blob: aef06cc9197d59ce9f8acf078289abde74077350 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
// TODO: Implement tuple equality in the library.
// BLOCKED: <rdar://problem/13822406>
func ~= (x: (Int,Int), y: (Int,Int)) -> Bool {
return true
func parseError1(x: Int) {
switch func {} // expected-error {{expected expression in 'switch' statement}} expected-error {{expected '{' after 'switch' subject expression}} expected-error {{expected identifier in function declaration}} expected-error {{closure expression is unused}} expected-note{{did you mean to use a 'do' statement?}} {{15-15=do }}
func parseError2(x: Int) {
switch x // expected-error {{expected '{' after 'switch' subject expression}}
func parseError3(x: Int) {
switch x {
case // expected-error {{expected pattern}} expected-error {{expected ':' after 'case'}}
func parseError4(x: Int) {
switch x {
case var z where // expected-error {{expected expression for 'where' guard of 'case'}} expected-error {{expected ':' after 'case'}}
func parseError5(x: Int) {
switch x {
case let z // expected-error {{expected ':' after 'case'}} expected-warning {{immutable value 'z' was never used}} {{12-13=_}}
func parseError6(x: Int) {
switch x {
default // expected-error {{expected ':' after 'default'}}
var x: Int
switch x {} // expected-error {{'switch' statement body must have at least one 'case' or 'default' block}}
switch x {
case 0:
x = 0
// Multiple patterns per case
case 1, 2, 3:
x = 0
// 'where' guard
case _ where x % 2 == 0:
x = 1
x = 2
x = 3
case _ where x % 2 == 0,
_ where x % 3 == 0:
x = 1
case 10,
_ where x % 3 == 0:
x = 1
case _ where x % 2 == 0,
x = 1
case var y where y % 2 == 0:
x = y + 1
case _ where 0: // expected-error {{'Int' is not convertible to 'Bool'}}
x = 0
x = 1
// Multiple cases per case block
switch x { // expected-error {{switch must be exhaustive}} expected-note{{do you want to add a default clause?}}
case 0: // expected-error {{'case' label in a 'switch' should have at least one executable statement}} {{8-8= break}}
case 1:
x = 0
switch x {
case 0: // expected-error{{'case' label in a 'switch' should have at least one executable statement}} {{8-8= break}}
x = 0
switch x { // expected-error {{switch must be exhaustive}} expected-note{{do you want to add a default clause?}}
case 0:
x = 0
case 1: // expected-error {{'case' label in a 'switch' should have at least one executable statement}} {{8-8= break}}
switch x {
case 0:
x = 0
default: // expected-error {{'default' label in a 'switch' should have at least one executable statement}} {{9-9= break}}
switch x { // expected-error {{switch must be exhaustive}} expected-note{{do you want to add a default clause?}}
case 0:
; // expected-error {{';' statements are not allowed}} {{3-5=}}
case 1:
x = 0
switch x {
x = 1 // expected-error{{all statements inside a switch must be covered by a 'case' or 'default'}}
x = 0
case 0: // expected-error{{additional 'case' blocks cannot appear after the 'default' block of a 'switch'}}
x = 0
case 1:
x = 0
switch x {
x = 0
default: // expected-error{{additional 'case' blocks cannot appear after the 'default' block of a 'switch'}}
x = 0
switch x { // expected-error{{'switch' statement body must have at least one 'case' or 'default' block}}
x = 1 // expected-error{{all statements inside a switch must be covered by a 'case' or 'default'}}
switch x { // expected-error{{'switch' statement body must have at least one 'case' or 'default' block}}
x = 1 // expected-error{{all statements inside a switch must be covered by a 'case' or 'default'}}
x = 2
switch x {
default: // expected-error{{'default' label in a 'switch' should have at least one executable statement}} {{9-9= break}}
case 0: // expected-error{{additional 'case' blocks cannot appear after the 'default' block of a 'switch'}}
x = 0
switch x {
default: // expected-error{{'default' label in a 'switch' should have at least one executable statement}} {{9-9= break}}
default: // expected-error{{additional 'case' blocks cannot appear after the 'default' block of a 'switch'}}
x = 0
switch x { // expected-error {{switch must be exhaustive}} expected-note{{do you want to add a default clause?}}
default where x == 0: // expected-error{{'default' cannot be used with a 'where' guard expression}}
x = 0
switch x { // expected-error {{switch must be exhaustive}} expected-note{{do you want to add a default clause?}}
case 0: // expected-error {{'case' label in a 'switch' should have at least one executable statement}} {{8-8= break}}
switch x { // expected-error {{switch must be exhaustive}} expected-note{{do you want to add a default clause?}}
case 0: // expected-error{{'case' label in a 'switch' should have at least one executable statement}} {{8-8= break}}
case 1:
x = 0
switch x { // expected-error {{switch must be exhaustive}} expected-note{{do you want to add a default clause?}}
case 0:
x = 0
case 1: // expected-error{{'case' label in a 'switch' should have at least one executable statement}} {{8-8= break}}
case 0: // expected-error{{'case' label can only appear inside a 'switch' statement}}
var y = 0
default: // expected-error{{'default' label can only appear inside a 'switch' statement}}
var z = 1
fallthrough // expected-error{{'fallthrough' is only allowed inside a switch}}
switch x {
case 0:
case 1:
fallthrough // expected-error{{'fallthrough' without a following 'case' or 'default' block}}
// Fallthrough can transfer control anywhere within a case and can appear
// multiple times in the same case.
switch x {
case 0:
if true { fallthrough }
if false { fallthrough }
x += 1
x += 1
// Cases cannot contain 'var' bindings if there are multiple matching patterns
// attached to a block. They may however contain other non-binding patterns.
var t = (1, 2)
switch t {
case (var a, 2), (1, _): // expected-error {{'a' must be bound in every pattern}} expected-warning {{variable 'a' was never used; consider replacing with '_' or removing it}}
case (_, 2), (var a, _): // expected-error {{'a' must be bound in every pattern}}
case (var a, 2), (1, var b): // expected-error {{'a' must be bound in every pattern}} expected-error {{'b' must be bound in every pattern}} expected-warning {{variable 'a' was never used; consider replacing with '_' or removing it}}
case (var a, 2): // expected-error {{'case' label in a 'switch' should have at least one executable statement}} {{17-17= break}} expected-warning {{variable 'a' was never used; consider replacing with '_' or removing it}}
case (1, _):
case (_, 2): // expected-error {{'case' label in a 'switch' should have at least one executable statement}} {{13-13= break}}
case (1, var a): // expected-warning {{variable 'a' was never used; consider replacing with '_' or removing it}}
case (var a, 2): // expected-error {{'case' label in a 'switch' should have at least one executable statement}} {{17-17= break}} expected-warning {{variable 'a' was never used; consider replacing with '_' or removing it}}
case (1, var b): // expected-warning {{variable 'b' was never used; consider replacing with '_' or removing it}}
case (1, let b): // let bindings expected-warning {{immutable value 'b' was never used; consider replacing with '_' or removing it}}
case (_, 2), (let a, _): // expected-error {{'a' must be bound in every pattern}} expected-warning {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
// OK
case (_, 2), (1, _):
case (_, var a), (_, var a): // expected-warning {{variable 'a' was never used; consider replacing with '_' or removing it}}
// expected-warning@-1 {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
// expected-warning@-2 {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
case (var a, var b), (var b, var a): // expected-warning {{variable 'a' was never used; consider replacing with '_' or removing it}} expected-warning {{variable 'b' was never used; consider replacing with '_' or removing it}}
// expected-warning@-1 {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
// expected-warning@-2 {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
case (_, 2): // expected-error {{'case' label in a 'switch' should have at least one executable statement}} {{13-13= break}}
case (1, _):
func patternVarUsedInAnotherPattern(x: Int) {
switch x {
case let a, // expected-error {{'a' must be bound in every pattern}}
// Fallthroughs can only transfer control into a case label with bindings if the previous case binds a superset of those vars.
switch t {
case (1, 2):
fallthrough // expected-error {{'fallthrough' from a case which doesn't bind variable 'a'}} expected-error {{'fallthrough' from a case which doesn't bind variable 'b'}}
case (var a, var b): // expected-warning {{variable 'a' was never mutated; consider changing to 'let' constant}} expected-warning {{variable 'b' was never mutated; consider changing to 'let' constant}}
t = (b, a)
switch t { // specifically notice on next line that we shouldn't complain that a is unused - just never mutated
case (var a, let b): // expected-warning {{variable 'a' was never mutated; consider changing to 'let' constant}}
t = (b, b)
fallthrough // ok - notice that subset of bound variables falling through is fine
case (2, let a):
t = (a, a)
func patternVarDiffType(x: Int, y: Double) {
switch (x, y) {
case (1, let a): // expected-error {{pattern variable bound to type 'Double', fallthrough case bound to type 'Int'}}
case (let a, _):
func test_label(x : Int) {
Gronk: // expected-error {{switch must be exhaustive}} expected-note{{do you want to add a default clause?}}
switch x {
case 42: return
func enumElementSyntaxOnTuple() {
switch (1, 1) {
case .Bar: // expected-error {{pattern cannot match values of type '(Int, Int)'}}
// sr-176
enum Whatever { case Thing }
func f0(values: [Whatever]) { // expected-note {{did you mean 'values'?}}
switch value { // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'value'}}
case .Thing: // Ok. Don't emit diagnostics about enum case not found in type <<error type>>.
// sr-720
enum Whichever {
case Thing
static let title = "title"
static let alias: Whichever = .Thing
func f1(x: String, y: Whichever) {
switch x {
case Whichever.title: // Ok. Don't emit diagnostics for static member of enum.
case // expected-error {{type 'Whichever' has no member 'buzz'}}
case Whichever.alias: // expected-error {{expression pattern of type 'Whichever' cannot match values of type 'String'}}
switch y {
case Whichever.Thing: // Ok.
case Whichever.alias: // Ok. Don't emit diagnostics for static member of enum.
case Whichever.title: // expected-error {{expression pattern of type 'String' cannot match values of type 'Whichever'}}