---------- Done --------===
// CHECK-NEXT: Done.