blob: 474ccfefa4daa1ee92bc7199267fa53dba7f52a6 [file] [log] [blame]
from __future__ import print_function
import sys # noqa: I201
from kinds import SYNTAX_BASE_KINDS, kind_to_type, lowercase_first_word
def error(msg):
print('error: ' + msg, file=sys.stderr)
class Node(object):
A Syntax node, possibly with children.
If the kind is "SyntaxCollection", then this node is considered a Syntax
Collection that will expose itself as a typedef rather than a concrete
def __init__(self, name, kind=None, traits=None, children=None,
element=None, element_name=None, element_choices=None):
self.syntax_kind = name
self.swift_syntax_kind = lowercase_first_word(name) = kind_to_type(self.syntax_kind)
self.traits = traits or []
self.children = children or []
self.base_kind = kind
self.base_type = kind_to_type(self.base_kind)
if self.base_kind not in SYNTAX_BASE_KINDS:
error("unknown base kind '%s' for node '%s'" %
(self.base_kind, self.syntax_kind))
self.collection_element = element or ""
# If there's a preferred name for the collection element that differs
# from its supertype, use that.
self.collection_element_name = element_name or self.collection_element
self.collection_element_type = kind_to_type(self.collection_element)
self.collection_element_choices = element_choices or []
def is_base(self):
Returns `True` if this node declares one of the base syntax kinds.
return self.syntax_kind in SYNTAX_BASE_KINDS
def is_syntax_collection(self):
Returns `True` if this node is a subclass of SyntaxCollection.
return self.base_kind == "SyntaxCollection"
def requires_validation(self):
Returns `True` if this node should have a `valitate` method associated.
return self.is_buildable()
def is_unknown(self):
Returns `True` if this node is an `Unknown` syntax subclass.
return "Unknown" in self.syntax_kind
def is_buildable(self):
Returns `True` if this node should have a builder associated.
return not self.is_base() and \
not self.is_unknown() and \
not self.is_syntax_collection()