blob: 34ae7842a07d6e7af8f77e6cc031fe6f8e48059d [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -assume-parsing-unqualified-ownership-sil -emit-ir %s | %FileCheck %s
// REQUIRES: CPU=x86_64
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
import Builtin
import Swift
// CHECK-DAG: [[REF:%swift.refcounted]] = type
// CHECK-DAG: [[TYPE:%swift.type]] = type
// CHECK-DAG: [[OBJCCLASS:%objc_class]] = type
// CHECK-DAG: [[OPAQUE:%swift.opaque]] = type opaque
// CHECK-DAG: [[C_CLASS:%T5class1CC]] = type
// CHECK-DAG: [[OBJCOBJ:%objc_object]] = type
class C {}
sil_vtable C {}
// <rdar://14812566>: include _Tt prefix here
// CHECK: [[C_NAME:@.*]] = private unnamed_addr constant [13 x i8] c"_TtC5class1C\00"
// CHECK: @_DATA__TtC5class1C = private constant {{.*}} {
// \ CHECK: i32 128,
// \ CHECK: i32 16,
// \ CHECK: i32 16,
// \ CHECK: i32 0,
// \ CHECK: i8* null,
// \ CHECK: i8* getelementptr inbounds ([13 x i8], [13 x i8]* [[C_NAME]], i64 0, i64 0),
// \ CHECK: i8* null,
// \ CHECK: i8* null,
// \ CHECK: i8* null,
// \ CHECK: i8* null,
// \ CHECK: i8* null
// \ CHECK: }
// CHECK: @"$S5class1CCMf" = internal global <{ {{.*}} }> <{
// \ CHECK: void ([[C_CLASS]]*)* @"$S5class1CCfD",
// \ CHECK: i8** @"$SBoWV",
// \ CHECK: i64 ptrtoint ([[OBJCCLASS]]* @"$S5class1CCMm" to i64),
// \ CHECK: [[OBJCCLASS]]* @"OBJC_CLASS_$__TtCs12_SwiftObject",
// \ CHECK: [[OPAQUE]]* @_objc_empty_cache,
// \ CHECK: [[OPAQUE]]* null,
// \ CHECK: i64 add (i64 ptrtoint ({{.*}}* @_DATA__TtC5class1C to i64), i64 1)
// \ CHECK: }>
// Destroying destructor
// CHECK: define{{( protected)?}} swiftcc [[REF]]* @"$S5class1CCfd"([[C_CLASS]]* swiftself) {{.*}} {
// CHECK-NEXT: entry:
// CHECK-NEXT: [[OBJ_PTR:%[a-zA-Z0-9]+]] = bitcast [[C_CLASS]]* %0 to [[REF]]*
// CHECK-NEXT: ret [[REF]]* [[OBJ_PTR]]
sil @$S5class1CCfd : $@convention(method) (@owned C) -> @owned Builtin.NativeObject {
bb0(%0 : $C):
%1 = unchecked_ref_cast %0 : $C to $Builtin.NativeObject // user: %2
return %1 : $Builtin.NativeObject // id: %2
// Deallocating destructor
// CHECK: define{{( protected)?}} swiftcc void @"$S5class1CCfD"([[C_CLASS]]* swiftself)
sil @$S5class1CCfD : $@convention(method) (@owned C) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $C):
// CHECK-NEXT: entry
// CHECK-NEXT: [[SELF:%[a-zA-Z0-9]+]] = call swiftcc [[REF]]* @"$S5class1CCfd"([[C_CLASS]]* swiftself %0)
// CHECK-NEXT: [[SELF_OBJ:%[a-zA-Z0-9]+]] = bitcast [[REF]]* [[SELF]] to [[C_CLASS]]*
%1 = function_ref @$S5class1CCfd : $@convention(method) (@owned C) -> @owned Builtin.NativeObject // user: %2
%2 = apply %1(%0) : $@convention(method) (@owned C) -> @owned Builtin.NativeObject // user: %3
%3 = unchecked_ref_cast %2 : $Builtin.NativeObject to $C // user: %4
// CHECK-NEXT: [[SELF:%[a-zA-Z0-9]+]] = bitcast [[C_CLASS]]* [[SELF_OBJ]] to [[REF]]*
// CHECK-NEXT: call void @swift_deallocClassInstance([[REF]]* [[SELF]], i64 16, i64 7)
dealloc_ref %3 : $C // id: %4
// CHECK-NEXT: ret void
%5 = tuple () // user: %6
return %5 : $() // id: %6
// CHECK: define{{( protected)?}} swiftcc [[REF]]* @unchecked_ref_cast_cast([[C_CLASS]]*)
// CHECK: bitcast [[C_CLASS]]* {{%.*}} to [[REF]]*
sil @unchecked_ref_cast_cast : $@convention(thin) C -> Builtin.NativeObject {
entry(%c : $C):
%r = unchecked_ref_cast %c : $C to $Builtin.NativeObject
return %r : $Builtin.NativeObject
// CHECK: define{{( protected)?}} swiftcc [[OBJCOBJ]]* @ref_to_objc_pointer_cast([[C_CLASS]]*)
// CHECK: bitcast [[C_CLASS]]* %0 to [[OBJCOBJ]]*
sil @ref_to_objc_pointer_cast : $@convention(thin) C -> Builtin.UnknownObject {
entry(%c : $C):
%r = unchecked_ref_cast %c : $C to $Builtin.UnknownObject
return %r : $Builtin.UnknownObject
// CHECK-LABEL: define{{( protected)?}} swiftcc %T5class1CC* @alloc_ref_dynamic(%swift.type*)
sil @alloc_ref_dynamic : $@convention(thin) (@thick C.Type) -> @owned C {
bb0(%0 : $@thick C.Type):
// CHECK: [[META_PTR:%[0-9]+]] = bitcast %swift.type* %0 to i8*
// CHECK: [[T0:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* [[META_PTR]], i32 48
// CHECK: [[T1:%.*]] = bitcast i8* [[T0]] to i32*
// CHECK: [[SIZE32:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T1]], align 8
// CHECK: [[SIZE:%.*]] = zext i32 [[SIZE32]] to i64
// CHECK: [[T0:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* [[META_PTR]], i32 52
// CHECK: [[T1:%.*]] = bitcast i8* [[T0]] to i16*
// CHECK: [[ALIGN16:%.*]] = load i16, i16* [[T1]], align 4
// CHECK: [[ALIGN:%.*]] = zext i16 [[ALIGN16]] to i64
// CHECK: [[RESULT:%[0-9]+]] = call noalias %swift.refcounted* @swift_allocObject(%swift.type* %0, i64 [[SIZE]], i64 [[ALIGN]])
%1 = alloc_ref_dynamic %0 : $@thick C.Type, $C
return %1 : $C
// CHECK-LABEL: define{{( protected)?}} swiftcc %T5class1CC* @autorelease(%T5class1CC*) {{.*}} {
// CHECK: %1 = bitcast %T5class1CC* %0 to %objc_object*
// CHECK: call %objc_object* @objc_autorelease(%objc_object* %1)
// CHECK: ret %T5class1CC* %0
sil @autorelease : $@convention(thin) (@owned C) -> C {
entry(%c : $C):
autorelease_value %c : $C
return %c : $C
// CHECK-LABEL: define{{( protected)?}} swiftcc i64 @autorelease_optional(i64) {{.*}} {
// CHECK: %1 = inttoptr i64 %0 to %objc_object*
// CHECK: call %objc_object* @objc_autorelease(%objc_object* %1)
// CHECK: ret i64 %0
sil @autorelease_optional : $@convention(thin) (@owned C?) -> C? {
entry(%c : $C?):
autorelease_value %c : $C?
return %c : $C?
// rdar://problem/19514920
class NonRequiredBase {}
class RequiredBase: NonRequiredBase {
required override init()
sil public_external @init_NonRequiredBase : $@convention(method) (@owned NonRequiredBase) -> @owned NonRequiredBase
sil public_external @alloc_RequiredBase : $@convention(method) (@thick RequiredBase.Type) -> @owned RequiredBase
sil public_external @init_RequiredBase : $@convention(method) (@owned RequiredBase) -> @owned RequiredBase
sil_vtable NonRequiredBase {
#NonRequiredBase.init!initializer.1: @init_NonRequiredBase
sil_vtable RequiredBase {
#NonRequiredBase.init!initializer.1: @init_RequiredBase
#RequiredBase.init!allocator.1: @alloc_RequiredBase
// rdar://problem/19902523
protocol ClassConstraint: class {}
class ClassConstraintConformance: ClassConstraint {}
sil_vtable ClassConstraintConformance {}
class ClassConstrainedGenericField<T: ClassConstraint> {
var field: T
sil_vtable ClassConstrainedGenericField {}
sil @fixed_class_generic_field : $@convention(thin) (@owned ClassConstrainedGenericField<ClassConstraintConformance>) -> @owned ClassConstraintConformance {
entry(%x : $ClassConstrainedGenericField<ClassConstraintConformance>):
%a = ref_element_addr %x : $ClassConstrainedGenericField<ClassConstraintConformance>, #ClassConstrainedGenericField.field
%b = load %a : $*ClassConstraintConformance
return %b : $ClassConstraintConformance
// CHECK-LABEL: define{{( protected)?}} swiftcc %T5class26ClassConstraintConformanceC* @fixed_class_generic_field(%T5class28ClassConstrainedGenericFieldCyAA0B21ConstraintConformanceCG*)
// CHECK: [[FIELD_ADDR_GENERIC:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds %T5class28ClassConstrainedGenericFieldCyAA0B21ConstraintConformanceCG, %T5class28ClassConstrainedGenericFieldCyAA0B21ConstraintConformanceCG* %0, i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK: load %T5class26ClassConstraintConformanceC*, %T5class26ClassConstraintConformanceC** [[FIELD_ADDR_GENERIC]]