blob: c74a886dcd8126fbbc359dcb05cc96393b93604a [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend %s -enable-sil-ownership -disable-sil-linking -emit-sil -o - | %FileCheck %s
// NOTE: We add -disable-sil-linking to the compile line to ensure that we have
// access to declarations for standard library types, but not definitions. This
// ensures that we are able to safely use standard library types for this test
// without needing the standard library to be ownership correct in its body.
class Foo {
func foo() -> Int {
return 1
class Bar {
struct Baz {
var bar = Bar()
var x = 42
// CHECK: sil hidden @$S27capture_promotion_ownership05test_a1_B0SiycyF
func test_capture_promotion() -> () -> Int {
var x : Int = 1; x = 1
var y : Foo = Foo(); y = Foo()
var z : Baz = Baz(); z = Baz()
// CHECK-NOT: alloc_box
// CHECK: [[CLOSURE0_PROMOTE0:%.*]] = function_ref @$S27capture_promotion_ownership05test_a1_B0SiycyFSiycfU_Tf2iii_n
// CHECK: partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [[CLOSURE0_PROMOTE0]]({{%[0-9]*}}, {{%[0-9]*}}, {{%[0-9]*}})
return { x + + z.x }
// CHECK: sil private @$S27capture_promotion_ownership05test_a1_B0SiycyFSiycfU_Tf2iii_n : $@convention(thin) (Int, @guaranteed Foo, @guaranteed Baz) -> Int