blob: b71aa4b45adee84b035612bf686fe70512d478a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -parse-as-library -swift-version 4
@objc class ObjCClassA {}
@objc class ObjCClassB : ObjCClassA {}
class A {
func f1() { } // expected-note{{overri}}
func f2() -> A { } // expected-note{{overri}}
@objc func f3() { } // expected-note{{overri}}
@objc func f4() -> ObjCClassA { } // expected-note{{overri}}
@objc var v1: Int { return 0 } // expected-note{{overri}}
@objc var v2: Int { return 0 } // expected-note{{overri}}
@objc var v3: Int = 0 // expected-note{{overri}}
dynamic func f3D() { } // expected-error{{'dynamic' instance method 'f3D()' must also be '@objc'}}{{3-3=@objc }}
dynamic func f4D() -> ObjCClassA { } // expected-error{{'dynamic' instance method 'f4D()' must also be '@objc'}}{{3-3=@objc }}
extension A {
func f5() { } // expected-note{{overri}}
func f6() -> A { } // expected-note{{overri}}
@objc func f7() { }
@objc func f8() -> ObjCClassA { }
class B : A { }
extension B {
func f1() { } // expected-error{{overri}}
func f2() -> B { } // expected-error{{overri}}
override func f3() { } // expected-error{{cannot override a non-dynamic class declaration from an extension}}
override func f4() -> ObjCClassB { } // expected-error{{cannot override a non-dynamic class declaration from an extension}}
override var v1: Int { return 1 } // expected-error{{cannot override a non-dynamic class declaration from an extension}}
override var v2: Int { // expected-error{{cannot override a non-dynamic class declaration from an extension}}
get { return 1 }
set { }
override var v3: Int { // expected-error{{cannot override a non-dynamic class declaration from an extension}}
willSet { }
didSet { }
override func f3D() { }
override func f4D() -> ObjCClassB { }
func f5() { } // expected-error{{overridi}}
func f6() -> A { } // expected-error{{overriding declarations in extensions is not supported}}
@objc override func f7() { }
@objc override func f8() -> ObjCClassA { }
func callOverridden(_ b: B) {
_ = b.f4()
_ = b.f8()
class Base {
func meth(_ x: Undeclared) {} // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'Undeclared'}}
class Sub : Base {
func meth(_ x: Undeclared) {} // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'Undeclared'}}
// Objective-C method overriding
@objc class ObjCSuper {
func method(_ x: Int, withInt y: Int) { }
func method2(_ x: Sub, withInt y: Int) { }
@objc func method3(_ x: Base, withInt y: Int) { } // expected-note{{method 'method3(_:withInt:)' declared here}}
class ObjCSub : ObjCSuper {
override func method(_ x: Int, withInt y: Int) { } // okay, overrides exactly
override func method2(_ x: Base, withInt y: Int) { } // okay, overrides trivially
@objc(method3:withInt:) func method3(_ x: Sub, with y: Int) { } // expected-error{{method3(_:with:)' with Objective-C selector 'method3:withInt:' conflicts with method 'method3(_:withInt:)' from superclass 'ObjCSuper' with the same Objective-C selector}}