blob: 47656bfaccb542d3d63dbd6ff887cff17e7b16c2 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
public protocol _OpaqueString: class {
var length: Int { get }
func character(at index: Int) -> UInt16
// FIXME: This is not an NSString method; I'd like to use
// `getCharacters(_:,range:)`, but it would be weird to define
// `_SwiftNSRange` without an Objective-C runtime.
func copyCodeUnits(
from range: Range<Int>,
into dest: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt16>)
internal struct _UnmanagedOpaqueString {
#if _runtime(_ObjC) // FIXME unify
unowned(unsafe) let object: _CocoaString
unowned(unsafe) let object: _OpaqueString
let range: Range<Int>
let isSlice: Bool
#if _runtime(_ObjC) // FIXME unify
init(_ object: _CocoaString, range: Range<Int>, isSlice: Bool) {
self.object = object
self.range = range
self.isSlice = isSlice
init(_ object: _CocoaString) {
let count = _stdlib_binary_CFStringGetLength(object)
self.init(object, count: count)
init(_ object: _CocoaString, count: Int) {
self.init(object, range: 0..<count, isSlice: false)
init(_ object: _OpaqueString, range: Range<Int>, isSlice: Bool) {
self.object = object
self.range = range
self.isSlice = isSlice
init(_ object: _OpaqueString) {
self.init(object, count: object.length)
init(_ object: _OpaqueString, count: Int) {
self.init(object, range: 0..<count, isSlice: false)
extension _UnmanagedOpaqueString : Sequence {
typealias Element = UTF16.CodeUnit
func makeIterator() -> Iterator {
return Iterator(self, startingAt: range.lowerBound)
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
@_versioned // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
internal func makeIterator(startingAt position: Int) -> Iterator {
return Iterator(self, startingAt: position)
struct Iterator : IteratorProtocol {
internal typealias Element = UTF16.CodeUnit
#if _runtime(_ObjC) // FIXME unify
internal let _object: _CocoaString
internal let _object: _OpaqueString
internal var _range: Range<Int>
internal var _buffer = _FixedArray16<Element>()
internal var _bufferIndex: Int8 = 0
init(_ string: _UnmanagedOpaqueString, startingAt start: Int) {
self._object = string.object
self._range = start..<string.range.upperBound
mutating func next() -> Element? {
if _fastPath(_bufferIndex < _buffer.count) {
let result = _buffer[Int(_bufferIndex)]
_bufferIndex += 1
return result
if _slowPath(_range.isEmpty) { return nil }
return _nextOnSlowPath()
mutating func _nextOnSlowPath() -> Element {
// Fill buffer
let end = Swift.min(
_range.lowerBound + _buffer.capacity,
let r: Range<Int> = _range.lowerBound..<end
let opaque = _UnmanagedOpaqueString(_object, range: r, isSlice: true)
_buffer.count = r.count
_buffer.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { b in
_sanityCheck(b.count == r.count)
opaque._copy(into: b)
_bufferIndex = 1
_range = r.upperBound ..< _range.upperBound
return _buffer[0]
extension _UnmanagedOpaqueString : RandomAccessCollection {
internal typealias IndexDistance = Int
internal typealias Indices = Range<Index>
internal typealias SubSequence = _UnmanagedOpaqueString
struct Index : Strideable {
internal var _value: Int
init(_ value: Int) {
self._value = value
func distance(to other: Index) -> Int {
return other._value - self._value
func advanced(by n: Int) -> Index {
return Index(_value + n)
var startIndex: Index {
return Index(range.lowerBound)
var endIndex: Index {
return Index(range.upperBound)
var count: Int {
return range.count
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
subscript(position: Index) -> UTF16.CodeUnit {
_sanityCheck(position._value >= range.lowerBound)
_sanityCheck(position._value < range.upperBound)
#if _runtime(_ObjC) // FIXME unify
return _cocoaStringSubscript(object, position._value)
return object.character(at: position._value)
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
subscript(bounds: Range<Index>) -> _UnmanagedOpaqueString {
_sanityCheck(bounds.lowerBound._value >= range.lowerBound)
_sanityCheck(bounds.upperBound._value <= range.upperBound)
let b: Range<Int> = bounds.lowerBound._value ..< bounds.upperBound._value
let newSlice = self.isSlice || b.count != range.count
return _UnmanagedOpaqueString(object, range: b, isSlice: newSlice)
extension _UnmanagedOpaqueString : _StringVariant {
internal typealias Encoding = Unicode.UTF16
internal typealias CodeUnit = Encoding.CodeUnit
var isASCII: Bool {
@inline(__always) get { return false }
func _boundsCheck(_ i: Index) {
_precondition(i._value >= range.lowerBound && i._value < range.upperBound,
"String index is out of bounds")
func _boundsCheck(_ range: Range<Index>) {
range.lowerBound._value >= self.range.lowerBound &&
range.upperBound._value <= self.range.upperBound,
"String index range is out of bounds")
func _boundsCheck(offset: Int) {
_precondition(offset >= 0 && offset < range.count,
"String index is out of bounds")
func _boundsCheck(offsetRange range: Range<Int>) {
_precondition(range.lowerBound >= 0 && range.upperBound <= count,
"String index range is out of bounds")
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
subscript(offset: Int) -> UTF16.CodeUnit {
_sanityCheck(offset >= 0 && offset < count)
#if _runtime(_ObjC) // FIXME unify
return _cocoaStringSubscript(object, range.lowerBound + offset)
return object.character(at: range.lowerBound + offset)
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
subscript(offsetRange: Range<Int>) -> _UnmanagedOpaqueString {
_sanityCheck(offsetRange.lowerBound >= 0)
_sanityCheck(offsetRange.upperBound <= range.count)
let b: Range<Int> =
range.lowerBound + offsetRange.lowerBound ..<
range.lowerBound + offsetRange.upperBound
let newSlice = self.isSlice || b.count != range.count
return _UnmanagedOpaqueString(object, range: b, isSlice: newSlice)
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
@_versioned // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
internal func _copy(
into dest: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UTF16.CodeUnit>
) {
_sanityCheck(dest.count >= range.count)
guard range.count > 0 else { return }
#if _runtime(_ObjC) // FIXME unify
from: object,
range: range,
into: dest.baseAddress!)
object.copyCodeUnits(from: range, into: dest.baseAddress!)
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
@_versioned // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
internal func _copy<TargetCodeUnit>(
into dest: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<TargetCodeUnit>
where TargetCodeUnit : FixedWidthInteger & UnsignedInteger {
guard TargetCodeUnit.bitWidth == 16 else {
_sanityCheckFailure("Narrowing copy from opaque strings is not implemented")
_sanityCheck(dest.count >= range.count)
guard range.count > 0 else { return }
let d = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(dest.baseAddress!)
.assumingMemoryBound(to: UTF16.CodeUnit.self)
#if _runtime(_ObjC) // FIXME unify
_cocoaStringCopyCharacters(from: object, range: range, into: d)
object.copyCodeUnits(from: range, into: d)
@_versioned // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
internal struct UnicodeScalarIterator : IteratorProtocol {
var _base: _UnmanagedOpaqueString.Iterator
var _peek: UTF16.CodeUnit?
@_versioned // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
init(_ base: _UnmanagedOpaqueString) {
self._base = base.makeIterator()
self._peek =
@_versioned // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
mutating func next() -> Unicode.Scalar? {
if _slowPath(_peek == nil) { return nil }
let u0 = _peek._unsafelyUnwrappedUnchecked
_peek =
if _fastPath(UTF16._isScalar(u0)) {
return Unicode.Scalar(_unchecked: UInt32(u0))
if UTF16.isLeadSurrogate(u0) && _peek != nil {
let u1 = _peek._unsafelyUnwrappedUnchecked
if UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(u1) {
_peek =
return UTF16._decodeSurrogates(u0, u1)
return Unicode.Scalar._replacementCharacter
@_versioned // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
func makeUnicodeScalarIterator() -> UnicodeScalarIterator {
return UnicodeScalarIterator(self)
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
extension _UnmanagedOpaqueString {
internal func cocoaSlice() -> _CocoaString {
guard isSlice else { return object }
// FIXME: This usually copies storage; maybe add an NSString subclass
// for opaque slices?
return _cocoaStringSlice(object, range)